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一、人类社会学中制裁的涵义制裁可以根据两个维度进行分类。其一,根据控制的方式可分为正性制裁和负性制裁。这一分类源于人类学家拉德克利夫·布朗,他说,“制裁是一个社会或社会大多数成员对于一种行为方式的反映,即赞成该行为方式(正性制裁),或反对该行为方式(负性制裁)”。[1]其二,根据控制的形式又可分为正式的制裁(如成文的奖惩条例、法律、规章制度等)和非正式的制裁(如不成文的习俗、舆论、道德观念等)。其实,人类学意义上的“制裁”这一社会控制方式同样适用于班级组织的分析,且由“制裁”来探讨管理,或许可以克服乃至避免传统上奖…  相似文献   

在学校管理中,不管是教育行政主管部门还是学校管理部门,对班级正式组织的管理与研究都是十二分的重视。如对班主任、班级设计、班级机构等正式组织的研究.成果不少,但对非正式组织的关注明显不够,笔者即以此为切入点,对非正式组织进行了比较详尽的分析,特别是对班级管理有较大反作用力的“反班级”型非正式组织进行了解剖,着重分析“反班级”型非正式组织的类型、结构特点、形成原因、及其转化的教育策略等,突出“反班级”型非正式组织在整个班级建设、学校管理中的非一般的影响力。  相似文献   

一个班级中总是存在着"正式组织"和"非正式组织"。一般情况下,如果正式组织的效能大于非正式组织,班级就会呈现有效有序的管理状态。如果正式组织不敌非正式组织,或因为非正式组织的影响而使正式组织的效能失控,班级就会人心涣散。班主任在管理非正式组织时,要考虑到非正式组织的无意识性特点,既要重视它的存在,又不要过分强调它是有预谋的破坏性组织。班主任作为组织的管理者,需要对组织内存在的诸多非正式组织有一个清楚的界定,充分利用其成员组合无意识性的特点,在日常工作中,潜移默化地处置各种类型的非正式组织。  相似文献   

高校的班级中存在正武网络与非正武网络.这两种网络之间具有互补的作用,并存在一定互动关系.在正式网络与非正式网络的互动过程中,正式网络占有主导的地方.在班级管理过程中,学校可以利用正式网络来调节非正式网络,发挥其积极的作用,把其消极的作用控制在尽可能小的范围,从而促进学校的班级管理.  相似文献   

在班级这个特殊的社会组织中,存在着正式结构和非正式结构。在班级正式结构中,存在着两个相对稳定的阶层——“干部阶层”和“群众阶层”;处于不同“阶层”的学生享有不同的班级资源。班级正式结构的稳定性不利于班级建设和班级成员的发展,是一种不公平的表现。通过审视,班级组织正式结构具有稳定性,发现这种稳定性会导致教育过程中的不公平,对班级成员的发展产生消极影响,并对此提出了构建合理的班级组织正式结构的建议。  相似文献   

张锋 《考试周刊》2008,(15):207
"非正式组织"与正式组织相互交错,同时并存于一个班级之中,这是一种不可避免的现象.有些场合下,利用"非正式组织"能够取得意想不到的效果,而有些情况下"非正式组织"则有可能会对正式组织的活动产生不利影响.  相似文献   

正式组织和非正式组织是管理学的重要研究对象。用“双因素理论”从激励角度分析正式组织和非正式组织的积极作用,可以为理解“双因素理论”、正式组织和非正式组织提供另外一条途径。  相似文献   

班级是学校的基本组成单位。在每个班级中,除了诸如班委会、活动小组等“正式”群体之外,往往还有一些由学生自发组织、自由结合的小群体,称“非正式群体”。据调查,这种群体广泛地存在于中小学校学生中,有80%以上的学生都参加了各种类型的非正式群体。非正式群体可以成为班集体上进的阶梯,也可能是班集体涣散的腐蚀剂。由此,  相似文献   

