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屈原《九歌》,近人多以为其中有对唱。《九歌》中到底哪些篇是对唱,哪些篇是独唱;哪些诗句是男唱,哪些诗句是女唱;哪些诗句是巫唱,哪些诗句是神唱;对唱是正与神的对唱,还是神与神的对唱,抑或是主巫与群正的对唱;各家都根据自己的理解而定,纯粹“以意为之”,没有什么客观标准。事实上,《九歌》本是祭歌。祭歌中所反映的全部乐神活动,都是由巫师执司其事的。巫师在祭祀鬼神时,一身二任,既代表他(她)自己,又装神弄鬼,诡称鬼神已经附体,代表着鬼神。同样的,巫师所唱的祭歌,则时而以巫师的口吻唱,时而又以鬼神的口吻唱,但都出自巫师一人之口。作为祭歌的《九歌》,正是巫师的独唱或合唱(独唱者一人而兼神、巫两种角色),而不是男与女、神与正或主巫与群巫的对唱。  相似文献   

This paper aims at explaining the patterns of public investment in education and its intrasectoral distribution by its levels in the South Asian countries. First an index of human capital development is constructed which highlights the wide inequalities in educational development between the countries of the region. Public investment in education, which is used as the weight in constructing the index, has been the focus of attention in the remainder of the paper. It has been found that inadequate investment in education is one of the important reasons for failures in realising educational objectives like universalisation of elementary education and eradication of illiteracy. It is also found that it is wrong to say that less investment is made in education by some countries because they are economically poor or less developed. As is shown here, investment in education is not determined by the level of economic development, nor is it determined by the achievements (and correspondingly the tasks ahead) of the educational sector, as reflected by the enrolment ratios and the literacy rates. Further, public investment in any given level of education is also not determined by enrolment ratios in the corresponding levels. It is also shown here that there is a severe misallocation of resources between the different levels of education and an attempt is made to explain the underinvestment and the misallocation of resources in education in the region.  相似文献   

用“灵韵”概念,从本真性、宗教膜拜、心理审美距离三个方面,来探讨处在由传统走向现代进程中的书法艺术,以期揭橥中国书法艺术在现代语境下的审美转向。  相似文献   

日本的基督教文学在经历萌芽、发展过程后,已在近代日本文坛中占一席之地,并涌现出许多优秀的作家和作品。远藤周作的代表作《沉默》可以说是其中的一枝奇葩,因作品的主题具有广泛的普遍性而得到世人的认可和高度评价。  相似文献   

俄罗斯土地管理专业的发展是依托于国家教育改革与土地产权制度改革而实现的。现阶段在坚持高等职业教育国家标准的基础上,专业管理去行政化,确立了由联邦教育行政机关、土地管理专业教学指导联合会与高校共同管理的体制。人才培养呈现“持证专家”与“学士一硕士”两级制并存的态势。通才型、宽口径、厚基础是俄罗斯土地管理专业人才培养的重要特征。  相似文献   

综观2007年的中篇小说,其叙事编码的基因变异是非常突出的特征,尤其是“底层叙事”的结构性变化。以方方的中篇小说《万箭穿心》为代表的“底层叙事”的基因突变,让我们看到现实主义文学摆脱了以往的陈旧模式,不再固执地以工农阶层的代言人自居,以简单的二元对立式的思维去看待社会现实,就这一点而言,确实意义非凡。而以叶广芩的中篇小说《三击掌》为代表的历史叙事在叙事模式上的觉醒,以及宁肯、马叙的先锋叙述的话语调整,和滕肖澜、鲁敏的都市文学、乡土文学的话语流变,无不显示着2007年小说在深层结构上的种种变化与革新。基因的突变,预示着物种的进化与成长,而文学的发展亦如是。  相似文献   


The purpose of the paper is to present and analyze research on teacher education in Brazil, focusing on the research production of graduate programs and research centers (represented by theses, dissertations and final reports of studies developed in the country by Brazilians), and articles published in national journal by Brazilian authors. First, a brief history of the development of educational research in Brazil is presented; this is followed by a discussion of the state of the art of research in Brazilian teacher education. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations for the future are presented.


Moment in Peking,written by Lin Yutang during his stay in Paris,was translated first by Zhang Zhenyu and later by Yu Fei in succession.This study discusses the translation of cultural elements from the perspective of functional equivalence by comparing the two Chinese versions,thus providing theoretical and practical reference to back-translation of cultural elements and promoting successful cultural exchange between the Chinese and western culture.  相似文献   

本文主要研究在高等数学的教学与学习中关于定积分的概念、一阶导数判别函数单调性与极值的判别方法以及二阶导数判别函数极值与凹凸性的形象思维,给出了在高等数学学习过程中较为直观的教学、学习方法,有利于学习者掌握高等数学中抽象的数学概念。  相似文献   

