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二、社会全面腐败与转型期政治运作民初宪政受挫的另一重要原因是社会全面腐败,而应对方式选择不当,扬汤止沸。辛亥革命后,建立了三权分立的现代体制,但朝野政治运作,不是扬新抑旧,把新制度的巩固放在第一位,而是把传统的黑暗面激活,竞相贪腐,以暴易暴。袁世凯更是收买、暗杀、分化,黑白两道交相为用。民国既立,而袁氏之心理自若,彼以为天  相似文献   

薛方圆 《唐山学院学报》2016,29(4):16-21,70
众所周知,毛泽东在新民主主义革命时期就已经开始探索中国未来的政治发展道路,并在实践中逐步形成了系统的民主政治理论,成为毛泽东整个思想理论体系中的重要组成部分,整理和发掘毛泽东在民主革命时期的民主政治思想便是一个比较复杂而有意义的过程。首先,从理论源流的角度来看,毛泽东民主政治思想既是对中国传统封建政治思想优秀成分的吸收,也有西方近代资产阶级的民主成分,同时马克思主义的政治理论也是其思想的重要来源;其次,毛泽东思想并不是仅仅停留于理论的阐述,而是付诸了我国新民主主义革命和社会主义建设时期的民主政治实践,在实践中经受检验了的毛泽东民主政治思想,使得我们能够根据实践来总结其优缺点;最后,我国现在仍然以毛泽东思想作为指导思想,研究毛泽东的民主政治思想,反思其优缺点,对于加强中国现阶段的民主法制建设仍然具有重要意义。  相似文献   

吕佳翼 《唐山学院学报》2016,29(5):36-40,99
围绕俄国农民在民主革命中的作用问题,讨论季诺维也夫对托洛茨基"不断革命论"的批判。通过具体分析列宁批评托洛茨基的具体语境与季诺维也夫对托洛茨基的误读,以及列宁对农民在民主革命中作用之观点的前后转变,澄清了托洛茨基的农民观,使得列宁与托洛茨基在这一问题上的分歧渐趋一致。  相似文献   

文章以中共早期军事斗争思想的形成及指导大革命时期的军事工作实践为依据,深入分析李大钊对中共早期军事斗争思想形成与发展作出的重大贡献。这些重大贡献主要包括:李大钊为党在创建时期形成正确的军事斗争思想进行了长期的理论准备工作;在实现第一次国共合作和建立民主革命联合战线的过程中发挥了关键性作用;在领导北方地区党的军事工作中积极贯彻和发展中共早期军事斗争思想;在北伐战争准备和实施阶段领导北方区党委进一步发展了中共早期军事斗争思想。  相似文献   

In this essay, David Meens examines the viability of John Dewey's democratic educational project, as presented in Democracy and Education, under present economic and political conditions. He begins by considering Democracy and Education's central themes in historical context, arguing that Dewey's proposal for democratic education grew out of his recognition of a conflict between how political institutions had traditionally been understood and organized on the one hand, and, on the other, emerging requirements for personal and social development in the increasingly interconnected world of the early twentieth century. Meens next considers Dewey's ideas in our contemporary context, which is dominated by a neoliberal ideology that extends the economic logic of Smithian efficiency to all domains of modern social and political life. He argues that the prevalence of neoliberalism poses two challenges to Deweyan democratic education: first, Dewey's emphasis on general education and a resistance to specialization is economically inefficient; and second, Dewey's strong, democratic conception of the “the public” is anathema to the neoliberal vision of the public as a conglomeration of individual agents. These challenges, he concludes, significantly stack the deck against Deweyan education by ensuring that the latter will be neither economically practicable nor widely understood.  相似文献   

清末民初,蔡锷坚持民主共和思想,先后领导了辛亥云南反清起义和反袁护国战争,为民国的建立和再造作出了重大的贡献,并对后世产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

1922年8-11月,李大钊、白坚武、胡适、蔡元培等借助吴佩孚的支持,恢复了民国初期首届国会,推出了以王宠惠为首的"好人政府"和系列改革措施,这是李大钊等组建民主联合阵线的初次尝试,对废止恶法、保护工会运动和中俄复交都产生了一定推动作用,是中国民主进程的重要遗产。  相似文献   

李大钊对十月革命从迟疑、有所保留,到大力宣传,代表着李大钊从一个民主革命者向早期的社会主义者再向马克思主义者转变的复杂历程。仔细考察他对十月革命认识的转变,将有助于理解李大钊接受马克思主义的具体途径。  相似文献   

民国初期西北少数民族的新文化运动,以其独特的形式和内容,发扬了新文化运动民主和科学的思想,在学校教育、社会教育、风俗习惯、派遣留学等方面均有表现,可以说民国初期西北少数民族的新文化运动,为西北民众构建了民主革命的方向,虽然这种影响对西北少数民族各族文化而言微不足道,但这种潜移默化的冲击最终在抗日爱国战争中得到认可.  相似文献   

李大钊十分关心中国近代政治问题,他对民国初年的政党政治、官场生态、国家结构以及社会道德风气等问题均进行了详细论述,批判了黑暗腐朽的政治生态,并提出了建设性的意见。当前,重新挖掘李大钊政治生态观的内在价值,对于新时代全面从严治党、营造风清气正的政治生态具有重要意义。  相似文献   


