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背越式跳高起跳技术主要由起跳腿的蹬伸技术与摆动腿的摆动技术所组成。目前,大多数人们集中于跳高起跳的"蹬伸"技术研究,对起跳阶段的"摆动"技术研究相对较少。文章运用现场技术录像和运动图像解析的方法,对我国优秀男子跳高运动员在起跳阶段摆动技术进行解析研究,结果表明:我国优秀男子跳高运动员起跳前摆动腿最大缓冲幅度比较大;在起跳阶段摆动腿蹬离瞬间,摆动腿膝关节角度变化较小。背越式跳高起跳过程中的摆动腿缓冲阶段,身体重心的高度、摆动腿膝角的变化情况与助跑水平速度的损失有显著性相关。助跑最后一步摆动腿的伸膝角度、伸膝速度与起跳腿着地时摆动腿的摆动速度、摆动腿离地后的最大摆动速度都有高度的相关性。  相似文献   

本文就我国优秀男子跳远运动员在起跳中摆腿技术有关的运动学参数进行定性、定量分析研究,探讨我国优秀男子跳远运动员起跳中摆动腿技术的运动学特征,旨在从中找到解决跳远技术教学、训练的突破口。研究对象:本研究所选择的对象是参加2004年5月20日在石家庄举行的全国田径锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛男子跳远决赛前8名运动员,运动水平均为运动健将,平均成绩7.73m±0.208。最好成绩8.11m,最差成绩7.55m。研究方法:文献资料法、录像分析法、信息处理法。结果与分析:1.跳远起跳过程中摆动腿的作用在起跳离地瞬间,人体有前旋的转动动量,根据运动生理学…  相似文献   

跳远起跳阶段摆动腿摆动的运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用 JVC高速摄像系统对参加第 4届城市运动会 (1999,西安 )男子跳远比赛前 10名运动员起跳过程摆动腿动作运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响进行分析。研究表明 ,摆动腿摆动技术在跳远起跳过程中对增加身体重心垂直速度起着重要作用 ;我国男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中摆动腿摆动速度在蹬离地面至最大缓冲阶段角速度不断增加 ,蹬伸阶段角速度为零 ,其特征与运动生物力学有关原理相符 ;与国外优秀男子跳远运动员相比 ,我国男子跳远运动员起跳瞬间摆动腿摆动时机晚、速度慢、摆动幅度较小 ,从而影响了起跳效果 ,这是影响跳远成绩提高的原因之一。  相似文献   

采用IVC高速射像系统对参加第七届全国城市运动会男子跳远比赛前10名运动员起跳过程摆动腿动作运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响进行分析。研究表明,摆动腿摆动技术在跳远起跳过程中对增加身体重心垂直速度起着重要作用;我国男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中摆动腿摆动速度在蹬离地面至最大缓冲阶段角速度不断增加,蹬伸阶段角速度为零,其特征与运动生物力学有关原理相符:与国外优秀男子跳远运动员相比,我国男子跳远运动员起跳瞬间摆动腿摆动时机晚、速度慢、摆动幅度较小,从而影响了起跳效果,这是影响跳远成绩提高的原因之一。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对柏林世锦赛跳远项目前8名的技术数据进行分析。结果表明:世界优秀跳远运动员运动寿命长,基本可以在前3跳跳出个人最好成绩,踏板准确度高,落地损失距离对成绩的影响较小;最后10 m分段速度、116 m阶段平均速度与运动成绩、起跳着地时刻重心下降的幅度与起跳离地时刻垂直速度、起跳阶段膝关节最小角度与着地角、离地时刻大腿与水平面的夹角同摆动腿摆动角速度等技术数据之间具有显著性相关,但是男女存在较大差异;男女最后2段速度变化趋势相反,最后3步的步速具有先增后减的变化特征;起跳角度和起跳离地时刻垂直速度有上升的趋势,水平速度损失和损失率有下降趋势;男女离地时刻摆动腿与水平面夹角的平均值为负值,女子摆动幅度更小,男子摆动腿摆动角速度明显下降,女子则表现为上升。  相似文献   

