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丝路古道,黄河之滨,历经千年的炳灵寺一直是名闻遐迩的佛教圣地.沟壑纵横的丹霞地貌,西域风情的佛国胜景,沧海桑田,彼此交融.唐玄奘大师、文成公主,元朝尼泊尔太子潘唐娃,明代大学士解缙,都曾在这里留下足迹和文学作品.  相似文献   

冯岩 《档案》2015,(1):18-23
这是一块神奇的土地,自古以来,就流传着许许多多美丽的神话传说和历史遗迹;这是一幅秀美壮丽的山水画卷,千百年来,吸引着无数的文人骚客和过往旅人匆匆来去的脚步。天下黄河浩浩荡荡,一路向东奔涌向前,而唯独在此地,它却扭头向西流去,民间有道是:"红山白土头,黄河向西流。"座落在古丝绸之路上的炳灵石窟,堪称是中国著名的佛教胜地之一,被国家列为全国重点文物保护单位;2014年,又被列入世界级非物质遗产保护名录。著名学者范文澜先生在《中国通史》一书中曾经这样  相似文献   

妙因寺位于吉林地区,是东北地区最为重要的藏传佛教格鲁派的传教寺庙。根据资料显示,妙因寺的建筑形式,是融合了汉、蒙、藏三族的建筑风格修建的庙宇,其建筑结构独成一体,极具研究价值,是我国近代史上不可多得的历史建筑。  相似文献   

赫强 《兰台世界》2015,(6):159-160
扎什伦布寺位于西藏日喀则,是规模最大、等级最高的藏传佛教建筑群。其寺内殿宇巍峨,错落有致,造型独特与飞檐斗拱相得益彰,使扎什伦布寺成为融合藏汉文化以及藏传佛教艺术为一体的建筑艺术典范,藏传佛教之圣地。  相似文献   

<正>圣经寺大经殿为三层楼阁,始建于咸丰年间(1851—1860)。为哲里木盟科尔沁左翼前旗宾图王府的旗庙,该庙历史上曾有过兴盛时期。20世纪40年代末和50年代初受"破除迷信"的影响除大经殿被农民会占用外,其他建筑全部拆毁,60年"文革"期间大经殿因供销社使用、幸免被拆毁。如今圣经寺大经殿为东蒙地区保存较好仍金碧辉煌满堂彩色艺术壁画的藏传佛教蒙古喇嘛寺庙。80年代先后定为县、市级文物保护单位,90年代初晋升为省级文物保护单位。圣经寺按蒙古地区宗教习俗庙史均无  相似文献   

“造像艺术”是青海省博物馆举办的青海藏传佛教艺术专题展览,于2001年5月开展。佛造像是藏传佛教艺术的重要表现形式之一,该展展出了青海省博物馆收藏的历代不同质地的精品佛像一百余尊。  相似文献   

实胜寺,全称“莲花净土实胜寺”,又称皇寺或黄寺,位于盛京城小西门外五里,是清入关前所建最重要的藏传佛教(喇嘛教)寺院。清初,皇太极征服蒙古察哈尔部,墨尔根喇嘛以原藏察哈尔部林丹汗处之佛宝来盛京进献,其中包括以千两黄金铸成的玛哈噶喇佛像和金字蒙古文藏经等,这些都是藏传佛教的稀世之宝。为使蒙古察哈尔部长久归服,皇太极推崇喇嘛教,命人举行隆重的仪式,将佛宝迎至盛京,并于1636年(清崇德元年)敕建实胜寺尊藏佛宝。历时两年,寺庙于1638年8月建成。竣工时,皇太极赐名“莲花净土实胜寺”,并亲率满、蒙、汉王公大臣出城至庙行礼,场面盛大而隆重。  相似文献   

