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关于闽粤汉人移民台湾,福佬人比客家人早到台湾,还是晚的问题,至今仍有不同的看法。仔细查找汉文文献来看,康熙末年台湾客家、福佬移民的比例已有不同。明郑时期已有大批客家人迁台,康熙四十几年以后又掀起客家人迁台的高潮。  相似文献   

历史上从福建汀州直接移民台湾的客家人有70余万,从广东去台的客家人,其祖籍基本也在闽西汀州.在台湾的闽南人也有30余万人的祖先曾经是汀州的主人.大量的汀州客家族谱是真实反映客家民系不断播迁发展的珍贵家族史料,揭示了汀州客家裔孙东移台湾,开发建设台湾的历史进程.福建汀州的地理环境发展有限,人多地少等因素是造成明末清初汀州客家人纷纷向台湾移民垦耕的原因.闽台两地客家同宗同源,一脉相传,共同造就和传承了闽台客家文化.  相似文献   

邓夏生 《高中生》2009,(16):30-31
1.清朝统一台湾时,"国家初设郡县,管辖不过百余里,距今未四十年,而开垦流移之众,延袤两千里,糖谷之利甲天下"。这说明①台湾府的设置促进了台湾经济的发展②大陆移民是清朝开发台湾的重要力量③清朝时台湾主要出产食糖和粮食④国家统一是台湾发展繁荣的保证  相似文献   

清代台湾与四川均属于典型的移民社会,但由于政府对两地移民政策的不同,导致两地移民社会发展形态呈现一定差异,在台湾与四川移民社会中闽粤家族发展即是例证,台湾家族发展较慢,基本上以先地缘后家族模式发展,四川家族发展颇快,基本上是地缘与家族组织同步发展,但互利性的合同式家族是两地移民家族发展的共同特征,移民社会的家族发展与故土均发生过密切联系。  相似文献   

台湾妈祖信仰起源新探   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过发掘史料,论证台湾妈祖信仰起源于大陆移民。其中澎湖最迟在明万历前已有天妃宫。明末随大陆移民入台的妈祖被称为“船仔妈”。1661年随郑成功军队入台的妈祖则被称作“护军妈”,由此可证,妈祖信仰清代之前已植根台湾。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个移民国家,移民政策是其基本国策之一。自1972年中澳建交、澳大利亚废除以种族歧视为核心的“白澳政策”以来,赴澳华人移民不断增多。20世纪80年代以来,随着澳大利亚移民政策的逐步调整,来自中国大陆、香港和台湾的华人新移民成为赴澳移民的  相似文献   

在中国移民上,人们一直着重研究北方人口向南方的转移,这主要是在西晋永嘉之乱以后。三国时期的吴国与隋朝都曾派遣大军经营台湾,其目的不是为了开发台湾,而是为了掳掠当地人口,以补充大陆人口的不足,这造成了台湾对大陆的移民。从移民史的角度考察,这说明了大陆与台湾的血缘关系是相当密切的。  相似文献   

明清以来,在台湾移民社会的形成过程中,各种戏剧纷纷传入台湾.雷海青成为了台湾的主要戏神.雷海青信仰反映了台湾民间戏曲的渊源流派及民众的信仰习俗,具有行业性、混杂性和虚构附会性等特点.雷海青的个人德行和民众的生活需要造就了雷海青信仰的兴盛.  相似文献   

开漳圣王信仰,是指漳州人民对陈元光的祭祀和崇拜。明末,漳州人民开始移民开发台湾,并在康清乾年间达到高潮。随着漳州籍移民开发台湾,开漳圣王信仰也随之传播到台湾。伴随台湾社会的变迁,开漳圣王信仰的社会职能也不断发生演变。  相似文献   

泉州与台湾一水之隔,历史上,台湾曾隶属泉州府。明末清初大陆多次掀起移民台湾的高潮,泉州人始终在台湾移民中占多数。他们筚路蓝缕,流血流汗开荒拓地,为开发台湾立下丰功伟绩,同时也推动了迁出地——泉州社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

从人背景因素方面,解释歌仔戏“闽调台腔”现象及两岸歌仔戏音乐流派产生的原因,说明台湾移民社会环境和闽台不同社会背景对于歌仔戏音乐形成和发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