跳远起跳技术是由起跳腿的“缓冲与蹬伸”和摆动腿的“蹬、摆”两个技术构成,作为跳远起跳动作的重要技术构成之一的摆动腿摆动技术对整个起跳起着重要的作用。就我国优秀男子跳远运动员在起跳中摆动腿技术有关的运动学参数进行定性、定量分析研究,探讨我国优秀男子跳远运动员起跳中摆动腿技术的运动学特征。  相似文献   

本文通过搜集,整理大量的文献资料,对中外优秀男子跳远运动员助跑和起跳方面存在的差异做了对比分析,得出中国运动员在速度利用率较高的情况下起跳能力差,表现为起跳腿着板角度小,起跳腿膝关节屈膝角大,摆动腿摆动幅度小等特点,而且由于绝对速度较差制约了成绩提高的可能性,本文还针对最后10米分段速度的变化对起跳效果和成绩的影响因素作了分析。  相似文献   

运用生物力学的研究方法对我国优秀男子跳远运动员的起跳过程进行研究,得出我国优秀男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中身体重心的运动轨迹、重心速度、位移等运动变化情况,研究了摆动腿的运动特征.同时证明,在起跳过程中摆动腿的摆动动作对身体重心的运动状况具有重要的影响.  相似文献   

选取近三年来参加全国田径锦标赛8名男子跳远运动员为研究对象,主要采用文献资料法、三维运动录像解析法、数理统计法及逻辑分析法,对跳远起跳技术进行研究。结果表明:送髋技术对跳远成绩有一定影响;我国优秀男子跳远运动员送髋技术有一定缺陷;着板瞬间,起跳腿髋角较小,向上向前送髋不积极;摆动腿髋角较大,摆动腿侧以髋带腿的摆动幅度小、摆动速度慢;缓冲阶段摆动腿一味强调加快摆腿,而忽略了以髋带腿加速前摆;蹬伸阶段,起跳腿侧向前送髋速度慢、幅度小、蹬地不够充分、不能与送髋、蹬地和伸膝的运动方向保持一致,协助身体重心的交换由下到向上向前转移,且摆动腿侧送髋角度小;也有运动员过度的追求髋部前移而忽视垂直向上用力,导致离板瞬间身体重心投影点与身体重心支撑点距离增大。  相似文献   

对5名兵团竞技体校跳高运动员测试,2名队员跳高采用美国Ariel公司APAS软件进行图像解析处理。主要通过速度、角度、时间方面分析起跳技术,获得他们跳高技术基本特征:两人助跑起跳着地瞬间的水平速度和与国内青少年接近,但是低于国内优秀运动员,水平速度转化为垂直速度的转化率低,起跳垂直速度与优秀运动员之间还有很大的差距;着地角偏大,起跳腿的着地瞬间髋关节角、膝关节角都偏小,离地瞬间踝关节角小于优秀运动员;两人摆动腿的摆动角速度不够迅速。论文结果对指导兵团青少年跳高训练具备一定参考价值。  相似文献   

运用多刚体模型及现代计算机仿真技术,探讨人体在不同姿势下踏板所引起的跳远远度的变化特征,以寻找最佳的起跳着板姿势。结果表明:着板时小腿的姿态角、膝关节角不同组合可以使人体获得相同的远度,故仅凭着板角的大小来衡量着板技术的优劣显然是不合理的;跳远踏跳着板时刻、人体各环节姿态角对跳远距离的影响作用大小并不一致,其重要性排序依次为踏跳腿小腿的姿态角最重要,其次是踏跳腿的膝角,而躯干斜角、大腿夹角及摆动腿的膝角对跳远距离的影响相对较小;运动员在跳远踏跳着板时刻,一定存在一个最佳的踏跳腿膝关节角和小腿与地面的夹角,以这种方式上板,可获得最大的跳远距离。  相似文献   

