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曾经是,飘摇的,飘零的,孤苦的,孤寂的,狼狈的,劳累的,苦笑的,噙泪的.一代,一辈. 如今是,炫耀的,喧嚣的,张扬的,张狂的,奢华的,单薄的,艳丽的,苍白的.一瞬,一夕.  相似文献   

那些年,我一直活在惊恐的寻找里。雨后的黄昏,村庄的空气中浮动着水洗过的亮色,屋顶,树梢,山脊,都被抹上了一层炫目的金辉。正是牧归时分,对面的山坡上,成群的牛羊从坡上俯冲下来,像江流在奔泻,轰隆隆,轰隆隆,那些舞动的蹄子,大的,小的,轻的,重的,单腕的,双瓣的,横踩,直踏,一脚脚,都踩在村庄忙得有些错乱的神经上。  相似文献   

正我们知道,我们的孩子,不喜欢读书,不喜欢教室,不喜欢学校的不少。学生的作文干巴巴的,没有生气,没有灵气,没有趣味,像枯萎的花朵,像生锈的铁钉。可怜的母语,可怜的语文,可怜的阅读,可怜的作文,可怜的孩子们。我们知道,孩子们没有学习语文的热情。在孩子们看来,在教室里读书,老师的语言也是干巴巴的,老师不是缺乏热情,老师不是缺乏多媒体的技术,老师缺乏的是自由的心灵,准确地说,老  相似文献   

早晨的阳光,是金色的阳光。金色的阳光,喷薄,热烈,灿烂。 党旗的镰斧,是金色的镰斧。金色的镰斧,光亮,璀璨,耀眼。 国旗的五星,是金色的五星。金色的五星,辉煌,富丽,庄严。 金色铸成了我们的信仰。金铸的信仰,有金色的意志,有金色的气节,有金色的韬略,有金色的理念。 我们的意志、气节、韬略、理念,是一条长长的金色链条,系着南湖,系着延安,系着北京,系着遥远;系着我党 的形象,系着国家的振兴,系着民族的命运,系着历史的召唤,系着时代的责任,系着每人的奉献。  相似文献   

有一种美,是徜徉山水,沐浴四季风光,感受春日的和风,夏日的凉阴,秋日的落霞,冬日的暖阳;有一种美,是畅游书海,领略异域风情,一览撒哈拉沙漠的浩瀚,黄土高原的空旷,伦敦大都市的繁华,俄罗斯苹果园的宁静。有一种美,是放飞心灵,洗尽世俗铅华,享受诗人的浪漫,文人的豁达,哲人的思辨,智者的从容。在经济飞速发展的今天,高压力、快节奏的生活,使人难得闲  相似文献   

想要在高考的书面表达中获得比较高的分数,好的连接词的运用是必不可少的。它能够使你的行文更加流畅通顺,增进读者的理解。下面罗列了一些高中生写作常用的连接词,你不妨把它们都记入大脑,适当的时候便把它们提取出来,运用到你的写作中去。表示增加的:and,and then,also,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,what is more,besides,as well,on top of that,another,etc.表示转折对比的:but,however,yet,instead,on theother hand,on the country,despite,inspite of,although,even though,differentfrom,in contract to,whereas,unlike,ne…  相似文献   

步入美文世界,就步入了美丽世界。不必说春花秋月,良辰美景,旷野小屋,更不必说美丽动人的英姿,至真至诚的心灵,娓娓动听的话语,碧波荡漾的旋律,就是浩瀚的沙漠,汹涌的大海,僻远的野店,孤寂的灯火,沧桑的人生,悲惨的命运,也总让我们沉醉,让我们渴望,让我们泊静,让我们沉思,让我们扼腕叹息。正是那些美丽的东西,才点燃我们渴望美、追求美、创造美的  相似文献   

