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This study evaluates past trends in cost management in university education as a way of finding solutions to the continued financial constraints facing Nigerian universities. Taking the University of Benin as a case study, this article shows that between the 1988‐1989 and the 1992‐1993 academic years, this university was grossly underfunded, despite increasing recurrent expenditure, consistent rapid growth in student enrollments, and inadequate academic staff. As of the 1992‐1993 academic year, the federal government was providing 94.5 percent of the total financial revenue of the university. The balance of 5.5 percent was raised from internal sources by the university. Since one fundamental problem of educational cost management in this university appears to be the inadequacy of funding, the study advocates the adoption of cost-recovery policies by introducing user fees and student loan schemes to soften the impact of these fees.  相似文献   

University research in Australia has in the past been devoted primarily to basic curiosity-initiated research based on the English model. Most senior academic staff have had advanced degrees from British universities and the ethos of pure research has permeated their work. In 1984 68 per cent of all higher education research and development was classified as basic research. The impetus for change in the early 1980s has come largely from federal government. In particular shrinking per student grants have forced universities to try to supplement their incomes from other sources. This paper summarizes and analyses some of the new initiatives and concludes with an examination of future prospects.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):239-252
Market forces are powerful in U.S. postseeondary education. Such forces were employed when the first postsecondary institutions were established in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and many present day forms can be traced to these early beginnings. Over recent years public university revenue shares in block-grants from state governments have declined, thereby destabilizing the institutions. The universities have compensated by increasing shares from grant and contracting organizations and from students. The end result has been that expenditure shares for instruction have declined while shares for research and for administration have increased. Internally, these changes in “resource dependencies” have lead to the redistribution of internal university power, loss of “community”, and ever-higher charges to students.  相似文献   

加拿大联邦和省区政府先后实施的多项全国性和区域性信息基础设施战略为其高等学校在科研、教学和管理等方面的信息化实践奠定了坚实的基础,而大学层次的信息化战略则成为创新高校信息技术治理模式,实现信息技术与高校学术目标战略匹配,推动信息时代大学系统变革的有力杠杆。从国家、省区和大学三个维度深入考察加拿大信息化战略的实施经验对于我国的高等教育信息化实践具有一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

省级政府对高等教育的统筹协调,既能缓解中央高度集权带来的忽视地方特色的弊端,也能弥补高校自主办学过程中可能出现的无序和失序,保障高等教育事业平稳健康发展。省级政府获得高等教育统筹协调权历经艰难历程,先后经历协助办学、分级管理、逐步确立、法律确权与不断扩权等五个时期。目前,省级政府主要拥有统筹协调省域高等教育结构布局、学科专业设置调整、学位与研究生教育、民办高等教育工作、高等教育收费与奖助学管理、免费师范生就业等权限,但其统筹权限仍存在不够科学周延及不稳定等问题。为此,应继续下放不必中央政府管理的高等教育权限,取消无须省级政府统筹协调的高等教育事项,通过法律形式明确省级政府的统筹权限。  相似文献   

专利政策创新是塑造美国大学科研创新的重要环节,然而“创新”之路并非一蹴而就,美国大学科研政策创新历经70余年。一战、二战期间,随着美国大学科研角色的凸显,大学的科研规模不断递增,专利争议随之兴起;二战后至20世纪70年代,大学科研成果的归属问题引发极大分歧,对于联邦固有专利政策的褒贬之音不绝;20世纪80年代以来,为了应对经济竞争,改革达成共识,联邦政府解禁专利限制,排除异议出台《拜杜法案》,掀起了大学科研与学术专利化的高潮。  相似文献   

德国高等教育机构经费来源特点及其管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国高等教育机构的经费主要依赖于公共财政资金,比如联邦政府、各个州政府和辖区管理机构等。德国高等院校的管理模式的主要特点是:采用绩效考核的经费管理模式;积极寻求多种资助形式;紧靠市场,重点扶持市场需求较大的行业。这给我国大学经费筹措带来的启示有:加强经费管理;积极寻求非政府经费来源;拓展办学思路,主动与市场接轨,做好产学研的配套工作。  相似文献   

Community colleges in America are now very visible and highly respected institutions of higher education. More than 1,000 community colleges in all 50 states now comprise nearly 25% of all colleges and universities in the U.S., with over 6.5 million students, or about 45% of all college students.

State and local governance and coordination of community colleges vary from single-state governing boards to minimal state control and strong local governing boards. The relative degrees of state and local control of community colleges generally “follow the money,” in that accountability to state and local governing board and state legislatures is generally about proportional to the funds provided by each level of government.

Funding for operational support of community colleges comes primarily from state and local governments, with considerable federal support for grants and subsidized loans to students. In 2000–2001, the largest proportional funding sources for community colleges were: state governments (44.6%), local governments (19.5%), tuition and fees (19.5%) and the federal government (5.4%). State lotteries in at least 38 states represent a relatively new source of funds for community colleges, often in the form of student scholarships.

