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先前经验的本质是个体认可的学习方式方法和经过社会网络实践检验的学习资源,是碎片化学习建构新知识的基础和关键。互联网与社会网络的融合效应弱化了社会网络中强关系获取经验的优势,提高了结构洞弱势学习者的经验获取能力,进一步改变了学习者获取碎片化学习资源的数量、质量和速度,有效提升了碎片化学习效果。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的飞速发展,信息检索已成为一种自然的学习行为和解决问题的方式。网络信息检索能力的强弱将会影响个体利用网络的效率和知识获取的效果,因此已成为信息化时代个体应具备的一项基本素质和能力。但是现实中,大多数人的网络信息检索能力还较差,缺乏有效的检索策略,且容易产生心理上的焦虑和疲劳。个体网络信息检索能力受个体心理特征、已有知识与经验、任务特征及选用的网络系统本身等因素影响。在网络信息检索过程中,个体可以采用合作策略、学习或观摩策略、支架策略、检索反思策略和焦虑弱化策略,将要解决的问题或任务通过“社会化——外显化——组合化——内隐化”的过程,完成信息检索,实现知识的增长。  相似文献   

本文通过研究关联规则系统的特性,建立了一种解决关联规则系统问题的人工神经网络模型,即:一种多层前馈网络的学习策略,并对多层前馈网络学习方法做了详细论述,着重就输入链的强化与弱化、新链搭建、目标差异学习法进行分析。在本文后部分给出了实验数据与实验数据分析结论。  相似文献   

以自主性、个性化为特点的大学英语网络教学给传统的英语教学带来了新挑战。针对在英语网络教育中存在师生互动性弱、监控性弱化和学生自主学习能力不强等弱点,本文通过对大学英语网络教学中“教”的内涵的研究和对教的重新定位,指出在大学英语网络教学中应强化对网络教育中“教”的研究,以提高大学英语网络教学的效果。  相似文献   

对浙江省4所高职院校2254名学生进行调查分析,得知当前新冠肺炎疫情下高职学生学习自主性得以强化,对学校居家学习安排认可度较高,普遍认同居家学习能确保学习效率,但依然存在学生学习指导、投入和专注性弱化,学习环境和自主学习力不佳等问题,部分学生担忧网络学习效果,多数学生不期望调整周末或压缩假期。对此,教育主管部门要做好统筹规划,高校要强化教学技术支撑和学科协同,辅导员要深化网络思想政治教育,学生要细化学习目标、启发自我导向性学习、培养学习毅力与专注力。  相似文献   

学材再建构就是对"学材"进行"消枝强干"(即合理进行增删、强化或弱化处理等教学调整).不管如何进行教学调整,教师必须根据课标以及学生群体和个体的学习经验等实际情况,独立地进行"学材再建构".  相似文献   

余凤霞 《考试周刊》2011,(52):156-158
现代信息技术的发展,网络的普及,终身学习的需要,使基于网络环境的学习即网络学习已经成为一种泛在。本文指出,由于网络环境的特殊性和复杂性,有效的网络学习本质就是网络主体基于网络环境的自我调节学习,即身处网络的个体,对自身学习意志,所处的学习环境、学习心理、学习行为和学习结果进行不断的自我调节、建构,从而优化网络学习绩效的过程,分为学习前、学习中和学习后调节。并进一步论证了网络环境下影响个体自我调节学习的根本性因素是个体的自我调节能力(主要包括个体的元认知能力,批判性思维能力,自我实现能力,自我反馈能力),论证了促进网络自我调节学习绩效改进的,从而促进有效的网络学习行为的发生和网络学习绩效的改进。  相似文献   

互联网技术的发展和应用改变着人们传统的思维习惯和行为方式,造成了网络环境下人的异化:个体理性缺失、主体能力和地位弱化、个体交往受阻以及传统伦理道德体系面临重构。网络造成人的异化严重影响着个体的身心健康,亦会引发现实社会的冲突和矛盾。本文通过分析网络环境对人造成异化的几种具体表现,来探究异化的原因所在,进而寻求人从网络异化中回归的途径。  相似文献   

作为民粹主义在网络时代的流变,网络民粹主义对当代大学生产生了较大的负向影响。主要表现为:弱化大学生对主流价值观的认同、扰乱大学生的思维方式与正确认知、导致大学生言行的非理性表达。消解网络民粹主义对大学的负向影响,需从社会、高校、家庭和个体四个层面加以应对。  相似文献   

