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针对小学教学中"假对话现象"和关于真假对话的议论,着重分析真"对话"在哪里,假"对话"何以发生,所谓"假对话"到底是怎么一回事,关于真假"对话"的议论中折射出教育研究中存在什么问题。  相似文献   

警惕语文教学中的“假对话”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“对话”成为新课程改革的一个重要理念,也成为语文教学的一个重要理念。把对话分为“真对话”与“假对话”对我们认识语文教学中的对话无疑是有帮助的。现在许多教师也正在语文教学中尝试对话。在轰轰烈烈的对话之时,我们要保持一种清醒的头脑,警惕教学中的“假对话”。  相似文献   

语文要“真教实学”,在阅读对话教学中,教师必须摒弃形式化的“假对话”,立足文本、针对教学实际,围绕“体现平等对话和民主协商精神;以启发思考、扩展思维为灵魂;以培养创新精神为最高目的”这三个宗旨,设置阅读课堂对话的“真话题”,实现语文阅读教学的“真对话”。  相似文献   

“对话教学”作为新课程改革的前沿理念与方法,已在语文课堂教学中广泛地运用,但其中不乏“伪对话”。本文着重从类型透析与消解策略两方面对当前流行“伪对话”进行论述,认为“伪对话”存在着“假、浅、离、浮”四种主要类型,并提出了三点消解策略:1、构建“平等、民主、真实、和谐”的语文课堂;2、精心设置有价值、有层次的对话话题;3、大力提高教师的对话素养。  相似文献   

针对目前政治教学中普遍存在的“假对话真独语”现象,本文在列举其典型表现的基础上剖析出实质,并提出了实现“对话”的实践路径,重点从课前、课中与课后三个阶段建立对话策略、对话机制,同时说明了有教师引导的“对话”应成为生态课堂的常态模式,它能够使学生更好地构建知识体系,在课堂上充分地进行思维碰撞,通过作业释放自己的内心感受,展示各自的聪明才智,立体地实现教学三维目标。  相似文献   

自教育产生之日起,“对话”就与之相约,并磕磕绊绊地走到了一起。孔子“私学”的主导形式就是一种“对话”模式:没有居高临下的地位尊卑和话语霸权。只有你来我往的思想交锋和情感交流。在漫长的教育发展进程中,由于过分强调教育的社会价值定位。忽视“关怀生命”的教育本质,教育对话也逐渐丧失了生存土壤,忽视对话、假对话、低效对话以及少数人对话多数人当观众等现象比比皆是。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》中指出:“教师应向学生提供充分从事数学活动的机会,帮助他们在自主探索和合作对话的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能、数学思想和方法,获得广泛的数学活动经验.”但在实际数学教学中出现了大量的只学其形不见其神,表面热闹实际低效的“伪数学对话”现象:表面平等的“假对话”,脱离文本的“空对话”,浅尝辄止的“浅对话”.  相似文献   

新课程改革实施以来,对话理念作为一种教学追求,强调“民主、平等”“互动、交往”“创造、生成”和“以人为目的”的教学思想,对改变传统教学过于强调接受学习、死记硬背的现象,具有十分重要的现实意义。但与此同时,对话理念所描述的教学理想,与课堂教学现实有较大差距。因此在历史新课程实施中,出现了种种形式的假对话现象。那么如何把握对话理念?如何结合历史学科特点真正展开“对话”?本文试结合“中华民国的建立”教学案例,略作分析与探讨。  相似文献   

走向对话的幼儿教育:后现代幼儿教育观   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
“对话”的幼儿教育,是近些年幼教界议论得较多的一个话题。本期我们在“运用与实践”栏目刊发了《走向对话的幼儿教育———后现代幼儿教育观》、《教育活动中的师幼对话》、《教师是幼儿同伴对话的支持者和引导者》这一组文章,旨在引起广大幼教工作者对此在理论和实践层面作更广泛、更深入的探讨。  相似文献   

人物对话是把握人物性格、揣摩人物心理、了解作者写作意图、感悟文本思想内涵的重要途径。在学习语言文字运用的语文课程核心目标的观照下,“人物对话”有效教学策略是:聚焦对话内容,读出话中“事”;观照对话情境,读出话中“人”;捕捉对话情感,读出话中“情”;揣摩对话样式,读出话中“形”。抓住人物对话,引领学生感知语言的魅力,走到阅读的高处。  相似文献   

Studies of the image of Muslims or ‘the Other’ in general have been done to a certain extent by Western scholars showing that stereotyped images have been prevalent. In the case of Islamic studies, the long tradition of Orientalist scholarship is a clear example of this, but, as researchers have shown, generalisations and stereotypes are still apparent in school textbooks. This article discusses some general and problematic areas that pertain to textbooks. The focus is on what critical issues we need to take into consideration when discussing or performing textbook production and how we can think about these.  相似文献   

