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本文通过基于内容导向的媒体平台战略与基于内容聚合、用户关系为导向的平台型媒体战略,来探讨移动互联网逻辑下媒体转型的进路。内容传播平台的搭建是是媒体发展的传统策略。在"用户+入口+场景"的移动互联网逻辑下,平台型媒体战略以其开放性、聚合性代表了媒体发展的方向。以内容生产见长的传统媒体,可以针对"短板"借力优势平台型媒体,以合作促竞争。  相似文献   

在中国表达自由与社会开放的大环境下,在web2.0媒境、全球化语境与中国风险社会环境的语境下,加强传统主流媒体的舆情引导创新具有紧迫性。CCTV2《今日观察》栏目以舆论聚焦、平台构建和舆情辐射的话语传播,创新性地构建新闻评论4.0传播范式,推动中国新闻评论的创新发展,是经济舆情建设平台的一个蓝本、电视经济评论栏目的一个精品和主流媒体传播的一个范式,是中国新闻评论发展的积极方向。  相似文献   

随着网络热词在诸如新浪微博等自媒体平台迅速占据流量比重,互联网语境下的语言文化有了新的发展取向。以“马保国”“丁真”等人物衍生的网络新词为例,基于信息传播路径中网络新词的媒体表现、互联网语境下网络新词话语权力的建构、社交议题赋能下网络新词传播的支点呈现这三个方向对网络新词进行探析,以期促进网络新词理性发展。  相似文献   

本文以大数据语境下的电视媒体发展为研究对象,通过对电视媒体产业的发展面临的新背景——大数据语境的分析,结合大数据语境环境的特点及其给电视媒体发展带来的机遇,针对目前电视媒体发展存在的问题与不足,试图探索电视媒体在大数据语境下的新的发展策略和模式,为电视媒体的发展提供理论指导,推动电视媒体的发展的理论研究。  相似文献   

自媒体的发展和崛起催生传统广播快速变革,许多广播节目主持人增加了一个身份——广播自媒体人,他们不仅肩负电台节目的工作,还开设微信公众平台或签约某网络广播平台,将自己的有声产品投放在这些集成平台上。传统广播节目和自媒体广播节目虽然存在相互占据收听市场份额的情况,但是两者并不冲突相悖。本文将探讨在互联网、自媒体等新的传播语境下,广播节目传播方式的创新和主持人在其中应发挥的作用。  相似文献   

中央印发了《关于加快推进媒体深度融合发展的意见》,为媒体深度融合提供行动指南,强调"要用互联网思维优化资源配置""做大做强主流媒体平台".在全媒体语境下,媒体深度融合离不开互联网"节点化、开放、连接"的底层逻辑.贵州省主流媒体改革在机构整合、体制改革方面取得明显成效,也在技术驱动、平台优化等方面体现互联网思维.本文通过梳理贵州媒体改革的探索经验,探讨主流媒体深度融合发展的未来路径.  相似文献   

周梅 《新闻世界》2023,(3):7-10
社区媒体是社区信息发布平台、民意表达平台、互动服务平台,是社区居民获取社区信息、参与社区治理、分享交流互助的重要渠道。随着移动互联网的兴起,传统媒体已逐渐被以移动互联网为载体的新兴媒体所超越,因此,社区媒体必须在媒体融合语境下进行整合再造,特别是需要通过专业媒体机构的介入,顺应移动数字视觉时代的要求,通过全新、全时空的内容呈现架构,构建融媒体语境下的强大社区传播力和影响力,为提升社区治理能力、构建和谐美丽家园加油鼓劲。  相似文献   

匡恺  刘勇亮 《中国出版》2023,(22):16-21
伴随着数字媒体技术的发展,数字媒体平台逐渐走向规范化,形成了“数字媒体集群”,新闻环境也因此从去中心化走向再中心化。在数字媒体集群语境之下,媒体融合得到了进一步发展,传统媒体和新兴媒体实现了更为深度的协作。但数字媒体空间的复杂性也给新闻业带来了众多挑战,虚假信息的传播、公众情绪的极化、新闻生产队伍的缩减,都在影响着新闻业的持续发展。面对数字媒体集群语境下的新问题,新闻从业者要以新闻为中心,锚定新闻业的回应之道。  相似文献   

