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In the present study, an attempt was made to examine the nature and persistence of bilateral transfer of a throwing skill for a large sample of male and female children. One hundred sixty children ages 6, 8, 10, and 12 years were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group with an equal number of boys and girls in each group. The experiment lasted 2 days and consisted of a pretest, a practice phase, an immediate transfer test, and a delayed transfer test. On the pretest, each participant performed 10 trials of a novel one-hand throwing task. Following the pretest, participants in the experimental group practiced the skill with the hand opposite the one used during the pretest until they had successfully reached a designated criterion for their age. Participants in the control group performed a balancing activity. Following the practice phase, all participants performed immediate (10 min later) and delayed (24 hr later) transfer tests under the same conditions as the pretest. The results revealed no group differences on the pretest but significantly higher throwing accuracy for the experimental group than the control group on both transfer tests. In addition, boys' throwing accuracy was significantly superior to the girls. It was concluded that bilateral transfer of throwing accuracy can be both a temporary and relatively persistent phenomenon for children and the superior throwing accuracy for boys is consistent with similar gender differences in throwing distance and throwing velocity (Thomas & French, 1985).  相似文献   

新时期高师体育教育专业改革的再思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对我国高等师范院校现行的体育教育专业机制,已经不能很好地适应中小学体育教育改革和现代社会发展的需要。提出:高等师范院校必须转变教育思想,从中小学实际出发,确立培养体育健康教育师资的目标;拓宽专业口径,建立培养体育健康教育师资的课程体系,以及高师培养体育健康教育师资需要解决的几个问题  相似文献   

This paper considers the kinematic characteristics of overarm throwing with particular emphasis on the techniques of throwing and pitching in baseball. The technique is subdivided into: (1) sequential pattern of throwing, (2) lead foot contact, (3) preparatory phase, (4) arm acceleration and (5) instant of ball release. Specific biomechanical principles that underpin throwing and their application within baseball are identified. The paper also presents a case study of the three-dimensional characteristics of throwing technique in cricket. The aim was to compare the skill in cricket to that previously researched in baseball. The findings for throwing in cricket are similar to those reported for baseball, indicating that there is a definite crossover in the rationale of how an individual should throw specific to the demands of cricket and baseball. The differences noted--greater elbow flexion at lead foot contact and less external rotation during the preparation phase--can be attributed to the demands placed on the fielder and pitcher specific to their respective sports.  相似文献   

This paper considers the kinematic characteristics of overarm throwing with particular emphasis on the techniques

of throwing and pitching in baseball. The technique is subdivided into: (1) sequential pattern of throwing,

(2) lead foot contact, (3) preparatory phase, (4) arm acceleration and (5) instant of ball release. Specific biomechanical

principles that underpin throwing and their application within baseball are identified. The paper

also presents a case study of the three-dimensional characteristics of throwing technique in cricket. The aim

was to compare the skill in cricket to that previously researched in baseball. The findings for throwing in cricket

are similar to those reported for baseball, indicating that there is a definite crossover in the rationale of how an

individual should throw specific to the demands of cricket and baseball. The differences noted - greater elbow

flexion at lead foot contact and less external rotation during the preparation phase - can be attributed to the

demands placed on the fielder and pitcher specific to their respective sports.  相似文献   

标枪“最后用力”的技术分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王俊 《湖北体育科技》2001,20(3):49-50,52
论述了掷标枪技术中“最后用力”的实质及身体各部位在最后用力过程中的作用;指出了“最后用力”与“原地投掷”是两个不同的概念;提出了“提高力量利用率”的投掷观念.  相似文献   

通过检索课教学的研究与实践,认为在文献检索教学中应遵循学习规律,引导学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习文献检索课,让学生在获得感性知识的基础上理解基本概念,通过实践掌握检索技巧,进而巩固文献检索的基本理论知识。  相似文献   

上海市特殊体育教师专业化现状调查与分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,对上海市特殊体育教师专业化现状进行调查与分析。结果发现:上海市特殊体育教师队伍趋向年轻化;教师具备较高的专业道德素质,但其专业知识水平偏低,专业能力发展不平衡;教师在职进修亟待加强;教师专业组织力量薄弱;特殊教师资格认定制定不完善。据此提出上海市特殊体育教师专业化发展建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对泉州市55所中学新任体育教师进行调查分析。结果表明:男、女教师比例失调;新任教师学历达标率接近国家规定要求;学缘结构呈多元化发展趋势;新任教师教学、科研水平有待提高;新任教师中存在着专业思想不稳定因素;岗前和职后培训工作需加强。对策:建立终身学习的专业意识,提高新任教师的教育教学能力和科研水平;进一步优化教师的学缘结构;加强新任教师师德教育;探索实现职前培养、岗前和职后培训一体化机制。  相似文献   

山东省中小学体育教师继续教育的现状与对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过问卷、访谈调查,对山东省中小学体育教师继续教育的现状进行抽样调查。结果表明:山东省中小学体育教师终身教育的观念在逐步形成,在学习方式上更愿意采用辅导与自学模式,要求更新知识,提高专业技能。部分体育教师对继续教育持被动态度,有的培训院校教师对中小学体育教学规律不了解,存在理论与实践脱节,针对性、实用性不强等问题。针对这种现状,提出山东省中小学体育教师在继续教育中要转变教育观念、培养模式及课程设置等对策与建议。  相似文献   

