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高校在智能时代的背景下需要更加重视深度学习人才的培养和学生深度学习能力的训练,基于同伴对话反馈的讨论式学习是高校课堂中激发学生高阶思维、加深学习投入度的重要实现途径。研究通过自然状态下的探索性实验探究了基于小组在线讨论活动的同伴对话反馈策略对大学生深度学习的促进作用以及学生在同伴对话反馈过程中存在的表现特征与规律。研究发现:(1)基于小组在线讨论活动的同伴对话反馈策略可以显著促进学生的学习方法从浅表学习转向策略学习和深度学习,尤其对浅表学习者作用较明显,对深度学习者可能存在负面效果;(2)此类活动可以显著促进学生的认知层次从单一或低级多元结构到中高级多元结构的转变,但尚不能激发学生的思维水平发展到更高层次的关联结构和抽象拓展结构;(3)更积极参与活动的深度学习者的认知层次并没有比浅表学习者提升更佳,尽管他们在带动浅表学习者参与和学习方法深化方面有着较为积极的作用。以上发现为高校教师更好地设计混合教学情境下的深度学习活动提供了建议。  相似文献   

信息和通信技术的快速发展使得信息技术与教育活动的融合成为必然。在线学习,即通过互联网进行开放和远程学习,被认为是一种有效的知识转移机制,而在线学习评价的主要任务是为学习者提供"丰富"的反馈。文章通过系统梳理网络学习环境下学习评价过程中的反馈研究,重点呈现了评价反馈具体应用方法以及与之相关联的效果分析结果,以期为进一步提升在线学习评价反馈应用水平提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

学生与辅导教师的在线交互研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习支持对于在线学习环境中的学习者的学习有着很重要的促进作用.印度尼西亚特布卡大学利用面对面教学、远程和在线的模式等各种方式为学习者提供学习支持服务.作为该校提供的一种学习支持服务方式,在线辅导旨在帮助学生更好地理解印刷材料.因为其"在线"的特征,在线辅导通过师生之间的异步交互和交流,以及学生之间互相的在线辅导,为学生提供了更灵活的学习途径.辅导教师在在线学习环境中的物理存在使得交互或对话变得更加客观、实用,使得交互聚焦于讨论话题."公共演讲"课程旨在培养学生向公众表达和传播观点的能力,该课程提供了印刷和非印刷学习材料,以帮助学生进行独立学习.学生通过印刷材料学习公共演讲方面的概念,并利用非印刷材料或者CD-ROM了解相关案例.在线辅导通过在线交互促进学生对概念的理解.本描述性研究试图探究在缺乏人际交流中的归属感、情感和控制等背景下,在线学习环境中辅导教师和学生之间的交互和交流,因而对2010年第一学期"公共演讲"课程的在线辅导活动进行了内容分析,研究发现,该课程的在线辅导活动中缺少礼貌,交流礼节也有所欠缺,另外,在线辅导教师需要加强学生在在线学习环境中的学习动机.  相似文献   

根据二语习得理论,学习者的学习情感对其语言学习结果举足轻重.动机越强,自信越高,焦虑越低,学习效果越好;反之则差.而根据社会互动理论,教师是课堂学生学习与学习结果之间的中介者.教师课堂反馈形式又是教师提供中介帮助的一个重要手段.本文以教师课堂反馈形式为自变量,学生学习焦虑为因变量,研究教师课堂反馈形式及其对降低学习焦虑的影响.  相似文献   

随着有效学习研究的深入,反馈作为重要内容进入人们的视野。及时有效的反馈有助于激发和维持学生的学习动机、提高学习效果。评价数据是反馈内容的重要依据,该文针对传统教学中反馈存在的不及时、主观、片面等问题,提出了促进有效学习的评价反馈系统设计模型,实现了原型系统ilearning。该系统能够全面记录学生的学习过程和结果数据并为学习者提供个性化测评报告,帮助学习者了解当前学习状态、明确下一步学习目标。应用结果表明,该系统能提高学生的学习效果,促进有效学习。  相似文献   

近些年来,在线学习在我国的远程教育领域蓬勃发展,各级电大、网络学院以及高校都积极开展各种基于互联网的在线学习.但在教学实践中,由于师生之间的时空分离状态,导致学习过程中缺乏对学习者及其学习行为的持续有效关注,学习者的在线学习活动经常不能按照教学预期来实现.本文在对在线学习的教学案例进行分析和研究的基础上,结合问卷调查和访谈等研究方法对在线学习过程中学习者的学习行为进行研究.研究发现,学习者在在线学习这种开放自主的学习环境下,完全有可能按照自己的学习需求,依据具体教学内容的知识网络结构,实现自主学习活动.在教学中,教育者应关注学习者的特点和需求,有效组织和设计在线学习活动与学习资源,恰当应用信息技术,优化学习者的在线学习环境.  相似文献   

