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现代教育技术的提出,主要是在第二次世界大战之后,现代教育技术同其他的技术相比,并没有表现出自己的特点。而其中的现代二字,也更多的是因为其研究内容主要和现代科学技术有一定的关联性,而对问题的分析和研究方式,主要集中在对现代的研究成果的分析和利用中。关于现代教育,我国专家学者对其作出了如下定义:"现代教育就是应用现代教育理...  相似文献   

刘强 《凯里学院学报》2005,23(4):109-110
信息时代对教育教学的改革提出了新的要求.现代理论与教育技术在教学中的应用是教育现代化的标志.只有掌握了现代教育理论和现代教育技术,现代化的教育媒体才能充分发挥它应有的作用.研究现代教育技术,推动教育尤其是民族地区基础教育的发展.文章主要以黔东南州学校对现代教育技术使用的状况、影响民族地区学校对现代教育技术利用不足或落后的原因和促进民族地区基础教育对现代教育技术利用的出路三个方面来论述民族地区基础教育对现代教育技术的利用问题.  相似文献   

信息时代对教育教学的改革提出了新的要求。现代理论与教育技术在教学中的应用是教育现代化的标志。只有掌握了现代教育理论和现代教育技术,现代化的教育媒体才能充分发挥它应有的作用。研究现代教育技术,推动教育尤其是民族地区基础教育的发展。文章主要以黔东南州学校对现代教育技术使用的状况、影响民族地区学校对现代教育技术利用不足或落后的原因和促进民族地区基础教育对现代教育技术利用的出路三个方面来论述民族地区基础教育对现代教育技术的利用问题。  相似文献   

本文探讨了现代教育技术在优化德育教学中的主要表现,提出了在德育教育中运用现代教育技术应注意的几个问题,说明现代教育技术实践是一项充满生机、极富发展前景的探索和促进教育现代化的活动。  相似文献   

随着高等职业技术教育的发展,如何加强现代教育技术建设,怎样应用现代教育技术改革高职教育已成了高职院校关注的焦点。本讨论了高职教育应用现代教育技术过程中存在的主要问题,并提出了加强高职院校现代教育技术建设的对策。  相似文献   

本文主要针对现代通信技术的教育发展现状与问题,从学校教育的教育内容与教育模式两个方面进行研究,提出了相应的改进措施。通过这次的研究改革,使得相关专业的师生对于"现代通信技术"的教学有了新的认识,给予了他们实质性的指导,并取得了很好的效果,学术价值不斐。  相似文献   

白华 《考试周刊》2011,(30):147-148
教育技术作为教育改革的制高点和突破口,已成为人们瞩目的焦点。教育技术如何更有效地促进教育教学改革、促进我国教育信息化进程,如何把握教育技术的发展趋势,已是人们共同关注的问题。本文以现代教学媒体和教育技术的发展为线索,分析和探讨了目前我国教育技术理论和实践领域存在的问题,提出了与教育技术发展息息相关、尚待解决的实际问题。通过对几个主要的发展阶段中教学传播媒体的形态和特点、教育技术的特点,作一些深入的探讨,对现代教育学体和教育技术的发展动态及趋势略作预测分析,认为应该重视教育技术实践性和支持性研究,更全面审视和研究计算机教育应用,更关注技术环境下的学习心理研究,更重视学习活动的设计与支持,以及需要进一步完善教育技术学科建设。  相似文献   

刘焱 《呼伦贝尔学院学报》2007,15(5):113-114,12
在现代通信技术、计算机多媒体技术和网络技术高度发展的今天,如何运用现代教育理论及教育技术,进一步完善学习支持服务系统是现代远程开放教育的迫切需要,也是现代教育工作者长期探索和研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

基于网络和多媒体技术的教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了现代教育技术的发展及在教学中的应用 ,研究了现代教育教学理论对教学模式的要求 ,提出网络和多媒体教学模式是现代教学模式中的一种主要形式  相似文献   

现代教育技术为高校体育教学提供了一种全新的平台和工具,对高校体育教学起到了积极的促进作用,但也存在着一些值得思考的问题.该文对现代教育技术在高校体育教学中存在的主要问题作一些探讨,并提出一些相应的对策,以期实现现代教育技术更好地服务于高校体育教学.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a substantial growth in research that probes children's ideas about natural phenomena. This article places the research in a context that enables comprehension of how it informs and influences the practice of science education. To this end, past, present, and developing styles of research are discussed. The predominant style of past research was based on elaborate experimental designs and complex statistical analyses of data. Studies employing that style helped focus concern on questions about individual learning which the studies did not actually seek to answer, e.g., why does the learning resulting from a particular treatment vary between individuals? What is understanding and how can it be assessed? Such questions lie at the heart of current probing of children's ideas. Some issues of importance in the probing of children's ideas are considered, as are ways in which these issues have influenced the development of a current style of research. From this present context, developing styles in the research field are described. These focus particularly on research on the strategies used by learners, and on the continued growth of interaction between research and practice.  相似文献   

