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When politicians discuss Italy's position in terms of achieving equality between men and women, the school environment is rarely called into question or mentioned. This is despite the fact that gender inequality remains a prominent feature of the Italian education system. The reason for this failure to perceive the problem, and the consequent lack of investment in policies for gender equality in education, derives from a massive misunderstanding: school is perceived by the public and the political class as one of the few environments within the highly sexist Italian social fabric in which equality has been achieved. On closer examination, however, it is clear that the Italian school is merely the image of a sexist society which in turn acts as the driving force for a traditional and stereotypical view of male and female roles. This article will discuss this perspective and investigate three areas of education that are problematic in gender terms: gendered educational choices; sexist stereotypes transmitted through textbooks; and the lack of adequate training for teachers.  相似文献   

Gender representation in the public sector schools textbooks of Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines gender biases in school textbooks after a decade long effort by the ministry of education (MoE) Pakistan and international organisation (IOs) to eliminate all forms of gender inequality in education. The intention underpinning these initiatives was to nurture a view of gender equality based consciousness through the introduction of more positive gendered images into school textbooks in Pakistan. However, the study discussed in this paper discovered that schools textbooks are still embedded with gender-biased messages and stereotypical representations of male and females. Gender biases in 24 textbooks (Urdu, English and Social Studies) from class 1 to 8 were analysed with the help of a qualitative content analysis approach. The paper draws attention to the insouciant approach taken by the MoE and IOs towards the goal of gender equality. The study found that, despite the prevailing claims of achievements, the new textbooks are ideologically invested – and contribute to the perpetuation of gender inequality. In this context, the gender blindness of the curriculum designers and textbook authors is a matter of serious concern.  相似文献   

中小学课本文化品质关系到教学质量,勾连着学生发展;提高中小学课本文水平,是提升基础教育质量的关键,是培养合格人才、助社会进步的保证。对一些中小学课本文化质量和存在的问题,不能无所谓;促社会健康发展、推进文明建设、达成科学发展,重视中小学课本质量,努力提高其文化品质是实事,它关乎社会发展品质和我们的将来。用编辑、出版《毛泽东选集》等的劲头做法,编辑中小学课本当行、必行,如此,我们的课本文化品质会明显提高。  相似文献   

沪教版初中语文教材选文中女性形象审察述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国务院在《中国儿童发展纲要(2001年-2010年)》中重申:“将性别平等意识纳入到教学内容。”教材作为教学内容最重要的载体之一,其隐含的基于一定的社会文化的性别观对学生的性别观的形成产生潜移默化的影响。近年来,随着女性主义研究视角在教育领域中的延伸,教材中出现的女性形象开始受到关注,上海作为我国女性在经济、文化等方面最活跃的城市,具有一定地域性质的沪教版初中语文教材,其选文中的女性形象值得关注。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between teachers’ general beliefs about sexism in society with their views on sexism in curriculum materials. In so doing, it seeks to elaborate on the nature of teachers’ ideological perceptions of sexism, sex roles and feminism. By analysing sex stereotyping in the school texts of one secondary school for the subjects English, mathematics and French, the research reported in the paper substantiates much of the previous research in this area which has found school texts to be male dominated. In conclusion, the paper suggests that, in certain cases, teacher ideology could be a considerable obstacle to the development of anti‐sexist pedagogies because those teachers who support traditional sex roles tend to resist or devalue anti‐sexist initiatives in education.  相似文献   

This article discusses the almost identical syllabuses of the Christian and Muslim religious education programmes of the Syrian Arab Republic. Content analysis of the students’ textbooks and teachers’ guides (in Arabic) reveals common themes of citizenship education and national unity. Classroom observations in Damascus also highlight how Christian and Muslim teachers have similar ways of teaching religion. Finally, the article describes how each programme aims to unite, in its own way, all the Christians of Syria as well as the Muslims. It becomes evident that the Syrian religious education programmes strike a balance between the religious autonomy of the faith communities and the need for national unity.  相似文献   

Education for multiculturalism, founded on liberal-democratic values, is a frequent topic of educational discourse that has not been ignored by Muslim Arab schools in Israel. In general, Arab society is undergoing change processes, in transition from a traditional to a modern society; traditional values are challenged, engendering social crises. This paper discusses whether the multicultural approach can be successfully imparted in a society with preexisting structured values. It focuses on the school’s role as a socialization agent that needs to adapt itself to a changing sociocultural reality, discussing the school’s involvement in creating a value crisis, since it transmits the Islamic perception of the principles, foundations, and goals of education for multiculturalism. It is concluded that education for multiculturalism in Arab schools lacks internal logic, conflicts with and even undermines the Arab society’s sociocultural values system, is inappropriate as a means to supervise the necessary change processes, and thus contributes to a values crisis.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the characteristics of women discipline supervisors in the Arab education system in Israel, through their professional development to their attainment of senior supervisory posts. It examines how they attain supervision posts and perform various managerial functions in what is considered a male role, in a patriarchal society, highlighting changes they introduce. In-depth interviews elucidated the life stories of four women supervisors in the Arab education system in Israel. Findings point up the need for a policy of gender equality in role appointments, and the need for mentoring and support to encourage women to undertake senior roles in education.  相似文献   

