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与学生谈话是高校辅导员对学生进行思想教育的重要途径,但在实践中,谈话却事倍功半,我们通过分析辅导员与学生谈话的现状和原因,提出谈话的"三要四忌",三要为谈话的纲,即谈话要以"教育目的"为中心、要以"共同的协议"为结尾、要以"信息"为媒介,传递思想和感情;四忌为谈话的"目",即谈话忌"目中无人"、忌"薄情寡义"、忌"只说不听"、忌"讦以为直"。  相似文献   

论研究生专业课程教学之“重”与“忌”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合自身研究生教学经验,重点讨论了研究生课程教学中值得注意的四个方面的"重"与"忌":重指导阅读,忌全堂灌输;重专题教学,忌低水平重复;重引导前沿,忌陈年老调;重授人以渔,忌授人以鱼.  相似文献   

李涛 《中国教师》2005,(9):51-52
这几年来,我一直担任职业高中的班主任,尝尽了班主任工作的酸甜苦辣,有几点心得体会想与同行分享,我认为班主任工作中有“六忌”。一忌说话拖沓。班主任工作最主要的就是和学生谈话,通过谈话,实现对班级的管理。谈话有两种,一种是面向全班的公开谈话,另一种是找个别学生私下谈话。对于第一种情况,由于学生一天课程安排得很紧,班主任要做班级工作只能是见缝插针,利用课间休息时间争分夺秒说几句,但不少班主任觉得意犹未尽,所以课外活动时间一不小心就成了班主任做班级管理工作的最佳时间,占用了学生的活动时间。常常,当班主任絮絮叨叨说个没…  相似文献   

一忌冷漠;二忌言行抵牾;三忌冲动粗暴;四忌死抱成见;五忌偏爱优生;六忌拉拢迁就;七忌先松后紧;八忌盲目;九忌两面三刀;十忌不留余地;十一忌扣“帽子”、打“棍子”;十二忌小题大作;十三  相似文献   

一忌工作一刀切,不注意学生个性;二忌批评滥用,动辄大发雷霆;三忌对人冷漠,以刚克刚;四忌家访告状,数罗学生缺点;五忌待人不公平,歧视差生;六忌  相似文献   

讲授公共管理类课程有八忌,一忌备课只看一本书;二忌备课时死记硬背;三忌授课时讲书不讲课,书与课倒置;四忌授课内容不结合我国当前的改革和实践;五忌不了解学生;六忌课堂授课时呆板单调,不注重教学艺术;七忌课件内容繁琐,逻辑不清,丢弃板书;八忌课后不总结,不改进。  相似文献   

访友十忌歌一忌有约不赴约;二忌充当不速客;三忌清高不热情;四忌带病不卫生五忌有病不吃药;六忌饮食不节制;七忌衣着不整洁;八忌谈吐不文雅;九忌做客时间长;十忌情绪太激动。看望师长毕业十年有成绩;要向老师去致意;门前先把姓名报;趋步向前忙敬礼;握手要用双手握;问候之后立右  相似文献   

一忌不速之客凡欲到亲朋好友家去作客 ,得预先约定或打招呼 ,让人思想上有所准备 ,以便作好其它活动的时间安排。不要突然登门拜访。二忌失约不至凡应邀去作客时 ,一定要按时前往 ,若遇特殊情况 ,应及时通个信息 ,或上门说明原因 ,不要让人久等。三忌粗鲁无礼到人家里作客 ,定要讲礼貌、守规矩 ,举止文雅 ,谈吐文明。四忌带病赴约若本人生病期间 ,特别是传染病 ,不要出门拜访 ,以免有碍他人身体健康。五忌不爱卫生上门作客 ,要仪表整洁 ,举止大方 ,不乱丢、乱吐、乱拿、乱放。六忌信口开河与主人谈话尽量客观实际 ,不要云里雾里神吹瞎侃 ,甚…  相似文献   

现在校园笔友满天飞.交笔友有许多好处,但是,我们许多朋友却往往走入I误区,我将这些误区归结为六忌:一、忌只顾笔友忽视身边的朋友.二、忌滥交笔友.三、忌有信必复或要求对方每信必复.四、忌敷衍成篇.五、忌长期不联络.六、忌勉强维持笔友交往六忌@张广昌  相似文献   

