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博客不仅作为技术、作为个人网络日志存在,更是作为一种话语存在,这种话语类型具有开放性、互动性、公共性等特点。通过对《纽约时报》网站"LEDE"博客中有关"奥运火炬传递"这一新闻事件的话语分析发现:博客改变了传统媒介的新闻话语的特点,网民的参与不仅分散了传者设定的话题而且重构了传者所要传达的语义,从而解构了传统媒介传播者话语霸权的地位,改变了传统媒介的话语权力关系和意识形态倾向,由此可以窥见西方新闻博客对"北京奥运火炬传递"这一新闻事件的话语呈现。  相似文献   

卢美宇 《声屏世界》2022,(4):98-100
随着社会生活的加速,人们对短视频媒介也愈加依赖.在媒介文化场域中,不同文化通过争夺话语权来谋求权力,短视频摒弃了宏大统一的叙事话语,以其后现代文化特质,解构了传统媒介叙事体系,释放了大众话语权,改变了传统媒介以精英文化为主导的文化权力格局.短视频通过对主体进行全新的"惯习"建构,使大众深度参与社会文化景观的建构中,加速...  相似文献   

数字空间中的权力关系在如今技术加持下逐渐被隐藏,资本对于数字劳动的剥削也由此变得更加隐秘。新媒体时代下,技术与资本、媒介“合谋”形成了数字空间,该空间内以技术为底座具有高稳定性,媒介平台逐渐演变成权力的导管,不断输送着对个体的绝对指令。在这里存在的劳动交换活动,也进一步推动着资本不断进化成数字资本形态。企微平台便是该时代背景下的媒介产物,它将权力触及每位数字劳工。在这种状态下,“自由”成了例外,剥削成为常态。全液态化的监视将劳动剥削渗透至数字劳工私下的时间与空间中,甚至改变了其对于自身劳动价值的判断。但资本逐利也是市场经济发展的动力所在,辩证地看待当下资本与劳工之间的关系,以促进资本在市场良性运转中发挥正向作用也是看待当下数字劳动发展不可缺少的社会视角。  相似文献   

张玉洁 《新闻世界》2013,(1):158-159
住房与百姓生活息息相关,房产动态备受社会各界人士关注,进而成为各大媒体竞相报道的焦点。通过对房产新闻的研究,我们可以从这三个方面解读媒介话语的权力构成。媒介与各方利益关系作用下滋生了媒介话语的依附性权力,媒介话语内部生成机制决定着其生产性权力,媒介作为稀缺性资源而伴随产生了媒介话语的资源性权力。而这三种权力皆可为良性,但若缺乏规制或过度规制使易产生偏向。怎样在报道的过程中,力求客观公正,如实报道,让媒介话语向有利于百姓福祉的话语框架中迈进,应是房产新闻报道者需要深思的问题。  相似文献   

后疫情时代的各种新兴媒体形成了不同的公共文化场域,其背后有着诸多话语权力的汇合碰撞。自媒体电影批评在经历了BBS论坛、博客、微博、微信、弹幕视频网站等媒体平台的变迁后,其概念界定、表征内涵和外延探讨也在不断更新迭代,某种程度上预示着电影批评新时代的到来。从媒介文化的研究视角来看,通过梳理新媒介时代下的自媒体电影批评生产传播现状,着重讨论自媒体电影批评的涵义、载体、表征进行身份确认;再探讨其背后话语融合的现状。对于厘清自媒体电影批评的概念至关重要。  相似文献   

在电子传播时代,互联网的出现颠覆了广播、电视、报纸、杂志四大传统媒体的线性传播方式。在当下社会,借助数字技术和通讯技术的每一次提升,传统媒体、互联网以及通讯工具手机之间不断出现媒介功能相互嫁接的现象,出现了博客、网络社区、地铁视频、手机报等功能多元化的新媒体。在众多新媒体中,以手机媒体为代表的移动式新型媒体,将推动移动营销的快速发展。  相似文献   

媒介化社会改变了传统的社会关系和权力分配格局,数字技术成为话语中心,邀约社会关系参与传播过程。浙江省正迈向“两个先行”新征程,“数字浙江”邀约政府和公众两大舆论行为主体,形成以“智慧大脑”、理论传播平台和“浙江青年说”为媒介中心的网络舆情治理新样态,反映了媒介技术邀约下“政府-公众”关系的意义共建。在此,作为中介的数字媒介技术,组织起“两个先行”议题的叙事方式,将政府和主流媒体升级为社会关系组织者,将传统媒介再媒介化,使政府与公众保持良性互动,从而构建起共富创建与治理现代化的新语态。  相似文献   