王颖 《中国教师》2006,(4):34-36
在我国,尽管学校里并不鼓励学生间的“小团体”、“小群体”这样的非正式交往,认为学生间小团体容易滋生出偏差问题,给学生带来负面影响,然而同伴团体在学生中是一个普遍现象,大多数学生都会归属于某个非正式团体,而且这种团体一旦形成,还能在一定时间内保持相当程度的稳定。心理学、社会学研究已表明,在学校班级中,学生之间存在着正式团体和非正式团体之分。正式团体是指在组织中产生,按照教育管理要求形成的组织;而非正式团体是指那些自发的、以个人心理喜好为基础形成的小团体。班级内,学生通常选择与自己在学习成绩、社会经济地位,特别…  相似文献   

<正> 重视非正式组织在提高职工素质上的影响,帮助职工自学成才。所谓“非正式组织”是一切没有正规的组织章程、组织机构的各种小群体的总称,其中包括类似正式组织(即具有正式组织外形)的各种团体和不具有组织形态的各种小群体。“非正式组织”是客观存在的,它不仅存在于企业中,也存在于社会其他领域。人们在长期的共同生活和社会交往中,因志趣爱好、生活习惯、思维方式较一致,逐渐形成一个个生活小圈子:同学之间,邻居之间,亲友之间等,还时有诸如“兴趣小组”“××诗社”之类出现。非正式组织有一定的内聚力,对职工各方面的影响很大,甚至超过某些正式组织。非正式组织鱼龙混杂,积极的、消极的皆有。  相似文献   

教学制度是对教学生活的制度安排,主要由不同层次的教学规则构成。教学规则有正式的,也有非正式的。学校教学常规和课堂纪律体现了核心的教学价值观念,反映了学校教学活动的基本准则、规范和要求,它们是正式的教学规则。非正式教学规则主要体现为教师的教学习惯和课堂仪式。教师的教学习惯往往隐藏在教师的观念背后,是无意识的、"没过脑子"的,但却深深地影响甚至决定着教师的教学行为。课堂仪式也是一种课堂"潜规则",它对教学活动和师生的课堂行为也具有同样的约束力。  相似文献   

教育活动作为一种社会性活动,其中的影响因素有很多种。在教育过程中所形成的各种各样的群体,包括正式群体和非正式群体,都发挥了十分重要的作用。这其中的正式群体由于其形成、发展都是在一定的监督和管理下进行的,所以,可以较为容易地对其进行研究。大部分关于校园中群体作用的研究成果都是针对这类群体。但是,由于非正式群体的形成和发展是非正式的,所以其作用不太容易显现出来。但是,有时候它发挥的作用却是正式群体所无法达到的。所以,更多的目光应该投入到这个曾经不太受重视的领域,探讨其作用。  相似文献   

The effects of open education on student outcomes were investigated using classroom authority structure analysis. It was maintained that student outcomes are contingent on the congruence between formal and informal authority structure. The former is determined by the educational policy of the school, while the latter reflects pupils’ ratings of teacher readiness to share classroom decision making with them. A Student Decision Making Scale was devised to assess shared authority as perceived by students. Three open elementary schools with 274 students in 10 classes, and two comparable traditional schools with 224 students in nine classes were included in the present sample. Results indicated that more congruent authority structure was related to higher reading comprehension and vocabulary attainment, as well as to lower social desirability scores. This was true both when (a) shared authority was higher at the formal as well as the informal level (open schools with high shared authority in the classroom), and (b) shared authority was lower at the formal and the informal level (traditional schools with little authority shared in class).  相似文献   

正式群体和非正式群体的关系告诉人们,利用非正式群体的积极作用,化解其消极作用将会促进正式群体的发展。在农村基层组织建设中,通过加强教育,开启民智,逐渐消除非正式群体产生的社会基础;通过完善监督,强化管理,努力破除非正式群体对农村基层组织建设的消极影响;通过开拓农村基层组织建设新思路,积极引导非正式群体投身于新农村建设,在促进农村基层组织建设的同时,进一步推动社会主义新农村健康、和谐、有序地发展。  相似文献   