<正>实胜寺,全称"莲花净土实胜寺",又称皇寺或黄寺,位于盛京城小西门外五里,是清入关前所建最重要的藏传佛教(喇嘛教)寺院。清初,皇太极征服蒙古察哈尔部,墨尔根喇嘛以原藏察哈尔部林丹汗处之佛宝来盛京进献,其中包括以千两黄金铸成的玛哈噶喇佛像和金字蒙古文藏经等,这些都是藏传佛教的稀世之宝。为使蒙古察哈尔部长久归服,皇太极推崇喇嘛教,命人举行隆重的仪式,将佛宝迎至盛京,并于1636年(清崇德元年)敕建实胜寺尊藏佛宝。历时两年,寺庙于1638年8月建成。竣工时,皇太  相似文献   

为了探寻川西藏传佛教僧人对各类媒介的接触情况,本研究采用定性的实地研究方法和个案研究的范式,选取了四川甘孜藏族自治区稻城县的雄登寺为个案,在雄登寺进行了为期一个月的田野调查。雄登寺已有570余年历史,海拔4105米,现有僧人257人。田野调查期间,笔者观察了僧人对各类媒介的接触及使用情况,对其中一些汉语表达能力较强的僧人进行访谈、组织专题小组讨论,并就网络媒介的接触及使用情况对50位僧人做了专访。  相似文献   

风穴寺始建于北魏,传承千年佛教文化艺术,蜚声海外。寺院内百余栋古建筑庄重华美,突出了佛教神圣地位。风穴寺除建筑大气恢弘外,砖雕、石刻、壁画、彩绘等艺术精雕细琢,使风穴寺更具历史人文气息,呈现出极高的研究价值。  相似文献   

宗教对我国图书馆的形成和发展产生了诸多的影响。文章介绍了古代和近代以来,几种宗教对我国寺观藏书、古代目录学思想、早期图书馆"传播学"思想以及近代图书馆产生和发展等方面的影响。对该问题的研究有利于我们从另一个角度认识图书馆的形成和发展。  相似文献   

Abstract This article examines the metaphors used by museum leaders in the early twentieth century. Richard F. Bach’s metaphor for the Metropolitan Museum of Art as an adjunct of factory is positioned as a philosophical resolution between those of two prominent contemporaries: Benjamin Ives Gilman’s metaphor of the art museum as a temple and John Cotton Dana’s metaphor of the museum as a department store, which are often viewed by historians in a dichotomy of unresolved tension. While examining differences in institutional agendas suggested by these metaphors, this article illuminates the common goal among them: Museums explicitly saw themselves as serving an essential role in American society to refine public taste and the aesthetic sophistication of their audiences. A close analysis of the metaphors reveals three historical models that offered varying visitor experiences for exercising good taste.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the indexing of open access art journals in four frequently utilized art indexes: Art Full Text, ARTBibliographies Modern, Art & Architecture Complete, and Bibliography of the History of Art/International Bibliography of Art. The authors also compare the indexing of open access journals in Google Scholar to that in the traditional indexes mentioned above and demonstrate that the commercial indexes currently lag behind Google Scholar in terms of content coverage. This article argues that increased indexing of open access art journals in the traditional, subject-specific indexes will be integral to their acceptance within the discipline of art history.  相似文献   

As one of the semi‐permanent exhibitions of the Wereldmuseum (World Museum) in Rotterdam, the subject of “The World of Enlightenment” is to show the “teachings” of Japanese esoteric Buddhism. It is distinguishable from those religious exhibitions whose focus lies in introducing the religious materials based on an art‐historical perspective or the classification of a defined style and historical period, as its scope sought to show the audience how the Japanese “secret teaching” is experienced “in practice,” namely, in the ritual context. In order to engage museum audiences in the spirituality of Japanese esoteric Buddhist presented in this exhibition, the curator and museum staffs construct five temple‐like structures to group the religious objects and highlight their usage in Japanese esoteric ritual. This exhibition review intends to present the special strategy that “The World of Enlightenment” employs to construct a sense of ritual scene to its audiences: certain installations are placed both inside and outside of the five temple‐like structures to refer to the “metaphorical presence” of both the Japanese esoteric priest and worshiper, in so doing to make these “imagined” temple setups more “lifelike.”  相似文献   

