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聂兰英  王钢  金丹  李鉴轶 《编辑学报》2011,23(2):158-159
根据《中华创伤骨科杂志》开展学术争鸣的实践,从学术争鸣的类型及形式出发,总结成功开展学术争鸣的一些体会:要重视科技期刊的引导作用;关心读者、作者,鼓励其进行学术争鸣;不畏权威,开展学术争鸣;科技期刊编辑必须具有敏锐的洞察力;进一步提高编委会和编辑部的组织策划能力。  相似文献   

杨世高  慕容冰 《编辑学报》2002,14(5):367-369
介绍《热带地理》开辟"争鸣园地"栏目的背景和指导思想,以及编辑在引导学术争鸣持续开展,扩大刊物知名度方面的做法、收获和体会.  相似文献   

张立伟  朱莉 《兰台世界》2001,(11):22-22
社会主义制度为档案学理论研究创造了良好的学术环境,学术期刊的繁荣和学术争鸣的开展,是一个学科良好学术环境的重要标志.对于档案学来说,学术期刊和学术争鸣是在社会主义制度建立后,在国家正确的方针政策引导和必要的物质支持下,逐步开展起来的.因此,社会主义制度的建立为档案学理论研究提供了良好的学术基础.  相似文献   

潘艺林在《编辑之友》1998年第1期著文认为,在学术争鸣中,编辑对学术争鸣最为显著的是以下四个方面的作用。1、启动作用。编辑对学术争鸣的主动引发和精心组织,乃是学术争鸣向纵深发展的重要条件。2、引导作用。在学术争鸣中,编辑的引导作用的具体表现是多方面的,也是多样化的,比如争  相似文献   

本文通过产生学术争鸣的原因探讨了学术争鸣对学科发展的重要作用,通过简单的学科比较分析档案学学术争鸣的现状及产生的原因,并进一步总结学术争鸣应该坚持的原则.  相似文献   

文章论述了图书馆界学术争鸣的三种状态,即相对不争鸣状态、平和争鸣状态、激烈争鸣状态;并认为图书馆界学术争鸣对推动图书馆学术研究的深入发展和促进图书馆事业的繁荣,有着十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

学术争鸣,是学术的生命。没有学术争鸣则无学术可言;学术争鸣不繁荣,学术也不会自己繁荣起来。 图书情报学要发展,同样离不开学术争鸣。纵观图书情报学发展史,几乎所有重大突破性理论在其形成过程中,都曾有过或明或暗、或长或短的学术争鸣。一个争鸣结束了,新的争鸣又代之而起。所以,从这个意义上说,一部图书情报学发展史,就是一部不同观点、不同见解的争鸣史。  相似文献   

学术争鸣,是学术的生命。没有学术争鸣则无学术可言;学术争鸣不繁荣,学术也不会自己繁荣起来。  相似文献   

争鸣是针对现状或存在的问题展开的争论。学术争鸣是科学作为一种社会历史活动在其发展过程中的一种自然产物,是一个学科探索中出现的正常现象。引起学术争鸣的原因是多方面的,研究者的知识结构差异、研究问题的角度、价值观、思维方式、时代局限、新思想(观念、理论)本身不完善等多种原因,均可引起学术争鸣现象,学术争鸣现象的产生是多方面原因错综复杂交织在一起产生的。  相似文献   

关于提高成人高校学报学术质量的一点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人高校科研基础薄弱,学术研究水平较低,这是制约其学报学术质量的一个重要原因。要想提高成人高校学报的学术质量,学报必须充分发挥自身多种功能和作用,从知识创新、跟踪服务、学术争鸣、专题开设、人才培养等方面,引导和推动本校学术理论研究的深入开展与提高,从而形成学报与学术理论研究两者互相促进、共同发展的良性循环机制。  相似文献   

This article provides a historical and critical review of the extensive debate in China over the government's policy of importing Hollywood blockbusters from 1994 to 2007. The debate suggests a fundamental divide in China along the different ideological lines. I argue that China's debate over Hollywood cinema actually serves as a site for the Chinese people to make sense of their own modernization process and national identity. The debate, in a large sense, has little to do with the connotation of Hollywood cinemas in the US context, but has much to do with their implications for China. The whole debate is in fact China's quest for a new, modern national identity, and how the Chinese could draw on the American experience to build a modern China. Therefore, China's case foregrounds the fundamental issue of globalization theories regarding cultural homogenization versus heterogenization, or modernity versus alternative modernities. The debate not only speaks to the complexity of the global–local dialectic, but also reflects China's contradictory perspective on globalization.  相似文献   