本文介绍了视觉艺术的发展,对数字媒体语境进行了详细的讲解,阐述了数字媒体语境下的视觉艺术发展历程,针对数字媒体语境下的视觉艺术创新具体表现进行了深入的研究,从三个方面对其表现形式进行了说明,向读者介绍了自己对数字媒体语境下的视觉艺术创新的展望,希望可以帮助读者对数字媒体语境下的视觉艺术创新有一个更好的认识.  相似文献   

现阶段,信息技术得到了显著发展,网络社交平台的不断发展,致使自媒体成为新媒体传播环境中的重要媒介。在新闻传播中,和传统媒体相比,自媒体自由性和自主性更强,所以也可以高效、迅速地获取、传播和整合信息,并严重影响了社会舆论。自媒体新闻传播的发展极大地影响和冲击了传统新闻传播,所以,怎样在新媒体语境下,有效融合自媒体新闻传播和传统新闻传播,便成为每一位传媒工作者应深入思考的课题。  相似文献   

In situations of crisis, governments must acknowledge that communication is a major weapon in their armoury, and can be used to convince the public to accept sometimes stringent measures, while preventing a worsening of the situation by curbing any spread of panic. Theoretically, during a pandemic, fear can be contained at reasonable levels by governments counterbalancing uncertainty with information. However, there is no empirical evidence on how the flow of information during a crisis can influence emotional states among the population. In this process, social media appears to be a valuable tool for governments to observe emotional response in a population. In the light of this and within the context of the Italian government's social media campaign #iorestoacasa (‘I'm staying at home’) launched during the Covid-19 crisis, the current study utilises text analytics to explore the relationship between government and press communication, and the level of fear expressed by citizens through more than 200 thousand #iorestoacasa tweets. The results highlight how the content of the messages evolved in the early part of the outbreak and during the social media campaign. They suggest that in Italy the discussion regarding the efforts made by the European Council to find common solutions for dealing with the emergency has prompted a positive influence on public mood. Conversely, messages about people's individual vulnerability and the associated sense of an external locus of control correlated positively with levels of fear. This study opens new ways to support government communication during a crisis by monitoring public emotional response through social media.  相似文献   

Communication network is a personal or professional set of relationships between individuals or organizations. In other words, it is a pattern of contacts which are created due to the flow of information among the participating actors. The flow of information establishes various types of relationships among the participating entities. These relationships eventually form an overall pattern that could form a gestalt of the total structure within organizational context. In this paper, we analyze the changing communications structure in order to investigate the patterns associated with the final stages of organizational crisis. Organizational crisis has been defined as organizational mortality, organizational death, organizational exit, bankruptcy, decline, retrenchment and failure to characterize various forms of organizational crisis. We draw on theoretical perspectives on organizational crisis proposed by social network analysts and other sociologists to test 5 key propositions on the changes in the network communication structure associated with organizational crisis: (1) a few actors, who are prominent or more active, will become central during the organizational crisis period; (2) reciprocity within the organizational communication network will increase during crisis period; (3) organizational communication network becomes less transitive as organizations experience crisis; (4) number of cliques increases in a communication network as organizations are going through crisis; and (5) communication network becomes increasingly centralized as organizations go through crisis.  相似文献   

情境是与物相关环境信息的总和,有助于理解物的意义。在策展意图指导下,在博物馆内重建物品的情境可以将人、事、物间的复杂关系与抽象的历史背景及科学概念具象化呈现。近年,一些场馆采用沉浸式多媒体装置进行了情境重建的实践。这类实践拓展了再现环境的范围,创新参观体验,并在知识与情感两方面服务了博物馆的传播目的。本文试图通过一些案例,研究这类多媒体情境重建的特点,从选题研究、内容安排、空间设计与诠释活动四方面提出建议。  相似文献   

网络媒介的发展重构了社会传播生态。在泛众传播语境下,作为共识性仪式的传统媒介事件让位于作为冲突性实践的网络公共事件,探索新的共识凝聚方式被提上议程。本文认为,网络公共事件的常态化并不代表共识基础的完全丧失,原本由传统媒介事件提供的仪式整合功能可以在公众一致性的话语实践中重新实现。为了实现网络公共事件中的社会认同重构,应当从话语争夺、多方协作、培育"公共理性"等思路出发对公众展开话语引导。  相似文献   