在网络行为情境下,个体内在监督和调节能力减弱、道德情感体验趋于弱化、对网络道德规则和规范产生的敬畏感降低、个体内在道德建构自觉性下降、传统主流价值观的影响力面临挑战等因素,都影响着青少年网络道德行为的践行.要增强青少年对网络世界的现实性认识,提高青少年网络角色与现实角色的认同统一性;完善网络社会规则,增强青少年对网络社会规则的认同与内化,提升个体内在道德建构效能;加强网络道德失范行为的监督与执法,增强网络法律与道德的权威性,提升个体网络道德敬畏感;加强青少年网络道德情感培育,提升青少年网络道德自律水平,有效促进青少年网络道德心理的形成与发展,不断提升青少年网络道德素养.  相似文献   

技术思想对E-Learning应用模式的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
e-Learning是当代信息技术支持下的一种新型学习形式。信息技术如何影响并支持教育活动?如何通过技术来提高学习者知识获得的成本效益?以及如何降低信息技术的接入门槛,并提高学习者的有效适应等问题都是e-Learning发展中必须考虑的问题。本文主要以当前正在发展和应用中的几项网络技术为例,试图简要剖析一下技术思想对e-Learning应用模式所产生的影响作用等。  相似文献   

Internet evolution has affected all industrial, commercial, and especially learning activities in the new context of e-learning. Due to cost, time, or flexibility e-learning has been adopted by participators as an alternative training method. By development of computer-based devices and new methods of teaching, e-learning has emerged. The effectiveness of such programs is dependent on powerful learning management systems. In this paper, a neuro-fuzzy approach is proposed based on an evolutionary technique to obtain an optimal learning path for both instructor and learner. The neuro-fuzzy synergy allows the diagnostic model to imitate instructor in diagnosing learners’ characteristics, and equips the intelligent learning environment with reasoning capabilities. These reasoning capabilities can be used to drive pedagogical decisions based on the learning style of the learner. The neuro-fuzzy implementation helps to encode both structured and non-structured knowledge for the instructor. On the other hand, for learners, the neural network approach has been applied to make personalized curriculum profile based on individual learner requirements in a fuzzy environment.  相似文献   

记者:勒查罗兰教授您好,首先感谢您百忙中抽出时间接受我们的访谈.我们知道您来自泰国,现任泰国教育部高等教育委员会下属的泰国网络大学(TCU)项目专家.您能否简要介绍一下泰国的教育制度以及现状. 勒查罗兰:非常高兴接受你们的访谈.泰国的教育分为普通教育、职业教育和成人教育三类.普通教育分学前教育、初等教育(分初小和高小)、中等教育、高等教育四个阶段,初等教育是强制性的义务教育,中等教育是非强制性的义务教育.泰国的高等教育比较发达,分公立和私立两类.公立高校由当地政府开办,私立高校由私人出资兴办,但二者皆由泰国教育部高等教育委员会管理.  相似文献   

With the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies, e-learning has gained a considerable attention in recent years. Many researchers have attempted to develop various e-learning systems with personalized learning mechanisms for assisting learners so that they can learn more efficiently. In this context, curriculum sequencing is considered as an important concern for developing more efficient personalized e-learning systems. A more effective personalized e-learning recommender system should recommend a sequence of learning materials called learning path, in an appropriate order with a starting and ending point, rather than a sequence of unordered learning materials. Further the recommended sequence should also match the learner preferences for enhancing their learning capabilities. Moreover, the length of recommended sequence cannot be fixed for each learner because these learners differ from one another in their preferences such as knowledge levels, learning styles, emotions, etc. In this paper, we present an effective learning path recommendation system (LPRS) for e-learners through a variable length genetic algorithm (VLGA) by considering learners’ learning styles and knowledge levels. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed LPRS in e-learning environment.  相似文献   

A model is proposed to assess the effect of different content representation design principles on learners’ intuitive beliefs about using e-learning. We hypothesized that the impact of the representation of course contents is mediated by the design principles of alignment, quantity, clarity, simplicity, and affordance, which influence the learner’s intuitive beliefs about using e-learning systems. The model was empirically validated using data collected from a survey administered to university students. This study demonstrates that these design principles are essential predictors of learners’ intuitive beliefs, which in turn directly influence their decisions about using e-learning systems. The findings provide system designers with quasi-quantitative managerial insights into how to motivate users to continue using e-learning systems.  相似文献   

