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篇章表述理论(Discourse Representation Theory,简称DRT)是动态的自然语言意义的形式语义理论,由篇章语义的构造算法和语义的正确性验证两部分组成,它是在MG(Montague Grammar)的基础上起来的而又克服了MG的局限性的语义理论。文章从与MG的对比研究中探讨DRT的理论意义及其对自然语言部分语句系统的句法构造及其语义解释的方法论意义。  相似文献   

戴维森的真理观是在塔尔斯基关于形式语言的语义学真定义思想的基础上构造起来的,但又与塔尔斯基的语义学真理理论有所不同。在戴维森的真理观中,真理是作为意义的一个初始概念,语句的意义是由语句的真值条件给出,并在其中增加了两个因素;一个是时间,另一个就是说话者,使得是真的语句与被认为是真的语句相互关联。通过对戴维森真理观的探究,他的真理理论并不是一个合理的、成功的真理理论,因为他总是不能摆脱意义与真的关系中来讨论的语句的真。  相似文献   


For some time, the role of culture in language education within schools, universities and professional communication has received increasing attention. This article identifies two aporias in the discourse of intercultural communication (IC): first, that it contains an unstated movement towards a universal consciousness; second, that its claims to truth are grounded in an implicit appeal to a transcendental moral signified.These features constitute IC discourse as ‘totality’, or as ‘metaphysics of presence’.The article draws on the work of Levinas (1969/2007, 1998/2009); and Derrida (1976, 1978, 1981, 1993) to propose more considered ethical grounds for intercultural praxis. Contra a Hegelian impetus towards universal consciousness,we posit an irreducible distance and separation between the self and other. In so doing, not only are we able to supersede the field’s implicit appeal to the transcendental as a source of truth but also to counter perceptibly ‘exorbitant’ claims and actions of the intercultural other. In this vein, the article proposes a discourse ethics of responsibility by which it still becomes possible for a critical intercultural praxis to make value judgements and to take potentially transformative action vis-à-vis cultural acts that challenge the limits of intercultural tolerance and hospitality.  相似文献   

<海浪>把伍尔夫的创作思想又推向一个高潮:她强调小说是作家创作的一个独立的艺术世界,不是对人生真实的模仿.海德格尔在探索艺术作品的本源时也声称:艺术品是真理发生的根据.他们都强调作品本身的独立性.在<海浪>中抽象的人物处理和诗性语言的运用建立了一个独立存在的艺术世界,存在者的真理在这个世界中确立.  相似文献   

本文就近几年来公开发表的语义学文章中所涉及的语义研究与语感的相互关系问题进行了一番探讨。认为语义研究中无法完全排斥语感的作用,对语感应该是合理地加以利用,但要注意不能滥用。同时认为语感和语义研究是一个互动的关系,正确的语言理论有助于语感的提高。  相似文献   

In much educational theory there is concern about claims that the concept of truth has no place anymore in educational thinking. These claims are generally identified as 'postmodernist' or 'poststructuralist'. The fear is that when abandoning the quest for truth we enter the domain of mere belief, and in this way leave education without firm grounds. In this article I examine some examples of what is often crudely lumped together as 'postmodernist' educational research. What is at stake here, I argue, is not so much a rejection of the quest for truth as rather a shift of focus to a different set of questions and interests: for example, existential questions. Against the contemporary, dominant focus on evidence-based practice, which conceals the person behind the method (textbook, rules, techniques), here the embodied person with her individual investment in education is brought into the light again.  相似文献   

在《论确定性》中,维特根斯坦主张:"我知道"由三个要素构成,它们是相信、真和理由;"我知道"与"我相信"和"我确信"虽有联系,但却不能混同;"我知道"与怀疑和语言游戏是紧密相联的;对于常识命题,既不能加以怀疑,也不能声称知道,也不能说不知道。  相似文献   

在面向自然语言的语义悖论研究中,反对真理分层理论的“反层级论”长期居于主流地位,但也一直受到“强化说谎者悖论”的挑战。格兰兹伯格通过构建“增强型说谎者悖论”表明,反层级论者对强化说谎者悖论的回应是无力的,对于一个真理论本身的反思结果总要由更高层级给出。他据此提出一种基于“克雷塞尔型反思”的真理分层理论。通过与塔斯基经典层级论比较分析可得,这种新层级论既可回应塔斯基经典层级论面临的困难,又可与经典逻辑相协调,其主要特色是使语境因素体现于量词辖域的转变,这可为语义悖论研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper explores Stanley Cavell's notion of ‘passionate utterance’, which acts as an extension of/departure from (we might read it as both) J. L. Austin's theory of the performative. Cavell argues that Austin having made the revolutionary discovery that truth claims in language are bound up with how words perform, then gets bogged by convention when discussing what is done ‘by’ words. In failing to account for the less predictable, unconventional aspects of language, the latter therefore washes his hands of the expressive passionate aspects of speech. To ignore such aspects is to ignore an important moral dimension of language. Finally, I bring Cavell's approach to bear on the epistemic criterion, which Michael Hand applies in his paper ‘Should We Teach Homosexuality as a Controversial Issue?’. I suggest that Hand's approach, by failing to account for the linguistic dimension of truth and the expressive quality that accompanies this dimension, presents an overly narrow conception of moral education.  相似文献   