保证中学教育质量需要优质的中学理科教科书,为此,需要深刻认识:中学教科书是国家的教育、文化名片,是中学教育质量的基本保障;中学教科书是"典",是标准,它要全方位的规范、准确,教科书的编写出版工作无小事,其细节当完备,修订理科教科书应关注、致力于完善它的细部.通过阅读通用义务教育教科书《物理(九年级,全一册)》(修订版)小札,指出了其中值得修正的地方,进而提出了相应的对策:编写、出版理科教科书,当对学生、对社会、对历史负责;文字简洁、准确,内容科学、图片清晰是理科教科书的核心元素;教科书修订工作要加强,必须严格执行标准.  相似文献   

Although the school constitutes a key cultural arena for the production and reproduction of gender identities, few studies have addressed gender discourse in educational institutions in developing societies. Such studies are especially sparse in Arab society in Israel. This study goes some way to addressing what is often absent from many sociological portrayals of young pupils and schools, since it uses the words of the teachers and students to clarify the construction of gender discourse in an Arab high school in Israel. It points to activities considered to be gendered; identifying distinctions between the sexes (if they exist) in the staff’s and students’ perceptions of educational experiences at school; and examining to what extent school authority is seen as masculine and whether the school promotes debate and socialization for equality between the sexes. The research employed an inductive methodology including ethnographic data-collection techniques: observations, focus group interviews of students and in-depth personal interviews with school role-holders. Findings indicate that a covert learning program influences gender construction in the Arab school, a program intended to maintain the existing hegemonic social hierarchy. Patriarchal control of the adolescents’ agenda appears weakened and a generation gap separates teachers from students. Voices of students and younger staff advocate deconstruction of the traditional structure and norms of Arab society, suggesting a new agenda, promoting egalitarian discourse, and new personal and collective identities. Conclusions are drawn concerning the school’s role in the deconstruction of the existing male hegemony, the promotion of gender equity. The paper provides ethnographic insights concerning the Arab high school in Israel, pointing up a need for empathetic educator-student dialogue, that will promote egalitarian perceptions and practices, listen to the voice of the younger generation and challenge residual social norms of Arab Muslim society. The findings indicate that a more open gender discourse could offer symbolic resources and/or practical tools to enhance the every-day implementation of equity in the school. The paper also suggests some new research directions.  相似文献   

能力主义、社会资本和差异补偿是西方社会学的重要概念,以此三重价值取向来分析我国教育演进过程中的若干重大问题,有利于深入理解教育发展的基本规律,促进我国教育发展的科学决策。优先工农的教育政策中体现着差异补偿,但基本是在能力主义的前提下实施的。干部子弟学校的取消,目的在于限制特权势力,重点学校虽以能力主义为基础,差异补偿和社会资本均参与其中。取消学校考试制度导致能力主义的缺失,而特权势力的介入,必然导致大学生推荐制度瓦解。我国的高考制度是一种根据学习成绩优先录取高分考生的选拔考试,基本排除了家庭出身等遗传因素,因此可以保证社会的基本公正。本来具有促进教育平等意义的高校扩招,由于经济取向的过度干扰,必要的补偿机制又未能及时跟上,其促进平等的目标还任重道远。虽然一些教育优惠措施体现了补偿原则,但却是起点差异极大现实上的补偿,还不足以保证平等。择校的潜规则就是权力、人情加金钱,这是导致择校热的根本原因,也是造成社会不满的本质原因。建立以能力主义和差异补偿为基础,限制社会资本滋生的教育政策系统当是未来教育发展的愿景。大众教育和精英教育是国家高等教育发展的两个轮子,两者应当并行不悖。以能力主义为基础,兼施差异补偿的高考模式,可能是促进高考制度更加公平的一种改革思路。一种教育制度与人事制度相互衔接的新制度体系,立足于能力主义,学而优者通过严格考试可直接录用为领导干部或高层管理人员。我们应当将效率限定在经济范畴之内。而在判断平等与公正时,可以采用能力主义和差异补偿的价值工具:只有在能力主义的基础之上,教育平等才可能实现;只有在机会均等的条件下,采取差异补偿的措施,教育公正才可能存在。  相似文献   

以社会性别理论视角来考察和分析教育机会均等的问题,发现学生在入学机会、教育过程和教育结果上存在着种种性别不平等现象。要真正实现男女两性的教育机会均等,就必须要进一步完善相关的法律法规,建立各级性别公平化教育的监测机制,重新审视编订学校的教材,培养教师的性别平等意识并掌握相应的教育教学方法和技能,以有效促进性别公平化教育的实施和开展。  相似文献   

As a result of the economic recession, most African countries have adopted a policy to design and produce their own science textbooks. Questions of what view of school science is presented in West Africa and how school science is presented and implemented in the junior and senior secondary school levels are raised.