台湾宋诗研究的现况和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨五十年来台湾宋诗研究之五项现况,包括:研究基地,以台湾大学、师范大学、成功大学、东吴大学为主;研究学,为毕业于上述四校之老、中、青三代学人;研究选题,较集中于大家名家作品之考察,选择诗话笔记作学位论尤多;研究方法,大多采用归纳法、分析法,间有运用比较学、科际整合法;学术专刊,以成功大学主编《宋代学研究丛刊》、津出版社发行宋诗专最为大宗。复就目前研究现况之优长或缺失作检讨,提出展望意见,以策励来兹,自勉勉人。  相似文献   

我国民事诉讼举证时限制度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
举证时限是诉讼当事人是否承担不利裁判风险的一个重要分界线。现在意义上的举证时限概念,可追溯至历史上的法定顺序主义和随时提出主义。目前大多数国家都相继确立了证据适时提出主义,我国也经历了由证据随时提出主义向证据适时提出主义的转变。但是,由《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》所确立的举证时限制度对具体制度和规则的设计,仍然存在矛盾和缺陷,同时,期望通过司法解释来构筑完整的举证时限制度本身也有失常理,我国目前并不系统的举证时限制度急切需要通过立法来加以完善。  相似文献   

3种蓝莓防热害处理结果表明,采用挂设遮阳网处理枝条新梢焦头比例下降97.13%,微喷灌处理下降87.85%,沟灌增湿处理下降16.13%。3种防热害处理都降低了田间温度,挂设遮阳网处理平均温度下降了1.2℃,微喷灌处理下降了0.5℃,沟灌增湿处理下降了0.3℃。不同处理的环境相对湿度都有较大幅度的提高,微喷灌处理平均相...  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of ideas about gender in the construction of English. The paper begins by noting that English has traditionally been viewed as a women's subject, and looks at the reasons for this and at attempts to make the subject seem more masculine. Drawing on interviews with lecturers in two separate university departments of English literature, the paper goes on to argue that academics, by laying claims to objectivity, neutralise issues of gender. Despite the fact that English is studied mainly by women but taught mainly by men, gender is regarded as unimportant. Yet men's greater success in the subject is explained by reference to a discourse which regards men as more competitive, and women as weaker, more emotional students. The paper concludes by arguing that feminists need to look not only at the importance of gender relations in set texts, but at the importance of gender in the hierarchical relations within their own departments.  相似文献   

我国民事诉讼法缺乏当事人收集证据的手段和程序的规定,既不利于当事人举证责任的完成,又妨碍庭审公正及效率。我国民事诉讼法所规定的证据收集制度存在着许多弊端。  相似文献   

海明威的作品中充满了死亡,而他本人又是通过自杀来结束自己的生命的。本文试图通过海明威作品中的死亡来揭示海明威对死亡的关注的背后的哲学内涵。文章重点集中在论述海明威藉死亡以完成自己对悲观人生的表达的象征意义,并通过死亡升华悲观人生,以保持人类在重压——尤其是死亡——之下应有的尊严和优美风度。  相似文献   

教育学理论与教学实践的有机结合,是高等教育研究和建设中的重要内容。"数学物理方法"是工科院校的基础课程之一,在教学实践中面临着"繁、难"两大困境。本文应用系统教学设计中"为学习设计教学"的理论,结合工科类专业的学习特点,提出了该类专业"数学物理方法"课程建设的基本原则、构建了课程框架、总结了系统备课过程中的教学经验。教学效果显示,将系统教学设计理论应用于教学实践,较好地解决了"数学物理方法"的教学难题。  相似文献   

小说《八月之光》中的琳娜是一个饱含原始性的隐喻符号.福克纳通过对意象来源进行解释,对琳娜的生活环境、服饰以及她与自然的和谐关系进行描绘,从静态层面上塑造了琳娜的原始性存在;通过琳娜的杰弗逊寻夫之行,福克纳把琳娜的自然人性与南方文化中具有代表性的异化人性进行对比,从动态层面上刻画了琳娜的原始性存在.《八月之光》中的琳娜展现了自然人性的光辉,她的原始性存在不仅体现了作者保守主义的创作思想,而且表达了作者对南方以及整个人类社会的反思与批判.  相似文献   

为了研究黄蜀葵在海南水稻田和坡地的栽培情况,采用水稻田起高畦种植,干湿交替排灌水,坡地开沟种植,定期喷水等方法进行了比较试验,结果为水稻田产量高,平均每667 m^2(亩)产鲜花达954.2 kg;坡地产量低,平均每667 m^2(亩)产鲜花仅269.7 kg.结论为黄蜀葵在海南栽培宜选用水稻田,田间水分管理最关键.  相似文献   

从跨文化交际的视角来看,林语堂的英文小说《京华烟云》属于一种翻译。在向西方读者进行文化传输的时候,他采用了“异化”为主、“归化”为辅的文化翻译策略,成功地进行了文化传输。他这些翻译策略的运用,与他所处的世界文化大背景、他的个人历程和创作动机密切相关。  相似文献   

灌输在中西方德育不同历史阶段扮演着不同角色。在西方德育实践中经历了宗教式灌输、进步主义教育反对灌输和灌输的再回复,在中国德育实践中经历了小农经济宗法等级制的灌输和市场经济条件下主体性德育兴起与灌输的矛盾。通过中西方德育历史的回顾与比较,可以明确灌输的价值所在与今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

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