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晚明文学思潮的形成和发展离不开当时特定的社会文化环境,主要表现在:沉暮开新的动荡时局是晚明文学思潮的催化剂;丰盈灿烂的传统文化是晚明文学思潮的沃土;庙堂文化一统及复古流弊是晚明文学思潮的动因.  相似文献   

指出莆田人吴彬是晚明变异画风的画家之一,阐述其山水画学习宋画,但却形成了自己的特点,其细腻的笔触刻画山川、巨石,表现了佛门的清静;其人物使用山水画的笔法,夸张变形,表现了对佛教的深刻理解。这种变异画风的形成,与晚明的社会背景影响有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

陆云龙是晚明江南地区较有影响的评选家、小说家兼书坊主,他的忠君理念在明末白话短篇小说集《型世言》评点中得到了鲜明的表现。儒家思想的熏陶、晚明时局的动荡及社会思潮的影响促成并强化了陆云龙的忠君思想。  相似文献   

陆云龙是晚明江南地区较有影响的评选家、小说家兼书坊主,他的忠君理念在明末白话短篇小说集《型世言》评点中得到了鲜明的表现。儒家思想的熏陶、晚明时局的动荡及社会思潮的影响促成并强化了陆云龙的忠君思想。  相似文献   

以反对蒙昧主义和禁欲主义为重要特征的晚明市民文化,是我国封建社会后期一种新的文化现象,对当时人们的各种社会活动具有明显的导向作用。就晚明旅游风尚兴盛而言,市民文化对传统理学的揭露与批判以及对现实的崇尚、对人性的肯定和对幸福、自由的追求,为晚明旅游观的出现提供了思想资源;其所表现的士人人生态度和生活方式的转变以及自我意识的觉醒,为当时旅游风尚添加了新的文化价值观和审美趣味,使得旅游活动更具活力,充满生机;晚明市民文化造就了一种具有时代特点的惟我独尊、狂傲无比的文化人格,其所折射出来的文化光芒,沐浴着晚明文人士子的旅游心理和言行。  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展及新思潮的兴起,晚明通俗小说的审美视野发生了重大变化,在小说中的商人人格中,既表现出了社会新思潮的特点,又继承了传统儒家文化的精神内涵,因而成为晚明短篇小说中独具特色的文学形象之一。  相似文献   

作者认为晚明小品文,打破了“道统”对散文的长期统治,在散文领域内言志抒情,叙事写景,充分表现出悠然自得,天真自然的情韵。晚明小品文中非常重视作品的“趣味”,敢于说真话、表真心、抒真情,形成了一种独特的散文审美情趣。  相似文献   

生命意识之阐释始于庄子,而觉醒始于魏晋,唐宋人对生命本体皆有感悟。以此观之,则晚明文学之娱乐化,实乃华夏生命交响中之变调。在中晚明这个特殊时期,山人现象是一个值得探讨的突出的时代问题。受中晚明时期文学娱乐化的影响,山人表现出顺应时代潮流的生存方式;山人现象受中晚明时期文学的娱乐化影响的同时,也冲击着晚明文坛。  相似文献   

宋懋澄是晚明尺牍巨子。他对晚明尺牍小品的兴起与发展均有开山之功。从内容方面看,其尺牍小品明显体现于三个方面:宗教哲理的思辨和调适、摆脱羁绁的努力与挣扎、狂夫之狂的追摹与自恋。宋懋澄的尺牍小品,表现出独特的价值取向和审美特征,是深具“晚明习气”的文学典范。  相似文献   

张岱在《石匮书》、《石匮书后集》中系统阐述了他关于晚明党争的观点,主要包括:晚明党争的起源、晚明党争的危害、宽宥阉党。张岱的晚明党争论与他的家族渊源、地域政治背景和学术精神密切相关。  相似文献   

钦州湾表层海水温度盐度及pH值时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年春夏秋冬4个季节调查资料,分析钦州湾表层海水温度、盐度及pH值的季节变化和分布特征。结果表明:钦州湾海水平均温度春季20.4℃,夏季30.1℃,秋季16.0℃,冬季14.6℃,变化特征与气温的季节变化相同,空间分布为夏秋季河口区的水温都略高于湾口区,而春冬季则相反。海水平均盐度春季20.067,夏季17.975,秋季23.864,冬季23.660,表现为秋季〉冬季〉春季〉夏季,各季节空间分布总体表现为河口区低,湾口区高的趋势。海水pH平均值春季7.82,夏季8.11,秋季8.01,冬季8.10,全年空间分布高值区均出现在大风江口外海域。钦州湾海水比较适宜大蚝、对虾、文蛤等广温广盐性品种的海水养殖。  相似文献   

