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郭嘉 《文化交流》2016,(10):62-65
2016年9月5日,浙江作家海飞编剧的电视连续剧《麻雀》登陆荧屏.海飞是个温情的人,但坚持认为自己欣赏残酷,奇怪的是,二者在他身上好像并行不悖,一如他笔下民国时期繁华柔软的上海,鲜血与死亡却稀松平常.海飞是个横空出世的小说家,凭着对文字的天赋和执拗,瞬间改变了既定的潦草杂乱的生活,因此,我们也就不会奇怪他误打误撞进入编剧圈后,从《旗袍》开始,短短几年,《旗袍2》《大西南剿匪记》《从将军到士兵》《铁面歌女》《代号十三钗》《花红花火》《麻雀》,还有《太平公主秘史》《隋唐英雄》逐一呈现.他已然深陷谍战、迷恋传奇,就像喝一盅温润的绍兴黄酒,吱的几口下去,灯光柔美起来,眼神迷离惬意,微醺的悠然自得,正是时候.  相似文献   

吴敏 《文化交流》2017,(1):13-17
由温州日报报业集团收购的国外报纸《欧华联合时报》,兼具中国与海外两种背景,也正是因为这份特殊性,该报在国际传播上选择了"不走寻常路",试图跨越文化、地域的界限,寻找一条通往"春天"的国际传播新路径。  相似文献   

每一处经济的绿色发展,都离不开文化理念的引领;每一个产业的持续增长,都必然有文化特色的内核;每一个企业的自觉自信,都源自文化信念的支撑. 浙江省在建设特色小镇过程中,深谙这个道理. 独特的山水资源、深厚的历史人文,决定了浙江"百镇不同面,镇镇有特色"的发展格局.以文化强特色,以文化调结构,以文化惠民生,以文化稳增长.  相似文献   

梓里 《文化交流》2016,(12):75-78
正2016年9月1日,苍南县矾山镇福德湾村获联合国教科文组织2016年度"亚太地区文化遗产保护奖"。矾山镇曾经因采炼矾石而盛衰,如今随着工业文化遗产保护工作的日渐完善,崭新的活力逐渐注入到这个古老的矿区。矾都没落,小镇如何寻出路明矾,与我们生活息息相关,广泛用于食品加工、制药、净水、造纸等。温州市西南部山区蕴藏着储量丰富的矾矿。640年前,小镇因矾而生,因矾而兴,因矾而名。据探测,矾山镇周  相似文献   

历来有尊师重教传统的浙江大地曾有不少古书院,但历史悠久且又保存完整的并不多见。不久前笔者陪同北京前来专访鹿门书院的文友来到浙江嵊州,深感这座书院历史久远但维护得相当不错。车到嵊州鹿门,斜阳似一轮光亮柔和的大红灯笼悬挂在清气盈盈的天幕上,光流透过苍松翠柏,浓浓淡  相似文献   


Collins  Harry 《Minerva》2000,38(4):469-471


The frequently assumed premise that Georges Bataille engaged solely in a primarily subject‐centred critique is not here disputed; rather, our contention is that in spite of this, we may look beyond and push Bataille to his own limits to ground a kind of object‐centred critique. If this textual experiment is successful, we come to see a nascent version of transcendental empiricism at work in Bataille’s work, effectively functioning as an unacknowledged precursor to the more sophisticated and explicit version of transcendental empiricism that Gilles Deleuze engages. Our aim is to focus on Bataille’s Inner Experience as a pivotal moment wherein his critique of transcendence could go either way, and to determine whether a ‘Bataillean transcendental empiricism’ would result in different outcomes than Deleuze’s version.  相似文献   

樟桂 《文化交流》2007,(6):73-75
在莎士比亚悲喜剧《仲夏之梦》中,女主人公有一句悲叹台词:"噢,那令人刻骨铭心的帕杜瓦!"帕杜瓦大学是意大利一所著名学府,创立于11世纪的帕杜瓦大学城生活着32万人,其中有5万大学生在校就读。  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that one of the key ways in which economics and cognate calculative discourses and practices ‘perform’ the economy is through the drawing of conceptual boundaries between economic activities and entities of various sorts. One such boundary is the boundary between markets. This article shows that a critical contemporary arena for the differentiation of one product or service market from another is competition (or antitrust) law, which, through its work of market definition, seeks to identify the boundaries of competition: the location of the borders between meaningful economic spaces within which buyers and sellers encounter one another and establish prices. The article argues that in envisioning markets (‘the law's markets’), competition law simultaneously constitutes markets, and it demonstrates this through an empirical examination of the exercise of such law in three economic sectors: insurance, grocery retailing, and pay-television. It also shows, however, that competition law is perennially dogged by conflict – both over the placement of such conceptual boundaries, and over the very process of placement and the status of the market boundary itself – and that its application and effects can only be understood in this light.  相似文献   

正山水优美的乡间,有许多从古代农耕社会绵延下来的血缘村,大家聚族而居,辛劳生息,乡风醇和,历史遗存和人文传统保持得特别完好,在当今很值得去走一走、看一看。浙江桐庐县江南镇荻浦村、深澳村,青山相拥,碧水环流。这两个村都是复姓申屠的直接血缘村,历史悠久,文化底蕴丰厚。桐庐申屠氏的由来按姓氏渊薮,申屠一姓是中华人文初祖炎帝神农氏十五世裔孙伯夷之后。  相似文献   

The vegetative stratum is a layer of existence that is inherent not only in plants. Here, I propose to look at how vegetative life – or, the vegetative mode of existence – affects cities. The vegetative mode of existence is not focused on activities, routines, achievements. Here appears a city that is not industrial or industrious. When the industrious city retreats, or falls apart, the vegetative stratum becomes visible. The vegetative city is a city without any central nervous system. I suggest the interpretation of the vegetative city as a hopeful manifestation of the urban that only takes place when the time is ripe.  相似文献   


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