In most African countries, science dominates the school curriculum as a ‘true’ subject comprising certain facts and reliable information. The textbooks in use at the secondary levels are examined and a considerable reorganization of science education in African countries is suggested. First, science should start from the practices of teachers and students in classrooms rather than an idealized notion of the scientific method; science should be taught as a major human activity which explores the realm of human experience. Second, school science textbooks should focus attention on the lives of the learners and should help create pupil's awareness of the extent to which concepts, principles and generalizations are related to everyday life. Third, traditional African cultures should be properly explored and interpreted so that they can be of value to the African society.  相似文献   

中小学教改及其目标的达成根本问题之一是保证、提高中小学课本的文化品质。提升学习质量,实现卓越的基础教育需有高文化品质的课本,课本细节频有恙是"战略性"失误,其负效应大,对问题课本不能等闲视之。使用瑕疵多的课本会毁教育、毁了世风,将误民误民族。"无错不成书"之象蔓延到课本,这对教育、文化和国人与社会的进步不利。推进教育、文化与社会发展,当从基础抓起、做起,保证课本品质,让学生使用精品课本乃当务之急。文章建议:借助第三方细致地评鉴课本的文化品质,并分出等级,将其作为基教质量评估的重要指标;生产、出版、供应"去都市化"、"弱城市化",增加草根味、庶民性的中小学通用课本;课本编审、评价等须全方位强化、落实有关标准与要求;建立、执行问题课本召回、修订的硬制度。  相似文献   

日本小学社会科教科书中的“传统与文化”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本已将成为一个"文化创造型国家"确立为国家发展的方向。"传统与文化"教育被寄予了创建国际社会、日本社会、区域社会以及学校社会的重任。2008年修订的课程标准新增了有关传统与文化的课程内容。小学社会科教科书中"传统与文化"相关内容通过展现学生自主探究、学习传统与文化的过程来培养学生的民族认同感,这种内容组织方式是值得肯定的。但是,"传统与文化"内容仅限于三年级有关区域社会的变迁和发展单元与六年级的历史单元中,而且缺乏从传统文化在今天和未来的价值、传统文化对国际社会的影响这两个视角来组织,这将是日本"传统与文化"教育亟待解决的课题。  相似文献   

汉译历史教科书在晚清的出现,是中国社会新旧交替的特殊背景下发生的学术现象,经历了不同的发展时期,其真正在近代中国的学校教育中普及,是在晚清新式学堂纷纷使用汉译历史教科书作为教学蓝本开始。而这一阶段,又经历了洋务运动、维新运动和书院改制这三个教育改革时期。  相似文献   

This article explores the issue of minority education in the nation of Georgia, and this research aims to identify the reasons for minority educational problems. The results of school exit exams, literacy research studies, and the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment were used to highlight the differences in educational achievements of minority and majority students. Content analysis and empirical analysis of focus group discussions form the methodological basis for this study. The research identifies two important factors that influence the quality of general education in minority schools: (a) national curriculum and school textbooks and (b) teacher certification and professional development. Based on these results, the article provides suggestions for the improvement of teacher qualification, school curriculum, and textbooks for non-Georgian schools in Georgia. The author will argue that without fundamental, long-term, and sophisticated national curriculum and textbooks, as well as professional development reforms for teachers, integration of society will remain a problem in Georgia.  相似文献   

教育考试制度与教育平等   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育平等是社会政治平等和经济平等在教育领域的扩展 ,是学校和社会政策的目标。教育考试制度是社会和学校系统为社会选拔制定的一个规则 ,即让所有的角逐者完全平等地进行竞争 ,通过个人的努力获得成功。然而 ,教育考试制度和教育平等在本质上是不相容的  相似文献   

This article discusses the types of citizenship education that are included in a sample of Japanese junior high school civics textbooks. Seven civics textbooks that have been authorized by the Ministry of Education for use in junior high school from the 2012 academic year were analysed in the context of fundamental issues in citizenship education and the national curriculum guidelines in Japan. In contrast to some previously published research, it is argued that the textbooks encourage, to a limited extent, active, participatory approaches by students with exercises and practical tasks to help students develop skills and gain the understanding required to live in contemporary society. It is suggested that the textbooks place some limitations on active learning especially in relation to students' political participation and that they reflect the struggle Japan is experiencing in the search for an inclusive national identity. Further work may serve to clarify the nature of potential contributions to citizenship education including that associated with students' involvement in whole school issues.  相似文献   

It is well known that agism is present in both Eastern and Western literature, including in school textbooks. Older people are often portrayed as insignificant, sick, dependent, boring or lonely. Younger generations may develop “gerontophobia” from such textbooks, which is not beneficial for ensuring that individuals can live happily in their old age and may impede society’s ability to provide support for senior citizens. Mainland China currently has the largest elderly population in the world. This study aimed to assess elementary school textbooks in mainland China in terms of aging-related content using the instrument developed by Chin-shan Huang and to compare the results with those of previous related studies conducted in Taiwan and Western countries. This comparison illustrates the current status of aging education in school textbooks in mainland China.  相似文献   

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