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This article provides a case study of recent curriculum development in a freshman skills program which integrates critical thinking and English composition as linked courses at Gonzaga University. Known as “thought and expression” courses, this block of courses, which also includes speech communication, can be taken by students separately or in a linked cohort with the same twenty students in each class. In linked courses, faculty are generally aware of each others' course topics and assignments, and they meet to discuss student progress and look for opportunities for curriculum integration. In this case study, library faculty were included in the instructional team, and information literacy skills that relate to critical thinking were integrated into the goals of the critical thinking and English composition courses. Faculty involved in the courses believe that integrating library skills into course goals adds coherence to the curriculum; it also helps students to achieve the developmental goals of the learning community created by this course model.  相似文献   

This article describes an outreach activity developed and coordinated by academic librarians as part of a state program for low-income middle school students. Rather than offering a traditional library tour, the library organizers wanted to provide the middle school students with a meaningful experience that would encourage active participation, critical thinking, and alleviate library anxiety. As a spin on the traditional tour, students applied an ethnographic approach to learning about the library. The authors describe the development and implementation of the activity and provide recommendations for other librarians involved in outreach to K–12 students.  相似文献   

While there have been studies on faculty use of streaming video resources in academic libraries, none have focused on the specific needs of ethnic studies faculty. Using a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with 13 ethnic studies faculty from two public university campuses, this study found that faculty engagement with video is based upon a pedagogical strategy that responds to the specific demands and goals of ethnic studies curricula, while centering on student needs by using free resources whenever possible. Within this paradigm, faculty choose from three categories of content: key primary and secondary sources; flexible supporting sources; and current topics of interest. Understanding what motivates ethnic study faculty could be helpful as librarians work with vendors and advocate for the content that best meets instructional needs. Librarians can also help improve faculty's instructional outcomes by communicating about licensing options and streaming media availability through the library.  相似文献   

The emergence of data intensive science and the establishment of data management mandates have motivated academic libraries to develop research data services (RDS) for their faculty and students. Here the results of two studies are reported: librarians' RDS practices in U.S. and Canadian academic research libraries, and the RDS-related library policies in those or similar libraries. Results show that RDS are currently not frequently employed in libraries, but many services are in the planning stages. Technical RDS are less common than informational RDS, RDS are performed more often for faculty than for students, and more library directors believe they offer opportunities for staff to develop RDS-related skills than the percentage of librarians who perceive such opportunities to be available. Librarians need opportunities to learn more about these services either on campus or through attendance at workshops and professional conferences.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):381-393

In addition to the normal difficulties encountered when returning to the academic environment, adult students are expected to use a library that may be very different from the one they have used earlier. While some teaching faculty recognize that these students may need additional help to effectively use the library, others do not. This study investigated faculty expectations for adult students and the academic library. The majority of faculty surveyed believe students need instruction to develop familiarity with library resources and technology. Furthermore, the faculty are willing to work with librarians to ensure students gain these skills.  相似文献   

Librarians have a role in working with faculty to provide low-cost alternatives to textbooks. Open educational resources (OER) are an alternative to textbooks in college courses, but there can be barriers to using OER. Are students successful in OER courses? Do faculty see librarians as collaborators in designing courses using OER? What are some alternatives to OER that libraries and library consortia can take advantage of to make college more affordable for students? The following articles address these issues, and the work of the following authors can benefit all types of academic librarians as they contemplate their role in the OER world.  相似文献   

Effective design of instruction involves choosing the best alternatives to have students achieve learning goals. Good instructional design builds backwards from clearly stated objectives, motivates students, and pays attention to cognitive load. Worked examples and problem-based learning can be very effective if accompanied with appropriate support. Students should be given opportunities to try and fail so long as failures lead to progress toward learning goals. Librarians can be very valuable sources of support for individual learners. Although librarians rarely establish learning goals, we can provide the scaffolding students need to achieve learning objectives.  相似文献   


Librarians at the University of California, Berkeley have created a partnership with faculty in the teaching of a special course, “Introduction to Environmental Studies.” This class is interdisciplinary in nature, covering science and the humanities, and has offered a unique opportunity for library staff to develop a special program incorporating the teaching of analytical skills along with research skills for specific subject areas. The continuous collaboration with faculty and the challenges of working with students with very varied backgrounds and interests are the main points of discussion in this article.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):187-196
Librarians in small academic libraries rarely have the time or personnel to develop their collections adequately. All too frequently their holdings lag behind the research needs of faculty and students. To offset this tendency Dickinson College funded a faculty summer study group with the specific charge of enhancing the library's holdings in the area of Black of African American Studies. The results were impressive. For once faculty were forced to consider research materials when they created new courses or embellished old ones, while the library received the extra plus of high profile purchasing with a strong likelihood of use. This article suggests that such preemptive collection development-the focused purchasing in specific areas prior to their introduction to the curriculum-could serve as a useful model in other cross-disciplinary endeavors.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(38):183-190
The academic reference librarian needs to know what the college faculty expect from their library. These needs seem often to be idiosyncratic if they do not fit the librarian's conception of the generalized user, but these needs must be identified and met in order to serve the faculty appropriately. Librarians need to be as aware of information acquisition patterns as they are of information sources.  相似文献   