鉴于唐代固始移民史的研究现状,本文提出延伸性和精细化研究取向,据此确立唐代固始移民史的独特价值和应有地位。所谓延伸性研究,就是将固始移民入闽迁台视为一个整体,用整体史观书写唐代固始移民通史,完成固始移民入闽迁台的史实重建,进而考察唐代固始移民对福建社会的直接影响和对台湾社会的间接影响;精细化研究,包括史实重建和对相关历史文化现象的厘清,意在将唐代固始移民史研究引向深入。  相似文献   

民间信仰是普通百姓日常生活的一部分,对百姓的生活、生产等各个方面都有深刻的影响。当人们向外迁移时,原居地的各种民间信仰往往也随之传播到迁入地,并在移民社会中扮演着重要的角色。本文以台湾的闽粤客家移民为例,探讨民间信仰在移民社会的传承与变迁及其社会功能。  相似文献   

闽粤迁台移民具有浓厚的故土情怀,在拓垦台湾的过程中,为求得生存和发展,便出现了以传统的血缘和地缘关系为纽带的聚落。台湾先民为了寄托对故乡的眷恋之情,除了用姓氏给新居住地命名外,还以原籍地名来命名新的垦殖区。台湾移民社会中的冠姓冠籍地名凝聚着中华民族的爱国爱乡的优秀传统,成为维系台湾同胞与祖国大陆的重要精神纽带。  相似文献   

妈祖信仰对台湾社会文化发展进程中具有重要的影响力。在台湾早期由移民社会向定居社会转变进程中,妈祖信仰对于凝聚以地缘群体聚落移民间的关系方面曾起到了促进的作用。在台湾沦为日本帝国主义殖民地的50年间,妈祖信仰对于凝聚民族精神、抗拒日本帝国主义的殖民奴化进程具有很强的作用。在当代,妈祖信仰已发展成为维系两岸骨肉亲情、增进相互了解、文化认同的重要精神纽带。  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences and similarities in child-rearing practices among Chinese, immigrant Chinese, and Caucasian-American parents. The subjects of this study were the mothers and fathers of 138 children enrolled in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade in Taiwan and the United States. The child-rearing variables under study were: parental control, encouragement of independence, expression of affection, and emphasis on achievement. MANOVA yielded significant group effects on the parental variables. It was found that Chinese and immigrant Chinese parents tended to rate higher on parental control, encouragement of independence, and emphasis on achievement than Caucasian-American parents. The adaptability of the immigrant Chinese to the conditions of life and social structures of the United States, while maintaining traditional patterns of socialization, is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper takes advantage of the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement data set to empirically evaluate whether the test score differentials between pupils with immigrant and native mothers are substantial across subjects, grades and years. Our results show that there exist test score differentials between the two groups after controlling for the students' individual characteristics and family background. The Chinese, Maths and English subjects exhibit larger test score gaps relative to Science and Society. We also find that the academic gaps between native students and pupils with mothers from Southeast Asian countries tend to widen, while the students' performance is about the same as that for native students if their mothers are from mainland China, confirming that the language proficiency of immigrant mothers significantly affects pupils' learning. Our empirical results may suggest that remedial teaching (or an equivalent preferential policy) for the lower-grade pupils with immigrant mothers might be required to create a fair environment for learning, and such a policy should take the nationality of those foreign mothers into account.  相似文献   

By analyzing the contradiction between the first immigrant American Chinese women and their America-born children as well as the inner emotional dilemma within the second immigrant women,this paper attempts to explore the cultural conflict manifested by female characters in The Woman Warrior,demonstrating the American immigrant women's depression,desperation and bitterness in their adaptation to a new circumstance.  相似文献   

This contribution reviews research that links students’ and teachers’ ethnic background to students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior, teacher treatment of individual students, and student achievement and subject-related attitudes. The review mainly includes studies from the United States, Australia and the Netherlands and a few Asian countries (Singapore, Brunei and Taiwan). The literature revealed that ethnicity is consistently associated with students’ perceptions of their teachers, that the way teachers communicate varies according to the ethnicity of their students and that teacher interpersonal behavior may be more important for immigrant minority students’ outcomes than for their indigenous peers. The article finishes off by offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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