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The objective of this research is to elucidate changes in strategy, organization, and operations in the field of public library management. It uses research methods based on detailed case analysis. This research focuses on cases involving U.S. public libraries and the Tokyo Metropolitan Library in Japan from the 1960s to the 2010s. It analyzes documents related to strategic management, organization, and operations collected through surveys and interviews with library directors and managers. This research illustrates (1) 11 core operations of public libraries, (2) transitions of basic organizational structures, (3) elements that cause differences between the U.S. and Japanese public libraries, and (4) primary elements that have impacts on public library management.  相似文献   

论图书馆权利   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
马静 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(12):24-26
图书馆权利是图书馆历史发展的必然要求,其基本内涵包括图书馆权利和读者权利两个方面.图书馆有收集和提供信息资料的自由,并保证读者享有自由、公平、公正利用图书馆获取文献信息资料的权利和自由。图书馆的自由与平等原则要求图书馆在服务过程中坚持以人为本,实施无等级差别服务、无身份界限服务和无歧视服务。公益性文化事业单位的性质和经费短缺之间的现实矛盾,决定短期内图书馆在运行过程中还不能完全实现免费利用,这一问题,应通过政府加大投入来逐步解决。本文对图书馆权利从历史和现实、理论和实践、中国和外国的对比中作了深入的分析.  相似文献   

本文通过对近年来关于图书馆员权益研究的论文情况进行统计分析,阐述了图书馆员权益保障对发挥公共图书馆社会效益的重要性,并对公共图书馆免费开放过程中图书馆员权益保障的各种影响因素进行分析,提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

自由乃图书馆作为自由民主社会公共空间应有之特质。自由的图书馆是宪法保障思想自由、知识自由等各种形式之国民表现自由之基本权利的必要空间。图书馆自由的理论基础源自于美国的思想表现自由、知识自由的宪法理论,终极目标在于保障国民“知的权利”。  相似文献   

自由乃图书馆作为自由民主社会公共空间应有之特质。自由的图书馆是宪法保障思想自由、知识自由等各种形式之国民表现自由之基本权利的必要空间。图书馆自由的理论基础源自于美国的思想表现自由、知识自由的宪法理论,终极目标在于保障国民“知的权利”。  相似文献   


I visited Albania from September 6 to 12, 2004 as a guest speaker of the U.S. Department of State. I gave three lectures on library use of information technology and on information resources–two at the National Library of Albania and one at the House of the Book and Communication. The lectures were in English, but the accompanying PowerPoint presentations had captions in Albanian. The 40 participants from several libraries across Albania and Kosovo knew English but were given Albanian translations as well of my lectures. I also visited the municipal library in Vlora. This report summarizes my daily activities and the three lectures during my time in Albania.  相似文献   

新世纪之前,图书馆权利研究在我国尚属空白。这一问题在业界被较多学者关注并逐渐形成热点始于2002年。中国图书馆学会秘书处和业界专家学者的密切合作、协同推动,是研究和传播迅速升温的直接动力。2005年堪称中国图书馆权利“元年”。2002年中国图书馆学会主持制定《中国图书馆员职业道德准则》的过程,是图书馆权利理念在中国组织化传播的开端。伴随着研究的推进,图书馆权利内容进入了大学专业教育。图书馆权利研究与传播的时代贡献是:丰富了图书馆学基础理论,完善了对图书馆社会功能和价值的理论解释;指导了中国图书馆的公益回归和服务转型实践;奠定了图书馆服务以人为本的理论基础,提高了图书馆的社会认知程度;唱出了公共文化服务以保障公众基本文化权益为目标的先声。参考文献15。  相似文献   


The privacy and confidentiality of library use are often at odds with efficiency in and customization of library public services. When librarians make decisions about services and privacy, they should consider strategic approaches to defining and discussing privacy and become familiar with the law of library privacy and their ethical commitment to privacy in library use. A wide range of library services and efficiencies threaten privacy and introduce the potential for secondary uses of personally identifying information collected by the library. Market failure for privacy weakens the value of consumer surveys and consent as substitutes for librarians' choices between privacy and services. Compromises such as those outlined by the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee offer reasonable approaches to libraries and librarians struggling with the uncertainties that characterize the challenge of meeting both service and privacy interests.  相似文献   

数字图书馆合理使用规范适用的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在数字化环境下,图书馆和读者之间具有利益和责任上的差异,数字图书馆和读者作为各自独立的责任主体,适用不同的版权作品合理使用规范。  相似文献   

本文在对图书馆权利和民众的图书馆权利进行讨论的基础上,指出大力普及公共图书馆是目前我国民众图书馆权利的重点和保障途径,社区图书馆和流动图书馆是普及公共图书馆的良好方式。  相似文献   


