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弗洛姆在其人道主义伦理学中提出了关于什么是善、什么是人道主义良心以及有道德的人的性格特征等理论,虽然他坚信道德新人一定会出现,但现实却并非如此。造成这一结果的原因有:整体论的思维方式要求社会与人同时发生变革,增加道德实现的难度;认为道德的力量来自人的自律,排除了社会舆论和风俗习惯的支持,使得道德的力量在异化的社会条件下很难发挥作用;没能将理论思维与经验观察很好的结合起来,导致理论与现实之间存在距离。  相似文献   


Critical thinking is often understood as a set of tangible, transferrable and measurable skills and competencies. Yet, it is also an intensely affective experience that is complex, contingent and contextualised. Using interview, focus group and observation data conducted with 15 first-year undergraduate social science students at a UK research-intensive university, this paper explores how students negotiate the complex knowledge practices that constitute critical thinking, particularly the affects of being and becoming critical. The theoretical tools offered by Karen Barad and Sara Ahmed allow a conceptualisation of critical thinking as a complex phenomenon of socio-material and affective practices. This paper turns to Barad and Ahmed to explore the potential of their clashing theorisations for thinking through the affective territories of critical thinking. It will argue that acknowledging the way(s) critical thinking feels (as well as what it is and what it is for) opens up new imaginaries for feminist scholarship about criticality.  相似文献   

In spite of his prominence in the literature of curriculum, Joseph Schwab's ideas are hard to categorize and can, therefore, be hard to understand. In this paper I attempt to illuminate some aspects of his thinking by considering an exchange of letters I had with him over the period 1979-1982. Study of this correspondence is revealing both for what he has to say and for the way he says it. Away from the temptation to write 'scholarly' prose he deploys an 'oral' style which has amuch more natural affinity with his style of thinking. I suggest that the idea of 'orality' provides an important key to his philosophy of action, and that its manifestation in his writings has to be understood against a background of his close connection with European thought on the one hand and his inherent skills as a teacher on the other.  相似文献   

《新视野大学英语读写教程》的课文选材无论在语言难度还是内容取材上都难以满足西部高校非英语专业英语学习的人文需求。为了形成地方性立体化的大学英语课程体系,要改变选材思路,形成人文知识体系;要结合地方实际情况,开发地方课程;要根据本校特色,设置校本课程。  相似文献   

This paper examines ways in which current moral values are influenced by earlier patterns of thinking carried forward in root metaphors whose meanings were often framed by the analogues settled upon in the past by thinkers who were influenced by the silences and prejudices of their culture. It is argued that such tacitly inherited metaphors reproduce the myth of the individual as a moral agent and that this both is ecologically unsustainable and undermines other important ways of understanding the individual. In various ways the form of critical thinking to which it gives rise stands in the way of individuals exercising what Gregory Bateson refers to as their ‘ecological intelligence’ in a manner that properly takes account of the interdependent nature of cultural and natural ecologies. It is argued that if in the West (at least) a shift could be made to relying on ‘ecology’ as the dominant root metaphor the whole system of Western moral values would undergo a radical change to one better suited to a current Western environmental situation.  相似文献   

高校英语专业教学大纲规定本科英语专修者应研习翻译,这既是研习者检验和提高语言运用能力的重要环节,又是获得新思想,传播新观念的重要途径。而翻译教学是语言高级阶段教学内容之一,有别于传统认识,如何有效地为学生阐明问题,指明方向以及如何培养其翻译思维乃是本文的写作重点。本文以本科翻译教学为出发点,反思启发式教学为中心,培养翻译思维为落脚点,融对象、手段和目标为一体,尝试提出并阐释翻译思维的几个特征,立足于反思启发式教学模式的翻译思维培养理念。  相似文献   

