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Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.I don’t like driving,I do it(仅仅)because I have to get to w ork eachday.2.H e hoped to achieve his goal bypeaceful(手段).3.The boxes were ready for(运输).4.O il and w ater do not readil  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.This is the(原始的)painting,and the others are copies.2.The film Farew ell M y Concubine was(改编)from the novel of thesam e title by H ong K ong novelist LiBihua.3.M other(测量)m e to see w hatsize of dress I should have.4.They’ve(降低)the prices inthe shop,so it’s a good tim e to buy.5.I offered him a drink but he didn’t(作出反应).6.Their traveling expenses(总计)to seven hundred dollars.7.To be(简单地说)(with you),wecan…  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出各句空白处所缺的单词。1.Take the e to the second floor.2.The air in the m orning is pretty f.3.W alk about four b and you’ll find the cafe.4.W e’ll have a surprise party and I’ll dress up as ac.5.It is good to be s at hom e on a night likethis.B)根据句意,用方框内所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。6.Can I you to shut the door?7.The m an used to produce six rabbits fromhis hat.8.H e that book to m e the day beforeyesterday.9.The biology teach…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和首字母,写出句中所缺单词。1.The(主题)for tonight’s talk iseducation.2.The students were eager to express their(看法).3.I feel it a great(荣幸)to havebeen invited.4.A nything you can buy in a store is a(商业的)product.5.M ost people of  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.The man(钦佩)Napoleon so muchthat he wanted to join his army.2.Don’t be so(吝啬).Be generouswhen you try to help your friend.3.He is so d(不诚实)that he oftentell lies.I couldn’t beli  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。 根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出 句中所缺单词。 1.W hen she was born,she didn’t have the a to use her hands. 2.Can you tell m e how m any businessm en attended the f ? 3.W e want each student to realize his full (潜能). 4.Y esterday a test satellite was l in Q inghai,China. 5.W e’d better (合作)with each other w hile com pleting the task. 6.I don’t want others’ (同情),but others’recognition. 7.Check and (调整)the brakes regularly. 8.Self-c is very im portant for us,I thi…  相似文献   

I am preparing for a busy semester,be-cause I am going to take the College EntranceExamination,and I am worried about myclasses.My teacher told me that I would beknocked out next year if I don’t work hard.The words were a great blow to my family aswell as myself. I used to be a good student,and my par-ents were proud of me.But now,I have been  相似文献   

1.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺一单词的完全形式。1 .It isu_that women ean’t get the same Pay as men when they do the same joh 2 .1 worked a long time and at last Im_ to work out the maths Problem. 3 .The workers are t down the old houses 50 that a new sehool will be built here. 4 .Some PeoPle eonsider Li Yang’s“C_ English”15 useful for vraetieing speaking English. 5 .our room 15 not big enough,50 we have to buy some things that ean bef一一一,sueh as tables,ehair…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.W e can learn by(实验)thatoil and water doesn’t m ix.2.M ary speaks English very well becauseshe has the(优势)that herm other is E nglish.3.The(应用)of new scientificdiscoveries to industrial productionusually increases efficiency.4.She was a great(安慰)to m ewhen I was ill.5.The little boy has(证明)hiscleverness in the television quiz.6.A ll schools are under the(管理)of the M inistry of Education.7.Y ou can not(怀疑)your ownexistence.8.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据首字母、句意或所给的汉语提示写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.I worked a long tim e and at last Im to w ork out the m athsproblem.2.The workers are t down the oldhouses so that a new school will bebuilt here.3.Som e people consider Li Y ang’s“C E nglish”useful forpracticing speaking English.4.W ill you join them in buying the thingsif you see m any(顾客)gathering?5.The girls ran fast so that they could getto the place a of tim e.6.In our country,people greet each otherwith a h…  相似文献   

