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国际储备需求理论的几个误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章通过回顾国际储备需求理论的发展,指出了特里芬储备需求理论的简单套用、比例分析法强求一个比例关系、模拟分析法忽略储备结构问题的几个误区,章观点对国际储备需求理论的研究有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

内容分析法在远程教育领域的应用才刚刚开始。文章主要介绍了内容分析法以及网络内容分析法,并分析了内容分析法在现代远程教育中的应用现状,以期为今后在远程教育领域中应用内容分析法奠定一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

"层次分析法"是句法分析最基本,也是最有效的方法之一。自从"层次分析法"被引入后,我国传统的"中心词分析法"被取而代之,成为学者们进行句法分析最常用,也是最流行的分析方法,同时,"层次分析法"也是中外学者研究最多的一种句法分析的方法之一。本篇文章着重从"层次分析法"理论的提出、引入以及其优越性和局限性等方面通过举例来谈对"层次分析法"的一些理解。  相似文献   

马克思在《资本论》中 ,广泛地运用了数量分析 ,最早提出了科学的弹性理论 ,并在著作中多处用到边际分析法、均衡分析法、投入产出分析法等。马克思数理分析理论与西方经济学有着根本的、阶级的区别。  相似文献   

中心词分析法与层次分析法是两种截然不同的句法分析。中心词分析法以词为主要基本单位,层次分析法则以短语为主要基本单位,这种区别必然会导致词类、短语等关键子系统乃至整个语法理论体系的迥异。因此,黄、廖《现代汉语·语法》虽然采取了以层次分析法为主导而兼顾中心词分析法的做法,比《中学教学语法系统提要》层次分析法和中心词分析法相结合的提法有了很大的进步,但仍然难以使教材本身所呈现出的语法理论自成体系。而回归上世纪50年代的《暂拟汉语教学语法系统》,以中心词分析法为主导,再辅之层次分析法以解决中心词分析法的不足之处,重构现代汉语语法理论框架,不失为摆脱长期以来现代汉语语法教学理论尴尬的新路子。  相似文献   

李明  陈娟 《考试周刊》2011,(88):110-111
本文所提出的英语阅读课文分析法教学是从单篇课文的整体出发,按照不同的文章内容和文体信息对文章进行分析和辨别从而达到提高英语阅读理解能力的教学目的。课文分析法教学是传统英语阅读教学方法的革新,适合英语专业学生的学习需求,并且有利于培养学生的英语阅读能力和其他英语语言能力。  相似文献   

文章通过阐述企业投资决策风险的基本理论,分别对企业的投资决策、投资风险以及企业投资风险分析方法做了相应的说明,以企业投资决策的案例进行说明决策树分析法在企业投资决策风险分析中的运用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济高速增长和国际收支双顺差的不断扩大,巨额外汇储备对我国宏观经济运行及调控的影响也越来越大.文章以国内近期的一些研究为基础,结合国际储备理论和在金融危机的新形势下我国的高储备现状,探讨外汇储备对我国经济发展的作用和我国的储备管理政策.  相似文献   

黄廖《现代汉语(增订四版)》采用了层次分析法,但因其将层次分析法中的句法成分和中心词分析法中的句子成分混为一谈,在论及"常见的句法失误"时又强行套用了其语法理论体系外的中心词分析法,故仍未能使教材所呈现出的语法理论自成体系。因此,唯有借鉴上世纪50年代的《暂拟汉语教学语法系统》,以中心词分析法为主导,再辅之层次分析法以弥补其不足之处,重构语法理论框架,才能摆脱长期以来现代汉语语法教学的理论困境。  相似文献   

本文就安子介关于汉字结构的理论和析字法提出后在学术界引起的争议,阐述几点看法:汉字研究方法与汉字难学、汉字落后与否无关;安氏“汉字是道地的会意文字”的理论和他的“新析字法”属字素分析法研究范畴,与“突破《说文解字》的中国传统模式”无关;字源分析法与字素分析法两者的作用不可互相替代,也不可偏废。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国共产党创新发展理论的逻辑理路是:以发展为主线深化发展观内涵;以中国特色社会主义为主题夯实发展理论内核;以思想路线为基础不断推进发展理论的创新;以人的解放为目标形成既一脉相承又与时俱进的发展理论体系。其基本经验是:通过把握规律性创新发展理论;通过重点与全面相统一的方法创新发展理论;通过坚持四项基本原则保证创新发展理论的方向。其基本结论是:只有中国特色社会主义才是全国各族人民共谋发展的思想基础;只有不断创新发展理论,才能不断引领中国的科学发展。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to discussion of theory application in higher education research. We examine 59 empirical research papers from specialist journals that use a particular theory: activity theory. We scrutinise stated reasons for choosing the theory, functions played by the theory, and how the theory is valorised. We find that the theory is usually chosen for its direct empirical applicability; used for abstraction, explanation and contextualisation; and valorised for apprehending complex situational dynamics. It is rarely chosen to challenge conceptualisation of the research object; used to establish investigative paradigms; or valorised in ways that implicate wider bodies of knowledge or potential theory development. We argue that higher education researchers should reconsider how their application of activity theory is interwoven with interpretative processes, how the theory might frame research design rather than simply data analysis, and how they account for the range of roles that the theory actually plays across research endeavours.  相似文献   