学生对高等代数畏难的问题体现在知识的难度、学生思维的局限性以及教师教法三个方面,这需要教师在教学中依据具体情况,采用多元化教学模式,达到教育的目的。  相似文献   

It can be argued that our contemporary view of the world is not at all based on ‘objective’ observation of ‘what is out there’, but rather the result of the application of existing mental frameworks and ways of seeing to the world around us, including the world of human beings. Goethe's way of seeing recognizes the special relationship that exists between parts and wholes, so that, rather than being built up of parts, wholes are indeed non-unified wholes which are fully reflected in the parts. Each part is, as it were, one particular manifestation of the whole. My purpose in this paper is to begin to explore Goethe's way of seeing as a tool for new insights into education and to do so by looking at the area of inclusion. Inclusion is a good place to start exploring because it is so obviously based on a notion of parts and wholes. For example, it is based on particular notions of what classes and schools as wholes should look like in terms of their parts: student population, achievement, assessment, curriculum, etc. Thus, examining inclusion from a Goethean perspective may provide new opportunities for thinking about and dealing with exclusion.  相似文献   

发展问题一直是世界各国普遍关注的焦点问题。持什么样的发展观念,走什么样的发展道路,达到什么样的发展目标,是国际社会聚讼不已、莫衷一是热门话题。20世纪60年代以来,由于东西方冷战对峙、南北方发展冲突、全球性生态危机,促使人们开始检讨传统发展观,寻求探索新的发展模式。20世纪80年代以来可持续发展观在全球范围的提出,标志着人类发展观的重大变革。而这一变革是在人们对传统发展观的内在缺陷及其在实践中导致的巨大负面效应的深刻反思过程中实现的,其实质是人们关于社会发展的价值观念的全面更新和创造性转换。  相似文献   

教育理论思维的不成熟甚至缺失,导致教育学精神气质的消亡,造成了它目前的生存困境。教育理论思维是以人的发展为对象,对教育实践展开反思与省察的过程。它关注教育生活世界,基于实践进行理论思考和建构;它以一定的知识系统为依据,并使之为教育学解释服务;它以人的全面发展为致思取向。教育学应重构自身的思维方式,这是教育学走出困境,走向成熟和规范化的标志。  相似文献   

The present article examines the relationship between political values and social research, with particular reference to the case for ethical reflexivity in sociology of education put forward by Gewirtz and Cribb. It is argued that their case for such reflexivity is flawed by conceptual imprecision and over‐determination of the links between value commitments, knowledge and the political implications of research. Drawing on a case study of a controversy in sociology of education, combined with a more discriminating conceptual analysis of political values in social research, it is suggested that the Gewirtz–Cribb ‘manifesto’ for routine ethical reflexivity may be inefficient and impractical. An alternative way of thinking about political reflexivity in sociology of education is offered, as are some possible avenues of philosophical resolution between the main protagonists of the longstanding debate on ‘what to do about values’ in sociology of education.  相似文献   

当前高校计算机公共基础课的教学普遍是"授之以鱼"式的技术传授,而没有从文化的角度去审视,结果造成了学而不知、知而不尽的尴尬局面.计算机公共基础课程的教育应该是一种完备的计算机科学文化的教育,而不单是一种技术教育.计算机公共基础课程教学的改革应走出方法论层次,实现从"工具观"到"文化观"的价值转变.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):279-294

In an increasingly complex and specialised society, it is imperative that individuals think critically and creatively. This kind of thinking is also required to achieve the critical outcomes as stated in the Revised National Curriculum Statement for South Africa. It seems, however, that higher-order thinking is unlikely to occur unless learners are engaged in activities that deliberately promote this kind of thinking. They should also be guided on how to engage in these complex thinking tasks. The aim of this article is to reflect on the use of assessment to promote learners' higher-order thinking skills. The role of assessment has implications for the nature of teacher training programmes. If lecturers model the way assessment can be done to develop higher-order thinking skills, it is hoped that teachers will have little difficulty in adapting it to their unique classroom situations. Examples from language modules of an in-service teacher training programme are used to show how assessment can be implemented to help learners develop higher-order thinking skills within the framework of outcomes-based education and the Revised National Curriculum Statement.  相似文献   