杜甫诗歌所叙唐代陇蜀荆湘气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜甫诗歌具有广义的史学价值。杜甫晚年飘泊诗作的相关描述,较为真实而又全面地反映了唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候特征。唐代秦州秋阳杲杲,秋雨迷蒙,秋霜凛冽,秋月凄清,同谷岁暮则雨多雪盛,偶见冬虹;成都四季分明,冷热适中,然时有春旱、夏洪发生;夔州夏秋毒热,巫山雾瘴、云雨、霜雪、雷电变幻莫测;荆州及湖湘东南一带春季早暖,夏季酷热多雨、易发洪水,秋季前热后凉,冬季冷热不均。唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候与今天上述各地情况基本相符,杜甫夏秋叹热莫过于夔州与潭州,亦与今天的重庆和长沙同列全国“火炉”城市地位相当。另据杜诗所叙剑门蜀道腊月山花开放,通泉冬季蚊蚋活跃,成都四月黄梅成熟,戎州、泸州六月盛产荔枝,江陵正月嫩荷抽叶、飞燕营巢,潭州正月蜂鸣密林、燕舞江滨,湘潭二月南风蒸地、春热黄昏等情况,唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘一带的年平均气温似应高于今天。  相似文献   

商城起义是土地革命早期大别山地区继黄麻起义之后又一次具有重要影响的武装起义,是河南省在大革命失败后首次取得成功的一次武装起义,是奠定鄂豫皖革命根据地的黄麻、商城、六霍三大武装起义的重要组成部分,在三大起义中具有承前启后的重要作用。商城起义也是土地革命早期河南、湖北两省地方党组织跨省协作、周密部署、共同参与领导的一次农民武装起义的成功范例,是一次具有兵运性质的农民武装起义,将兵运与农运有机结合的成功范例,是将社会关系网络运用于革命斗争、服务革命大局的成功范例。商城起义的成功,改变了大别山地区敌我斗争的格局,壮大了鄂豫皖革命斗争的力量,为中国革命做出了重大贡献。这次起义建立了河南省第一支正规红军部队,建立了河南省第一个县级人民政权——商城县苏维埃政府,创建了河南省第一个稳固的革命根据地,有力地推动了大别山地区革命斗争的进一步发展,为统一的鄂豫皖革命根据地的形成创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

李建飞 《莆田学院学报》2007,14(2):92-96,102
对莆田市郊区蔬菜地土壤中pH值和有机质、Pb、Cd、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn的含量进行了测定,结果表明,莆田市郊区蔬菜地土壤重金属含量在地区内及地区间的差异较大,Ni、Cu平均含量以新度镇较高,Pb、Cd平均含量以镇海、拱辰办较高,Cr、Zn平均含量以黄石镇较高,各地区重金属元素受地区影响显著性排序为Zn>Cr>Cd>Pb>Cu>Ni。相关性分析表明,莆田市郊区蔬菜地土壤中部分重金属元素以及有机质间存在一定的相关性。所有样本中6种重金属均没有超过GB15618-1995二级标准值,但与福建省水稻土背景值比较,均有不同程度超背景值现象,其中Cr、Cu、Ni超背景值率较高,富集较明显。  相似文献   

Anatomy is recognized to play a central role in the education and training of clinicians, healthcare professionals, and scientists. However, in recent years, the perceived decline in popularity of anatomy has led to a deficiency in the numbers of new anatomy educators. The tide is now turning with anatomy once again taking its rightful place in a wide of variety of disciplines, and therefore it is imperative that a new generation of anatomists is in place to meet this need. In response, the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland has made the training of the next set of anatomists, one of its strategic priorities, and in collaboration with the American Association of Anatomists has developed a dedicated Training Program. The overall aim of the Program is to provide trainees with the necessary knowledge, understanding, aptitudes, and attitudes in appropriate detail, sufficient to enable them to teach and examine Anatomy with full competence at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. The Program offers opportunities to consolidate knowledge and deepen understanding of anatomy, improve skills in teaching and communication with students, and be competent in preparing teaching materials and assessment modalities. The Program uses a distance‐learning approach with an incorporated Residential School and is particularly aimed at those undertaking a career in the biosciences. Early indications suggest that initiatives such as the development of this Training Program will help deliver the next generation of anatomists and ensure that anatomy continues to play a fundamental role in the education of clinicians, healthcare professionals, and scientists. Anat Sci Ed 2:119‐125, 2009 © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