1.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1 .Ag____15 a person who邵ows and takes eare of flowers and Plants. 2 .The house 15 in poore_.It needs to be rePaired. 3 .You’d better do as theP_says,“Don’t put all your eggs in one  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出各句空白处所缺的单词。1.M y bike is broken.Can you help m e r it?2.M y dress is s to yours,so I took your dressby m istake.3.I cam e here s to ask you a question.4.H e looks sad.Let’s c him up.5.I’ve called you three tim es,are you d?B)根据句意及所给汉语,填写适当的单词完成下列句子。6.The kind m an always helps the(无家的)children.7.“D idn’t you see the(牌子)‘NOSM OK IN G’?”she said angrily to the m an.8.M other asked her to(指导)u…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据图片内容完成单词或短语。(7分)1.f__a k___2.s________3.a p___of s_____4.c___the y___5.c_____s____6.w___in l____7.the c____of ChinaⅡ.根据图片内容从下面方框中选择与该图片相当的描述,将其字母代码填入图片下的括号内。(8分)8.()9.()10.()11.()12.()13.()14.()15.()A.The waiter brought me the wrong food.B.The pen I bought didn’t work.C.The barber gave me a terrible haircut.D.I get annoyed when she doesn’t call me.E.I have to wait for my friend.F.The bus was late again.G.I’ve been skating for…  相似文献   

1.单词拼写根据句意和首字母,写出句中所缺单词的完整形式。1 .E_15 the study of the relations between living things and their surroundin邵. 2.We don’t have mueh time.Can yous_ your rePort and make it short and bri价3 .Jenny loves to be a housewife,and she’s qUitee_to st叮at home looking after her husband and ehildren. 4.Mr.Wang has been ehosen as ar_of our eompany and he’5 going to Beijing for the meeting tomormw,5 .The movie 15 not suitable for ehildren,for there’5 a lot of aetion,sex …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.He looked at the envelope and(认出)Jenny’s handwriting immediately.2.A(神秘的)light came from thedeserted house.3.He made up a story to(辩解)whyhe was absent.4.I was allowed to(继续)us  相似文献   

A卷(共50分)I.完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.There are50students in our class.Thirty students are girls.The others are b__________.2.—What’s z__________and five?—It’s five,too.3.—How do you s__________pencil?—Oh,P-E-N-C-I-L.4.Look.Here’s a s__________of keys.I think they’re Jim’s.5.Li Ming and Lisa often write letters to each other.They’re pen f__________.6.Mrs Green has two c__________,a son and a daughter.7.—Jim,can you b_____…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单词拼写。 根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示, 写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。 1. I spent some time o their customs. 2. His disappointment was o to everyone. Didn’t you see it8 3. The school is w 5 minutes’walk from my house? I go to it on foot everyday.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示, 完成单词拼写。 1. The bank is a_____ from the supermarket. 2. She’s from New York, a famous city of A_____. 3. Joan’s b____ is March 16th. 4. There are many people on the bus, and it’s c____. 5. The students are taking photos with a nice c_____. 6. I atealot, because the foodwasso d_____. 7. Koalas sleep d_____ the day, but at night they get up to get food. 8. I don’t like math, because it is too d____. 9. Don’t play soccer on the street. It’s too d_____. 10.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单词拼写根据句意和所给的汉语提示, 写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1. He was very (心烦意乱的) thatyou didn’t reply to his letters.2. The chance meeting (唤醒) theold passion between them.3. The a (达成) at this conclusionwas the result of much thought.4. It would be (难以置信) thatsuch an honest fellow should have goneagainst his friends>5. That volcano (喷发) in 1946after one hundred and twenty years ofsilence.6. When my old friend (力劝) meto accept a cigarette, it was more thanI could bea…  相似文献   

丁小兰 《中学生英语》2002,(19):28-31,32
I.词汇A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词,使该句完 整正确。1.Mr Lu always asks us to do more sports and keep h .2.You should keep a d——to heIp you re— member what you do every a.y.3.I’113 afraid it’s going to rain.You’d better take an u with you when yo  相似文献   

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