试谈在大学体育课程中发挥学生的主体性作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高校体育教学中应发挥学生的主体性作用 :学生自主选择课程内容、自主选择任课教师、自主选择上课时间 ;上课突出提高学生参与的积极性 ,最大限度地发挥学生的创造性。加强对学生学习方法和练习方法的指导 ,提高学生自学、自练的能力 ;考核要通过学生自评、互评和教师评定 ,实现三转变 :从终结评价向终结与过程评价结合转变 ;从内容单一评价向多元评价转变 ;从教师评价向师生评价转变 ;同时要发挥教师的主导作用  相似文献   

Case study design was used in this investigation of the pupil assessment theories of two middle school physical education teachers whose program was identified as a good program in which pupil assessment was taking place. An assumption guiding the study was that teachers' actions are rational and are designed to produce desired results. Therefore, a comparison is made only between two theories of action (espoused and enacted) rather than between theory and practice. Informal and semistructured interviews were employed to elicit teachers' espoused theories, and enacted theories were identified during field visits over a semester in which classes were observed and school documents examined. Teachers' theories of assessment are identified for the categories of participation, effort, and improvement; grading; written tests; fitness testing; performance tests; and formative recordkeeping. Espoused and enacted theories are then examined for congruency. The highest level of incongruency was found in the areas of performance tests and formative recordkeeping. Barriers to the use of pupil assessment techniques in this program include organizational, knowledge, and contextual factors. Change in the assessment practices of secondary teachers may be facilitated, however, through the identification and examination of teachers' theories of assessment by both preservice and inservice teachers.  相似文献   

Using Nicholl's (1989) and Dweck 's (1999, 2002) theories on ability as conceptual frameworks, this study explored teachers' and students' conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Participants were 8 physical education specialists from five public schools and 160 students from their second- and fourth-grade classes. Teacher and student interviews and questionnaires were used for data collection. When asked to describe the "best" and "poorest" students in their physical education classes, teachers defined or referenced student status solely in terms of class behavior and effort, such as participation and working hard. In contrast, students primarily used ability-related indicators, such as task mastery and social comparison along with class behavior as criteria of their own ability. Overall, teachers and students had different views of "good" students in elementary physical education. In an era of standards-based learning and accountability in education, teachers may need to focus more on a task-involved climate by taking into account student learning and achievement.  相似文献   

铁饼教学中表象技能训练对教学效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
实验表明:在铁饼教学中,有目的地进行表象训练,提高学生想象能力和观察能力.激发学生的求知欲望,将有利于学生对完整技术的掌握。并建议采用想象训练方法时应该是理论联系实际,切不可和技术练习分开进行,并且想象训练应与心理训练相结合,要持之以恒。  相似文献   

体育院校新进教师可以分为文化课教师和体育课教师两类,各有各的特点。文化课教师文化素质高,但体育知识贫乏。体育课教师体育素质高,但文化素质相对较差。针对两类教师的不同特点,学校进行岗前培训对他们有不同的要求。文化课教师要加强体育理论与体育技术方面的培训,体育课教师应加强教学常规和文化素质的培训。  相似文献   

刘卫东 《体育科研》2006,27(5):87-88,84
以新疆师范大学体育学院2003级体育教育专业田径专选班的学生为研究对象,运用表象训练教学法和传统训练教学法分别对练习者进行标枪动作技能的教学与训练,结果表明:表象训练在标枪动作技能的掌握上优于传统教法,动作技能的习得速度与表象训练掌握的熟练程度有关,表象训练能有效的防止动作技能的消退,有利于维持练习者练习时心率变化的稳定性,为体育工作者提供一定的理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

为了了解中小学体育教师在新课程落实中实施健康教育的现状、获取知识的途径及健康教育教学能力与影响因素,对浙江省110所122名中小学体育教师进行问卷调查及访谈,调查结果显示:约42.6%的教师表示学校已开设了健康教育课;中小学体育教师开展健康教育的教学方式以课堂讲授为主,缺少辅助教具;中小学体育教师的健康教育教学意向和教学效能感不容乐观;健康教学内容知识亟待提高;教师似乎更喜欢依靠外界培训机制的支援以提高自己的教学能力;教师在实践中提高其教学能力表现出对话与模仿的特征;教师培训未担负起完善教师有效健康教学所需要的合理知识结构这一任务;社会各界对学校健康教育工作的重视不够。  相似文献   

高校体育教师职业焦虑的社会地位因素及其对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从经济待遇、社会权益和职业声望三个方面,对引起高校体育教师职业焦虑的社会地位因素进行分析。提出影响体育教师职业社会地位的主要因素在于“知识”,认为要正确认识运动技术,并加强高校体育教师的人文修养,才有利于高校体育教师职业社会地位的提高,进而将职业焦虑控制在适宜范围内。  相似文献   

对高校投掷训练指导思想的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合普通高校投掷项目训练实践,对训练指导思想进行了分析研究,提出 适合高校课余投掷训练的“以加强速度训练为核心、促进力量转化为重点、突出技术训练强度为根本”的指导思想,旨在拓宽高校投掷项目训练的总路,提高训练效 果。  相似文献   

福建省中学体育师资队伍现状及对策的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用问卷调查,文献资料收集,访问的研究方法,对福建省中学体育教师的基本现状、教学科研状况,实施新课程标准与专业思想进行研究,福建省中学体育教师年龄呈年轻化趋势,乡镇中学职称结构较不合理,教师队伍相对稳定,但专业思想不够稳定,培训力度还不够,对新课程标准理解不够透彻,科研能力较差。建议:较变中学主管领导的观念的教师自身观念,更新中学体育教师的知识结构,提高其科研水平,加大培训力度,为新课程标准的实施创造条件。  相似文献   

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