In 1998, a group of adult library patrons and individuals in Loudoun County, Virginia, brought a suit against library trustees, board members, and the director of the county’s public library, claiming that the library’s use of Internet blocking software was an infringement on their First Amendment rights, leading to the federal court case Mainstream Loudoun v. Board of Trustees of the Loudoun County Library (1998). Using an in-depth case study approach and going beyond a review of the court documents, the author uses a series of qualitative interviews with individuals connected to the court case to gather more in-depth information regarding events surrounding this case of censorship in public libraries and investigate the phenomenon of librarians acting as censors themselves.  相似文献   


This essay presents the major findings from a survey about human resource management in public libraries. The survey was conducted in October 2016 via the Internet. The participants were librarians with human resource management experience employed by public libraries in the United States. The majority of the participants responded that human resource management was challenging to some degree. While a majority were able to solve their human resource problems successfully, a majority of the respondents believed that the human resource curriculum for library science programs was inadequate.  相似文献   


This article discusses an experience of the University of Central Florida (UCF) Library when hosting a visiting librarian from Tongji University Library in Shanghai, China, in 2015. Unlike most other visiting programs in the U.S., UCF's hosting experience offers a year-long, broad-based training in several functional areas facilitated by library administration and two bilingual librarians. The initial goals were to promote dialogue and understanding between the academic systems of the two countries, and ultimately to enhance the international users' library experience in their quest to study at foreign institutions. Through describing this visiting program and discussing its findings and assessments, the authors concluded longer term visiting programs like this can benefit both the visiting and hosting libraries and bridge the gap of academic libraries across the world.  相似文献   


Advertisements for public library directors can reflect the evolution of the public library environment as libraries adapt to changes related to funding and technology. No study has examined whether the skills and attributes desired of public library directors have changed over time and whether they are associated with the characteristics of management or leadership. Content analysis of public library director job advertisements from 2000–2011 revealed a closer association with management than leadership traits and an omission of characteristics like advocating, fundraising, being politically savvy, and having a vision needed to position the public library as an essential resource to stakeholders.  相似文献   

关于公共图书馆发展的随想录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要叙述目前国际公共图书馆界的一些做法和作对这些做法的思考,包括公共图书馆的使命、基本任务、图书馆基金会、图书馆运动、流动服务、信息服务、读权利、图书馆利用的管理准则等,认为其中不乏有可供参考之处。  相似文献   


This study examines the coverage of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and its successor states by U.S. journals indexed in Library Literature between 1990 and 2000. Seventy-one journals were evaluated according to subject content, geographical coverage, document type, and year of article publication. The study found that the majority of articles focused on domestic and foreign library activities. Coverage peaked between the years 1990 and 1994, with a steady decline after that. The study reports on differences in coverage by peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed journals over this decade.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(89-90):163-177

SUNY New Paltz established a library liaison program in 2001, long after such programs were commonplace at many U.S. college and university libraries. The program emerged, not simply from a desire to enhance library service, but because library faculty came to view it as a multi-faceted mechanism capable of addressing multiple concerns. The new library-wide initiative demanded high-level communication skills, an in-depth understanding of library policies and collection development practices, and increased knowledge about individual departments and the college. A collection of campus information resources and liaison training sessions, collectively called The Library Liaison Toolkit, was developed to build liaison expertise in these areas.  相似文献   

《图书馆权利研究》一书着重从读者公平、自由利用图书馆资源的角度,对图书馆权利进行了阐述,全书结构严谨,内容新颖丰富,基础理论坚实,资料宏富,语言明快。书中首先引证各类国际宣言对图书馆权利给出了中肯的界定,对于图书馆权利的研究,不仅借鉴了国外的案例,而且结合我国现有实际提出了新的构想。  相似文献   

中国图书馆学会<图书馆服务宣言>向社会公众宣示了中国图书馆人对于现代图书馆理念的基本认同,表达了图书馆对全社会普遍开放、维护读者权利、平等服务、对弱势人群人文关怀和消弥数字鸿沟的理念.这些理念出自IFLA的各种文件,中国图书馆人经过一个漫长的过程,现已接受这些理念.参考文献24.  相似文献   

城市公共图书馆商务支持服务的国际经验和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过阐述纽约公共图书馆科学、工业与商业分馆和大英图书馆“商业和知识产权中心”两个馆开展商务支持服务的现状,认为我国应借鉴其经验,加强城市公共图书馆商务支持服务的功能,并在提高服务意识、挖掘信息资源、拓展服务内容、借助社会资源、提升人员素质等方面提出图书馆开展商务支持服务的建议。  相似文献   

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