To ensure the success of the e-learning initiatives, OUM has developed its own e-learning management system, known as myLMS. Since its introduction, many modifications and improvements have been introduced to increase its effectiveness. It is now timely that OUM take stock of its students' attitudes towards e-learning. Thus, a survey was conducted on about 1,000 students at one of OUM's own learning centres, that is, the Kelantan Regional Centrel. The study indicated that generally the teacher cohort had a somewhat neutral attitude towards e-learning. The use of e-learning was more specifically aimed at achieving short term goals of obtaining good coursework and examination grades by capitalizing on the use of the Discassion Board and Courseware. A closer examination reveals that the females prefer the Discussion Board while the males prefer the Courseware. Learners in the Engineering and English programmes had more positive attitudes towards e-learning compared to learners in the Mathematics and Science programmes. Learners with CGPA 〉 3.0 who are categorized as high achievers are more positive towards e-learning as compared to the low achievers ( CGPA 〈 3.0). Age difference, learners' income per month, learners' Internet and e-learning habits were also found to be predictors of attitude towards e-learning.  相似文献   


The field of adaptive e-learning is continuously developing. More research is being conducted in this area as adaptive e-learning aims to provide learners with adaptive learning paths and content, according to their individual characteristics and needs, which makes e-learning more efficient and effective. The learner model, which is a representation of different learner’s characteristics, plays a key role in this adaptation. This paper presents a systematic literature review about learner modelling during the last 5 years, describing the different modelled characteristics and the adopted modelling techniques and modeling types: automatic modeling and collaborative modeling. 107 publications were selected and analyzed, and six categories of the modelled characteristics were identified. This literature review contributes to the identification of the learners’ individual traits and presents the most used modelling techniques for each of them. It also identifies the latest research trends of Learner Modeling and generates future research directions in this field.


The learning style of a learner is an important parameter in his learning process. Therefore, learning styles should be considered in the design, development, and implementation of e-learning environments to increase learners’ performance. Thus, it is important to be able to automatically determine learning styles of learners in an e-learning environment. In this paper, we propose a sequential pattern mining approach to extract frequent sequential behavior patterns, which can separate learners with different learning styles. In this research, in order to recognize learners’ learning styles, system uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’s (MBTI). The approach has been implemented and tested in an e-learning environment and the results show that learning styles of learners can be predicted with high accuracy. We show that learners with similar learning styles have similar sequential behavior patterns in interaction with an e-learning environment. A lot of frequent sequential behavior patterns were extracted which some of them have a meaningful relation with MBTI dimensions.  相似文献   

基于网络的成人学习初始阶段动机激发策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习动机是学习者学习的核心因素。成人在网络环境下学习的初始阶段,态度和需求是影响其学习动机的两个主要因素,可以尝试从以下两方面激发他们的学习动机:一方面,帮助成人学习者树立积极态度;另一方面,识别并满足成人学习者的需要。  相似文献   

E-learning allows learners individually to learn “anywhere, anytime” and offers immediate access to specific information. However, learners have different behaviors, learning styles, attitudes, and aptitudes, which affect their learning process, and therefore learning environments need to adapt according to these differences, so as to increase the results of the learning process. In addition, providing the same learning content to all the learners may lead to a reduction in the learner's performance. Hence, there is a need to classify the learners based on their performance and knowledge level. Learner profiles play an important role in making the e-learning environment adaptive. Providing an adaptive learning environment, catering to the changing needs and behavior of the learner can be achieved by evolving dynamic learner profiles. Navigation logs can be used to analyze learners’ behavior over a period of time. In this work, we propose dynamic learner profiling to cater to changing learner behaviors, styles, goals, preferences, performances, knowledge level, learner's state, content difficulty, and feedbacks. Based on the continuous observation of learner preferences and requirements, the learner profile is dynamically updated. Furthermore, we propose an automatic learner classification to construct the learner profile and identify the complexity level of learning content, using the Bayesian belief network and decision tree techniques. We evaluated our system with two traditional adaptive e-learning systems, using static profiles and behavioral aspects, through our performance evaluation method of different learner types. In addition, we compared the actual learners’ data with the system generated results for various types of learners, and showed the increased interest in their learning outcomes.  相似文献   

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