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迄今为止,英国历史上共有六位女王。她们是:玛丽一世、伊丽莎白一世、玛丽二世、安妮女王、维多利亚女王和伊丽莎白二世。玛丽一世是英国历史上的第一位女王,1553~1558年在位。其父亨利八世曾在英国推行宗教改革,建立了英国国教。但玛丽女王为了巩固自己的正...  相似文献   

圣经研读会是清教徒讲经布道的组织,在16世纪70年代盛行于英格兰。圣经研读会强调讲经布道对于信仰得救的作用,是对路德“唯信称义”教条的实践。国教会面临的经济困难使之难以吸引优秀人物担任教职,圣经研读会的活动也是弥补有能力讲经布道的牧师之不足。国教会内具有清教倾向的主教试图利用圣经研读会提高牧师的学识水平和布道能力,伊丽莎白女王基于控制布道活动的一贯政策,将圣经研读会视为非法集会,由此而引发出国教会内的一场冲突。  相似文献   

技能短缺(skills shortage)--直是让英国政府非常头疼的问题。1986年英国政府的白皮书《共同工作——教育与培训》(Working together -education and training)指出.英国面临的经济问题是缺乏竞争力,其原因并非是投人的资金或资源不足.而是人们没有达到产业需要的技能水平。为了解决这个问题.英国政府对教育和训练制度进行了紧锣密鼓的改革。  相似文献   

英国自16世纪以来有6位女王,她们是玛丽一世、伊丽莎白一世、玛丽二世、安妮、维多利亚和现在在位的伊丽莎白二世。  相似文献   

《亨利八世》是莎士比亚于英国宗教改革时期创作的一部历史剧,讲述了英国国教在国王的直接领导下,脱离罗马教廷的统治独立发展的重要历史事件。莎翁对亨利八世和伊丽莎白女王这都铎二君治下的英国持肯定态度,该剧对不列颠人民亦产生了巨大的感召力。  相似文献   

英国自16世纪以来有6位女王,她们是玛丽一世、伊丽莎白一世、玛丽二世、安妮、维多利亚和现在在位的伊丽莎白二世。为什么英国历史上会出现这么多女王?在1701年制定的《王位继承法》中规定了王位继承原则。《王位继承法》规定主位世代相袭,君主的儿子优先于女儿,而女儿又优先于  相似文献   

什一税是中世纪基督教会重要的收入来源,也是堂区收入的主要构成部分,在当时起着维系堂区教堂、救济穷人及堂区教士生活的作用。它是中世纪人们担负的重要的税收之一,围绕着征收与逃税,教会与教徒之间存在着矛盾。研究什一税,我们可以了解当时信徒与教会的关系,并对当时的教会做更深入的了解。本文是从什一税发展、分类、分配及其导致的后果来略作分析,以了解当时英国教会的基层组织——堂区的什一税状况。  相似文献   

英国高校学生贷款制度始于20世纪80年代末,最初引入按揭贷款计划只用于学生的生活费贷款。1998年,英国政府开始向新生收取学费,并实行基于毕业生收入还款的学费贷款计划。2006年,英国政府大幅提高高校学费,学费贷款额度随之提高,生活费贷款成为学生生活资助的主要方式,实施对象也扩展到全日制和非全日制的学生。英国高校学生贷款制度在改善高校经费状况和扩大学生入学等方面发挥了积极的作用,但同时也增加了学生债务负担,在促进公平入学方面的作用也较为有限。  相似文献   

学徒制的全面兴盛、高技能的需求、高级学徒生发展的客观诉求是英国高等学徒制发展的背景.英国高等学徒制的发展有着权威的法律保障、有效的资金保障和完善的组织保障.2013年,英国政府发布了《英国未来的学徒制:执行计划》,启动了包括高等学徒制在内的学徒制改革.  相似文献   

十九世纪英国贫困问题与宪政调适谫论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着英国现代化的深入,贫富分化加剧,贫困问题及其所导致的秩序和法治等社会问题日益严重。英国政府在十八世纪末十九世纪中叶期间,十分关注并尝试于对这些社会问题的宪政调适。宪政调适实际上是政治体制现代化对工业革命以来经济和社会变革的适应能力。英国在现代化过程中议会和选举权的变革,工业阶级地位的提升,以及对贫困等问题的宪政调适在一定程度上缓解了英国社会的矛盾。  相似文献   

哲理诗《麦布女王》是19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人雪莱的一首长诗作品,因其中对于宗教及教会的激烈抨击被作者称作是其反叛基督教的宣言书,然而研究发现,这部作品与基督教圣典-《圣经》却有着千丝万缕的联系;试图通过对该作品中涉及到的典故、意象、人物方面与《圣经》的对比研究,来透视雪莱对于基督教既反叛又承袭的复杂二元对立关系,希望从这一崭新视角来全面解读雪莱。  相似文献   

英国盎格鲁-撒克逊时期是英国初步形成的时期,基督教的传入对英国产生了深远影响,国家和教会在共同利益的基础上,互相合作,互相支持,达到了互利和双赢,使英吉利民族增强了凝聚力。这是英国在宗教改革中没有像某些大陆国家那样因宗教改革而发生分裂,甚至走向内战的原因之一。  相似文献   