Many of the earliest public junior colleges charged no tuition, especially in California in the early 1900s. Now many community college students pay $3,000 or more per year in tuition and fees, and recent annual tuition increases in many states have been in double digits. This is a troubling trend that threatens to reduce access to higher education for poor people.  相似文献   

Canadian universities are governed by provincial statutes and are funded by federal and provincial governments, as well as by student fees. They have had exclusive jurisdiction over admission standards, curricula and the granting of degrees. Even though they are autonomous, they are influenced to act in the interest of Canadian society through the use of buffer bodies (between governments and universities) and Boards of Governors.The passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement has changed these basic assumptions. Since education (including higher education) is part of social programs, and social programs are not exempt from the provisions of NAFTA, higher education will have to adjust to serving not only Canadian society but permit extra-national institutions to deliver their services without requiring the presence of Canadian nationals.These changes are occurring at a time when technology is making possible electronic means of delivery of higher education material. This article is a first exploration of the intersection of knowledge, capital and technology in the context of free trade. It is set in a Canadian context but its reflections have relevance to other countries.  相似文献   


The co‐ordination, control and financing mechanisms for higher education institutions have been the subject of ongoing political analysis and technical debate within university systems over recent years. The interrelationships between governments (as the ones in charge of university policy), universities and society have in recent years undergone a restatement process, due principally to the widespread changes that have occurred in the higher education environment. In this context, the university system of Catalonia (Spain's most advanced and dynamic autonomous region) has, since 1997, been undergoing a new co‐ordination experience between the government and universities centred around the programme‐based contract formula, which has opened the way to a new system of financing and control of academic outputs for universities. The object of this paper is to critically analyse this experience (completely new to the Spanish university scene) in order to draw conclusions from the debate in progress on higher education co‐ordination, financing and university autonomy.  相似文献   

In the years 1957–1966 the universities of Canada, as a result of a vast injection of federal funds directly into higher education, appeared to be at the beginning of a long period of development, largely autonomous, and national in scope and outlook. By the late 1960s the provincial governments, motivated partly by what they perceived as an infringement of their constitutional rights, partly no doubt by a sense that they could make better use of the vast sums involved, persuaded the federal government to direct its grants to them. The more populous provinces then found it desirable to develop advisory bodies to counsel the governments on the broader problems of universities, especially fiscal ones. In Ontario the Ontario Council of University Affairs was created for this purpose. It was conceived of as a buffer body to stand between government and universities, serving both. In fact it had no statutory authority. Its advice to the government on the growing financial needs of universities was persistently rejected, while its advice to the universities themselves to develop methods of genuine cooperation and coordination for the sake of the whole system was largely ignored. The Council began to assume a measure of authority, but the Minister was not satisfied with the state of affairs, and in December 1983 she abruptly announced the appointment of a three-man commission to devise a plan for reshaping the university system, including clarifying the role of the Ontario Council on University Affairs. That role is now almost totally unclear.  相似文献   

Research commercialization is a crucial aspect of technological innovation and is a complex socio‐economic and technological process. This paper explores the commercialization of university research, drawing on an empirical study of the development of research commercialization by Australian universities. The study addresses three main research questions: (i) What are the recent major policy changes affecting the commercialization of university research in Australia? (ii) How much have Australian universities done in research commercialization over the past few years? (iii) What are the key barriers to the achievement of higher levels of commercialization in university research? The findings of this study show that there are two fundamental issues that universities have to address: (i) adequate financial support from governments, industries, and other stakeholders; and (ii) effective innovation management with academic entrepreneurship. Because the issues and problems covered in this study are common to many countries, the study has international applications and provides policymakers and practitioners with valuable information to assist them in the development of organizational strategies in the commercialization of innovative university research.  相似文献   

传统上,受学术自由、大学自治以及联邦主义的影响,美国联邦政府较少干预高等教育事务。20世纪后半叶,在学术界和法律界之间关系发生革命性转变的背景下,基于开支权、税收权、贸易权以及公民权利执行权四种与教育相关的明示或默示的联邦宪法权力形态,联邦政府开始积极介入大学治理。至此,美国大学治理进入合规时代。联邦高等教育规制的强化在促进师生权利保障、增进公共利益的同时,也不可避免地滋生了“合规恐慌”与教师权利危机。近年来,在“螺旋式”合规文化的影响下,美国大学合规的压力来源持续增多。作为受规制最为广泛的机构类型之一,大学经常被拉入不同的、有时相互冲突的、有时不可调和的方向之中。当前,通过联邦高等教育规制的革新、大学合规职能的拓展以及大学法律顾问角色的重新定义等举措重塑联邦政府与大学之间的关系,构成了合规时代美国大学治理变革的最新动向。  相似文献   