Many field sports involve equipment that restricts one or both arms from moving while running. Arm swing during running has been examined from a biomechanical and physiologic perspective but not from an injury perspective. Moreover, only bilateral arm swing suppression has been studied with respect to running. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of running with one arm restrained on lower extremity mechanics associated with running or sport-related injury. Fifteen healthy participants ran at a self-selected speed with typical arm swing, with one arm restrained and with both arms restrained. Lower extremity kinematics and spatiotemporal measures were analysed for all arm swing conditions. Running with one arm restrained resulted in increased frontal plane knee and hip angles, decreased foot strike angle, and decreased centre of mass vertical displacement compared to typical arm swing or bilateral arm swing restriction. Stride length was decreased and step frequency increased when running with one or both arms restrained. Unilateral arm swing restriction induces changes in lower extremity kinematics that are not similar to running with bilateral arm swing restriction or typical arm swing motion. Running with one arm restrained increases frontal plane mechanics associated with risk of knee injury.  相似文献   

Biomechanical understanding of the knee joint during a golf swing is essential to improve performance and prevent injury. In this study, we quantified the flexion/extension angle and moment as the primary knee movement, and evaluated quasi-stiffness represented by moment–angle coupling in the knee joint. Eighteen skilled and 23 unskilled golfers participated in this study. Six infrared cameras and two force platforms were used to record a swing motion. The anatomical angle and moment were calculated from kinematic and kinetic models, and quasi-stiffness of the knee joint was determined as an instantaneous slope of moment–angle curves. The lead knee of the skilled group had decreased resistance duration compared with the unskilled group (P < 0.05), and the resistance duration of the lead knee was lower than that of the trail knee in the skilled group (P < 0.01). The lead knee of the skilled golfers had greater flexible excursion duration than the trail knee of the skilled golfers, and of both the lead and trail knees of the unskilled golfers. These results provide critical information for preventing knee injuries during a golf swing and developing rehabilitation strategies following surgery.  相似文献   

Since clubface orientation at impact affects ball direction and ball spin, the ability to control clubface orientation is one of the most important skills for golfers. This study presents a new method to describe clubface orientation as a function of the clubshaft motions (i.e., swing plane orientation, clubshaft angle in the swing plane, and clubshaft rolling angle) during a golf swing and investigates the relationships between the clubshaft motions and clubface orientation at impact. The club motion data of driver shots were collected from eight skilled golfers using a three-dimensional motion capture system. The degrees of influence of the clubshaft motions on the clubface orientation were investigated using sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the swing plane horizontal angle affected the clubface horizontal angle to an extent of 100%, that the clubshaft angle in the swing plane affected both the clubface vertical and horizontal angles to extents of 74 and 68%, respectively, and that the clubshaft rolling angle affected both the clubface vertical and horizontal angles to extents of -67 and 75%, respectively. Since the method presented here relates clubface orientation to clubshaft motions, it is useful for understanding the clubface control of a golfer.  相似文献   

Wrist movements have been identified as an important factor in producing a successful golf swing, with their complex motion influencing both club head velocity and orientation. However, a detailed analysis of wrist angles is lacking in the literature. The purpose of this study was to determine kinematics across wrists and club head characteristics during the golf swing under weak, neutral and strong grip conditions. Twelve professional male golfers executed 24 shots using a driver under three grip conditions. A six degrees of freedom analysis of the hand with respect to the distal forearm was performed using a 10-camera three-dimensional motion capture system. Differences in joint angles were explored using repeated measures ANOVAs at key swing events (onset, top of backswing and impact), in addition club head velocity and clubface angle at impact were also explored. Main findings revealed significant differences in flexion/extension and internal/external rotation for both wrists at all swing events, whereas fewer significant interactions were found in ulnar/radial deviation across grips for both wrists at all events. Clubface angle only differed significantly between the weak and the strong and neural grips, presenting a more ‘open’ clubface to the intended hitting direction. This study is the first to explore tri-planar wrist movement and the effect of different grips, such analysis has implications for coaching knowledge and practice and should inform future research into different aspects of skill, technique analysis and may inform injury mechanisms/prevention.  相似文献   

