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The preparation of teachers involves academics from across the disciplinary spectrum but research on the differences between academic disciplines has revealed that a faculty member's discipline is a major factor in shaping the several aspects of course planning and teaching. The purpose of this paper is to present a model for investigating disciplinary differences as they may relate to teaching with technology, thereby enabling more effective integration of technology into the curriculum. Components of the model include: the structure and ethos of the discipline; preparation for, and experience as, a teacher; faculty assumptions about students; faculty beliefs and perceptions about technology; and the environmental context.  相似文献   

A series of national conferences focusing on faculty renewal is described in this paper. These conferences were attended by over 450 faculty members, faculty development professionals, and academic administrators representing 188 institutions and higher education organizations in 39 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and the Virgin Islands. The programs of these conferences demonstrate that a wide range of activities promoting faculty renewal are ongoing in a variety of institutional settings throughout the country and examination of the conference programs and participants provides additional insight into the topic of faculty renewal in higher education.William K. Jackson is associate director of the Office of Instructional Development at the University of Georgia and a founding co-chair of the National Renewal Conferences. He holds graduate degrees in physics and educational administration (higher education) from the University of South Carolina and has served as an academic administrator at both a private liberal arts college and a public research university. He currently co-directs a FIPSE-funded Senior Teaching Fellows program at UGA.  相似文献   

Continuous curriculum improvement derives from a variety of perspectives, opportunities, and approaches. In this brief, we describe a process that facilitated student participation in curriculum development. We took our Supply Chain Management students to a regional conference affiliated with APICS and had them assess their knowledge readiness compared to professional standards. We used these data to identify our curriculum's strengths and weaknesses and to encourage faculty collaboration to adjust it accordingly. Our approach can be generalized to any academic discipline.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 751 undergraduate students and 85 of their faculty, the author examined the extent of faculty-student differences in their priorities placed on eight learning goals. The findings show that students placed significantly more importance on career preparation, scientific reasoning, personal development, and art and cultural appreciation and that faculty placed significantly more importance on critical thinking and mastery of discipline content. Students and their faculty did not differ significantly on the priorities they placed on basic academic skills, citizenship, and values. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of curriculum development and an increasing belief that student development and learning are improved when curricula assess and incorporate students' goals and priorities.  相似文献   

This study, based on repeated interviews, tracked four sucessive cohorts of new faculty at a large state university over each of their semesters on campus. It documents trends for these new hires, notably in how they coped with social and intellectual isolation, with conflicts between their own and senior faculty's values, and with finding social support. New faculty evidenced differences as a function of the degree of their experience and of return from non‐academic careers. Older and more experienced new faculty found fewer friends and social supports on campus. New faculty needed at least three years to feel a real part of campus.  相似文献   

Collaboration between Miami University's School of Education and Allied Professions and multiple P-12 schools in the region has been institutionalized through the Institute for Educational Renewal (IER). The IER has provided a powerful means to address the puzzle of school reform and the need for simultaneous renewal of schools and educator-preparation programs. The IER partnership is described, an example of work at 2 schools is provided, and a sample day in the life of a university faculty member who is highly involved in collaboration is depicted.  相似文献   


When a liberal arts college decides to include computer science as one of its academic disciplines, a number of questions arise. What is an appropriate curriculum? What sort of laboratory support does this new discipline need? How does a small liberal arts school attract, retain, and evaluate faculty in this area? Do computer science faculty become a separate department or remain joined with mathematics or some other discipline? In short, what must be done to put computer science on equal footing with mathematics and other scientific disciplines? This paper addresses these questions.  相似文献   

This study reviews the literature on academic environments with particular reference to the academic department which is seen as the most important factor in the teaching and learning environment. Departmental environment characteristics as identified by faculty and by students are described. For students the most important are:-
  • Student-Faculty Relationships;
  • Interest and Engagement in Teaching; and
  • Satisfaction with Instruction.
  • Differences between teaching and between learning environments are explained, especially differences between social science and natural science departments. These differences reflect the interaction between discipline, personal styles of faculty and students, and faculty-student relationships. Student academic satisfaction seems to be heavily dependent upon the relationships between students and faculty. Student achievement in relation to students' perception of the academic department seems to be dependent on the degree of their adaptation to the department. The studies reviewed clearly show that there are differences between departments. They also show that these differences may be explained not only by differences with regard to the characteristics of the academic discipline concerned, but also by differences concerning student-faculty relationships, faculty interest in students and teaching and the interaction between these factors. Teacher and student satisfaction and student achievement are affected by these variables.  相似文献   

    The Biglan model is a three dimensional classification scheme wherein 35 academic subject areas are categorized into one of eight categories: soft-nonlife-pure; soft-life-pure; soft-nonlife-applied; soft-life-applied; hard-life-applied; hard-life-pure; hard-nonlife-pure; or hard-nonlife-applied. A basic assumption of the Biglan model research is that the types of faculty productivity differ in accord with academic subject areas. Though research studies report the importance of recognizing performance differences among faculty in different disciplines and subject areas during the faculty evaluation process, they do not present means by which this knowledge can be applied. This study discusses the practical implications of Biglan model research and the importance of university-level administrators recognizing differences in faculty productivity whenever faculty credentials are reviewed for advancement. This study also examines Biglan's original research and his model, as well as the major studies conducted to test the model. Also, the model is presented and explained as a conceptual framework for assisting administrators in the faculty evaluation process. Lastly, the reasons for employing subject area standards, as opposed to university-wide or single discipline standards, are argued.  相似文献   

