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本文基于电大辍学归因研究中的学习负荷问题展开讨论。调查显示,学习负荷过高造成了许多电大学生在学习道路上的无功而返,而学习的高负荷是由课程难度与学生学术水平之间的落差所造成的。本研究旨在通过对电大课程教学过程的审视,探究其学术支持服务手段的有效性。本研究以2011年3-6月上海电大A分校2010春英语专业本科层次"变化中的英语"课程教学为个案,通过面授课堂观察、课程形成性考核记录、网上教学记录、课程期末考试成绩聚焦课程教学效果。研究结果显示,电大的课程教学支持服务手段仍停留于传统教学模式,而作为重要学习辅助手段的网上学习,其形式意义占据和弥漫于抽样所在班级师生的观念中,导致学习支持的可获得性受到制约;同时,由于任课教师在电大体制下被层层嵌于一个庞大的系统之中,教师的能动性在改善课程教学效果时会受到一定程度上的限制;第三,在多方原因的共同作用下,现行教学模式下学生的课业表现与预期课程教学目标之间存有潜在的些微差距,会在一定程度上影响任课教师对自身课程教学的判断和调整。改变这种状况,电大教学组织制度的变革和对教师支持服务力度的加强势在必行。  相似文献   

Effective distance learning course design focuses on meeting the lifestyle and learning-style needs of a non-traditional student. Fulfilling these needs is accomplished by making provision for human interaction that fosters classroom rapport, builds class membership behaviors and identification with the university. Equal attention is given to matching high-tech equipment capabilities to instructional purpose, instructor personality, student learning style, and preferred interaction style. Continuing evaluation of telecourse programs is vital for assuring telecourse program quality focusing on student learning satisfaction and cost effectiveness. Findings indicate important implications for the design of distance education courses and programs. An effectively designed distance learning telecourse provides for student academic support services. Effective tele-courses also provide the means for instructor/learner, learner/learner, and learner/content interactivity.  相似文献   

网络课程作为高校精品课程的重要组成部分为学生的课外延伸学习提供了丰富的学习资源.然而,实验教学始终是网络课程的一个薄弱环节.实验教学系统普遍缺乏学习环境和学习活动的设计,不能充分体现网络课程学习的自主性、交互性和开放性的优势.本文以"数据库技术及网络应用"课程的实验教学内容为背景,通过研究实验教学的特点,设计开发了基于模拟操作的网络课程实验自主学习系统,试图解决网络课程中实验教学缺乏实验环境和教师指导的问题,以提高学生的自主学习能力和学习效率.  相似文献   

Interaction is a recurrent theme in the literature on distance education. Much of the research along these lines is dedicated to reciprocal interpersonal interaction, that is, learner–learner and learner–instructor interaction. But there is far less research interest in learner–content interaction despite its fundamental and critical role in ensuring the effectiveness of the distance learning experience and education more generally. This article reflects on the interrelationship and interplay between learner–content, learner–instructor and learner–learner interactions by drawing on the three-types-of-interaction framework, equivalency theorem and other interaction research literature. It concludes by calling for more effort to be made to understand how distance learners study course materials or content, arguing that distance learning course materials may not be able to cater for distance learners and achieve their intended learning outcomes unless their design and production are informed by empirical research on learner–content interaction.  相似文献   

The role of learner autonomy and self‐regulated learning in distance education has received much attention. The application of these concepts impacts course design and, potentially, learner achievement. In the case of distance language learning, course designers must consider not only how to help learners gain communicative competence but also language learner strategies that support success. Although the concepts of autonomy and self‐regulated learning share some similarities, they have been variously defined and applied to distance education. Current research and discussion has not synthesized the ways in which these factors can be more fully utilized to improve distance education. Based on a critical review and synthesis of the literature on autonomy and self‐regulation, this article contributes a new model for distance language learning. The model provides guidance for course designers and assists instructors in supporting their students.  相似文献   

近年来欧洲一些国家提供跨校、跨国的学位课程越来越多,以网络课程为依托的课程共享已成为欧洲跨国高等教育的主要模式之一。笔者亲历了由瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学等校共同开设的“基于ICT的协作交流”课程的学习过程。该课程的学习目标是锻炼学习者在多元文化情况下的沟通能力和协作能力。课程主要采用通过网络的个人自学和小组团队学习相结合的方式。笔者总结完成全球性课程的原因主要是,政府对网络学习的重视,拥有发达的信息技术基础设施,拥有成熟的具有较高信息素养的远程学习者,学校对教学各环节的精心组织和设计。当然,全球性课程建设根本保障是欧洲高等教育一体化的发展,成功实施了欧洲学分转换系统,鼓励欧洲各国大学利用各自优势,共同建立世界一流的网络课程。  相似文献   

