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农林专业的实验实践是以培养学生的基本实验技能、基本研究方法为目的,贯穿于职业高中专业理论、实践的学习中.本文就农林专业实验操作特点,结合笔者的教学实践,着重就学生在实验实践中应具备的基本能力、素养,进行了简要的论述.  相似文献   

农林类专业具有较强的应用性和实践性,实验教学是理论联系实践的重要环节,也是培养农林类本科生强化实践、指导实践和实践创新的重要手段。但目前的实验教学中还存在一些问题,不能满足新形势下的发展需求。本文针对目前农林类高校本科实验教学的现状,提出了完善实验教学保障体系、优化教学模式和教学内容、增加实验室利用效率的对策和建议,为实验教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

基于新工科教育理念,为破解通才教育和专才培养的教学与资源需求矛盾,实现高校人才培养与社会需求接轨,需要依托教学科研创新团队,融入"协同培养与兴趣引导、渐近式和模块化"的实践教学理论,立足大学生科研训练基地、大学生创新训练项目、大学生科技创新竞赛等实践实训教学平台,结合团队科研项目,以项目驱动、兴趣引导、以赛促学和协同培养方式,开展农林院校新工科人才工程实践与创新能力提升路径探索,以此制定农林类新工科人才工程实践与创新能力提升新模式。  相似文献   

基于《社会调查研究方法》是一门理论与实践并重的课程,本项目的教改将理论教学与实践教学很好地结合起来,形成教与学的多维互动,改进并完善了教与学的效果。同时改革考核方式,将理论考核、实践考核和考勤三方面有机结合,使学生真正做到学以致用。  相似文献   

敏捷开发小型项目,例如互联网领域的实践已经得到了充分的验证及认可,但是在传统的大型软件项目中的实践有赞誉也有怀疑。本文通过系统分析和案例研究,针对大型软件的特殊性,对软件开发过程进行研究并阐明敏捷开发在其领域的实践要素和优点,使敏捷开发在大型软件开发中的应用更具操作性与可行性。本课题涉及软件开发的基本理论,通过实践站立会议,sprint实现,每日构建等实践,最终提出并论证适合我国大型软件开发的敏捷实践方式。  相似文献   

高等职业教育项目课程的开发与实施是教育教学改革的关键所在.不同课程担当的职业素质和能力教育,通过具体的项目使之结合,这是理论与实践结合的新探索,本研究就项目课程开发与实施进行了深度研究.  相似文献   

产教融合培养工程人才是应对新一轮科技革命与产业变革、促进高等教育内涵式发展的有效途径,但“产”“教”两类型组织在育人过程的协同始终缺乏理论指导和有效实践路径。本研究采用模糊集定性比较分析方法,对50个产教融合典型项目进行分析,聚焦企业规模、学科类型、项目动因、项目行动、项目约束等条件变量,识别出提高产教融合工程人才培养成效的最优路径。本文丰富和拓展了协同理论,提出产教融合工程人才培养的理论框架和协同路径,为不同类型的高校和企业提供了可复制性的实践指导。  相似文献   

在新农科建设背景下,高等农林院校要依托专业特色,加快推进大学生创新创业训练与实践教学的深度融合,这样才能培养出适应新时代发展需求的高素质农林人才。本研究从传统茶学专业实践教学中存在的问题、双创教育与茶学专业实践教学相结合的重要性以及河南农业大学茶学专业的实践经验等三个方面进行分析,旨在为新时期茶学专业实践教学的改革发展提供参考。  相似文献   

农林经济管理专业本科生理论课程教学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论课程教学是本科学生培养工作的主要部分和基础环节,对人才培养的质量具有举足轻重的影响.本文主要根据吉林大学农林经济管理专业的理论课程教学实践,从素质教育理念出发对农林经济管理专业的理论课程教学进行深入探讨.  相似文献   

冯德连等著的作品《中小企业外向国际化理论与实践研究》(经济科学出版社2010年9月版)是在国家社会科学基金项目"中小企业外向国际化理论与实践研究"(05BJL059)的研究成果基础上完善充实而成的一本专著。该项目负责人:冯德连。主要成员:万红先、秦超、梁幸平、李长书、杨继红、孙利娟、韦昌鑫、邵海燕。  相似文献   