Estimating the effect of tuition fee increases on demand for a university education is complicated by the potential endogeneity of tuition fees. The relative homogeneity of university tuition fees within Canadian provinces and the role of provincial governments in university funding and policies, provides an opportunity to use changes in the political party in power to identify plausibly exogenous changes in tuition fees. System estimates that take into account endogeneity of fees show large effects relative to single equation estimates, and to previous Canadian studies – a C$1000 increase in university tuition fees is estimated to reduce the enrolment rate by between 2.5 and 5 percentage points.  相似文献   

1999年高等教育大规模急剧扩张以来,高校办学资源日趋紧张,很多高校难以达到“生均一分地”的办学标准,不得不建设新校区以拓展办学空间。新建校区的出现对高校经费运行系统造成了强烈的冲击。本文基于1998—2016年教育部直属高校经费数据的研究发现:第一,虽然新建校区高校的生均总支出和生均总收入均显著高于非新建校区高校,但生均总收入的增长速度略慢于生均总支出,无论是财政性的基建拨款还是自筹收入都跟不上基建支出速度,且尚有较大规模的银行贷款收入和还本付息支出未纳入统计,收支不平衡为高校债务危机埋下了隐患。第二,新建校区高校的经费筹措规模整体扩大,但未能实现经费来源渠道多元化,其中财政拨款主要为教育事业费和基建拨款,自筹收入主要为事业收入。第三,新建校区对不同高校生均收入影响具有异质性,“985工程”院校生均总收入显著高于非“985工程”院校,统一入驻当地大学城能显著缓解高校经费筹措压力;相较于年级型,学院型布局模式会加大高校经费筹措压力。因此,建议我国高校一方面要进一步提高经费自筹能力,积极开拓经费来源渠道,减少对政府经费和事业收入的依赖;另一方面应尽可能优化新校区建设模式和布局模式,从降低成本角度减缓经费筹措压力。  相似文献   

高校贷款风险化解策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于调查分析,本文总结了2004年以来我国中央和省两级政府、各贷款高校化解贷款风险的策略,具体包括:政府经济规制、增加财政拨款和开征专项收费、学校资产置换、调整贷款结构并延展贷款期限、高校自身运用市场化方式筹集资金、举新贷还旧贷。  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, the landscape of Higher Education in the United Kingdom has changed considerably. With the prospect of tuition fees spiralling above £9,000 per year, per student, it is important to explore the impact this has upon the student experience. In spite of the vast financial investment current students make towards their education, student attendance and engagement remain low. The present study therefore adopted a qualitative approach using focus groups to explore reasons for non-attendance at university teaching sessions. Four key themes emerged; these surrounded issues about a sense of belonging to university, views of the teaching (material taught and the personality and method of the tutor), perceptions of being a consumer and external pressures. This research suggests that universities should pay particular attention to the reasons why students do not attend and possibly change practice, providing more support where appropriate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of Thai public universities in terms of efficiency, using a non‐parametric approach called data envelopment analysis. Two efficiency models, the teaching efficiency model and the research efficiency model, are developed and the analysis is conducted at the faculty level. Further statistical analyses are also performed to examine the difference in performance between two types of public universities, namely the government universities and the autonomous universities. Then, the differences in efficiency between university locations and types of faculties are examined. The results indicate that the autonomous universities outperform the government universities in terms of research efficiency. In addition, the universities in provincial areas and the faculties in the health science group are efficient in terms of teaching. Recommendations are also provided for the university administrators to improve the performance of public universities in Thailand.  相似文献   

从美国大学科研经费的间接成本管理看政府与大学的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
联邦资助的科学研究是今日美国研究型大学的突出特点。一般而言,联邦政府支付科研活动的全部费用,包括大学因承担科研项目而发生的间接成本。起源于二战时期政府资助大学的科研合同,间接成本制度自20世纪50年代以来逐渐发展完善,成为美国联邦政府资助大学科研活动的政策工具。透过间接成本制度可以揭示政府-大学关系在过去60年中的巨大变迁。  相似文献   

对高校投入与产出进行绩效评估是激励高校提升自身生存与发展的有效手段,对于优化高校的资源配置、提高高校的办学效益及帮助政府对高校实行绩效拨款都有非常重要的参考价值和指导意义。文章以涉及高校人力、物力和财力的14项投入指标和人才培养、科学研究、社会服务职能的5项产出指标作为绩效评估指标体系,采用因子分析法对甘肃省属12所本科院校的绩效水平进行评估,并且以绝对绩效得分的形式对这12所高校进行绩效排名,从而在一定程度上反映出甘肃省属本科院校的教育资源利用状况。  相似文献   

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