网络“意见领袖”的形成及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在web2.0环境下,以韩寒、时寒冰、郎咸平等人为代表,通过博客、视频分享等渠道在公共话语空间发表意见,一支新型意见领袖队伍正在形成。面对信息泛滥的传播语境,他们真诚、犀利、略带调侃的语言风格起到了提出公共议题、倡言社会变革等积极作用。同时,这种舆论传播也暴露出诸多问题。本文旨在通过对网络环境下,公共话语空间意见领袖的形成背景、意见文本特征、作用与功能等方面的分析,探求其不断上升的影响力背后的原因及带来的启示。  相似文献   

'内容为王'是我国近20年媒介实践的一个重要意指概念。在文本梳理分析的基础上,归纳'内容为王'言说的四种话语模式:媒介经营话语、媒介竞争话语、媒介经验话语、媒介政治话语,并进而分析话语模式的交织与冲突;解释在政治、商业、技术多重张力下'内容为王'话语变迁的演进逻辑。认为'内容为王'的意指实践既随着媒介商业化转型和技术发展的语境变化而具有多义性和历时性,又嵌入社会权力和文化传统的深层结构中而具有稳定性。  相似文献   

媒介融合趋势下电视媒体的内容变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在媒介融合趋势下,传统电视行业的生存和发展空间发生了很大改变。伴随着数字技术的发展,电视的新境界已经成为无可避免的现实,手机电视、网络视频等新媒体不断尝试以多种传播方式挑战电视行业一直引以为傲的视频内容,在一定程度上导致了受众对媒介的消费心理和消费行为的偏移。对于电视而言,如何在生产、传播、增  相似文献   

Digitization has resulted in great uncertainty for journalism, leading to disruption of business models, revenue streams, media distinctions, and production practices. This uncertainty has led to many articles, reports, blog posts, and general commentary discussing the future of both journalism and the skills required by journalists to succeed in this environment. This essay analyzes these discourses, focusing specifically on the nature of technology as the sole determiner of journalism’s future, with interventions aimed at journalism education and the structure of newswork. An idealized notion of the technologically adept journalist, ready to usher in digital stability, emerges as the object of these debates and, thanks in large part to the limited scope and ahistorical character of digital discourse, obscures more persistent, systemic critiques of technology and journalism.  相似文献   

数字媒体在构造愈加完整化、多元化且结构化的数字记忆的同时,却也逐渐忽略了文本世界中潜在的人类情感、审美趣味和符号价值。档案艺术主张从真实的历史中构建可用于人类解读的记忆,以社交游戏Second Life为例,从观感、文本和记忆出发,分析档案艺术的主要特征。通过案例分析,得到如下启示:一是利用复制技术,认可记忆无序所固有的历史价值;二是利用符号价值,建立基于情感联系的文本世界;三是协调技术与艺术、人类智慧与机器智慧、数字媒体与档案艺术之间的关系,挖掘图书馆、档案馆和博物馆等记忆机构可以参与的构造知识分子话语权、激发公众情感等其他活动。  相似文献   

YouTube视频分享网站在全球范围内高举"播报你自己"的旗帜,却先后在25个国家和地区遭遇封锁和驱逐,为新媒体意识形态的讨论提供了又一热议的主题。考察YouTube对自身技术及媒体机制的表征为分析该媒体在现有传播格局中扮演的角色提供了新的视角。对YouTube官方博客2005年至2011年发布的1406篇博文的表征分析表明,YouTube团队对自身传播行为、经营方式与媒体目标的文字表述存在多层次的符号意义,构成了复杂的语义网络,其中对于内容盈利的追求以及对美国社会文化的认同使YouTube自我表征中具有明显的文化消费话语倾向以及美国民族中心主义倾向。  相似文献   

This article seeks to bring together the study of death, digital media, emotion and religion, using a Christian organization as a case study. The Swedish national church (Svenska kyrkan) has a large but declining membership and uses digital media extensively. We will analyze two of its attempts to respond to grief through media: a hybrid digital-physical technology installation in Swedish cemeteries and a series of posts about death and sadness on Facebook. In both projects, the Church presents emotion as a universal shared experience that unites all humanity, using this discourse to bring together its religious and non-religious audiences.  相似文献   