男子跳远运动员不同起跳级次及其起跳技术的运动学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用现场定点高速摄像、录像分析以及数理统计等方法,通过对A、B两组起跳阶段不同时相身体重心水平速度和垂直速度的变化与着板角、起跳缓冲和蹬伸阶段膝角变化的比较分析。结果表明:成绩较好,缓冲阶段身体重心水平速度的减小值会略大,垂直速度的增加值则更大;而且,离板瞬间身体重心水平速度和垂直速度都呈现出相对较大的趋势。  相似文献   

Effects of weighted vests and sled towing on sprint kinematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we compared sprint kinematics of sled towing and vest sprinting with the same relative loads. Twenty athletes performed 30-m sprints in three different conditions: (a) un-resisted, (b) sled towing, and (c) vest sprinting. During sled towing and vest sprinting, external loads of 15% and 20% of body mass were used. Sprint times were recorded over 10 and 30 m. Sagittal-plane high-speed video data were recorded at 5, 15, and 25 m from the start. Relative to the un-resisted condition, sprint time increased (7.5 to 19.8%) in both resisted conditions, resulting mainly from decreased step length (-5.2 to -16.5%) with small decreases in step frequency (-2.7 to -6.1%). Sled towing increased stance phase duration (14.7 to 26.0%), trunk angle (12.5 to 71.5%), and knee angle (10.3 to 22.7%), and decreased swing phase duration (-4.8 to -15.2%) relative to the un-resisted condition. Vest sprinting increased stance phase duration (12.8 to 24.5%) and decreased swing phase duration (-8.4 to -14.4%) and trunk angle (-1.7 to -13.0%). There were significant differences between the two resisted conditions in trunk, thigh, and knee angles. We conclude that sled towing and vest sprinting have different effects on some kinematics and hence change the overload experienced by muscle groups.  相似文献   

足球运动中踢球脚有优势脚与非优势脚之分,优势脚踢球主要表现为踢球力量大、出球准确,而非优势脚则与之相反。两者摆动腿摆动特征具有相似性,但运用生物力学手段对其研究发现,优势脚与非优势脚摆动腿的摆动特征存在很多差异性,主要表现在非优势脚摆动腿的蹬地不充分、股后肌群力量较弱、小腿屈曲不充分、小腿前摆时间过早、膝关节制动太早以及小腿前摆不充分等一系列差异上。因此,平时应该加强非优势脚训练,以形成正确动力定型。  相似文献   

In this study, we compared sprint kinematics of sled towing and vest sprinting with the same relative loads. Twenty athletes performed 30-m sprints in three different conditions: (a) un-resisted, (b) sled towing, and (c) vest sprinting. During sled towing and vest sprinting, external loads of 15% and 20% of body mass were used. Sprint times were recorded over 10 and 30 m. Sagittal-plane high-speed video data were recorded at 5, 15, and 25 m from the start. Relative to the un-resisted condition, sprint time increased (7.5 to 19.8%) in both resisted conditions, resulting mainly from decreased step length ( ? 5.2 to ? 16.5%) with small decreases in step frequency ( ? 2.7 to ? 6.1%). Sled towing increased stance phase duration (14.7 to 26.0%), trunk angle (12.5 to 71.5%), and knee angle (10.3 to 22.7%), and decreased swing phase duration ( ? 4.8 to ? 15.2%) relative to the un-resisted condition. Vest sprinting increased stance phase duration (12.8 to 24.5%) and decreased swing phase duration ( ? 8.4 to ? 14.4%) and trunk angle ( ? 1.7 to ? 13.0%). There were significant differences between the two resisted conditions in trunk, thigh, and knee angles. We conclude that sled towing and vest sprinting have different effects on some kinematics and hence change the overload experienced by muscle groups.  相似文献   

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