菜市场和生活的颜色人流。不断的人流。在县城西关的菜市场上,我站在十字路口,看那些熙攘的人群,还有声音,颜色,表情,动作,以及一切与生活有关的细节。我知道,在生活的名义下,那些热爱生活的人们,可以多么的骄傲,他们充实,平凡,忙碌,甚至连庸常也不怕。这些卑微的琐碎的生活,让他们觉得快乐,让他们尽情地暴露他们自己。他们趿拉着拖鞋,就散散漫漫地走出来,然后,随便地拣起蔬菜,看鲜嫩,讨论价钱,为一角钱费半天口舌,和卖主聊天气,谈新闻,甚至称兄道弟,最后,他们提着一大兜中意或不中意的蔬菜回家,和路上熟悉或不熟悉的人打招呼,说说笑笑,有一…  相似文献   

中国,像一条源远流长的河,在我心中荡漾,在我心中放歌。歌颂她的秀美,婀娜,歌颂她的伟大,巍峨,歌颂她的顽强,不屈,歌颂她的博大,广阔。她像河一样世代发展繁衍生息,她从未让无情的烈火把信念吞没,啊!这就是我们伟大的祖国——闪烁的星,流淌的河。中国,像一排无坚不摧的波,在我心中激荡,在我心中放歌。歌颂她的雄健,遒劲,歌颂她的激荡,鲜活,歌颂她的傲骨,勇敢,歌颂她的壮志,洒脱。她让几代人的梦飞翔太空,她让“中国”的名字在世界响彻,啊!这就是我们强大的祖国!东方的雄鸡,所向披靡的波。啊!我亲爱的祖国妈妈,您把青春奉献给了儿女,儿女会把…  相似文献   

窗外日新月异,窗外天翻地覆,而我们呢,多年不变的教法,简单机械的重复,填鸭式的灌注,只为那些冰冷却权威的数字.数字的背后,是成长的艰辛,是茫然,是被动的接受.不再怀疑,不再质询,考证,快乐的学习,只是一种奢求.考试是被膨胀的机器,数字决定我们的命运,所以,一切都在继续.直到我们热情的泯灭,直到心如止水,我们所讲的只是知识的框架而已,已不再有血肉.可是,送走一届又一届,我们仍然要面对的是热血的青年,他们梦想着,渴求着,希望在人生之路上得到关注与指引.  相似文献   

Many institutions use a one-size-fits-all approach to faculty development for online teaching, which does not meet the needs of faculty who often have different levels of experience, skill, and self-efficacy in online teaching and learning. To address these issues, the [university name removed] [center name removed] designed and implemented an online teaching readiness self-assessment. The instrument was developed based on key attributes and skills needed for proficiency in online teaching, in three areas: online teaching experience and attitudes, learning management system proficiency, and access to technology. The self-assessment was distributed through a web-based survey tool to faculty who were identified to develop new online courses. Individual results were used to create personalized frameworks of professional development offerings (workshops, institutes, videos, and consultations) and just-in-time resources to support faculty in their development process.  相似文献   


In this article, the notion of excellence in relation to teaching is removed from its privileged place in order to render it, and its implications, for analysis. We argue that teaching excellence needs to be understood in the larger context of the neoliberal university in which competition is taken for granted, and therefore, metrics for comparison are evermore necessary. Following this argument, we explore excellence as an instrument of neoliberal ideology in higher education. We explore different manifestations of teaching excellence enacted in policies that that are illustrative of five different countries. Implications for further analysis, and for resistance to the expansion of neoliberal ideology through teaching excellence, are presented.  相似文献   

利用现代数字影像技术记录不同类型工程的施工过程,结合多媒体技术和丰富的网络资源,编制内容充实、形式多样的信息化教学课件,实现“实践教学信息化”,把施工现场搬进课堂,再现或虚拟工程全貌和建设全过程,突破时间和空间的限制,弥补因时间和经费等教学资源不足对实习带来的不利影响,确保实践教学效果。介绍了构建土木工程“实践教学信息化”教学模式的思路、依据及其基本内涵、主要特点和构建方法。  相似文献   