作为经济全球化的一个重要组成部分,国际市场金融自由化得到了众多学者的关注,而这种关注在世界性金融危机重现之后尤为突出。可以从理论基础、方法论以及实证研究三个方面,对金融自由化研究领域的现有文献进行综合深入评析。金融自由化的理论基础涉及金融自由化理论、经济增长理论以及金融自由化与经济发展关系理论,方法论涉及衡量金融自由化的方法以及数据关联问题,实证研究可以从积极和消极两方面就金融改革对经济的影响进行阐述。今后该领域研究存在五大趋势:一是微观领域会纳入更多自由化影响力的研究;二是银行以外的金融机构将受到更多关注;三是金融自由化的衡量方法将得到进一步丰富和完善;四是研究将提高对数据筛选问题的重视;五是未来应从微观和宏观两个层面对金融危机予以研究。  相似文献   

Action research in graduate management research programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how action research may be applied to graduate management research programs. After distinguishing action research from traditional research and establishing that the former is more appropriate for developing managerial competencies than the latter, the paper discusses issues of conducting action research within a graduate management research program. These issues centre on the key concept of distinguishing between action research project and a thesis action research project. Distinctions between action research projects at Masters and PhD levels are noted. It is argued that ideally the core action research project has to be part of the PhD candidate's full-time work. Future difficulties are canvassed.  相似文献   


Previous research has documented that students who engage with socioscientific issues can acquire some of the complex competences and skills typically related to scientific literacy. But an emerging field of research on science teachers’ understanding and use of socioscientific issues, has documented that a range of challenges hinders the uptake of socioscientific issues. In this study, we investigated the interpretation and implementation of socioscientific issues among Danish biology teachers. We conducted five in-depth group interviews and validated the emergent themes from the teachers’ talk-in-interaction by distributing a questionnaire. Our findings suggest that the participating teachers generally harbour a content-centred interpretation of socioscientific issues which manifests itself in at least three separate ways. First, the teachers generally use socioscientific issues as a vehicle to teach factual biological content. Second, the teachers emphasised mastery of factual content in their assessment. Third, the teachers tended to reduce socioscientific issues to specific biological contents in a way may preclude students from engaging with the real socioscientific issue. Our findings are particularly significant for science educators, policy-makers and curriculum designers, as we argue that key aspects of this content-centred interpretation may be a coping strategy used to navigate a divided curriculum.  相似文献   

得形而忘意——近年来我国教育研究中若干问题的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
省察近年来我国的教育研究文本,可以发现教育研究中存在着诸多需要清理的问题,大致可以归结为三种不同形态的研究路向,即"批判性"研究、移植性研究及教育学科学术的"建设性"研究。这些问题"得形而忘意",在一定程度上遮蔽了人们对教育研究的学术认同。反思之,我们应确立中国是教育研究应该关注的基点、教育的生活世界是教育研究的家、是教育学的生命所在的理念。  相似文献   

Doing insider research can raise many problematic issues, particularly if the insiders are also close relatives. This paper deals with complexities arising from research which is participatory in nature. Thus, this paper seeks to describe the various sticking points that were encountered by the researcher when she decided to embark on insider research which focused on close relatives with a particular disability. These sticking points were encountered when the researcher had to decide about which methods of data collection should be used; when she had to see which criteria were to be taken into consideration when selecting participants; when dealing with issues of anonymity and informed consent; and when dealing with issues regarding representation and dissemination. Although such sticking points seemed to be insurmountable at times, by virtue of being aporetic, the researcher will discuss decisions taken in order to deal with these difficult situations while also keeping in mind ethical considerations.  相似文献   

To improve the understanding of strategic issues confronting research universities and universities' response to managing these issues, this article contains an interpretation of the findings of interviews with administrators at nine research universities. Realistic comments are offered on the efficacy of planning and the search for achieving excellence in higher education and beyond the restrictive sense of strategic planning. A discerning perspective for innovative management approaches of these university issues is a major focus of this article.  相似文献   

Teaching about controversial and topical and political issues has consistently been a difficult area for primary teachers, with many worrying about their professional role. Drawing on recent research and curriculum innovation this paper suggests that there are three key areas to be addressed if we are to allay these concerns: the teacher's role in handling controversial issues, appropriate teaching strategies and opportunities in the primary curriculum for addressing controversy and political issues. It suggests possible approaches and gives two extended examples of lessons for the primary classroom.  相似文献   

This paper addresses some fundamental methodological and ethical issues confronting non-Chinese researchers undertaking research in Hong Kong Chinese society. Among other things, it considers problems pertaining to data collection, the challenges of data interpretation, and the implication that this has for research. Whilst the issues are by no means unique to Hong Kong, there are a number of matters related to outsider research that require special attention in the Hong Kong Chinese context, even when the researchers may be acquainted with both the context and the participants. Understanding the context of research, including the socio-cultural context of which the research participants are a part leads to an enhanced understanding of the issues at hand. This paper intends to serve as an overview that may guide future research in Hong Kong. Issues raised in this paper will need re-theorizing in order to provide a more realistic and comprehensive view of the need to re-examine the paradigms that guide research methodology in Confucian societies.  相似文献   

How can we best extend DIF research to performance assessment? What are the issues and problems surrounding studies of DIF on complex tasks? What appear to be the best approaches at this time?  相似文献   

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