The 2017 Equifax data breach left 144.5 million users digitally vulnerable to identity theft and future hacks. The organization’s failure to provide ongoing communication and information regarding the attack, motivated users to form crisis communities within the Twitter platform. This study examines the discourses present within the platform as users discussed the data breach. Digital crisis communities provide researchers opportunities to study how public users respond and react to a digital threat, particularly one that impacts online security and privacy. Through a qualitative analysis of tweets from the 3 weeks after the breach was announced, three discourses emerged that represented user frustrations and reactions to the security violation. These include breaking news, anger and outrage, and blame attribution. The findings of this study are relevant for those studying crisis communication, the Twitter platform, and online communities.  相似文献   

This article is aimed at examining the causes of insecurity and violence in Nigeria and around the world. It discusses the active roles libraries play in promoting peace and security in different countries. It highlights the fact that several threats to lives, ranging from terrorism, communal and tribal clashes, kidnapping, pollution, health, physical and environmental hazards, and economic crisis among others, can be curbed through information and intelligence services. Premised on these, this article seeks to analyze and make recommendations for the promotion of literacy by libraries, build collaborative relationships between librarians and security operatives, and provide suggestions for the provision of current information against terrorism and security of lives and properties. It also seeks to provide current news on terrorism and intelligence services in Nigeria and around the world, and on social and national security for peaceful co-existence in communities.  相似文献   

在全球化挑战及现代性冲击背景下,文化认同危机日益凸显。档案是人类文化遗产的重要组成部分,是建构集体记忆的重要资源;其具有的证据价值、文化价值、记忆价值、情感价值,使之成为形塑文化认同的重要来源和依托载体。采用描述性研究方法从公民、社群、国家三个维度剖析档案作用于文化认同的功用,进一步探讨档案文化认同价值的具体体现,既是对档案价值丰富内涵与价值意蕴的深化拓展,也为档案部门基于文化认同视角开展公共服务提供理论参考。  相似文献   

在比较"图书情报与档案管理"一级学科改革争议的基础上,分析学科面临的市场经济、数字革新和大众教育等环境变迁,得出一级学科定位与时代发展不相适应的基本结论。论证围绕泛在网络组织信息并提供知识服务来深化变革的必要性与可行性,提出致力于专业性定位重构一级学科理论体系、推进本科教育改革和师资结构重组的变革愿景,建议以"信息管理"替代现有名称并达成发展共识。  相似文献   

This study examined an organization’s crisis communication strategy (i.e., crisis response strategy and technical translation strategy) on social media and the public’s cognitive and affective responses. Twenty crisis communication messages posted by Foster Farms regarding a salmonella outbreak and 349 public responses were analyzed. The results showed that a technical translation strategy generated more public acceptance of the message and more positive emotions than a crisis response strategy. A crisis response strategy generated more public rejections of the message and more negative emotions than a technical translation strategy.  相似文献   

Government chatbots have become increasingly popular as artificial-intelligence-based tools to improve communication between the government and its citizens. This study explores the interaction mode design of a trustworthy government chatbot, which involves multiple social characteristics from the user-centric perspective. A discrete choice experiment was conducted in the context of Chinese government chatbots to examine the effects of various social characteristics on citizen preferences. Participants utilized a crowdsourcing survey platform to report their preferences for interaction processes designed with distinct sets of social characteristics. Valid data were obtained from 371 participants and analyzed using a multinomial logit model. The results indicate that (in order from highest to lowest impact) emotional intelligence, proactivity, identity consistency, and conscientiousness significantly influence the citizens' preferences. Identity consistency has a negative effect, whereas the other factors all have positive impacts. It was also determined that some of these correlations are influenced by the participants' individual characteristics, such as age, gender, and prior experience with chatbots. This work provides empirical evidence for the relative importance of social characteristics and their impacts on user perception, expands the service dimension scope of information provision/communication (one of five categories of digital interaction), and facilitates the identification and operationalization of the social characteristics. We provide a theoretical framework to understand the interaction model design of a trustworthy government chatbot and also offer practical recommendations for government chatbot designers and policy implications.  相似文献   

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