Much has been said about what science content students need to learn (e.g., Benchmarks for Science Literacy, National Science Education Standards). Less has been said about what science content teachers need to know to teach the content students are expected to learn. This study analyzed four standards documents and assessment frameworks to identify core middle school physical science teacher content knowledge. Analysis across all four documents identified critical middle school physical science content and the relative weightings of this content. This parsimonious selection of content synthesized from these major sources provides guidelines researchers, assessment developers, and professional development providers can use in determining how to expend limited time and other resources.  相似文献   

Education restructuring is often based on the claim that markets have been shown to efficiently distribute goods to individuals who need and desire them, and that services should therefore be altered so that the market can also become the ultimate arbiter of what is included in them as well. However, restructuring has also been said to have negative effects on education values such as humanism and creativity. The present article has been developed from an ethnographic case study in relation to these values. It is supported by recent ethnographic research in adult Swedish language courses for immigrants (SFI) within a particular municipal region in Sweden.  相似文献   

This short article broadly characterizes the complex forces that shape the special education research agenda in the United States. Special education research is described as a national project involving a loosely linked community of researchers working under the umbrella of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, the national special education mandate. The momentum of normal science, changes in social values, public policy, imports from other disciplines, the power of advocacy groups, and changing methodologies all contribute to the creation of what appears roughly as a research agenda. Special education research, as a mission-directed endeavor, has been effective in generating a new knowledge base but has been less successful in influencing public school personnel to use validated methods. The need to move from instructional research to more systemic analyses also is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

由浙江农林大学教授、著名作家王旭烽执笔,浙江农林大学茶文化学院师生共同参与排演的茶文化话剧《六羡歌》,在第11届全国大学生戏剧节上获得广泛好评,并摘取两项大奖。该剧以茶圣陆羽的感情经历为背景,颂扬了中国知识分子不慕荣利、追求自我的高尚情操。这部话剧的排演作为一项大学生教学改革工程,无疑是成功的,并且在寓教于乐、寓考于乐的同时,对大学生进行了一次思想道德的教育和精神境界的洗礼。  相似文献   

In the late 1990s, the Department for Education and Employment in England set out to motivate and engage teenage students who were said to be 'disaffected' with the traditional school curriculum. Jerry Wellington, Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield, and Pam Cole, research fellow in the University of Sheffield School of Education, were asked to evaluate one of the 21 projects that were set up across the country. The pupils involved were partially disapplied from the National Curriculum in order to follow a work-related scheme set up by two schools, a Chamber of Commerce and a local Learning and Skills Council.
In this article, Jerry Wellington and Pam Cole explore some of the difficulties that accompany evaluation, and particularly a review of the impact of interventions involving so-called 'disaffected' pupils. They describe some of the practical and methodological difficulties faced in such an evaluation, as well as highlighting the positive aspects of the task. They reflect on a range of unforeseen and unpredictable dilemmas that faced them in this work, and note some of the interesting significant strengths that developed from the project. At the end of their article, Jerry Wellington and Pam Cole summarise what they have learned from the evolving methodology of this evaluation and present a case for increased levels of collaboration, between practitioners and researchers and between professionals and pupils, in future projects of this kind.  相似文献   

为了提高研究生培养质量,充分发挥区域与学科优势,将研究生培养与科学研究、产业实际、实践运用有机地结合起来,以福建农林大学为例,探索适宜的研究生产学研用结合人才培养模式,以适应新时期人才培养要求,为研究生人才培养提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

王荣花  丁勤  任淑芳 《实验室研究与探索》2006,25(11):1443-1444,1450
介绍了西北农林科技大学园艺学院开放式实验室规范化建设的管理模式及其实施效果,并提出了今后的设想。  相似文献   

针对福建农林大学物理实验教学的现状,结合实验教学示范中心的建设,从大学物理实验教学的课程体系、教学方法和成绩评定等三个方面提出了一些建设性的改革措施,并对物理实验教学改革进行研究探讨与尝试.  相似文献   

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