通过借助于语义场理论,对汉语成语语义场作些探索性的论述。全文分为“狭义的成语语义场与广义的成语语义场”和“语言的成语语义场与言语的成语语义场”两部分。狭义的语义场下分等义、近义、反义、类义等子语义场;广义的语义场,指表示同类事物现象的成语间宽泛的类属关系:凡从静态的角度阐述成语语义场的属于语言的语义场,凡从动态的角度阐述成语语义场的属于言语的语义场。最后就成语的语义场嬗变、语义场强度、语义场文化背景等问题提出一些浅见:  相似文献   

奎因等人认为塔尔斯基的等值图式(T)表达了语言上的“真”谓词的一种“取消力”,即“去引号之方法”。这是对塔尔斯基等值图式(T)的一种曲解,它实际上成了塔尔斯基等值图式(T)和关于“真的”表达的等值式(M)的合成品。  相似文献   

塔尔斯基为真语句所作的实质上适当的、形式上正确的语义学定义,是现代逻辑科学的一大创举。文章简要论述了塔尔斯基真理论的主要内容,从逻辑语义学的诞生和语言层次论的提出两个方面对塔尔斯基真理论作了评价。  相似文献   

阐述了“深度语义分析”中“语义”的含义,强调了深度语义分析对计算机处理自然语言的必要性,接着以动词为例,具体举出了三种分析的方法,即:对词语的多个义项进行详细的语义描写;弄清动词的格框,抓住动核的必有论元,补出与自然语言理解有关的省略成分;弄清词语之间的强式语义组配模式。  相似文献   

This article explores a contrast between two differing approaches to spiritual and moral issues in schools. ‘Moralists’ such as Thomas Arnold (and his contemporary admirers) seek to transmit an authoritative tradition of belief and moral virtue. In contrast, ‘professionals’ take Socrates as their role model in these matters, and seek to promote in students critical and imaginative thinking, and a search for truth. It is argued that the second approach is the only one which does justice to our modern understanding of the limits of authoritative claims to moral truth. Recent policy statements concerning spiritual and moral values in schools are criticised from this perspective.  相似文献   

Truth and Form     
In this article I discuss some problems concerning the truth value of narratives; more specifically as this problematic is played out in empirical, narrative research. My point of departure is Jane O’Dea’s critique of Denis Phillips’ views of the topic. While Phillips thinks that truth (in the correspondence sense) definitely should be a concern for narrative researchers, O’Dea claims that Phillips mistakes what kind of research narrative is, and that the notion of truth he advocates therefore is inappropriate. I argue that neither of them takes into account the particular beginning-middle-ending form of narratives, which if anything makes the truth issue more complicated, but certainly not less important.  相似文献   

In this article I make two claims with respect to the ethics, truth and politics of qualitative research. The first is that confronting ethics, truth and politics in research is in effect a confrontation with the self. Although this may appear to be self‐evident, in qualitative research in particular, such an assertion needs to be consciously made and recognised.

The second related claim is that there is no single set of rules or practices that govern the ethics, truth and politics of a research project. In effect, the ethics, truth and politics of a research project are contextually driven and simultaneously contextually bound. This does not imply that a laissez‐faire ‘anything goes’ approach is defensible. On the contrary, the qualitative researcher is constantly and consistently called upon to consciously and deliberately engage with the ethical, truth and political implications of his research and writing. For the researcher ethical epiphanies are rare. Confronting and making an ethical decision is a demanding process, not an event in the life of a researcher. To extend this second point beyond the boundaries of South Africa, I draw on the works of local and international philosophers of education who offer similar arguments.  相似文献   

毕亚玲 《海外英语》2011,(9):353+355
语义模糊是人类自然语言系统的客观属性,从认知角度对语义模糊进行探究为二语习得带来新启示。英语专业泛读课文本篇幅较长、生词量庞大,对教师教学和学生阅读理解均提出挑战。该文讨论了语义模糊理论在泛读课文本欣赏和词汇处理方面的运用,为改进泛读课的教学模式做出有益尝试。  相似文献   

“……似的”在文学作品中是个很常见的短语,虽然从1982年陆俭明先生《析“像……似的”》发表以来,人们对这一短语作了很多研究,但大多是对其语义进行分析,很少有人对其功能作全面的考察。全文考察了鲁迅三部小说集中所有的短语“……似的”,并从组合功能、句法功能、语用功能等三个方面进行描述,旨在进一步全面地认识这一短语的性质和功能。  相似文献   

Studies of the development of sentence comprehension strategies in English have indicated that, at first, children tend to rely on pragmatic and semantic strategies, whereas, later on, they rely primarily on word order to determine the basic grammatical relations. However, before making strong conclusions regarding the role of semantics in comprehension, it is necessary to distinguish between (1) extragrammatical knowledge of world events and (2) abstract semantic distinctions that may be an integral part of the parsing process. An earlier study of American and Italian adults indicated that use of such abstract semantic strategies may be a core strategy for parsing in Italian. In the present study, we compared sentence interpretation in American and Italian children between the ages of 2 and 5. From the earliest stages, children showed sensitivity to the relative information value of the various cues in their native language; Italians relied primarily on semantic cues, whereas American children relied on word order. In general, the data did not support claims regarding the existence of universal hypotheses about language structure. There was also evidence that the failure of these young children to make full use of certain interpretive cues resulted from their inability to appreciate the discourse functions of these cues.  相似文献   

本文尝试将形而上学的“真理”结构概括为三个方面 :认识对象———“真实世界” ,认识主体———“纯粹理性” ,表达手段———“再现性语言” ,进而在这三个方面探讨尼采对形而上学真理观的批判以及对“我们的真理”的思考。本文不同意将尼采在真理问题上的看法归为虚无主义的流俗做法 ,辨析了尼采自己的真理立场和形而上学真理意识的根本区别。  相似文献   

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