英国圣经基督教教会是位于英格兰西南山区的一个小规模地方教会,在殖民主义、帝国主义列强对中国的殖民侵略和我国西南各民族群众身受剥削压迫的背景下.该教会在滇黔川一带,突破传统的布道战略,再加上某些劳动阶级的传教士和少数民族族群出身背景所产生的天然作用,使得该传教团由早期在华20年的困境迅速扩展为6万人之众.  相似文献   

汕头新中华基督教会诞生于20世纪20年代,是岭东地区从大公会体制内独立出来的真正的本色化教会,这是长老会长期推行教会自立政策的产物,也是教会内部民族意识觉醒的结果。尽管该会倡导"自立"、"合一",但它在教义和礼仪上与中华基督教会并无明显区别,自立主要表现在体制和经济方面。随着时间的推移,两者渐渐又从分离走向了联合。  相似文献   

英国都铎王朝最后一代君主伊丽莎白一世是世界历史上一个颇为引人注目的女王。她凭借柔中带刚的高超领导艺术,在一个女性普遍受到轻视的年代里成就了自己的赫赫声名,也使都铎王朝晚期的英国避免了分裂的命运,由弱转强,走过近代化的关键阶段,成为欧洲政治舞台上的重要角色。伊丽莎白一世赢得了国民、朋友和敌人的普遍尊重。本文分别探讨女王与人民、与上层统治者、与教会的关系,对其统治技巧进行概述与分析。伊丽莎白一世政治上的现实主义与女性独有的坚忍不拔的力量是其统治成功的基本要素,本文试图从伊丽莎白一世的血统与早年经历探讨这些统治特质的形成之因。政治家的个性素质往往对历史有一定影响,伊丽莎白一世的某些领导艺术也值得今人学习,因此对这位16世纪女王统治技巧的回顾具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article investigates the movement of theological education away from diocesan controlled theological colleges in the Anglican Church of Australia into the mainstream curriculum of public universities. Particular reference is made to the establishment of Theology as an area of study at The University of Newcastle. Other models of theological education based on particular hermeneutic interests of Anglicanism are examined. Comparisons are drawn between those institutions seeking to maintain partisan control over theological education and those who cede control, in part or entirely, to the public university. Discussion of some historical material leading to the implementation of the ‘Newcastle Model’ is presented as this relates to church and public policy on Theology in higher education. The article argues that the place of theological education is in the academy or public university since it is there that Theology, like other public knowledge, best develops and maintains a critical intention.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of church schools on a range of indices of village church life in a sample of 1637 communities ranging in size from 250 to 1250 inhabitants. After controlling for the influence of population, electoral roll, the amalgamation of churches within multi‐parish benefices, the age of the clergyman and whether or not there is an occupied vicarage within the area served by the church, the presence of a church school is shown to augment slightly the village church's usual Sunday contact with 6‐9‐year‐olds and with adults. The presence of a church school is also shown to have a small positive influence on the number of infant baptisms, the number of 6‐13‐year‐olds in the village church choir and the number of young confirmands under the age of 14 years. All these findings emphasise the beneficial nature of the impact of Church of England voluntary schools on village church life.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to ascertain the attitudes to, and work on, English school boards of clergymen from the three main Churches which had taken an active interest in education in England in the nineteenth century – the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church and the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Were the clergy ‘the enemy within’, attempting to subvert the cause of non‐denominational education? Little has previously been written about this work. The research has used a variety of primary sources, among them annual HMI reports on the educational provision in their areas and the pronouncements made by the leaders of the three Churches about their own representations on the boards. A variety of qualitative data has been accessed on the clergy influence in certain areas in the North of England using extant school board managers’ minutes. The picture that emerges from the evidence studied is of a significant and growing influence for Anglican clergy in rural areas. They undoubtedly had self‐interests in their membership, to ensure religious teaching in schools, to protect their own institutions and in part to assert their own status within society. In large towns and cities, boards proved to be independent of clergy control, with much authority given over to the headteachers. Roman Catholic priests often became board members and in doing so were in a position to defend their own schools. Throughout, the one group that did not share the influence on boards was the Wesleyan ministers, who were constrained by their own itinerant ministry. It is hoped that this will encourage further studies of individual communities, where School Board Managers’ Minutes survive, to add further qualitative evidence and further analysis of the direct influence of the clergymen of the three Churches discussed.  相似文献   


As a consequence of the 1944 Education Act church schools were given the choice of opting for voluntary controlled status or for voluntary aided status. In voluntary aided status the Church had more control but carried greater costs. Within England and Wales this distinction is still maintained. This study measures the attitude toward Christianity of 4581 year 4, 5 and 6 students (8- to 11-years of age) attending 87 Church in Wales primary schools, and compares the responses of 1678 students attending controlled schools with the responses of 2903 students attending aided schools. After controlling for sex, age and frequency of church attendance, voluntary aided status is associated with a more positive attitude toward Christianity. In other words, aided status does make a difference to the attitudinal dimension of students’ religiosity.  相似文献   

鸦片战争以后,循道公会、内地会等基督教组织,在滇黔川边广泛传播。其中循道公会的信徒达6万之众。参与基督教传播的,是一批在西方列强对中国的殖民侵略浪潮下来华的出身于英国社会下层和少数民族族群的传教士。这些传教士,可以称之为英国“康沃尔少数民族”。在劳动阶级和少数民族族群出身的圣经基督教教会传教士群体的历史活动中,明显地表现出了自发的阶级性和民族性的作用。  相似文献   

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