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"谁控制了传播的入口,谁就控制了整个世界",从默多克的这句话里,我们不难看出强大的媒介力量对社会的作用。我们生活的世界是媒介给我们刻画的世界。由于信息技术的发展.传播技术可以达到即时传播,我们在家里就可以看到伊拉克战争的现场,也正是因为这种"身临其境"和与生活方方面面联系的海  相似文献   

大卫·阿什德在考察媒介活动时提出了"传播范式"的概念,媒介在制作和传递信息时对经验和信息的选择、组织和展现是通过特定的模式、状态和形式来进行的,这就是他所说的传播范式。一种逻辑一旦成为我们在处理老问题、适应  相似文献   

<正>1.传媒史话的三个核心观点1.1关于人类传播发展史的分段问题麦克卢汉认为传播媒介经历了"口语传播""书面语传播"和"电力传播"等三个时代;加拿大物理学家、传播学家,罗伯特·洛根在《理解新媒介:延伸麦克卢汉》一书中对此进行了细化补充,把人类传播媒介发展历程划分为"非语言的模拟式传播时代""口语传播时代""书面传播时代""大众电力传播时代"和"互动式数字媒介或新媒介"等五个时代;国内有的学者,将媒介史分成口语媒介、文字媒介、印刷媒介、电子媒介和数字媒介五个发展阶段。结合我们的实践感悟,我们将远古时  相似文献   

媒体融合是我国新闻与传播业的一项重要命题,是我国媒介发展的宏伟蓝图。习近平总书记在第十九届中央政治局第十二次集体学习时提出的"四全媒体"是对媒体融合提出的新要求,要求权威媒体完成新闻生产部门和流程的融合,使内容的生产和传播一体化,实现满足异质化需求的内容多样化和多维传播效果的临场感。  相似文献   

本文从四类传播模式理论对传播活动的界定诠释出发,围绕着各种对外传播的研究概念,在内涵更加丰富的"广"传播视角下探索归纳在媒介融合的背景下,广播节目在世博会、亚运会这样的国际媒介展示盛会上,为有效地进行节目品牌推广,节目形象宣传而在制定对外传播策略时应注意的问题,以及相应的处理建议。  相似文献   

主持人语:英国伦敦大学传播学教授尼克·库尔德利在《媒介、社会与世界:社会理论与数字媒介实践》一开篇便指出:"媒介弥漫在我们的感官中,我们对世界的感觉里充盈着媒介。"如今,媒介的触角网络了社会生活的方方面面——无论是综艺娱乐节目、体育新闻,还是微传播、"网络红人"……纷至沓来的媒介内容、媒介技术、媒介现象刷新着人们的感知与体验,主宰着人们的理解与判断,裹挟着人们的趣味  相似文献   

网络传播中意见领袖的角色分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网络是自报纸、广播、电视三大主流媒介之后发展起来的"第四媒介"。然而,它不仅具备传播范围广的大众传播功能,还包括了更具亲和力的人际传播和组织传播,是传播史上飞跃性的突破。本文将拉扎斯菲尔德提出"意见领袖"的理论应用到网络环境中,探究"网络意见领袖"的现象,重点分析网络论坛(虚拟社区)传播中意见领袖的角色特征,并与传统意见领袖进行比较。  相似文献   

在传媒溢出时代,大众媒介所构造的"虚拟环境"已成为受众重要的认知世界。而区域形象在借助媒介传播时往往受众多主客观"噪音"的影响,出现片面、刻板的"脸谱化"形象。本文将对区域形象传播的"脸谱化"现象予以探究,以期为区域形象的真实性塑造起到有益作用。  相似文献   

本文以拉斯韦尔"五W"经典传播模式为研究视角,借鉴前人有关正义理论研究成果,将媒介正义分解为四个维度:一是涉及媒介传播渠道资源的分配正义,二是涉及媒介传播过程的程序正义,三是涉及媒介传播信息内容的信息正义,四是涉及传播者与接受者关系的人际正义。媒介正义的实现路径,即是在媒介传播活动的整个过程中全面贯彻落实上述四种正义要求。  相似文献   