Since the early years of the twenty‐first century there has been an increasing interest in using Web 2.0 technologies to support learning in Higher Education. However, previous research suggests that the integration of blogging into courses can be difficult and cites problems with issues such as student compliance. We adopt a learner‐centred perspective and explore students’ (rather than their educators’) understanding of how blogs and blogging can support distance learning in Higher Education. We report on a study of UK Open University (OU) students on an online distance learning Masters course, that has enabled us to determine the issues that are important to these bloggers, and we describe five ways in which they appropriated blogging to suit their individual needs. We discuss the importance of making blogging activities flexible so that students can blog to meet their own needs whilst still attending to the requirements of their course.  相似文献   

远程学习者特征模型的构建研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
中国现代远程教育发展的规模不断扩大,参与学习的远程学习者已达230多万人。由于学习者具有何种特征对课程资源和学习支持两个方面工作的开展都具有重大影响,因此探究远程学习者的特征,可以使远程教学活动更加适应于远程学习者的实际需求和具体情况,从而最终保障远程教育可持续地科学发展。本文首先对远程学习者特征、自我效能感和远程学习策略等概念进行界定,然后根据人的发展由“内源”和“外源”共同作用的基本理论,考察远程学习者特征模型组成的特征成分.即人口学特征、支持性特征、动力特征、策略特征,并尝试提出远程学习者特征的理论模型,对远程学习者特征进行了较为深入的理论研究。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the predictive relationships among delivery mode (DM), self-perceived learner-to-teacher interaction, self-rated computer skill, prior distance learning experience, and learners' satisfaction and outcomes. Participants were enrolled in courses which used three different DMs: face-to-face, satellite broadcasting, and live video-streaming (LVS). In each case, the course was offered simultaneously by the same teacher via all three formats. The results indicated no predictive utility of delivery mode for self-perceived learner-to-teacher interaction. On the other hand, the results supported the validity of self-perceived learner-to-teacher interaction as a predictor for student satisfaction and learning outcomes (measured by course final grades). To a lesser extent, self-rated computer skills and the number of distance learning courses taken played a weak role in learning outcomes and students' satisfaction. Overall, findings from the study support prior research that has reported the importance of learner-to-teacher interaction in learning outcomes and satisfaction of distance education students.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether students' approaches to learning were influenced by the design of university courses. Pre‐ and post‐evaluations of the approaches to learning of the same group of students concurrently enrolled in a conventional course (lectures and tutorials) and an action learning‐based course (project work, learning groups) were conducted. Students who reported themselves as more ‘typically deep’ in their approach to learning were consistent in their approaches across the different environments. However, students who reported themselves as more ‘typically surface’ were influenced to adopt deeper processing strategies in the action learning design. Students explained this ‘deep shift’ in terms of the greater expectations of learner activity and responsibility in the action learning design.  相似文献   

远程教育项目实施的关键因素之一就是学习支持服务。传统的学生支持服务观念将其界定为除课程材料制作和传送之外帮助学生学习取得进展的一切活动(Simpson,2000)或者课程制作之外的所有过程(Sharma,2000;Keegan,1996)。随着在线学习的发展及其在远程教育中所处的主导地位,有必要反思学习支持,且不同于传统或第一代远程教育中的学习支持。网络技术促进了知识的社会创建/建构和对用户生成内容的共享,二者均将学习者看作是知识创建/建构的积极参与者。本文分析了开放与远程数字化学习情境下学习支持服务的关注点,并重点关注在线学习者的挫败感、在线讨论中的沉默文化、基于共同体的学习支持,以及教师在整个学习支持服务提供中的角色。文章主要基于菲律宾开放大学十多年来实施开放与远程数字化学习的经验,并就学习支持系统应具备的属性提出了建议。  相似文献   

As the number of courses offered online increases rapidly, it is important for teachers and institutions to identify specific learner characteristics of successful online students. This paper reports on a study that compared an online group of freshmen computer science majors with an equivalent on‐campus group to find if their individual learning styles play a role in the selection of course delivery mode (online or face to face) and in their academic achievement. No significant statistical differences were detected in learning styles and learning performance between the two groups. Implications for teaching practice and design of learning activities that resulted from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of online learning platforms, learners have more access to various kinds of courses. However, they may find it difficult to make choices due to the massive number of courses. The main contribution of our research is the design of a course recommendation framework which extracts multimodal course features based on deep learning models. In this framework, different kinds of information of course, such as course title, and course audio and course comments, are used to make proper recommendation in online learning platforms. Moreover, we utilize both explicit and implicit feedback to infer learner’s preference. Based on real-world datasets, our empirical results show that the proposed framework performs well in course recommendation, achieving an AUC score of 79.03%. This framework can provide technical support for course video recommendation, thus helping online learning platforms to manage course resources and optimize user learning experience.  相似文献   