互联网时代,越来越多的信息技术手段运用于教育领域,同伴在线反馈就是充分发挥信息技术和反馈评价对学生学习主动性进行激发。文章以武汉轻工大学为例,运用问卷调查法,分析了大学生学习过程中同伴在线反馈的现状及对大学生学习主动性的影响,揭示了大学生学习过程中同伴在线反馈所面临的问题,提出了提高同伴在线反馈有效性的策略。研究成果将有助于激发大学生的学习主动性,促进合作学习,提高学习绩效,丰富现代教育理论。  相似文献   

在线异步对话可被视为一种协作学习活动,促使学习者提升思维层次,然而其时效性较差,往往难以在有效时间内完成。依据探究共同体(CoI)模式,设计协作式在线异步对话任务,了解学习者的参与情况,分析任务触发批判性思维和提升深度学习能力的可能性,同时解决在线异步对话时效性差的问题。研究结果表明,大部分学习者在对话过程中展现出分析、评估和合成信息等深度学习行为,协作式在线异步对话能够助力学习者学习质量的提高和深度学习能力的提升。研究也发现,协作式在线异步对话过程中,教师为学习者提供明确指导和鼓励学习者充分互动有助于提高学习者的深度学习能力。  相似文献   

教师提问-学生回答-教师反馈是课堂教学的三步由.使用恰当的反馈语有助于激发学生的学习热情,强化学习者的表现,从而促进学习者的二语习得.本文采用自然调查法,对六节泛读课进行观察录音、转写,然后进行数据整理,通过分析六位本科院校低年级英语专业教师六节英语泛读课反馈语的使用,旨在发现该校泛读课程教师反馈语的特点,找出优点及不足,提出改进建议.  相似文献   

在线学习作为信息化时代一种有效的学习方式,已成为教育领域研究的热点,如何在网络学习环境中激发学习动机和学习参与度,以提高在线学习的效率与效果就显得尤为重要。在分析在线学习和Jigsaw教学模式的基础上,提出一种基于Jigsaw模式的在线学习活动设计方法。该方法将在线学习活动设计分为三个阶段,先由教师完成学习者分组、细化任务及设计制作教学资源;然后学习者通过专家组的交流互动,完成分享学习;最后由教师参考学习者间的互评结果,对学习者进行评价。经实验验证,该方法能够激发学习者的参与热情,在线学习的效率明显提升。  相似文献   

This study investigated student interaction, satisfaction, and performance in accelerated online learning environments with the use of an online learning course-management system. The interactions assessed in this study included learner–learner interaction, learner–instructor interaction, and learner–content interaction. The participants were African American students from a university in the southeastern United States. Quantitative approaches including correlation and regression analyses were performed to examine the contribution of interaction predictors to student satisfaction as well as the relationship between student satisfaction and student performance. In addition, Internet self-efficacy and its impact on interaction was investigated. The results showed that learner–content interaction was the only significant predictor of student satisfaction whereas interaction among students or with the instructor did not significantly predict student satisfaction. Internet self-efficacy was positively correlated with three types of interaction. Student satisfaction was found to be related to student performance.  相似文献   

Student satisfaction is used as one of the key elements to evaluate online courses, while perceived learning is considered as an indicator of learning. This study aimed to explore how online learning self-efficacy (OLSE), learner–content interaction (LCI), learner–instructor interaction (LII), and learner–learner interaction (LLI) can predict student satisfaction and perceived learning. A total of 167 students participated in this study. Regression results revealed that the overall model with all four predictor variables (OLSE, LCI, LII, and LLI) was significantly predictive of satisfaction and perceived learning. The study found that LCI was the strongest and most significant predictor of student satisfaction, while OLSE was the strongest and most significant predictor of perceived learning. However, LLI was not predictive of student satisfaction and perceived learning. This study suggests that instructors employ strategies that enhance students’ OLSE, LCI, and LII. Research is needed to understand how LLI fosters student learning and satisfaction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have developed a classification model for online learning environments that relates the Instructors Overall Performance (IOP) rating (according to students’ perceptions) with the course characteristics, students’ demographics and the effectiveness of the instructor in his/her teaching roles. To that end, a comprehensive Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) instrument is proposed, which includes not only conventional teaching elements, but also items that encourage twenty-first century skills. The goal of the study is twofold: (i) to quantify the extent to which the selected variables explain the IOP rating, and (ii) determine which teaching and non-teaching variables most affect the IOP rating. The best performing classifier achieved a competitive accuracy, highlighting that the selected variables mainly determine the IOP values. Other important findings include: (i) the IOP value is mainly influenced by the effectiveness of the instructor in his/her teaching roles; (ii) teaching strategies that involve the cooperation between the technical and pedagogical roles should be promoted; (iii) the pedagogical role has the highest impact on the final IOP value; and (iv) the most influential demographic variable is the student’s status (working commitments and family responsibilities).  相似文献   

