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吕游 《冰雪运动》2013,(3):19-21,25
短道速滑运动员在妨碍完成比赛目标的情境中采取有效的应对方式或策略,能够帮助运动员调节自身情绪,在比赛中存储更多的心理能量,有助于运动员发挥正常的技战术水平。典型逆境、可预见性逆境及不可预见性逆境三种类型是短道速滑运动员面临的主要逆境类型,通过明确短道速滑逆境产生的类型,避免单纯追求最佳表现的心理,树立逆境正常、顺境不正常的训练和比赛心态,详细制定赛前比赛方案,积极回应逆境事件等具体措施,从而将比赛中发生的不利于发挥运动的水平的因素控制在最低影响范围之内,保证短道速滑运动员在比赛中取得理想的运动成绩。  相似文献   

张战毅 《体育科技》2011,32(1):70-73
从田径运动的实际出发,以现代田径运动训练学与运动心理学理论为基础,以河南省高校高水平田径运动员为调查对象,通过《高水平运动员比赛中逆境应对认知力量表》对河南省大学生高水平田径运动员对逆境应对认知力作定量测量,对运动员的逆境应对认知力进行客观评价,试图找出河南省大学生高水平运动员比赛中逆境应对认知力的特点与规律,为进一步提高高校田径运动员的比赛中逆境应对认知、应对能力,提高竞赛能力水平提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对漳州卫生职业学院所有参加福建省第十四届大学生运动会试训运动员(包括最终参赛运动员)逆境认知力的测量以及对福建省第十四届大运会田径项目运动成绩水平的统计分析,探讨男女运动员在逆境应对能力上的差异,寻找相对贴近运动水平情况的报名参赛项目类别,为漳州卫生职业学院运动队的选拔及参赛项目选定提供参考。  相似文献   

白羽 《精武》2012,(28):13-13,15
随着篮球技术的不断创新与改进,比赛双方的实力越来越接近,为了应对这种高强度的对抗赛,以及在高强度下如何灵活运用战术成为现代篮球的主要研究目标。特别是在比赛出现逆境的情况下,应根据运动员的心理状态因素进行战术上的调整,尤其是对逆境球的处理。通过对中学生篮球运动员心理素质训练和心理状态进行分析,使学生通过训练学会控制自己的比赛中的心理状态。这对我国篮球运动水平的提高起到积极的作用,并推动我国篮球事业的发展。通过对中学生进行逆境心理的调查分析,在逆境状态下各个学生所表现的不同,总结出怎样让中学生在逆境的情况下赛出自己的水平与状态。通过收集江苏省泰兴中学学生在篮球场上逆境中的心理状态数据,并对统计的数据进行分析和研究,从中总结出了怎样让中学生在逆境的情况下打出自己的水平与状态。  相似文献   

目的:在省级专业运动队考察运动员的压力源与应对方式特点。方法:运用访谈调查和问卷调查法调查田径队、皮划艇和赛艇队、羽毛球队、跳水队和射击队等不同项目运动员169名。结果:1)不同项目运动员在不同压力情境中(尤其在生活和就业情境)的应激水平存在显著差异;皮划艇和赛艇队运动员在许多压力源上的应激水平都显著高于其他项目运动员;2)不同项目运动员使用的应对方式也有显著差异,如跳水运动员使用主动应对的得分显著低于田径运动员和皮划艇及赛艇队运动员,但其情绪应对得分则显著高于其他项目运动员;3)在不同的压力情境下,运动员的应对方式具有不同的特点,除了主动应对,在学习压力情境下,运动员还较多使用支持应对和超越应对;而在身心压力情境下,运动员则较多使用情绪应对。结论:不同项目运动员采用的应对策略与其面临的特定压力情境有关。  相似文献   

本文在运动员足球比赛或比赛中各种逆境出现后的心理变化进行分析的基础上,从情绪调节、信心树立和意志控制三个方面论述了如何踢好逆境球,排除各种逆境引起的心理障碍。  相似文献   

在对运动员在排球比赛前或比赛中各种逆境出现后的心理变化进行分析的基础上,从调节情绪,信心树立和意志控制三个方面论述了如何打好逆境球,从而排除各种逆境引起的心理障碍。  相似文献   

