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20年前,我国一学术、技术期刊开始收取版而费,此后大多数学术期刊相继收取,与之相伴的是该不该收取版面费的争论此起彼伏、接连不断,甚至相当激烈.[1]一些学术、技术期刊在收取论文版面费之后,近年来开始收取论文审稿费,这些期刊编辑部(刊社)要求作者在投稿的同时邮寄审稿费.由于审稿费费用远低于版面费,作者未对审稿费提出太多的异议.  相似文献   

潘旸 《编辑学报》2008,20(4):376-376
对于论文发表费,社会上有很多争议,也存在不少误解,这往往是由于对传播环节的不了解和不正确认识所致.作为一名身在出版业的编辑人员,在充分了解传播的意义,并正视自身价值的前提下,我认为科技期刊应该收取论文发表费.下面主要从正反两方面加以论述.  相似文献   

PeerJ作为一种网络出版的新模式,其内容包括终身免收论文发表费的作者会员制、鼓励公开责任编辑和同行评审专家姓名和评审内容、缩短发表周期、影响力提升策略、基于网络的文章层次的评价指标,以及论文预印服务等,总结这一出版新模式的成功经验,对于克服我国OA出版办刊模式存在的弊端,完善我国学术期刊OA出版具有很好的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

“版面费”难题的成因与破解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、“版面费”的含义及其表现形式版面费一般指正式学术期刊编辑部刊用作者文章时向作者收取的费用。版面费又称发表费、文章处理费。目前不少学术期刊收取作者的版面费成了“潜规则”。有时版面费改头换面以“订刊费”的面目出现。学术期刊编辑部往往对稿件划分为外稿、内稿,内稿有的不收、有的少收版面费。根据刊物的级别,版面费的价格标准不同;根据刊物影响力,是否为核心期刊,收费标准也不同。有的是根据字数,有的是按照每篇收取若干费用。不同刊物收取的版面费不同,少则几百元,多则上中国出版CHINA PUBLISHING JOURNAL2006年…  相似文献   

王祥国 《编辑学报》2016,28(1):24-25
学术期刊的优先出版加快了我国科技论文发表的速度,缩短了发表时滞,提高了我国科技论文的影响力,但也出现了一些问题和冲突.文章分析学术期刊优先出版与印刷出版出现的问题和冲突,并提出解决问题和冲突的对策,以不断提升优先出版的学术期刊的影响力.  相似文献   

科技学术期刊收取版面费情况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了逐步改变单靠国家拨款补贴亏损的局面,最近几年有些科技学术期刊在出版改革中试行的一项措施就是收取版面费(或称为发表费)。1988年6月,中国科学技术协会向所属学会发出了《关于建议各学会学术期刊收取版面费的通知》,1989年中国科学院向所属各刊编辑部也发了同类通知。这两个主管单位所属各刊按通知的要求坚持以  相似文献   

国外物理类期刊出版费收取情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晶  李兆林 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):556-557
针对目前学术界比较关注的论文出版费用收取的问题,调查了美国物理学会、美国物理联合会、英国物理学会、日本物理学会、荷兰Elsevier等5家出版机构旗下的在物理界有影响的期刊,分析了版面费、彩版费和开放存取费收取的情况.结果表明,大多数物理类期刊都是收取相关费用的.希望调查结果能对国内期刊的发展有所帮助.  相似文献   

目前我国内地出版社出版科技专著时,多向作者收取数额不等的出版费.对于成本相当的专著,规模较小、急欲抢占市场与打造品牌的出版社可能收取较少,甚至有所亏损也在所不惜;规模较大、已成品牌的出版社,相对收得多一些.总体来说,近几年,随着宏观经济状况的变化,专著出版费.数额呈上涨趋势,在我国总体政治经济框架下,这有一定的必然性,但对科技出版的发展也有很多负面影响. 发达国家的出版社出版科技专著,不管是规模较小的出版社,还是庞大的出版社,多数不向个人作者收取出版费用,并且有稿酬.如果作者是某公司组织,则有可能酌情收取出版费.  相似文献   

陶范 《编辑学报》2007,19(6):442-444
论文发表费存在着争议,适当有度地收取会在一定程度上消除这种争议.为此,应遵循5项原则,即学术性原则、恰当性原则、差异化原则、付稿酬原则和专款专用原则.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济建设的不断发展,人们的价值观念日趋多元化,这既为学术期刊的发展创造了良好环境,也使学术期刊面临着日益严峻的挑战。最近,社会上的不良之风助长了一些学术不端行为,一些期刊在金钱和利益的诱惑下,丧失了学术操守,少数学术期刊在稿件录用、增刊出版、稿酬支付等环节存在着失范行为,部分学术期刊"靠收取版面费牟利",甚至出现了"论文买卖产业化"的趋向,这严重危及学术期刊的健康发展。  相似文献   