Supporting Women Distance Learners in Tanzania   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper examines the kind of support women need to pursue distance learning successfully in a developing country context such as Tanzania. The paper shows that there are factors that make studying more difficult for women than for men. While the distance teaching institution has an important role to play in promoting learning, both the learner and the immediate social environment have a part to play in the student's success. A holistic approach is therefore necessary if effective support is to be realised. The paper ends with recommendations for improved practice.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether active learning within computer‐based training courses can be measured and whether it serves as a predictor of learner‐perceived course quality. A major corporation participated in this research, providing access to internal employee training courses, training representatives, and historical course evaluation data. Twenty sample courses were subdivided into 1,884 time‐based instructional events and categorized by eight design principles for learner engagement: attend, organize, recall, practice, interact, apply, explore, and absorb. This analysis produces a quantitative pattern for the cognitive activity a course encourages within the learner, summarized as the active learning index. A regression model, with the active learning index as a predictor variable for learner‐perceived course quality, resulted in a correlation coefficient of .83 (r2=.69) and a p‐value <.0001. These results suggest a framework for quantifying the active learning components in computer‐based training courses and guiding the work of instructional designers toward higher‐quality courses.  相似文献   

As visual connectivity improves, an opportunity to enrich and rethink the place of learning design in online and distance education is presenting itself. The opportunity is derived from the increasing scope for personalised synchronous interaction which has been missing in computer mediated communications (CMC) and previous generations of distance education. This paper presents a model which distinguishes between planned learner‐content interaction and learner‐learner interaction and suggests that a blend of planned and non‐planned learner‐learner interaction is worthwhile. It concentrates on technology enhanced learning using video communications which provide opportunities for more authentic online collaborative learning, formally and informally. This conceptualisation is underpinned by beliefs which promote constructivist and transformative learning in the hope of stimulating debate as universities focus more towards quality learning. The intent is to explore the implications of learning in higher education becoming enhanced in online environments as learner‐learner dialogue occurs ‘face‐to‐face’, thus, extending the potential of online learner‐content environments.  相似文献   

远程开放教育最重要的一点就是为学生提供便于自主学习的一切学习资源和学习手段。透过对学习者的学习能力、学习习惯、学习条件、学习环境以及学习者自身的生理、心理特点等的分析,按照分层次把握、按过程设计、按对象实施、按效果落实的原则,构建多种媒体组合的、适合多个层面学习者远程学习的计算机数学课程一体化远程教学体系:教学资源建设(文字教材+网络课程)+教学模式建构+评价体系。  相似文献   

网络课程学习活动的设计研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前国内众多教育机构已经开发出了大量网络课程,但已有研究与实践均表明,现有的网络课程对学习活动的设计缺乏针对性和有效的方法。因此,本文以一门面向成人在职学生的网络课程的设计与开发为例,探讨网络课程中学习活动的设计方法和策略,希望能为网络课程设计者提供借鉴。本研究主要采用行动研究法。研究结果表明,恰当的学习活动和学习策略的使用可以很好地促进学生的深层次学习;同时,学习活动的设计和学习策略的使用,需要根据不同学习者的特征和不同课程内容特点进行选择,对学习活动的设计研究将带来网络课程暨网络教育质量的提高。  相似文献   

很多提供在线课程的教育机构所面临的一大挑战就是开发能够提高学生动机的教学策略,从而提高课程和项目的完成率.本研究利用Eastmond(1994)开发的"基于计算机会议的成人远程学习框架"(Adult Distance Study through Computer Conferencing,简称ADSCC),探讨了学习者的准备情况、在线特征、与计算机媒介传播(Computer Mediated Communication,tuj tq CMC)相关的学习方法等因素是否会影响虚拟学习环境中学生自备课程完成情况.研究结果表明,以上因素与课程完成情况有着显著的正相关.同时研究还发现,自我动机、对技术的信任,以及技术的易用等是在线学习环境中课程完成的主要原因.  相似文献   

远程学习者在线学习行为无疑会影响到远程学习效果,研究远程学习者的在线学习行为是远程开放教育重要的课题之一。研究设计了三组实验.以明确远程学习者在线学习行为的特征、影响因素及远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间的关系。研究表明:远程学习者的在线学习行为具有习惯性、适应性特征:远程学习者的在线行为会受到学习者有无远程学习经历、所在班级学习共同体及年级学习共同体的影响:远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间无直接相关关系。最后,针对研究结论,提出了改进远程学习者在线学习行为的相关建议。  相似文献   

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