This installment of our continuing column on the connections between educational psychology and student library work explores the important roles of goal setting, mindset, and self-regulation. We describe how reference librarians may support students’ goal selection and help students develop positive attitudes toward library research. Librarians’ efforts to help students successfully complete library-related assignments can be enhanced by understanding the mechanisms of self-regulation.  相似文献   

Plagiarism's evolution, growing cultural acceptance, and sustained presence in student writing has overwhelmed deficient, outdated academic integrity policies. Cultural differences present in today's Net-generation students require academic librarians and teaching faculty to develop a partnership in order to reassess beleaguered and vague plagiarism definitions and compromised prevention strategies. Current ACRL policies and strategies on plagiarism prevention are examined to reveal their inadequacies. As instruction sessions often fail to consistently address the ethical use of scholarly sources and the Net-generation student's injudicious uses of technology, a new direction is offered, one that is centered not on punitive online detection policies or acquiescence to wavering ethical standards, but rather on the collaborative efforts of the entire academic community.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(89-90):93-106

This article will discuss three years of collaboration between the Freshman Engineering Program and the Engineering Library of the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh. This collaboration has resulted in a library research project that is integrated into the freshman curriculum. The project ultimately provides the students with a research structure for presentations in an annual mock professional conference. The mission of the Freshman Engineering Program's academic and advising components is to create a first-year experience that promotes the student's continued pursuit of an engineering degree through commitment to clearly understood and self-declared goals. The goal for the Engineering Library is to introduce library research as a necessary skill-set for successful engineers. The successful outcome of all of these goals requires the collaboration between “teaching” faculty and “library” faculty and results in better prepared, more focused students. Developing and integrating a library research project into the freshman engineering academic curriculum is a significant opportunity for library instruction, and the approach demonstrated here may be transferable to other disciplines.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(24):123-127
Instructional librarians at the University of Washington Undergraduate Library and The Evergreen State College Library have received seed grant funding from the Washington State Center for the Improvement of Quality of Undergraduate Education to sponsor two seminars and a small conference on linking library instruction to undergraduate teaching. The focus of the project is on critical thinking, evaluation of sources, and integration of library instruction into the curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on "critical thinking" and the larger context of the particular discipline. A major purpose is to develop a model program for use in other academic libraries.  相似文献   


At University of Maryland University College (UMUC), librarians have designed and led a number of multiday, asynchronous online workshops for faculty. The workshops teach faculty how to meet information literacy goals in the virtual classroom. Through hands-on activities and discussion among their colleagues, participants in the faculty workshops learn about the university's information literacy standards, library resources and services, free Web tools, and how best to design class assignments involving library research. Library-led faculty workshops at UMUC have increased library visibility and furthered collaboration between faculty and librarians. This article discusses 5 workshops, detailing workshop content and logistics and demonstrating how librarians can help distance faculty further information literacy goals for students.  相似文献   

This study summarizes a survey conducted to discover the extent to which professional librarians in Nigerian university libraries have achieved academic/faculty status. The survey revealed that: (1) almost all professional librarians (16 or 80%) in Nigerian universities have full faculty status, coupled with mandatory research and publication for promotion, in 17 (85%) of the libraries; (2) publications in subject-fields and in library/information science carry equal ratings; and (3) academic librarians in Nigeria are entitled to the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as their teaching counterparts. This paper urges the Nigerian Library Association and the Committee of University Librarians to set standards for the attainment of faculty/academic status for professional librarians in Nigerian universities and colleges.  相似文献   

Many learning commons environments espouse goals of being student centered and facilitating academic achievement, often by way of partnerships with others. We have been fortunate in the learning commons of Syracuse University to have had a successful and satisfying collaboration with art faculty that has benefitted all players and allowed us to operationalize our own stated goals of being student driven. Our unique art program provided meaningful and real-life experiences for students, expanded the teaching moments for their faculty, and generated a host of interesting learning experiences for library staff and managers. It also added beauty and intrigue to an environment traveled and used by many.  相似文献   

Advances in technology, changes in demographics, and the increasingly global nature of the economy indicate that many jobs lost during the recent global recession will not be returning. Regardless of their major field of study, college students would benefit greatly from becoming more entrepreneurial in their thinking, yet opportunities for developing entrepreneurial behaviors on campus, especially for non-business majors, are few. This article describes a coworking project, from creation to follow-up survey, which aimed to create a space within the campus academic library to encourage student, faculty, and entrepreneur collaboration and interaction while demonstrating the economic value of the library.  相似文献   

Librarians have provided reference and research support for faculty to varying degrees for many years, and librarian support is needed more than ever today with the rapidly evolving nature of library resources and online information. Learning about faculty research needs and determining ways to support their research is an ongoing challenge facing librarians. This article describes a library program that uses academic department administrative personnel to connect with faculty researchers and helps clarify the roles that librarians, faculty, and administrative personnel play in the research process.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):131-144

In these times of extraordinary development in information and communication technologies (ICT) many new tools and services, and traditional tools, such as the catalog, could be developed or enhanced by librarians to effectively support the academic community in teaching and learning. This paper will discuss how social interaction between technical and public service librarians could enhance library services to the academic faculty and students during these demanding times of technologies and information overload. The paper will also point out that the team approach to library services can improve social interaction between librarians when the perpetuation of the traditional academic organizational model is not efficient enough for the faculty and students' need-driven use of information. Rapid changes resulting from ICT demand constant social interaction that would be facilitated by establishing working teams for specific tasks.  相似文献   

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