Using effective assessment techniques can improve an instructor’s understanding of student needs and support learner-centered classrooms. Evaluating student learning takes on a new meaning in online classroom environment where students and instructors do not share physical proximity. According to Garrison (2011), the assessment strategies used to determine student learning send “a very strong signal as to what is important and how they should approach learning” (p. 14). This paper describes formative assessment techniques used by two instructors in their respective online courses at the graduate level. The authors give suggestions in designing assessment activities to improve online teaching and learning by making use of student learning data.  相似文献   

在线学习如今成为人们获取知识的一种重要方式,但许多研究表明,在线学习者的学习效果不理想,很大程度上与学习者的在线学习能力有关。在已有文献基础上界定在线学习力概念与发展模型,综合Moodle平台学生实际学习情况,尝试将行为数据分析技术应用于学生在线学习力分析中。采用滞后序列分析方法可从学习行为序列角度分析学习者在线学习过程中的学习行为,从而在一定程度上评估在线学习力各个维度的能力体现情况,以期为教师教学与学生学习提供指导,达到优化学生在线学习效果的目的。  相似文献   

This paper presents both a conceptual and empirical investigation of teaching and learning in online courses. Employing both the Community of Inquiry framework (CoI) and the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy, two complete online courses were examined for the quality of both collaborative learning processes and learning outcomes. The study examines evidence beyond learner reported satisfaction and learning, instead measuring both learning inputs and outcomes. Analysis of input includes quantitative content analysis of discussions using the CoI framework. Analysis of outcomes looks at both the quality of student learning artifacts such as case studies using the SOLO taxonomy as well as instructor‐assigned grades of specific related assignments. Results suggest that understanding of online instructional effort, processes, and learning outcomes can be improved through this more comprehensive, conceptually driven approach.  相似文献   

Instructor social presence involves instructors establishing their presence as “being there” in terms of frequency of communication and interaction with students as well as supporting students throughout the learning process (Lowenthal 2015). Instructor social presence can be constructed and maintained through the design and facilitation of online courses. Studies have indicated that instructor social presence can be correlated with increased learning satisfaction, engagement and achievement as well as learners perceptions of the instructor. This sequential explanatory mixed method study investigated the effects of instructor social presence on achievement, satisfaction and learner social presence and further sought to identify effective instructor social presence techniques in asynchronous online courses. The results of this study showed that the degree of instructor social presence significantly influenced instructor perceptions of student achievement. Findings also suggest that a well-designed collaborative learning activity can be an effective strategy for building instructor social presence.  相似文献   

Conclusion Technology advancement is shifting our education paradigm. The role of the instructor is changing from an information-giver to a facilitator. Students no longer passively receive information but may become instructional resources in class. Given opportunities, they may be self-learners and self-trainers. In a multimedia course, the instructor employed teaching methods allowing her to be a facilitator and her students to be self-learners. It was discovered that the course motivated students; fostered active, meaningful, and constructive learning; enhanced critical thinking skills; and increased students’ confidence. Class observations, interviews, and student feedback revealed that the new teaching methods and new role of the instructor had a positive impact on student learning. As a university professor in Instructional Technology, the author might have experienced the education paradigm shift and its impact on the role of an instructor earlier or faster than instructors of other subject areas might. However, the new paradigm is expected to spread widely in education. As NCATE stated in 1997, teachers need to develop a new understanding, new attitude, new approach, and new role. Every instructor should be open to the changes and explore the possibility of creating a learning community in which instructors, students, and community members may contribute, benefit, and generate meaningful learning experiences. One can only look forward to participating in the dynamic learning and expect its positive impact on our society.  相似文献   

Interest in understanding what constitutes effective instruction online continues to grow as more universities adopt mediated formats for teaching. However, engaging students in productive, content-related conversation in online courses remains challenging. Several variables may influence student willingness to talk in online classes – procedural justice, affect towards the instructor, and perceived cognitive learning – each with probable direct and indirect effects on student inclinations for communicating in the classroom. This study proposes a model predicting student willingness to talk in online classes. Results indicate initial support for the proposed model, and practical implications for instructors teaching online courses are suggested.  相似文献   

This study illustrates an experience of implementing a hybrid model for teaching human behavior in the social environment in an urban university setting. Developing a hybrid model in a BSW program arose out of a desire to reach students in a different way. Designed to promote curiosity and active learning, this particular hybrid model has students engage in weekly online activities between their weekly on-ground classes. This article reviews key pedagogical concerns and presents preliminary findings, including student feedback, instructor observations, and strategies for faculty interested in developing such courses.  相似文献   

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