美国图书馆社会责任之争的缘起、发展及其职业遗产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代末,美国图书馆界开始了一场以图书馆职业是否应当参与解决战争、种族或性别歧视、环境污染等社会问题的激烈争论,争论围绕承担社会责任是否偏离职业使命、是否颠覆职业客观中立立场、是否违背信息自由原则等方面展开。这场争论引导图书馆职业重新思考职业的传统价值观,它与社会责任圆桌会议开展的活动一起为世界图书馆职业积累了宝贵的职业遗产。  相似文献   

This article looks at the news production practices surrounding letters to the editor as a case study in the difficulties of creating a civil public debate in multicultural societies. It examines how letters editors make decisions about publishing uncivil letters—letters that are sexist, racist, homophobic, or generally intolerant. If letters contribute to the public debate, editors are reluctant to reject them, even if they challenge norms of propriety. Editors reject only letters that fall into one of two categories: (1) personal attack letters that might result in libel suits and (2) letters that are openly racist, sexist, or homophobic and do not in any way contribute to the public debate. They justify their decisions in common sense theories sympathetic to deliberative democracy. Editors thus see a policy of limited editorial intervention as the only way to ensure an open and honest debate about the varied issues that face the citizens of a multicultural society.  相似文献   

Issues central to the continuing debate about the future of the reference desk are explored here by two seasoned librarians. A point-counterpoint format allows the two debaters, “fresh” from their Columbia University Reference Symposium 2007 public debate, to continue to engage in argument and discussion. Readers are invited to consider the affirmative and negative sides of the various issues as advocated by the authors.  相似文献   

The name main-entry heading has been a source of controversy throughout the history of Anglo-American cataloging with debate being closely tied to author identification. It is not surprising that debate has gained momentum as the functionality of online library catalogs and the costs of cataloging are under increasing close scrutiny. Following an historical overview of the name or author main-entry heading, this article discusses the finding and identifying functions of online catalogs as they relate to authorship. The article concludes that the name main-entry heading is an essential component of online catalog citation displays through which catalog users decide the usefulness of retrieved cataloging records.  相似文献   

Mediated debates provide audiences with invaluable campaign information, and the public does in fact learn from debate exposure. Debates have undergone format changes over the years, but their ability to attract a mass audience remains constant. The way news media cover U.S. presidential elections has also evolved; increasing commercial pressures drive heightened emphasis on infotainment, soft news, and electoral strategy—often at the expense of hard news and policy content. Yet little is known about the content of agendas that news professionals set in presidential debates. Through a quantitative content analysis, this study examines 20 years of general election debate questions to determine whether the commercial news values common in today's campaign coverage also influence debate agendas. The findings presented herein suggest not only the presence of these news values in debate agendas but that format and moderator also wield a degree of influence over the content of debate questions.  相似文献   

The contemporary U.S. debate over abortion has been waged as a battle between <life> and <choice>. The author traces the development of these ideographs, arguing that through their verbal and visual strategies, advocates on both sides of the issue have rendered ideographic meaning concrete. Whereas the fixed definitions have served the cause of <life> well, they have been detrimental for <choice>, leading advocates to seek out ways to revitalize the debate. The 2004 March for Women's Lives was a key event in this larger effort; through it, participants revitalized the abortion debate, bringing renewed flexibility to the ideograph <choice> at the same time it challenged the fixed status, and the veracity, of the ideograph <life>.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):250-263
Letters-to-the-editor provide a significant forum for public debate, enabling the exchange of information, ideas and opinions between different groups of people. Since journalistic work is central to the processes of citizenship, this article observes the social context surrounding letters-to-the-editor in four Portuguese press publications. Keeping in mind the existence of a set of selection criteria, based on newsroom practices, it is possible to characterize the debate that takes place in the letters’ section as a construction. As with any other editorial content, the published letters are also a result of a selection, editing and framing process, shaped by journalistic routines and subject to limitations such as space and time.  相似文献   

本文从美国总统电视辩论竞选的历史谈起 ,论述了电视辩论对美国总统竞选和电视传媒的重要性 ,指出电视辩论既有好的一面 ,也有显在的缺陷 ,为电视机构带来滚滚财源的同时 ,也凸现了其负面意义。文章最后还论述了面对网络的挑战 ,电视辩论形式必须创新的观点  相似文献   

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