人们在工作和生活中遇到各种困难,经受各种挫折,产生挫折感,这都是难免的。大学生正处于青年期,其心理、生理发展的不平衡性,思想与情感的波动性,以及面临着生活上的自理、管理上的自制、学习上的自觉、目标上的自我选择等一系列问题,常使他们徘徊于追求与思考、奋进与退却、憧憬与失望、信任与怀疑等矛盾中。因此,产生挫折感则在所难免。本文从分析大学生受挫类型、受挫后的心理反应,以及寻找疏导及解决的办法等方面进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

创新作为实施素质教育的关键已成为时代和社会发展的所需,未来教师-师范生的素质优劣直接关系到中小学实施素质教育,因此,加强师范院校学生的创新素质教育是中小学实施素质教育的关键。培养师范生的创新素质必须深化教学改革,要转变教学思想观念,改革教学内容、课程设置、教学方法、教学手段、考试模式。师范生创新素质教育的重点是培养创新精神和实践能力,高等师范教育要着重培养学生的创新思维,激发创新兴趣,锻炼创新能力,发展创新人格。  相似文献   

This introduction offers an overview of the concept of populism, the debates around its definitions and its relationship with democracy and the significance of attending to populist politics in the context of education. It also lays out the political contexts in which authors have engaged with education and populist politics in the UK, Brazil and Israel, and the ways in which they understand populist shifts in education. Detailing the two main conceptions of populism used by authors in the special section, namely, populism as ideology and populism as political logic, we discuss how authors understand the construction of ‘the people’ and ‘the elite’, and the implications of the ‘antagonism’ between them in each case. Dividing the nine articles in the special section into three groups, we look at the ways in which right-wing populism has sought to (re)shape divisions based on race, religion and nationalities, among other things; how political and pedagogic practices are being (re)imagined to counter these divisions and populist moves; and the stakes of bringing the question of populism into education. We show how this special section has brought together different conversations and disciplinary perspectives on right-wing shifts in education, challenges to these and a potential way forward. Most importantly, we invite readers to think through the shifting role of education in democracy, as well as the divisions and hierarchies that are entailed in institutionalised education.  相似文献   

This article draws on data emerging from an evaluation of behaviour support strategies in secondary schools in an education authority in Scotland. The authors all work at the University of Glasgow. Jean Kane has research and teaching interests in the area of special educational needs; she offers consultancy to local authorities in the development of inclusive policies and practices in schools. Dr George Head has research and teaching interests in the area of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and social inclusion; he is also an experienced teacher. Both Jean Kane and George Head are lecturers in the Faculty of Education. Nicola Cogan is a researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research and has a background as a research psychologist in the health sector.
In Scotland, the growth of behaviour support provision is closely related to broader policy on social inclusion. It is argued in this article that new models of behaviour support can be developed in the light of previous and related experience in the development of inclusive support systems in schools. The authors present a typology of behaviour support, drawing upon their evaluation of provision, and discuss the characteristics of the types of support that emerge. Using data from exclusion statistics, pupil case studies and interviews with teachers, managers, pupils and parents, Jean Kane, George Head and Nicola Cogan explore the implications of their work for future developments in support for pupils who present difficult behaviours.  相似文献   

Ararat L. Osipian 《Compare》2014,44(2):252-273
This study analyses the issue of comparative corruption in the national higher education sectors in the United States of America (USA) and the Russian Federation (RF). Corruption in higher education, as well as the way it is addressed in legislation and court cases and reflected in the media, appears to be consistent with the trajectory and pace of reforms that take place in the USA and the RF. The continuing massification of higher education, with increasing enrolment rates in both countries, as well as the emergence of the for-profit sector, necessitate more control and coordination on the part of the governments, educational institutions and the public. The two systems of higher education slowly and independently converge. In both systems, professional hierarchies based on meritocracy clash with managerialism based on the thriving for-profit principle. As a result, forms of corruption in higher education may become more similar.  相似文献   

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