议论文写作中,举例是用来充实内容,论证论点的一种常见的、重要的方法.举例有六忌:一忌知识错误,二忌陈旧僵化,三忌繁琐冗长,四忌不够典型,五忌时空倒置,六忌逆情悖理.望同学们在写作中避开这几大误区.  相似文献   

Drawing on a teacher concerns framework, alongside notions of critical consciousness, this article examines the extent to which teacher candidates' (TCs') concerns are related in any way to the critical scholarship they have engaged with throughout their teacher education coursework. Utilizing teacher candidates' written dilemmas of practice during student teaching as the primary data source, the authors utilize consensual qualitative research for data analysis and share results within and across concern categories as related to notions of critical consciousness and dysconsciousness (King, 1991). Results indicate that TCs' posted self concerns lacked a critical inward journey; that TCs were more likely to be critically conscious regarding their own positionality in schools, yet overwhelmingly dysconscious when talking about students and families; and that large percentages of dysconscious task concerns seem related to TCs' lack of critically conscious posts about self. The authors suggest the importance of more focused mentorship and assignments aimed at asking questions designed to promote critically conscious ways of being in classrooms, and similarly suggest the importance of considering notions of critical consciousness in concerns-based studies moving forward. The authors end with a note of caution on the movement toward “core practices” in teacher preparation and instead suggest the importance of programming that focuses on uncovering and eradicating dysconsciousness among TCs working with historically marginalized youth.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which a collaborative action research design became the lens by which a classroom teacher and two university teacher educators examined the practice of a novice during her second year of teaching. Together the three authors tell a story of a young woman's struggle to find and honour her voice as a new teacher. Three overarching themes were identified from the date, including university preparation, formal/informal support networks and finding and honouring her voice. Findings revealed that the collaborative nature of this research provided for unintended praxis for all researchers. Ultimately, the teacher's quest for voice and ultimate articulation of self-as-teacher emerged as a result of her participation in this collaborative inquiry.  相似文献   

This paper will focus on the shifts in discourses about teacher education and teacher voice within the South African research and policy environment over the last four decades. The alignment of the political and educational agenda in providing resistance to the apartheid system culminated in 1994, the start of the new democracy. The preceding 20 years (1974–1994) were characterised by defiance of the subjugation of teachers’ voices, and the need to find agency amongst teachers. The shifting agenda of the strong teacher union movement during these resistance years and within the post-apartheid 20 years (1994–2014) is the subject of this paper. The attempt to generate a focus on teacher professional quality agendas is presently becoming increasingly challenging. Has the teacher agency agenda produced a disregard for teacher professional development? Are teachers protective of their own inadequacies to enact the transformation for which they campaigned? Are the new educational authorities reverting to yet another form of earlier accountability and performativity regimes to regulate teachers? The paper traces a critical account of these shifting historical trends in activating teacher voice. It argues for ‘deliberative action’ to reassert teacher voice.  相似文献   

This paper describes and interprets the meanings that one novice mentor attributes to ‘reading a mentoring situation’, an organizing metaphor for describing how one experienced teacher of English learns to analyze one aspect of her learning in talking to mentor teachers of English throughout her first year of induction into mentoring. The study revealed that learning to become a mentor is a conscious process of induction into a different teaching context and does not ‘emerge’ naturally from being a good teacher of children. Thus, at an operational level, teacher education programs should prepare teachers for this passage by encouraging the dissemination of in-service courses that allow novice mentors the opportunity to articulate the construction of their new role. Such courses can be structured as ‘learning conversations’ whereby mentors are encouraged to reflect on their roles in the company of fellow mentors, mediated by an experienced mentor of mentors.  相似文献   

