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等值线指在一定的水平面上,把某一类地理事物数值相等的各点连接成的线,因其代表的含义不同,承载的地理信息丰富多变,包括等高线、等温线、等压线、等盐度线、等年太阳辐射量线、等降水量线、等震线、等潜水位线、等PH值线等。对等值线图的判读,是高考中的难点和重点内容。  相似文献   

袁世凯属于洋务派,毓贤属于清流派。袁世凯等不赞成毓贤等反洋教,杀洋人,攻使馆,对外宣战,与李鸿章、刘坤一、张之洞等与毓贤、董福祥、李秉衡等多次争论。  相似文献   

《网络安全法》规定我国实行网络安全等级保护制度(以下简称等保制度)。高校拥有大量信息资产,是国家网络空间安全的重要阵地。为贯彻执行等保制度,将等保工作管理过程规范化、流程化和信息化,设计并实现网络安全等级保护支撑系统。该系统涵盖定级备案、等保测评、建设整改、安全监测、安全通报等多个等保工作环节,包括多级权限管理、知识库、文档报告快速生成等特色功能。通过该系统可顺利完成 8 个二级等保系统备案工作。  相似文献   

等表示列举没有完,如"上海、广州等地"。列举完了的,不宜用,例如不宜说成"上海、广州等两个大城市"。用省略号表示列举没有完的,省略号后面不要用"等",例如不要用"参加比赛的还有大连、锦州、保定、沧州……等"。  相似文献   

等值线包括等高线、等温线、等压线(等压面)、等盐度线、等年太阳辐射量线、等降水量线、等震线等,是教学和高考中的难点。该部分内容的复习以等值线图为载体,并结合配套练习题进行。  相似文献   

古交八音会(艺人自称响工)是一种以唢呐、管子为主奏乐器,辅以笙、笛等吹奏乐器,晋胡、二胡等拉弦乐器,战鼓、铙钹等打击乐器以及键盘乐器等为之伴奏的民间乐班组织。它广泛应用于婚丧嫁娶、周岁百天等礼俗活动及开业庆典等商业活动。  相似文献   

等效法在物理解题中有广泛的应用,我们经常会利用物理量的等效、物理过程的等效、物理模型的等效、物理方法的等效来进行解题。合理利用等效法能够对学生起到活化思维、化繁为简、开拓思维的功效,当然,在应用等效法解题时,我们应该知道,两个事物的等效不是全方位的,只是局部的、特定的、有限的、某一方面的等效。因此在具体问题中必须明确哪一方面的等效,这样才能把握住等效的条件和范围。本文就等效的几个方面作些讨论。  相似文献   

大数据在高校中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正移动互联、MOOC等技术的不断兴起给高校的发展带来了极大的挑战,为了应对这种挑战,高校应当充分发挥大数据在其中的支撑作用。高校大数据及其处理架构高校中汇聚着大量的信息,从学生角度来看,包括联系方式等基本信息,食堂消费、住宿晚归等生活信息,选课、课后作业、借阅图书、成绩等学习信息,参与的社团、竞赛、讲座等第二课堂信息;从教师角度来看,包含教学任务、课件等教学信息,论文著作、科学研究数据等科研信息;从管理者的角度来看,包含学校的资产信息、师资信息、招生就业信息等。同时随着移动互联网以及物联网等新技术  相似文献   

高考作文,既要达到符合题意、感情真挚、思想健康、内容充实、中心明确等基本要求,又要在深刻、丰富、文采和创新等方面有所突破。就提升文采而言,修辞的使用是其中重要一环。狭义的修辞即修辞手法的使用,常见的修辞手法大致可以分为三类——描写类:比拟、借代、夸张等;结构类:对比、反复、排比等;语气类:反问、设问等。  相似文献   

载沣当政后,在政治、经济、军事、文化等许多方面尽心竭力,其中政治方面主要是澄清吏治、推行宪政等,经济方面乃发展实业、开源节流、慎重国债、注重农工商业的发展等,外交方面是维护主权、选用外交人才及法律御侮等,军事方面为振兴海陆军、实行义务兵制、加强军队素质建设等,文化方面是注重真才实学、改进教育制度等。载沣出于维护清王朝的统治的目的,殚精竭虑,鞠躬尽瘁,但由于生不逢时,结果只能是徒唤奈何。长期以来学界对载沣评价极低,这是错误的历史记忆。  相似文献   

A year‐long longitudinal study was conducted to gain insight into the lives of eight students who had a label of Asperger’s syndrome during their transitions into higher education in the UK. Reflecting on life history data, the findings suggest that universities might actually be maintaining and (re)producing barriers that perpetuate the exclusion and ghettoisation of disabled people. The analysis goes beyond an acknowledgement of institutional disabling practices to pinpoint the subtle impacts of issues of pedagogy, learning, teaching, and assessment. It is argued, therefore, that inclusive education needs to engage more directly with the specific issues faced by learners with the label of Asperger’s syndrome. However, rather than viewing this as an issue of special education for distinctly impaired learners, Asperger’s syndrome must be understood with reference to wider questions of how higher educators respond to diversity and difference.  相似文献   