陈谦 《当代传播》2003,(4):26-27
在研究与观察西方大众媒介时,我们会发现值得注意的动向之一是,媒介无论是在类型上抑或是传播内容上呈现出明显的地方化或本土化特征.就美国而论,新闻传播学者童兵指出,由于"多年的经济增长和安逸的物质生活条件,使得那里的公民只关心自己的物质利益,失去对世界事务和国内政治事件的兴趣.在这种背景下,美国的新闻传播也日益向娱乐化、本土化倾斜".  相似文献   

Traditionally, radical social movements faced a dilemma regarding media coverage: focus either on mass media, but lose control of their representation, or on alternative media, but fail to get their message to the broader public. The World Wide Web overcomes these problems, allowing movements to create their own media with mass distribution. However, it has two key weaknesses of its own: attracting audiences and mixing in- and out-group communication. In this paper, we show how the structure and content of the anarchist Web-based media work together to separate in- and out-group discourses. We then demonstrate how the anarchists attracted an audience to their Web media. The Black Bloc tactics at the Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization brought an increase in media attention, albeit negative. We examine how anarchists took advantage of the larger audience created by this bad publicity and mounted a counter-public relations campaign online. We argue that the Web alters the power relationship between mainstream and alternative media without displacing the need for mainstream coverage.  相似文献   

This essay addresses the decentering of "mass communication research" as a discursive formation by an alternative cultural discourse that challenges its dominant ideology with a return to communication as an emancipatory practice, guided by the subjective nature of theory, the centrality of human agency, and the permanent critique of social, political, and economic conditions of communication. The challenge coincides with the influence of complex modernist and postmodernist ideas related to notions of culture, ideology, and power, and the increasing relevance of the production of meaning in the study of social formations. Its success is based on the ability to reflect on the role of intellectuals vis-a-vis the instrumental rationality of an administrative or corporate discourse and to reconceptualize the relations of media, communication, and society.  相似文献   

在美国传播学者不同阶段的论著中,1956-2004年间的埃及传媒体制先后被归类于威权主义媒体、动员型媒体和转型性媒体。然而,这一系列分类并非价值中立,而是暗含权力和价值取向,是埃及被纳入现代世界秩序与文明等级的一个缩影。梳理原始文献不仅可以发现西方传播学者对埃及传媒体制归类的谬误之处,还可以发现这些学者关于西方传媒体制的道德优越感和他们所持的单一线性历史观在知识生产过程中的渗透。再现归类埃及媒体的知识生产情境,不仅可以以此为例对西方媒体分类体系进行祛魅,而且可以在知识"深度去西方化"的背景下"打捞"被遮蔽的"另类媒体",讲好全球历史中的媒体变迁故事;更重要的是,这有助于我们超越方法论民族主义,在跨文化传播政治经济学的框架下重新确立书写全球传播史的马克思主义史观,进而认识到历史进程的开放性与另类可能性。  相似文献   

Little is known about how public sector organisations capitalise on the potential of social networking sites (SNSs) as communication channels. Previous research is short on theoretical models and managerial insights into the success of local governments' online communication strategies. The purpose of this study is to explore how successfully local governments utilise SNSs for managing their external communication with citizens. Using a multi-method analysis of 15,941 posts and 19,290 comments on the Facebook pages of the 25 largest German cities, we make five contributions to research and practice. First, we analyse the properties and topics of government posts to draw a rich picture of how local governments use Facebook as a communications channel. Second, we conceptualise success in governments' online communications in terms of the frequency and polarity of citizens' reactions, which we use for third, evaluating government communication behaviour in SNSs. Fourth, we identify which benefits SNSs offer that traditional communication channels do not provide. Fifth, we offer guidelines for improving the online communication strategies of local governments using SNSs.  相似文献   

朱威 《传媒观察》2020,(5):94-99
本文基于对交汇点新闻客户端融媒体新闻产品《白衣侠》制作过程的个案研究,探讨主流媒体融媒新闻生产的路径创新。这一路径背后蕴含全新的思考路向,反映出媒介融合从业态层面到社会层面再回到业态层面的过程,有助于我们理解和把握新传播技术变革下的传播实践。  相似文献   