姒刚彦 《体育科学》2006,26(10):43-48,53
从应用运动心理学的角度提出对理想竞技表现(peak performance)新的定义,即理想竞技表现是指在竞赛中时各种逆境的成功应时。从该定义出发,构建了运动员的逆境应对训练模式,这一训练模式由4个阶段组成,即确认或预见典型逆境;找出合适的应时逆境方法;实施个人化的训练;评价训练效果。新定义及其训练模式直接植根于竞技运动实践,并以实例为依据。  相似文献   

采用运动员压力应对策略量表,对中国692名优秀运动员进行调查,分析中国优秀运动员压力应对策略的使用情况,并结合方差分析进一步探讨运动员压力应对策略的使用在各人口统计学变量上的差异特征(性别、年龄、项目类型、技术等级).通过对中国优秀运动员压力应对策略的现状分析,充分了解当前中国优秀运动员压力应对策略的使用情况,并掌握其在各人口学变量中的使用差异,为运动员提出压力应对策略指导方案提供理论与实践指导.  相似文献   

运用质性研究法,分析、归纳羽毛球运动员比赛压力源和应对策略,为高水平羽毛球运动员的比赛情绪管理提供研究依据.以14名中国羽毛球队运动员的比赛总结为研究资料,通过码号登录、开放编码和主轴编码,分别得到赛前压力源与应对策略、临场压力源与应对策略的一级与二级编码主题.主题分析的结果表明,运动员的赛前压力来自于比赛结果期望和自我状态、能力感之间的心理差异,趋近应对和回避应对是赛前应对的2个策略;运动员的临场压力来自对每一球的直接结果期望和阻碍期望实现的压力反应与逆境挑战的心理冲突,应对临场压力的主要策略是战术应用、临场变化和争取暂停.  相似文献   

Coping strategies are important for performance in sport and individual differences may contribute to the coping strategies adopted by athletes. In this study, we explored the main and interactive effects of the big five personality dimensions on sport-related coping and compared personality profiles of discrete groups of athletes. Altogether, 253 athletes (mean age 21.1 years, s=3.7) completed the NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992), and the Coping Function Questionnaire for Sport (Kowalski & Crocker, 2001). Results showed that extraverted athletes, who were also emotionally stable and open to new experiences (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of problem-focused coping strategies. Conscientious athletes (main effect), and athletes displaying high levels of extraversion, openness, and agreeableness (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and athletes with low levels of openness, or high levels of neuroticism (main effects), reported a greater use of avoidance coping strategies. Different personality characteristics were observed between higher-level and lower-level athletes, between men and women athletes, and between individual and team sport athletes. These findings suggest that the five-factor model of personality can help distinguish various levels of athletic involvement and can help identify the coping strategies athletes are likely to adopt during participation.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察运动员在比赛中如何综合使用各种应对策略,检验在不同的应对策略层面上,运动员对实现目标的感知、情绪状态以及体验到的控制是否存在差异.从200名运动员中随机选取151人,完成一系列相关测试,对所得数据进行聚类分析.结果表明,运动员在比赛中所使用的应对策略可以分为四类.在对运动员自我设定的目标加以限定后,他们的控制体验、积极的情绪状态以及愤怒与沮丧的状态在四个应对策略层面上存在显著性差异(P<0.008).综合运用高水平任务型应对策略和低水平放弃型应对策略的运动员,要比综合运用高水平放弃型应对策略和低水平任务型应对策略的运动员能够取得更好的成绩,具备更好的心理调节能力.  相似文献   