An important aspect of integrating special needs pupils in mainstream education is social integration. Parents of Down's syndrome children and their teachers in regular education regard contact with peers as of utmost importance for these children's development. Until recently, there was little research in The Netherlands on social contact between mainstream Down's syndrome children and their classmates. The study addresses the number and type of contacts in the regular classroom and the position occupied by the pupils involved within their peer group in regular education.  相似文献   

The early education of infants with Down syndrome has been strongly influenced by studies highlighting the importance of the environment. These studies encouraged the belief that intelligence is not fixed and that early experience is critical to the course of development. Since the origins of a decline in IQ for Down syndrome had been traced to early infancy, it was hoped that early intervention programs might halt or even reverse this decline. The de-institutionalization movement converged with these studies to emphasize the home as a teaching environment and to view the mother as a teacher. It is suggested that the concept of the environment should expand beyond the family and that professionals should consider their own role in terms of the social ecology of the family. The programs need also to address the specific arousal needs of the infant with Down syndrome and to include motivational aspects in addition to cognitive measures when evaluating the effects of infant education.  相似文献   


Inclusive education of disabled students has been promoted in European disability policies. However, the transition process from more segregated system is slow. The purpose of this study was to provide an insight about different types of schooling of disabled children affected by a rare disease across Europe and to evaluate their and caregivers’ well-being. We analysed data from a cross-sectional study (BURQOL-RD) of persons with rare diseases that cause intellectual and/or physical disability: Prader-Willi syndrome, fragile X syndrome, three types of mucopolysaccharidosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The sample consisted of 359 children aged 6–17 and 269 caregivers from eight European countries. Results showed differences between countries in proportion of students placed in special schools, which are still valid option in countries such as Germany, France or UK. Within the inclusive education modalities, lack of special support for disabled students was observed especially in low-income countries. No association between the type of schooling and quality of life was observed, but the subjective caregivers’ burden seems to be higher in special schools. The study shows existent differences in implementation of inclusive education in Europe. More research is needed in the field of rare disease disability and educational needs.  相似文献   

儿童多动症的成因分析及教育干预措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童多动症是以行为障碍为特征的一种综合症,属于儿童期的发展性障碍,以活动过多、注意力缺陷、冲动任性、学习困难以及存在行为问题为主要特征。主要原因在于生理遗传、铅中毒和脑损伤等,也包括家庭教育因素的影响。可从家庭和学校两个方面采取教育干预措施。家庭方面包括:改变教养方式、建立家庭奖励等;学校方面包括:强化消退训练、程序训练和感觉统合训练等。  相似文献   


The recent development of making secondary school education free in Ghana has raised concerns about the level of preparedness of teachers to teach students with diverse needs in one classroom. Significantly, mathematics is one of the core areas that the Ghanaian government has prioritised, and it has institutionalised mechanisms to encourage participation by many students. Accordingly, this qualitative study aimed to document the level of preparedness of mathematics teachers to support the teaching of students with Down syndrome in secondary school classrooms. Twenty-seven mathematics teachers from 14 schools, made up of 18 males and nine females, took part in the study. We found that participants were in favour of implementation of inclusive education. However, regarding the prospect of teaching students with Down syndrome, most of the participants thought that the regular secondary school classroom is not a suitable environment for these students to access education, especially due to a number of challenges. The need for the government to support schools with appropriate teaching materials and facilities is discussed extensively.  相似文献   

因特网成瘾障碍是过度使用因特网而导致明显的社会、心理和身体损害的一种综合症 ,包括网络色情成瘾、网络交际成瘾、网络强迫行为、信息超载和网络游戏成瘾 ,是由因特网的强大功能、网络的可获得性 ,现实生活问题以及人生理想和个性心理特征等因素综合作用的结果。其对策有思想教育、环境控制、心理咨询与治疗等  相似文献   

In the past decade Ireland has witnessed substantial changes in policy and provision for children with general learning difficulties as government policies and legislation increasingly underpin the move towards more inclusive provision. Despite this series of policy initiatives parents of children who experience Down syndrome and general learning difficulties can encounter serious obstacles in gaining access to mainstream education for their children.
This research project was a study of the experiences of a small sample of parents of children who experience Down syndrome and general learning difficulties in relation to their efforts to access appropriate education and education supports for their child in the mainstream school setting. These parents had to invest extraordinary levels of time, energy, and resources in their struggle to get these children into mainstream school and to support their progress there. At local school level these parents and children had positive experiences, but life has taught them that society offers acceptance as a favour, so they cannot confidently expect acceptance by schools and teachers as a right.  相似文献   

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