Inclusion: lessons from the children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phyllis Jones is assistant professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of South Florida. In this article, she describes the work she did while acting as consultant to an Early Years Childcare Development Partnership (EYCDP) in the north of England. Part of this process entailed developing a Charter for Inclusion for the Partnership. Phyllis Jones and her colleagues decided to draw upon the views of children and designed a picture booklet, with questions, in order to encourage a small group of children, aged between six and 14 years, to talk about inclusion. Parents or primary care workers worked through the booklet with the children, exploring what inclusion may mean for them from general and personal perspectives. A total of 14 booklets were returned, with responses exemplifying the strong contribution children are able to make, not only to the philosophical drive for greater inclusion, but also to our understanding of what helps and hinders inclusive practice. Phyllis Jones reviews those ideas here and also reflects on some of the methodological issues that arise when researching the views of children in innovative and imaginative ways.  相似文献   

学校对话管理是一种超越传统管理的新型学校管理方式,然而,在学校管理实践中存在许多"伪对话"。究其原因主要是由于对话管理的实施存在一些障碍性因素,这些障碍性因素具体表现为:话语霸权的存在,思维假定的影响,主体地位处理不当,对话情景脉络把握失调以及团体中的断裂带。为更好地实施对话管理需要强化学校自我完善机制,突破对话管理瓶颈。  相似文献   

学校对话管理是一种超越传统管理的新型学校管理方式,然而,在学校管理实践中存在许多"伪对话"。究其原因主要是由于对话管理的实施存在一些障碍性因素,这些障碍性因素具体表现为:话语霸权的存在,思维假定的影响,主体地位处理不当,对话情景脉络把握失调以及团体中的断裂带。为更好地实施对话管理需要强化学校自我完善机制,突破对话管理瓶颈。  相似文献   


This article investigates the relationship between new technologies, pedagogy and cultural diversity. It is clear from the project discussed in this article that studying diversity issues on-line provides scope for developing what has been called cultural literacy following Bourdieu's (1990) notion of ‘different ways of seeing’. However, there are a number of unintended effects of power that emerge in this new cultural field which need examination. These include the importance of understanding the embodied context as much as the virtual, the need to be explicit about literacy practices to challenge the dominant liberal discourse of ‘voice’ in on-line discussion, and the effects of power that emanate from teaching and learning in this field.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast between two theoretical frameworks for addressing nature of science (NOS) and socioscientific issues (SSI) in school science. These frameworks are critical thinking (CT) and argumentation (AR). For the past years, the first and second authors of this paper have pursued research in this area using CT and AR as theoretical frameworks, respectively. Yacoubian argues that future citizens need to develop a critical mindset as they are guided to (1) practice making judgments on what views of NOS to acquire and (2) practice making decisions on SSI through applying their NOS understandings. Khishfe asserts that AR is an important component of decision making when dealing with SSI and the practice in AR in relation to controversial issues is needed for informed decision making. She argues that AR as a framework may assist in the development of more informed understandings of NOS. In this paper, the authors delve into a dialogue for (1) elucidating strengths and potential of each framework, (2) highlighting challenges that they face in their research using the frameworks in question, (3) exploring the extent to which the frameworks can overlap, and (4) proposing directions for future research.  相似文献   

西方分析哲学的视角,从不同时代、宗教生活、文艺作品的层面剖析维吾尔族的幸福观,并倡导以马克思主义为内涵的具有特色的幸福观。  相似文献   

明清实学批判宋明理学"存天理灭人欲"、"舍利言义"的陈腐说教,为近代资本主义发展开辟了道路;"舍虚就实"的时代精神和"经世致用"的学风,引导领近代资产阶级将视线投向现实社会,救亡图存;明清科学家所开辟的学术路线和治学方法,是中国古典科学进入近代实验科学的中介与桥梁。  相似文献   

在中国《人民日报》和法国《世界报》自1987年到2004年历时十八年关于“西藏”的报道中,法国媒体的想象西藏和中国媒体的主权西藏之不同是由于东西方文化差异而必然产生的,其中的冲突也是交流的另一种形式。西方对西藏的想象建构了一个虚无的西藏,文化的差异有待在不断地对话过程中重新呈现真实的西藏。通过西藏这个交叉点,表达东西方文化交流的大趋势,只有开放、进步和对话,甚至是必要的碰撞,才能获得真实的、比较客观的西藏印象。这也是全球化背景下文化发展的趋势。  相似文献   

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