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记得朱自清曾经说过:“逛南京像逛古董铺子.”确实是这样,鸡鸣寺的古幽,聚宝山的巍峨,太虚境的玄妙,总统府的宏博,雨花台的荒寂……都能给人极深的印象.行走在这片神奇的土地上,我最迷恋的还是金陵的水. 走近玄武湖,是十二月的清晨.玄武湖边的树特别好看,树枝旁逸斜出,树叶红橙黄绿.桂花刚谢,空气中仍残留浓郁的香味.朗朗的阳光,从叶丛间泻下斑驳的碎影.  相似文献   

提起秋,人们马上联想起红叶.然而,我不能不说,红叶和秋的本质其缘甚远. 从枫的红到银杏的黄,红叶有着各种各样的色彩.日语的“红叶”一词,有时泛指各种颜色的霜叶,直接来自这些色彩的感触和深沉专注的秋的感触,还有一段不小的距离呢.城市里也许不是这样,只要踏进乡间一步,山裾树林的红叶,田野稔熟的金黄的农作物,红彤彤照射着的日脚……当你一一抽出来单独静观的时候,就会发现,它们毋宁说是属于残暑的,不是真正的秋的领域.试想,如果将我们的居室住宅,涂满上述各种色彩中的一种,我们生活的心境定会变得坐立不安吧.这种不安和秋的无所倚凭的心境,完全是两码事.  相似文献   

鲁迅 《考试》2010,(Z2)
暖国的雨,向来没有变过冰冷的坚硬的灿烂的雪花。博识的人们觉得他单调,他自己也以为不幸否耶?江南的雪,可是滋润美艳之至了;那是还在隐约着的青春的消息,是极壮健的处子的皮肤。雪野中有血红的宝珠山茶,白中隐青的单瓣梅花,深黄的磬口  相似文献   

舒曼的艺术歌曲就如同浪漫主义时代的诗人的作品一样,富有诗意、幻想.从充满诗一般的意境、音乐与诗词的完美结合、丰富的钢琴伴奏表现力等方面分析了舒曼艺术歌曲的特点及演唱风格.  相似文献   

最后的鸽群带着低弱的笛声在微风里画一个圈子后,也消失了.也许是误认这灰暗的凄冷的天空为夜色的来袭,或是预感到风雨的将至,遂过早地飞回它们温暖的木舍. 几天的阳光在柳条上撒下的一抹嫩绿,被尘土埋掩得有憔悴色了,是需要一次洗涤.还有干裂的大地和树根也早已期待着雨.雨却迟疑着. 我怀想着故乡的雷声和雨声.那隆隆的有力的搏击,从山谷返响到山谷,仿佛春之芽就从冻土里震动,惊醒,而怒茁出来.细草样柔的雨声又以温存之手抚摩它,使它簇生油绿的枝叶而开出红色的花.这些怀想如乡愁一样萦绕得使我忧郁了.我心里的气候也和这北方大陆一样缺少雨量,一滴温柔的泪在我枯涩的眼里,如迟疑在这阴沉的天空里的雨点,久不落下.  相似文献   

真正的强者,不是流泪的人,而是含着泪奔跑的人。——题记立下一个美丽的心愿,为你的成功增添一份勇气和动力,为你的前行找到正确的方向,为你的生活布下一个合理的棋局。有了一个美好的愿望,就得付出相应的行动,向着自己的梦想奔跑。  相似文献   

从校园网自身的特点出发,分析了在Internet环境下,校园网络存在的安全隐患以及造成的危害;提出构建一个较为完善的网络安全防范体系的策略,包括:网络安全设备的配备、统一身份认证系统的建立、病毒防护体系的构建、安全管理制度的制定等.  相似文献   

飘飘洒洒的雪漫天舞蹈的声音,一片一片的雪花落地时相互碰撞又层层叠叠覆盖着的声音,那些躺在雪的温暖怀抱中的麦苗,发出香甜的鼾声,蛰伏的蛇的呓语还有冰下的鱼无声地滑动的声音。一只鸽子飞过,翅翼上蹈的声  相似文献   

徐徐的微风飘荡在大自然,天地间的诉说洋溢在海角天涯……粼粼的阳光穿过片片的云层洒在大地,那是大地倾听着蓝天的诉说。丝丝的细雨透过缕缕的青烟散在田间,那是泥土倾听着蓝天的诉说。深树而鸣的黄鹂在枝头轻快的跳跃,那是林子倾听着鸟儿的诉说。鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,那是无际的苍穹倾听着振翅的勇者的歌声;那是湍急的流水倾听着逆流而上的心的搏动……  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的建立、完善以及知识经济在我国的兴起、发展,使中学生的校外活动较以前发生了极大的变化,呈现出理想逐渐与实际靠近、定位比较明确、具有一定的社会意识、成人化社会行为开始出现等趋势.中学生校外活动出现的这些新趋势,应引起我们足够的重视,并应采取有效的措施加以引导.如加强中学生的角色意识教育;用教师的榜样示范作用来影响中学生的社会化;建立社会、家庭、学校三结合的管理体制;强化学生的成才意识;正确处理社会化与个性化的关系;加速培养学生校外活动的骨干力量等.  相似文献   