The article processing charge (APC) is currently the primary method of funding professionally published open access (OA) peer‐reviewed journals. The pricing principles of 77 OA publishers publishing over 1,000 journals using APCs were studied and classified. The most commonly used pricing method is a single fixed fee, which can either be the same for all of a publisher's journals or individually determined for each journal. Fees are usually only levied for publication of accepted papers, but there are some journals that also charge submission fees. Instead of fixed prices, many publishers charge by the page or have multi‐tiered fees depending on the length of articles. The country of origin of the author can also influence the pricing, in order to facilitate publishing for authors from developing countries.  相似文献   

田恬  陈广仁 《编辑学报》2017,29(3):205-209
评述国内外编辑团体出版的各项道德规范,从重复发表、一稿多投、剽窃、未公开的利益冲突、作者署名、数据造假、研究伦理7个方面,比较国际出版道德委员会(COPE)、国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)、欧洲科学编辑学会(EASE)制定的道德规范的异同.分析表明:3家机构制定的学术道德规范形式不同,内容各有侧重,但影响力还有提升空间;中国制订科技期刊编辑出版道德规范时应借鉴国内外的成功经验,甄别出期刊编辑关心的核心问题,采用适合的内容和形式,制订符合中国学术出版生态的编辑实践指南;在指南出台后,应积极进行推广培训,切实应用于学术出版中.  相似文献   

以“互联网+”思维为基础,研究国际上几个代表性OA出版平台如DOAJ、BMC、PLoS的运营模式,分析国内外政府机构对OA出版的资金和政策支持,提出一套系统性的改革方案.认为基于互联网的数字出版模式渐成趋势,我国学术期刊应运用互联网思维改革办刊模式,开发自主云出版平台,创办一批国际领先水平的高质量OA英文期刊,在推动国内现有英文期刊精品化、国际化的同时,促进中文期刊可持续发展,从而整体提升我国学术期刊的综合影响力.  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑过程中稿件在退修环节的流失会给编辑出版工作造成不良后果。其主要原因是:作者一稿多投;修改要求太多,作者无法满足;作者没有及时收到修改通知;作者存在"投机"心理;等等。文章提出了防范对策和措施。  相似文献   

分析科技期刊论文被引分布的规律,从文章类型、选题方向、学科特点、作者及其机构、基金项目5个方面探讨高被引论文的主要特征.认为科技期刊编辑应加强组约及刊发综述性学术论文,及时跟踪报道学科研究热点与发展前沿,关注重点团队及培养核心作者群,关注并分析论文的实际内容,注意栏目设置与专题出版,提升期刊文献的显示度及检索的便利性,以期为编辑在组稿策划、宣传推广及寻求高被引作者等方面提供参考,不断提升期刊的学术质量与学术影响力.  相似文献   

The proliferation of predatory or bogus journals has been recognized as a threat to academic research, and this study was conducted to discover the experiences of authors published in these journals. Eighty authors who had published in journals identified as predatory were surveyed. We asked how the authors learnt about these journals, what they thought about the reputation of the journals, their experiences of peer review and the quality of feedback provided, and whether publication was driven by PhD or job requirements. Our results showed that a third of authors discovered the journals by web searches or responding to email invitations. Over half said the reputation and name of the journal were important in selecting a journal, although a third admitted that the journal they published in did not have a good reputation. The main reason for selecting the journals was the promise of fast publication (31.2% respondents). Only half of the respondents said that publication was driven by PhD or job requirements. Just over a third reported that peer review was good or excellent, and only 17.5% said that peer review was poor or non‐existent – over 70% thought they had received good feedback from the journals. Although the research was somewhat limited, it does indicate general satisfaction with the journals in which the authors published. Fast publication coupled with good feedback and encouragement to submit can make publishing in predatory journals so tempting that few authors can resist.  相似文献   

佟建国  颜帅  陈浩元 《编辑学报》2013,25(3):208-210
高校自然科学学报是中国科技期刊中的特殊群体。我们用统计数据展示了该类期刊的良好声誉。基于期刊引证数据和网站下载数据,与专业科技期刊作了比较,认为该类期刊的学术质量与全国科技期刊相当。呼吁依据该类期刊的运行规律,推进期刊改革,促进其健康发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the evolution of the role of academic journal articles submitted to the UK's Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). By reviewing their role, it is possible to see how the changes from quantitative to qualitative assessment (and the resulting problems surrounding the definition of ‘quality’ journals) has impacted both on the journals selected by academics for publishing their research and the assessment of them. Although only one part of RAE submissions, the listing of published research outputs provides the primary evidence for research quality to most RAE panels, and is a significant driver of the final grade awarded, and thus the funding received by submitting institutions. The RAE, being a peer‐reviewed assessment exercise, mirrors in some ways the peer‐review process immured within scholarly publication. The developing role of journal publications as a vehicle for academic research output is examined via the chronology of the RAE, before assessing the current situation in which published journal output formed almost 70% of all output assessed by RAE panels in the latest exercise. The impact of this increased importance of academic journals in the assessment process is considered not only for academics but also for the wider community, i.e. publishers and libraries.  相似文献   

The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) plays a major part in academic life in the UK. One of its chief measures of ‘research performance’ relates to the publication of articles in refereed scholarly journals. This paper examines the effect of the RAE on the journal publishing system, looking at the communities of authors, editors, and publishers.  相似文献   

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