大学生非正式群体既有积极作用也有消极作用,对其进行适当干预很有必要.探讨用组织传播方式干预大学生非正式群体的可行性,应先探明非正式群体与正式群体及组织的关系,组织传播的作用对象以及如何把握传播方式的正式程度.其干预方式主要分为下行传播、平行传播与上行传播三种组织传播策略.  相似文献   

Over the next 10 years, we anticipate that personal, portable, wirelessly networked technologies will become ubiquitous in the lives of learners—indeed, in many countries, this is already a reality. We see that ready‐to‐hand access creates the potential for a new phase in the evolution of technology‐enhanced learning, characterised by ‘seamless learning spaces’ and marked by continuity of the learning experience across different scenarios or contexts, and emerging from the availability of one device or more per student. The challenge is to enable learners to learn whenever they are curious and seamlessly switch between different contexts, such as between formal and informal contexts and between individual and social learning, and by extending the social spaces in which learners interact with each other. In this paper, we review the potential of mobile learning research for designing seamless learning environments that can bridge both formal and informal learning, present a research agenda and discuss important methodological issues that concern research into formal and informal learning.  相似文献   

非正式组织是管理学和组织行为学研究的一个重要内容。管理者一直在探讨和尝试如何有效地发挥非正式组织的积极作用,克服其消极作用,从而提高组织效率。文章通过阐述非正式组织的概念及其存在原因,分析非正式组织对正式组织的影响,对非正式组织的管理提出建议。  相似文献   

Drawing on previous research on intimate partner violence, child maltreatment, and informal social control, we hypothesized relationships between child abuse severity and (1) protective informal social control of intimate partner violence (ISC_IPV) by neighbors, (2) intimate terrorism, (3) family order, and (4) the power of mothers in intimate relationships. In what we believe may be a first study of physical child abuse by parents in Nepal, we used a three stage cluster approach to draw a random sample of 300 families in Kathmandu. Random effects regression models were used to test the study hypotheses. The analyses found support for hypotheses one and two, but with an important caveat. Although observed (actual) protective ISC_IPV had the hypothesized negative association with child abuse severity, in one of our models perceived protective ISC_IPV was positively associated with child abuse severity. The models clarify that the overall direction of protective ISC_IPV appears to be negative (protective), but the positive finding is important to consider for both research and practice. A significant relationship between family order and child abuse severity was found, but the direction was negative rather than positive as in hypothesis three. Implications for neighborhood research and typological research on IPV and child maltreatment are discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪20年代以来,随着行为科学理论的兴起,人们开始了对非正式组织的研究。任何正式组织都不可避免的存在非正式组织,通过考察非正式组织的涵义及其产生的原因,正确认识非正式组织,充分利用其积极作用,克服其消极作用,更好的实现组织的目标,具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that educational attainment nurtures people's social outcomes and promotes active participation in society and stability. However, it is unclear to what extent other types of human capital also correlate with social outcomes. Hence, we explored the opportunity offered by the PIAAC survey through its provision of information on educational attainment, observed individual key skills proficiency, and participation in adult education and training (adult lifelong learning). We therefore studied the association between these human capital variables and social outcomes, and more specifically interpersonal trust and participation in volunteering activities. Results revealed that these social outcomes were affected not only by the formal qualification obtained, determined by the education variable, but also throughout the life‐cycle. Indeed, education and training when undertaken during adult life have a significant impact, especially on volunteering. The fact that the skill proficiency also plays a significant role is extremely relevant, as skills are more likely to change over the life‐cycle, either in a positive or negative way. Whilst the formal education received is constant after exiting the educational system, skills reflect competences more accurately: first, because those with the same level of education may have different skill levels because of differences in the quality of education or ability; second, because skills can vary over time. For example, they may increase with work experience or informal education, or decrease as a result of depreciation and ageing. These findings suggest that social outcomes are prone to be affected by many factors other than formal education, suggesting that policy makers can implement recommendations even after formal education has been completed.  相似文献   

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