陈友良 《新闻界》2020,(4):76-84
基于新发现的袁昌英《公意之源》,并与陶孟和的书评比较,考察李普曼《舆论》作为一种现代性话语在中国的传播与实践的问题。《舆论》推动了近代西方"public opinion"从哲学论述转向现代性的知识和概念,但其核心概念仍融合了"公共意志"与"公众意见"两方面涵义,作为现代性话语尚具有两歧性。这个特征为五四时期的中国学者提供了"舆论"与"公意"的两条阐释路径。陶孟和用书评形式引介《舆论》,关注其在政治心理学上的创新意义;袁昌英则以近似于政论文的形式,评述李普曼的新舆论观、大众媒介观和政治传播观,实已触及现代传播学的范畴。陶、袁都被李普曼的民主理论修正观点所吸引,对于著名的"李普曼-杜威之辩",也有精英主义与大众主义不同的评论视角。从话语实践上看,《舆论》参与了一战以后中国知识界对西方民主制度的反省思潮。  相似文献   

This study investigates the shared, and often unstated, premises that frame the expert communication servicing of meeting facilitators who implement group decision support systems (GDSS). Nine premises about facilitating communication were reconstructed from the way practitioners use the concept "process" to describe the expert servicing they perform. The premises reveal how the facilitators treat an analytic distinction between process and content to be a natural fact about communication. This factual presumption entails a nascent philosophy of practice--"process management"--that facilitators use to persuade clients, and practitioners, about the trustworthiness and credibility of their servicing. The ironic consequence of this philosophy is the denial of the very influence and expert judgment they exercise in their professional action. This is not only problematic for individual practitioners and consumers of facilitation services but for the development of facilitation practice itself. The implications of this analysis for facilitation practice and applied communication research are discussed in terms of a "design stance" toward communication expertise which is an alternative to the "technocratic stance" that currently frames practitioner, consumer, and research interests in GDSS facilitators.  相似文献   

This study investigates the shared, and often unstated, premises that frame the expert communication servicing of meeting facilitators who implement group decision support systems (GDSS). Nine premises about facilitating communication were reconstructed from the way practitioners use the concept "process" to describe the expert servicing they perform. The premises reveal how the facilitators treat an analytic distinction between process and content to be a natural fact about communication. This factual presumption entails a nascent philosophy of practice--"process management"--that facilitators use to persuade clients, and practitioners, about the trustworthiness and credibility of their servicing. The ironic consequence of this philosophy is the denial of the very influence and expert judgment they exercise in their professional action. This is not only problematic for individual practitioners and consumers of facilitation services but for the development of facilitation practice itself. The implications of this analysis for facilitation practice and applied communication research are discussed in terms of a "design stance" toward communication expertise which is an alternative to the "technocratic stance" that currently frames practitioner, consumer, and research interests in GDSS facilitators.  相似文献   

易淑琼 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(5):98-104
华文文学是中国内地30余年来新兴又蓬勃发展的学科。内地学界通过有计划、成规模的选集、丛书、大系等形式组织和留存华文文学的创作与研究成果,体现了华文文学文献整理出版的自觉意识。但华文文学文献在内地高校图书馆的公共收藏体系中呈现为散点、随机的自发状态,这影响华文文学的大众与学术传播,制约华文文学学科建设,加强华文文学文献资源建设成为当务之急。文章并提出构建完善的华文文学文献资源体系的对策。  相似文献   

The paper examines the social impact of communication technology applying the insights of sociologists such as Durkheim, Mead and Shils. It argues that the introduction of modern communication technology to Third World societies has resulted in the sudden and rapid increase of ‘social density’ or social relationships by bringing to the consciousness of individuals issues and personalities outside their immediate experience. In some Third World societies this has resulted in the emergence of a heightened individual self‐identity in order to understand and give meaning to new and unfamiliar situations created by the media. The socio‐political consequences of this new self‐identity for the plural societies of Asia is examined using the media‐image of Mahatma Gandhi in pre‐independent India.  相似文献   

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