The function and meaning of voting can vary across political systems. Despite its diffusion as a norm alongside the global spread of political liberalism in the post-colonial period, women's franchise continues to expose key fault lines in the foundations of democratic theory. Recalling the Third Comintern's debates and activities in the aftermath of World War I, this paper explores how gender organized the left's critiques of bourgeois parliamentarism and its imperial tendencies in the early twentieth century. It draws particular attention to how, in the context of global anti-capitalist and anti-colonial struggles, the woman suffrage issue juxtaposed the promises and premises of bourgeois and proletarian internationalism, the democratic potential and limits of electoral systems and their political alternative, the soviet. From these experiences, this paper highlights the radical challenge that gender poses to the development of alternative democratic imaginations.  相似文献   

邓涛 《唐山学院学报》2017,30(4):20-23,82
1919年,李大钊发表《再论问题与主义》,表明其既是在中国广泛传播马克思主义的第一人,也是最早具有马克思主义中国化思想的先驱。他在1924年出版的《史学要论》,系中国马克思主义史学的奠基之作。中国共产党人对于新民主主义思想文化建设的探索,最早的思考者也是李大钊。1920年,李大钊在北京大学组织中国第一个马克思学说研究会,为北京和北方地区建党作了思想上、组织上的准备,培养了包括毛泽东在内的一批建党、建军、建国和社会主义建设英才。  相似文献   

In this article., we review the literature on the development of test anxiety in elementary and secondary school children. Recent theoretical conceptualizations of anxiety are presented. Anxiety is posited to be a multidimensional construct that has roots in how parents react to children's early achievement strivings. Its ontogeny is tied to children's developing capacity to interpret their school performance relative to their previous performance, to the performance of other children, as well as to the increasingly strict evaluative practices children encounter as they move through school. Intervention strategies for alleviating anxious children's poor performance in evaluative situations are discussed. Important issues for future anxiety research are presented, including the need for new measures of children's anxiety and for a more thorough assessment of both individual differences in how students experience anxiety and the developmental course 0f the components of anxiety.  相似文献   

中华苏维埃共和国是中国共产党领导建立的人民民主政权.它颁布宪法大纲,以法律形式规定人民的民主权利;建立精干高效的基层民主政权;实施基层民主机制;进行民主选举.中华苏维埃是工农民主宪政模式的创举,对我们今天进行民主政治建设,仍有重要的启迪和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

1912年组建的中华民国临时参议院是辛亥革命胜利的重要标志之一。同当时西方议院政治制度相比,临时参议院尚欠成熟,还存在诸多缺陷。从近代中国社会变迁的角度看,它无疑又是中国政治制度变迁的里程碑。为了巩固新生的资产阶级革命政权——中华民国南京临时政府、捍卫民主共和成果,保障资产阶级民主政治制度在我国的最终确立,临时参议院作出了巨大的努力。  相似文献   

伟大的民主革命家黄兴在中华民国建立之初,就提出了一系列颇有远见卓识的建国、治国、兴国主张。这包括:主张自力更生,独立自主建国;高扬民权主义,反对官僚主义;主张依法治国,反对专制人治;力主实业强国,倡导教育兴国。这些思想主张,至今仍有重要的现实启示意义。  相似文献   

The students in the Federal Republic from the developing countries receive an education useful to them after their return home, or does it do them more harm? The Director of the Academic Foreign Office of the Technical University of Berlin replies to Uwe Bork's critical observations.  相似文献   

在《今年的选举》这篇报告中,毛泽东详细论述了他有关民主选举的深刻思考,其中主要包括民主选举的重大意义、民主选举的保障条件以及民主选举的重要问题三个方面,集中体现了毛泽东民主选举思想的全过程性、阶级性、人民性以及程序性,这不仅在当时具有重大的指导意义,而且在新时代也能为发展和完善民主选举提供深刻的启示,即必须坚持党的领导、坚持人民当家作主、完善相关法律法规、发展全过程人民民主以及动员群众监督政府。  相似文献   

Václav Havel had two eventful terms as the first democratic president of the Czech Republic. The documentary Citizen Havel is one rhetorical artifact that captures the way a new democracy and its attendant executive power is constructed consciously in real time in a political culture where such a tradition has largely not existed. Culled from ten years of fly-on-the-wall-style footage, Citizen Havel captures the tensions between the constitutional expectations of the Czech presidency and Havel's own extraconstitutional interpretations of executive power. Ultimately, this essay argues that Citizen Havel is one influential representation of how Czech “presidentiality” during the post-communist transition was built from the inventional resources of a range of rhetorical and historical materials, such as the Czechoslovakian interwar period, the long influence of totalitarianism and the dissident culture that challenged it, the examples of “Western” presidential rhetoric, and even European monarchical traditions.  相似文献   

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, American psychologists began addressing problems related to the intellectual capacity of students enrolled in public schools. This paper focuses on the role and influence of psychologists in addressing these problems, specifically the difficulty of classifying students deemed feeble-minded and backward. This paper discusses the diagnostic theory of the clinical psychologist John Edward Wallace Wallin (1876–1969), who was one of America's leading proponents of diagnosing and classifying students in public schools. I show that, in addressing treatment for the feeble-minded and backward, he emphasised educational instruction suited to a child's individual needs and adopted individual/multiphase methods rather than primarily focusing on efficiency-based diagnostic methods. In a democratic society, such as the USA, it was important to establish educational placement and differentiated instruction suited to individual needs.  相似文献   

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