文章将老子的管理哲学与馆长的管理艺术结合起来思考,认为道家管理文化中的“人本”、“自然无为”、“不言之教”、“天道无亲”、“慈爱”、“自知者明”思想对新形势下馆长的管理艺术具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

Currently users on social media post their opinion and feelings about almost everything. This online behavior has led to numerous applications where social media data are used to measure public opinion in a similar way as a poll or a survey. In this paper, we will present an application of social media mining for the art market. To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first attempt to mine social media to extract quantitative and qualitative data for the art market. Although there are previous works on analyzing and predicting other markets, these methodologies cannot be applied directly to the art market. In our proposed methodology, artists will be treated as brands. That is, we will mine Twitter posts that mention specific artists’ names and attempt to rank artists in a similar manner as brand equity and awareness would be measured. The particularities of the art market are considered mainly in the construction of a topic-specific user network where user expertise and influence is evaluated and later used to rank artists. The proposed ranking system is evaluated against two other available systems to identify the advantages it can offer.  相似文献   

艺术类学生在大学生群体中是极具鲜明个性的一个部分,如何把握艺术类学生的个性和特点,加强对他们的管理,成为广电行业乃至传媒业的有用之才?本文从艺术类学生的特征入手,结合多年的班主任工作和系办公室工作经验作了一些深入的思考,提出了四个方面的管理对策,希望对艺术类学生管理工作能有所借鉴.  相似文献   

Conservation expertise required for software-based art varies depending on the nature and function of its components. Our focus in this study is technology, specifically related to the impact of changes and upgrades to the operating environment that can adversely impact future exhibition of software-based art. In our research to date, we found that each specific work requires individual analysis and conservation strategies due to unique technical risks. We also concluded that artist-generated source code is a primary risk for software-based works. We then devoted the next phase of our research to a closer examination of risks associated with source code. The purpose of the research reported in this article is to investigate whether examining and documenting the source code can inform conservation practice. A corollary second goal is to define relevant best practices for documenting source code for software-based art. In order to address these questions, we selected two artworks at the Museum of Modern Art for a collaborative study using students and faculty from both the Museum Studies and Computer Science departments at New York University. This collaboration helped ensure that technology skills complemented a deep understanding of art history in the museum context. We based the methodology for our study on current software engineering practices and composed diagrams and narrative documents to reflect what we found in the source code. We also relied on artist interviews to explore the requirements and goals of the system, and user manuals to assist in understanding the implementation and physical installation of the works. It was our hypothesis that once the behavior of software-based art is understood by combining a standard software engineering approach with considerations specific to artist and museum needs, conservators and programmers will be better prepared to address changes in the operating environment. Based on our experience, we found this to be true. We conclude this paper with plans for our next phase of research.  相似文献   

佛寺志是一种特殊类型的地方志,具有重要的历史与文化价值,近年来得到了更多的重视。在新编普通古籍目录与方志目录体系中,佛寺志的归类不尽相同。佛寺志为其中大多数目录收录,且归属于史部地理类专志。一半以上的目录在其专志类目下为佛寺志设置寺观专类。  相似文献   


This article is an exploration of the varying applications of comics and cartoon art as primary resources and pedagogical tools within the university setting. Following some background information on cartoon art forms including early American newspaper comics, nineteenth century humor serials, political cartoons and manga, the article explores how the perception of comics has changed and suggests ways librarians can work with academics to better utilize comics and cartoon art as educational resources. Drawing on the literature and the author's experience of working with Faculty and students at The Ohio State University, this article highlights ways to embed comics and cartoon art into the curriculum in disciplines ranging from Women's Studies to Psychology, ESL, History, Fashion, and more. The article aims to serve as a springboard for “thinking outside of the box” to maximize the value and use of library collections.  相似文献   

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