通过对经济欠发达的赣南地区10所农村教学点学校的实地调研,结果表明:山区农村教学点的教学环境较差、教学经费严重不足,教学质量不能适应教育事业的发展。但在农村学校撤并调整过程中,交通不便的山区农村点还有存在的必要。  相似文献   

利用现代数字影像技术记录不同类型工程的各施工环节,结合多媒体技术、网络资源编制内容丰富、形式多样的信息化实践教学课件,实现"实践教学信息化",可以把施工现场搬进课堂,再现或虚拟工程全貌和建设全过程,突破时间和空间的限制,弥补因时间和经费以及其它教学资源不足带来的影响,确保实践教学效果。本文介绍了构建土木工程实践教学信息化教学模式的依据及其基本内涵、主要特点和构建方法。  相似文献   

Present paper explores the implications and barriers associated with the transition from teacher-directed learning (TDL) to self-directed learning (SDL) in the EFL classroom in Pakistan. This study intends to explore teachers’ views about the nature and viability of implementing the SDL approach to teach English in Pakistan. A qualitative approach is followed in data collection and a contrastive thematic method is employed for analysis. With a sample of 16 English language teachers from four public universities, data is collected through semi-structured interviews. The results show that teachers view SDL with a potential to make students self-sufficient and autonomous, but Pakistani education system, cultural background, and learners’ psychological aspects hinder the process of transition. These obstacles may be removed through creating awareness among teachers and students, and by bringing more flexibility into syllabi and teaching methods, and most importantly, through training local teachers.  相似文献   

During early childhood, children start developing their cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioural skills, laying the foundation for life-long learning. Cognitive skills are usually taught in traditional classrooms through the use of textbooks and worksheets. The learning content in these textbooks and worksheets is static pre-authored content that is repeatedly used for teaching and learning. This repetition jeopardises the child's learning of individualised and cognitive skills. Preschool cognitive skills learning content comprises facts of everyday life. Similarly, the Semantic Web attempts to model these facts through ontologies. From this, a relationship appears between preschool cognitive skills learning content and the ontologies. The present work focuses on the stated problem and presents the theoretical and development details of a child-friendly tutoring application that dynamically generates cognitive skills learning content using ontologies as domain knowledge. The proposed application was evaluated in a preschool environment for its learning effectiveness and the correctness of the generated content. Three groups of preschool children participated in the study for preschool cognitive skills learning through the use of the proposed application. The first group learned the cognitive skills through the traditional method with textbooks and the teacher's teaching. The second group learned the skills through the proposed application at school in classroom sessions. The third group experienced the proposed application both at school and at home, along with regular classroom sessions. The results show significant gains by the third group over the other two groups, and hence support the use of the proposed application in practice. However, the enhanced learning by the third group disappears if the additional application usage time is removed. Moreover, the results of the expert evaluation show that a great deal of the learning content was correctly generated, thus justifying the true modelling of the domain ontology.  相似文献   

运用多媒体课件解决体育技术的动作示范,解决体育集体配合项目和技战术教学,提高理论课教学的效果,进行学生成绩管理等是现代体育教学必不可少的环节,但多媒体教学中教师的主导作用和学生的主体地位不能改变。  相似文献   

自2009年《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求(试行)》颁布之后,掀起了新一轮英语教学改革。现有的高职英语教学改革研究成果对新教学需求存在认识上的误区,即认为基础英语是普通英语,行业英语是专业英语,行业英语教学要在打下扎实的语言基础之后开展等。如果不消除这些认识误区,可能会阻碍高职英语课程教学改革的顺利开展。  相似文献   

为顺应城市规划专业教育新特点,根据城市地理学多年教学经验的总结,将案例教学法在《城市地理学》教学应用中的经验总结为"一案贯穿"教学方法,是指采用特定地域的城镇体系规划为案例,贯穿《城市地理学》各章节主要理论的讲解和应用的教学方法.并围绕"一案贯穿"教学方法的提出,教学内容的编排,教学环节的设计,应用中需要注意的几个问题等进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

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