The authors voice teachers' perceptions of their interpersonal experiences with students in both positive and problematic relationships. Interview data from 28 teachers were examined by coding utterances on teacher and student interactions. Results indicate that teachers defined the quality of the relationship mostly by the level of communion (friendly vs. hostile), instead of by the level of agency (in control vs. powerless). Analyses of mentioned teacher and student behavior show a friendly interactional pattern for positive relationships and a hostile pattern for problematic ones. In teachers' perceptions, positive and problematic relationships also differed in context where encounters take place and topic of talk. Contrary to interactions in problematic relationships, encounters in positive relationships were mostly situated outside the classroom context and conversations during these encounters covered a wide range of topics. Implications for teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

当前语文对话教学存在着问答式对话、预设性对话、脱离文本式对话和非导引性对话等问题。要提高对话教学质量,必须理解语文对话教学的内涵和本质特征,培养对话主体意识,加强互动合作;精心设计有价值的对话主题;重视文本,倾心对话;启发诱导,智慧导引。  相似文献   

The voice is a basic tool in human communication and an important factor in a positive self‐understanding and identity, both for the teacher's sense of profession and for the pupils' ability to express themselves orally; two perspectives of great importance in the Norwegian National Curriculum. Voice disorders are common among teachers world‐wide and seem to be increasing. Voice problems influence the teachers' ability to teach effectively. An historical review illustrates the significance of the oral tradition in Norwegian teacher education. Against the background of recent studies that show that voice training courses given to different professional groups prevent voice disorders, a proposal is presented for the organisation of vocal training in Norwegian teacher education. The purpose is to emphasise the clear link between teaching and voice disorders and to focus on the prevention of voice problems among teachers by reintroducing voice training in teacher training.  相似文献   

规律总具有"事后性",教师教育变革最需要的不是规律,而是范式这一改革"地图"。从当代教师教育变革内蕴的实践态势出发,探察并主动推进当代教师教育范式的转型,是教师教育研究积极服务于教师教育改革实践的重要方式。当代教师教育的发展正处在从单一向复合、从简单向复杂、从设计向生成、从知识向叙事、从理性向生态等范式转变的临界点上。教师教育改革应积极顺应并力促这些转型的发生,以求全面释放教师教育的潜力和功能。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2000,10(3):267-292
In this study we examined the transition from other to self-regulation by drawing on Vygotsky's general genetic law of cultural development and on Bakhtin's notion of genre appropriation. We attempted to replicate previous sociocultural research findings on the development of self-regulation with older students and a formal academic multiple-variant task. We aimed at extending this body of research by employing both qualitative and quantitative discourse analytic approaches. Ten secondary school students were individually tutored by their geography teacher in how to solve correlational problems. Every student worked with the teacher for about three hours and solved a minimum of seven correlational problems. All tutorial sessions were videotaped and subsequently transcribed. A coding scheme was developed and all instructional discourse was segmented and coded by two independent judges. On the whole, quantitative discourse analysis supported the notion of a transition from other to self-regulation in the area of correlational reasoning. Additionally, it was found that teacher regulation was differentiated within tasks and that certain properties of discourse influence how explicit student self-regulation is. Qualitative discourse analysis supported the notion of the assimilation of the voice of the teacher into the voice of the student. A three dimensional conception of learning is proposed and the implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The discussion of the power of the teacher's voice is raging again in light of the standardisation of education and the emergence of testing as the new regime of truth in educational processes. In confrontation with this paradigm, Jasinki and Lewis have raised pertinent questions regarding the role of language and the voice of the teacher. By highlighting what they coin the time of ritualised learning they expose how even when the teacher becomes almost surplus in the face of standardised curriculum and adaptive testing, there is a reproductive power being ‘cursed’ at our children. By introducing the notion of communities of infancy, Jasinski and Lewis point to another way of conceptualising learning and education, where the teacher portrays love for the children and not the truth about the world. In this article, I will argue that even in their very enticing argumentation for speaking silence, something goes missing. What goes missing is the quintessential component of the school, namely the world as it is ‘handed over’ to the children. By turning to a perhaps unlikely couple in the form of Hannah Arendt and Martin Wagenschein I will attempt to complement the framework of Jasinski and Lewis with a world that can be spoken about by teachers and students. Through a re-introduction of the notion of exemplarity I will present a didactic framework where the teacher's voice does not become a curse, but retains the possibility of representing a world to the children in the activity of schooling.  相似文献   

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