Coping in sport: A systematic review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper was to systematically review the literature on coping in sport, examining evidence for both the trait and process perspectives, the types of coping strategies used by athletes, gender differences, age-related differences, and coping effectiveness. A comprehensive literature search of SPORTdiscus, PsychLIT, and PsychINFO in November 2004 yielded 64 studies spanning 16 years (1988 - 2004). The results indicated that athletes use a variety of coping strategies. Forty-six papers supported or adopted the process perspective (Lazarus, 1999; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). There were also gender and age-related differences. Evidence was found to support three of the different models of coping effectiveness (goodness-of-fit approach, choice of coping strategy, and automacity). Based on this evidence, future research should address some of the methodological and measurement limitations of the sport psychology coping literature. In particular, prospective research designs that minimize the time delay between recall and the stressful experience are required to assess how coping changes over time. More attention to developmental issues to guide the formulation of sport-specific models to enhance our theoretical understanding is also required. Finally, coping effectiveness should be examined both in the short and long term, as a greater understanding of coping effectiveness has the potential to make a significant impact on applied practice.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the influence of the Big Five personality dimensions (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) on the appraisal (intensity, control) of a self-selected stressor, coping, and perceived coping effectiveness. Participants were 482 athletes (305 males, 177 females) who played a variety of sports. Results indicate that the Big Five dimensions influenced coping selection, coping effectiveness, stress intensity, and perceived control of the stressors, but not the type of self-selected stressor. In particular, Neuroticism predicted higher stressor intensity and Agreeableness lower stressor intensity. Neuroticism predicted lower perceived stressor control and Conscientiousness higher perceived stressor control. Higher levels of Neuroticism were directly and indirectly associated with more emotion and avoidance coping strategies and less problem-focused coping strategies. The other four personality dimensions were also associated with the selection of coping strategies that were perceived to be effective. This study provides support for the notion that the Big Five personality dimensions directly influence appraisal, coping, and coping effectiveness among the sample. Coping was also influenced indirectly by personality through the appraisal process. The Neuroticism dimension was found to be associated with the selection of less adaptive coping strategies and lower levels of reported coping effectiveness. The other four personality dimensions were associated with more adaptive coping strategies that were rated as effective.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare moment-to-moment appraisals and coping strategies of 4 non-elite and 2 elite male trap shooters during competitions and in particular during periods of competition perceived as critical to performance. Appraisals and coping patterns of trap shooters were captured via verbal reports of thinking provided between sets of shots during major competitions. Verbal reports were coded according to an appraisal and coping typology. Coded data as well as shooting performance data were subjected to a sequential analysis of probabilities of pairs of events. Fewer reports of negative appraisals (NEGAs) and more frequent reports of problem-focused coping (PFC) were observed among both elite athletes compared to non-elite athletes. After making a NEGA, non-elite shooters often progressed to the next target without attempting to cope, whereas elite shooters used both PFC and emotion-focused coping (EFC) before proceeding to the next target. After missing a target, the non-elite athletes used more EFC than expected. These results indicate that elite athletes are more likely to cope with NEGAs than non-elite athletes using a wider variety of coping strategies. Athletes might benefit from increased awareness of the potentially detrimental impact of NEGAs on performance and by integrating coping strategies within preparatory routines.  相似文献   

青少年运动员应付方式和应付效能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对多个运动项目的青少年运动员进行了问卷调查,结果显示:运动员在应付方式的选择上存在年龄、性别差异。随着年龄的增长,男运动员更多地选择“解决问题”等积极的应付方式,女运动员倾向于选择“幻想”、“合理化”等不成熟的应付方式,两性之间的应付策略分化明显。在应付效能方面,较大年龄组的运动员在应付方式的选择和应付效能的和谐方面比较小年龄组好,但其和谐的内在机制同样存在着性别的差异  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine patterns of appraisal, coping, and coping effectiveness in sport. Ten players from a collegiate female volleyball team were interviewed on two occasions, first in the week before a provincial final playoff tournament and in the week following the tournament. Data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to content and idiographic analyses. Athletes generally did not predict or anticipate the stressors they actually experienced during the tournament. Subjective appraisals of effective coping were associated with consistency between proactive and actual coping attempts. Reported effective coping was associated with the attainment of personal performance goals and use of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional coping strategies in the absence of behavioral avoidance. Reported ineffective and partially effective coping was associated with not attaining personal performance goals, and the use of cognitive coping strategies with behavioral avoidance. Finally, older, more experienced athletes reported they coped better than younger, less experienced athletes during the tournament.  相似文献   

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