Abstract This research note describes the rationale and methods used in a pilot single case‐study of teaching subtraction to an adolescent with specific learning difficulties. The rationale is derived from Bloom's theory of school learning with its emphasis on mastery of objectives and on the contributory influence of self‐concept of ability on learning outcomes. This is linked to Bandura's theory of self‐efficacy which is associated with a methodology for assessing self‐efficacy in relation to objectives. The results indicated that self‐efficacy judgements could predict subsequent subtraction performance and that there could have been some transfer in self‐efficacy from one task to another related task. The results are discussed in terms of assessment methodology and of future areas for theoretical and practical developments.  相似文献   

在以成年人为服务对象的现代远程开放教育中,学习小组的作用值得注意。本研究经过两年的实验,取得了预期的效果。研究发现:1、学习小组可以通过互通信息、交流心得和营造积极进取、乐观和谐的学习气氛这样两个渠道提高学员的学习成绩;2、学习小组在增进人际关系,提高社会适应能力方面有实际功效。  相似文献   

Problem‐based learning using authentic material from the web was used to teach metabolism in a biochemistry course. In place of traditional lectures, students’ analyzed health or nutrition articles from newspapers and magazines, which were debatable from a scientific point of view, following the principles of problem‐based learning. A mixed method was used to assess the students’ perception, use of sources of information and web services while performing the task, and changes in self‐directed learning. Students’ perception was particularly positive. The majority stated that the methodology helped them to apply knowledge to real life and that they learned about the topic analyzed by their group. The perception that problem‐based learning promotes the ability to solve problems, critical thinking, and collaborative work is noteworthy. Tutors considered that teams identified the problem and concluded correctly, noticing students’ enthusiasm and motivation. The methodology also promoted scientific reading. More importantly, a significant improvement in self‐directed learning of the 2014 cohort was detected. This intervention suggests that this methodology is a valuable alternative to motive and promote self‐learning; representing an opportunity to shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. The design of the activity and materials are described in detail. Also, limitations and solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

In the literature, student self‐assessment as a practice and as a goal in higher education is generally emphasized for academics. This paper reports a study that investigates what academics emphasize in their experiences of student self‐assessment. The investigation focused on the different ways academics described their understanding and practise of self‐assessment. A phenomenographic approach was used to research and identify a set of progressive variations of academics’ ways of experiencing student self‐assessment. Altogether, 16 academics from a variety of disciplines and programs of study in three Australian universities participated in the investigation. The consequent research findings describe five qualitatively different conceptions that depict how academics understand and use student self‐assessment. These findings are subsequently discussed in terms of the potential for academics to understand and use student self‐assessment to enhance students’ self‐assessment ability, to further students’ lifelong learning and to empower, rather than discipline, students.  相似文献   

高校自考班思想政治课,是学生德育教育的重要阵地。在思政课教学中如何调动学生学习积极性、增强吸引力,这是思想政治课教学中需要认真思考的问题。文章从培养学生的学习兴趣、教师挖掘学习内容和研究学习对象、用社会热点问题培养学生分析问题的能力、与学生进行高品质的沟通以及培养学生的自学精神和动手能力等途径分析此问题。  相似文献   

"马克思主义基本原理概论"教学以提高学生理论思维能力和思想政治素质为目标。为提升原理课教学实效性,要从整体性的把握上,领会马克思主义的实质;从方法论的意义上,汲取马克思主义的精髓;与现实生活的结合上,彰显马克思主义的活力。原理课教学必须做到理论教育与意识形态教育的有机统一,促进马克思主义原理体系向学生认知体系和信仰体系的有效转化,从而增进学生对中国特色社会主义道路的自觉、自信和自强。  相似文献   

Learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often exhibit difficulty in the area of reading comprehension. Research connecting the learning needs of individuals with ASD, existing effective practices, teacher training, and teacher perceptions of their own ability to teach reading comprehension is scarce. Quantitative survey methodology and hierarchical regression analysis were utilized to investigate teacher preparedness to use effective practices, along with the job‐related factors of experience, administrator support, learner verbal ability, and instructional setting, as predictors of (1) teacher perceived self‐efficacy and (2) teacher perceived outcome expectancy teaching reading comprehension to learners with ASD. Study findings, based on 112 teacher participants, indicate that teachers with a higher confidence in using effective practices have both a higher perception of their own ability to teach comprehension (self‐efficacy), and a higher expectation of their own ability to increase instructional outcomes in learners with ASD (outcome expectancy). Implications for practice include professional development recommendations and provision of ongoing support from principals and administrators.  相似文献   

论当代大学生应具备的七种能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国在新世纪要跻身于世界民族之林,中华民族的伟大振兴要顺利实现,当代大学生可以说任重而道远。因此,对当代大学生生存能力、竞争能力、管理能力、创新能力、自学能力、自律能力和交际能力的培养就迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

以培养学生自学能力为目的,改革课堂教学结构,优化教学过程,采取“自学、议论、引导”的教学方法。其中,自学能力包括三个阶段:自学能力的释放;自学活动的进行;自学能力的评价。改革课堂教学结构要从内容、形式、环节、课型四个方面来入手。教学过程要成为学生为主的智力活动,注重因材施教。促进学生个性发展,师生互动,生动活泼,最终目标是使学生的主动性、创新能力、组织能力、交际能力明显提高。  相似文献   

郑深 《成人教育》2014,(3):39-41
实验环节考核作为对自考生实践能力和创新能力的培养和考查,在高教自学考试中占据了重要的地位。对高教自学考试实验环节考核采取科学的评价标准,将有利于培养具有创新精神和实践能力的应用型高级专门人才的教育目标的实现。  相似文献   

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