    劳动主体、雇佣主体、劳动内容、劳动客体构成了大学教师劳动关系结构的核心要素。从核心要素来看,印度卓越大学教师劳动关系存在着既成矛盾,主要表现为失衡与冲突。为扭转教师劳动关系的困厄,印度卓越大学建立了政府、市场、学术权力、中介组织多维度的治理结构。印度通过法律和政策等手段促进劳动关系契约化、学校和教师行为法制化、劳动关系和谐化发展,对于显性调节劳动关系、隐性消弭劳动关系的冲突失衡发挥了重要作用,这对我国一流大学教师劳动关系和谐发展具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

    新课标明确了学生毕业应具有的正确价值观、应具备的品格特征和应掌握的关键技能,将核心素养作为学科建设的主要指标提出来。因此,在课堂教学中落实学科核心素养是教育质量提升的关键。该文构建了基于真实问题解决、指向学科核心素养的技术教育学习策略;提出了创设符合学习进阶的课程体系、创立多样化组织范式、探索"多样态"学习方式、丰富课型与教学方式、开展项目式教学评价研究等具体实施途径和方法;最后以中国人民大学附属中学(以下简称人大附中)在通用技术课程建设为例进行了说明。该教学策略在理论体系建设、教师专业发展、创新人才培养方面效果明显。  相似文献   

    Cultivating a disposition of critical thinking among students and faculty can provide a means of addressing troubling cultural trends like breakdowns in public discourse, academic siloing, and disengagement from religion. This article expands the concept of critical thinking by engaging the work of John Henry Newman and Bernard Lonergan. The latter part of the article narrates how one university has integrated Lonergan's “generalized empirical method” into the curriculum and faculty development with promising outcomes for collaboration across disciplines, faculty spirituality, and facilitating difficult conversations on campus.  相似文献   

    This article examines a Victorian high school’s implementation of a new Year 9 program which was intended to interrupt a traditional academic curriculum and to create an imagined oasis of care and personal development for students. It explores ways in which (1) the existing culture and context of the school continues to frame the subjectivities of teachers, students and parents in relation to the new program, (2) the attempt to preserve a competitive academic traditional orientation alongside an alternative approach is a central dilemma for this school, and (3) the new relationships between teachers and students are experienced by them as an interplay of pleasure and surveillance, connection and discipline. The article argues that the conflicts and pressures experienced by the teachers and students are not simply local and contingent ones but indicative of wider tensions in current Australian education policy.  相似文献   

    一流学科成就一流大学。哈佛大学注重围绕内涵发展学科。哈佛以法治、民主和自治的现代大学制度作为保障,以形成卓越学术共同体作为理念先导,在尊重学术权力的基础上充分发挥院系的办学自主权,紧密围绕教师队伍、课程体系和研究生教育等内涵推进学科发展。哈佛经验表明:构建卓越学术共同体是学科建设的根本出发点,办学者需要在长期办学过程中围绕形成大学制度、办学理念和学科组织逐渐提升整体办学质量;作为系统工程,学科建设的关键在于形成符合教育规律的内在运行机制;学科发展需要保持忧患和竞争意识;办学者应与时俱进地理性审视大学文化传统与学科发展之间的作用关系。  相似文献   

    Online education is used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are improving one's performance over time and understanding one's professional development in the context of online teaching and learning. Relying on data from online staff development courses delivered in five Spanish universities, this article explores online faculty learning through the lens of staff development theory. This theoretical perspective emphasizes the universities' quality assurance contexts and offers an empirical examination of the ways in which faculty members learn curriculum and teaching competencies (CTCs) in online staff development programmes. At the core of this analysis is the contention that faculty members understand and respond to quality teaching lessons and activities. Finally, this study highlights the points deemed important when designing, implementing, and evaluating Internet CTC training courses.  相似文献   

    基于35所“双一流”建设高校的教师调查数据,根据近似性理论和社会网络理论分析海归教师的海外和本土二元学术网络特征,考察海外流动的学术网络构建作用。研究发现,海外流动对海外和本土学术网络产生相反的影响,海外流动经历显著优化了海归教师的海外学术网络规模、关系强度和网络顶端,但显著降低了本土学术网络关系强度。不同类型的海外流动对学术网络构建的影响作用存在差异,海外博士/工作流动对海外学术网络的优化作用和对本土学术网络的削弱作用最大,其次是海外博士留学,最后是海外工作流动。不同回国阶段海归教师的二元学术网络特征存在显著差异,随着回国时间的推移,海归教师的海外学术网络优势逐渐下降,本土学术网络劣势有所修复。高校应充分利用海归教师的跨国社会资本优势提升中国高等教育的国际化水平,并促进海归教师尽快融入本土学术圈。  相似文献   

    Ernest Boyer's book, Scholarship Reconsidered (1990) is examined through use of Sarason's (1982) construct of regularities, and Lewin's (1976) force field analysis model for understanding behavior. It is concluded that prospects for implementing Boyer's proposals for renewal of the American university through restructuring faculty roles and rewards will depend less on simply urging the case for reform, and more on devising strategies that respond to forces shaping the present regularities of academic life. In particular, it is asserted that successful change in the definition of scholarship will be possible only through reduction of the resistance produced by legitimate concerns about altering the present system.  相似文献   

    In this paper we explore an approach to academic development that focuses on developing and using research as a means of understanding the complexity of teaching and learning within specific discipline environments. This approach shifts the attention of the academic developer from the enhancement of teaching using traditional methods such as workshops, formal courses, or in‐faculty curriculum and assessment advice, to encouraging and supporting participant research on learning and teaching, and disciplinary‐based research. Focusing on research development gives academics the opportunity to develop their teaching scholarship, prepare publishable work, and cultivate teaching and learning practices that are aligned with their specific discipline environments. We discuss the philosophy of this approach to the enhancement of academic work through the synergy between teaching and research. We illustrate our discussion with some recent examples in which we have used this approach successfully.  相似文献   

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