和合说起源于中国古代"天人合一"的哲学思想,是一种整体思维。在此基础上提出的和合翻译说避免了翻译局部研究引起的纷争,把翻译过程中的各个要素有机、动态、开放地融合在一起,使得矛盾不断得到化解,新事物不断得到化生。分析译者在选择原作、意义再生、翻译策略以及译语读者期待四方面的"和合"意识,进一步论证了和合翻译思想对翻译实践的指导作用。  相似文献   

人类思想史表明,思想史上每一次大的进步都是由于转换思维方式的结果。马克思1845年所写的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》,标志着其新世界观即“新唯物主义”的萌芽。从思维方式角度认为,“新唯物主义”的“新”主要表现在两个方面:一方面,对“对象、现实、感性”既从客体的或者直观的形式去理解,同时又把它当作感性的人的活动,当作实践去理解,从主体方面去理解:另一方面,是“出发点”或者说“考察方法”的根本转换。  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper I draw on narratives from several contexts in my own educational history – a student‐teaching experience, a graduate course in educational theory, and my work as a preservice teacher educator – to consider, first, the Winnicottian notion of the split‐off intellect, in which individual subjectivity is skewed toward thinking and away from affect, and second, an inversion of that notion, in which affect splits off to form the central domain of experience, relationship, and defense against difficulty. Theorizing some of the ways in which thinking and affect can at times seem to get in each other’s way, and reflecting on what individuals might use that ‘getting in the way’ to do, I explore some ways in which educators in general, and teacher educators in particular, might facilitate the working‐through of intellect/affect splits with the aim of helping students integrate thinking and feeling as they begin or continue their work in the classroom.  相似文献   

探寻价值观问题的制度解答   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现代化和全球化过程中日益突出的价值观多元与冲突问题 ,本文在重新审视解决这一问题的教育思路、政治思路、发展思路及市场思路的基础上 ,提出制度解答的新思路 ,认为无论就价值观问题的要求还是就制度的内在本性而言 ,这一思路都有充分的存在根据。制度的习惯、规则、规范、思维方式使多元价值观的协调和主导价值观的生成得以可能 ,而制度思维方式的培养、价值观科学的建立、知识分子建设性作用的发挥 ,则构成价值观问题制度解答的基本条件  相似文献   

Sometimes in curriculum development, and everyday usage, a new term, or new piece of jargon, springs into common use, and everyone seems to know what it means, yet no one can give a clear definition of just what it signifies in practical terms. Moreover, being ‘new’, we might reasonably expect that anyone using such a term would also be able to explain how it is different from any older terms, and how the ‘new’ parts of the meaning relate to older meanings. But often the sheer newness of the term is so attractive to those who use it that they do not pause and try to make any sensible connection with earlier ideas. These had once themselves been new, and had been for years taken for granted, yet are now pushed aside without a second thought, largely because the new term arrives with a sense of compelling urgency. Something needs to be done, right now, because, look...we have to deal with this new thing called ‘X’. But what is this ‘X’? And why should we do anything about it? We actually need to begin with some hard critical thinking.  相似文献   

This article explores two questions: (1) Is education a unique and distinct discipline? (2) Is education anything other than the achievement of noneducational aims or objectives? In it, Trevor Norris examines how these two questions are interconnected, specifically analyzing how what we think about education as a distinct field of study informs what we ask of it as a practice. When we study education, we should be educational about it, because if we render education as the object of study, it is never endowed with agency or distinctiveness. Norris inquires into the distinctiveness of education as a way of thinking and a way of impacting the world, asking what are the conditions that make it possible for us to identify something as “educational”? To investigate this question, Norris draws from Hannah Arendt's account of politics, and he concludes by describing a case study assignment that requires educational foundations students to draw from philosophy of education in order to show what exactly is educational about education by contrasting education with business and psychology.  相似文献   

毛泽东创造性地运用马克思主义的原理并做出了许多重大的理论创新。比较思维是毛泽东常用的考虑问题、做出决断的基本方法,这正反映了他独特的思维艺术魅力。毛泽东比较思维的基本方法包括阶级比较、国情比较、历史比较、敌我比较、正反比较等。毛泽东比较思维具有自己的规律和特点。研究毛泽东比较思维方法的特点及其规律,对我们科学研究有中国特色的社会主义具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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