本文论述了中小学建立数字图书馆博客的意义和作用,并从建立和使用好数字图书馆,因地制宜建立图书馆博客,深入教学领域广辟博客来源,开展各种阅读活动开发学生博客源头活水,设备、技术、人才、资金应未雨绸缪等方面,阐明了中小学建立数字图书馆博士客的做法和步骤。  相似文献   

俞敏  王亚男  武瑾媛 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):335-339
科技期刊作为传统媒体,要想在微传播的新媒体时代保持话语权和影响力,应该将移动互联网作为谋求新竞争优势的战略方向.本文讨论科技期刊微信公众平台的功能定位和受众群体定位问题,结合微信传播形式和受众需求,归纳出适应科技期刊微信公众平台的6种选题类型——时效新闻类、知识技术类、人文类、深度类、服务类和商业类选题,并针对每种选题探讨相应的策划方法.  相似文献   

微博时代的图书营销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪,便进入了网络时代;入主微博,便把握了网络时代的脉搏。从博客时代到微博时代,网络的影响力已不言自明,给出版传媒领域带来了新的机遇和挑战;图书营销活动,需要以多元化的资源平台重推宣传,微博带动着图书营销的网络传播活动,为图书营销的广泛开展提供了全新的视野。  相似文献   

The advent of the Internet has enabled a disruption of the Malaysian government's long-standing control of media content. However, there are also opportunities for the government to extend into the Internet what Cherian George has called ‘narrow tailoring’ policies, designed to ensure ‘hegemonic consensus.’ Demonstrating the interconnections of intraparty factional rivalry, blogging and newspaper management, as well as the extension of government influence into online content, this paper discusses three cases: the transformation of a bloggers association; the organisation of ‘cybertroopers’ by the dominant governing party; and, the use of a blog, Facebook, and Twitter by the prime minister (PM), Najib Razak. Each of the cases highlights particular ‘blog affordances’, a concept used to parse the potentials and limitations of blogs and other social media with regards to state hegemonic control through media ownership. In addition, an adapted concept of ‘extended parasocial relations’ is proposed in relation to Najib's blog and social media presence. Overall, these cases demonstrate the continuity and complementarity of on- and offline activities, which form a relatively stabilised assemblage of political activity.  相似文献   

Government social media has been integrated as part of the government administrative tools to improve public service and promote public goals. However, the current government information literature is limited to understanding government social media adoption and its purpose for political marketing. The present study seeks to understand the role of government social media in promoting government digital initiatives (i.e., government-backed digital currency). The study validated the inter-relationships between government social media effort, privacy concerns, trust in technology, reachability, and citizens' participation in government-initiated digital innovations. A total of 505 responses from Chinese citizens were collected through an online self-administered questionnaire survey, and the data was submitted to a two-stage Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling-Artificial Neural Network analysis. The analytic results revealed that privacy concerns, trust in technology, and reachability positively influence digital participation. In addition, the information quality and perception of trust in government social media have significant positive influences on government social media engagement. The study provides strategic practical suggestions to government agencies in effectively utilizing social media as a communication platform to foster citizens' participation in government's digital initiatives.  相似文献   

Culture Digitally is a community of scholars, originally convened by Tarleton Gillespie (Cornell University) and Hector Postigo (Temple University). With generous support from the National Science Foundation, the group supports scholarly inquiry into new media and cultural production through a wide range of projects and collaborations, including a scholarly blog and periodic workshops. For more information on projects and researchers affiliated with Culture Digitally, visit culturedigitally.org or follow @CultureDig on Twitter.

This is the latest in the series of Culture Digitally’s “dialogues.” On occasion, we invite two or more participants to engage in an intellectual back-and-forth, on a point of interest that emerges from discussions at our meetings, around blog posts, or based on evident, shared interests. In these dialogues, scholars are encouraged to grapple with contemporary issues in media, but to do so quite a bit faster than the glacial pace of publishing typically allows. We imagine them as the digital equivalent of the scholarly exchange of letters between pre-eminent scientists. The thinking is meant to be raw and provocative, a chance for the dialogue participants to prod each other beyond their own certainties.

The scholars in this dialogue were convened by Joshua Braun in response to the recent public and media discourse surrounding the security breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment and its film, The Interview.  相似文献   

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