This study uses a Foucault-inspired discourse analysis to examine two ideas about learning which reinforce the terminology whereby theory means campus-based training and practice means work placements. The purpose is to problematise this theory–practice terminology and provide scope for a non-dualistic alternative. The ideas examined are the idea of theory vs. practice as the point of departure for learning and the idea of theory and practice as harmonious points of departure for learning. These ideas were voiced by interviewed students who discussed the usual design of Work-integrated Learning (WIL) whereby students go to university to learn ‘theory’ and into working life to learn ‘practice’. The analysis shows how the ideas are formed by different ranking orders between theory and practice which are mutually exclusive, while also working together to reinforce the theory–practice terminology. The discussion on how a non-dualistic terminology can emerge highlights how the usual WIL design forms a dualistic setting where the theory–practice terminology thrives and how designing WIL at a third place between university and working life can provide scope for the terminology we seek.  相似文献   

《说文解字》所阐述了汉字理论影响制约着书法理论,产生这样的现象,大氏因为:1.汉字理论和书法理论都有“法自然”的思维特质;2.书法理论惯于向汉字理论中“寻振”;3.《说文解字》在一定程度上揭示了书法理论;4.书法长期依赖汉字理论,以至于许多收论在讲书法之前,一定要先讲“字论”。  相似文献   

邓小平经济理论的内在活力,主要指它既继承、发展和创新了马克思主义经济理论,也为以江泽民为核心的中国共产党第三代领导集体发展、创新这一理论奠定了重要的基础。邓小平经济理论的内在活力主要表现;第一唯物辩证法的运用使邓小平经济理论能够不断地开辟认识真理的道路;第二,理论与实践与统一使邓小平经济理论具有永恒的生命力;第三,创新性的思维品格使邓小平经济理论不仅是“创新的理论”,而且也做了“理论的创新”;第四,直观现实的开放性使邓小平经济理论开拓了马克思主义经济学的新境界,为以江泽民为核心的中国共产党第三代领导集体发展马克思主义经济提供广阔的理论空间,成为永葆青春活力的理论。  相似文献   

由于社会和历史的原因,王国维倡导的“游戏说”历来有引起人们足够的重视。“游戏说”最初是由康德,席勒提出来的,20世纪初,王国维把这种学术观点译介到中国学术界。其译介“游戏说”的历史贡献是巨大的,有助于中国艺从“工具论”,“载道论”束缚中解脱出来,首次从理论上确定了学自主性的地位,拉开了中西艺理论交流和对话的序幕。  相似文献   


The growing field of clinical‐developmental psychology has been influenced by Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral judgement. Too literal a use of structural theory, however, has hindered this field's advancement. This paper argues that a new theory of self is required to apply appropriately developmental theory to clinical practice. The model consists of two related dimensions of self: self‐complexity and biographical themes (schemata and themata). A perspective on normal and atypical development given by the interactions between these components is described and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Although Vroom's expectancy theory and its later application to the workplace by Lawler have significant implications for the development of compensation plans with incentive value, they do not consider at least two critical components of incentive plan design: individuals' initial commitment to their goals and the relative value of rewards individuals receive for accomplishing their goals. This article integrates expectancy theory, goal theory, and equity theory into a comprehensive framework for the effective design of compensation plans with incentive value.  相似文献   

Tests of formal operational reasoning derived from Piagetian theory have been found to be effective predictors of academic achievement. Yet Piaget's theory regarding the underlying nature of formal operations and their employment in specific contexts has run into considerable empirical difficulty. The primary purpose of this study was to present the core of an alternative theory of the nature of advanced scientific reasoning. That theory, referred to as the multiple-hypothesis theory, argues that tests of formal operational reasoning actually measure the extent to which persons have acquired the ability to initiate reasoning with more than one specific antecedent condition, or if they are unable to imagine more than one antecedent condition, they are aware that more than one is possible; therefore conclusions that are drawn are tempered by this possibility. As a test of this multiple-hypothesis theory of advanced reasoning and the contrasting Piagetian theory of formal operations, a sample of 922 college students were first classified as concrete operational, transitional, or formal operational, based upon responses to standard Piagetian measures of formal operational reasoning. They were then administered seven logic tasks. Actual response patterns to the tasks were analyzed and found to be similar to predicted response patterns derived from the multiple-hypothesis theory and were different from those predicted by Piagetian theory. Therefore, support was obtained for the multiple-hypothesis theory. The terms intuitive and reflective were suggested to replace the terms concrete operational and formal operational to refer to persons at varying levels of intellectual development.  相似文献   

The world of work is changing and we must adapt how we apply human performance technology (HPT) expertise to address our 21st century challenges. This is a formidable challenge. The scholar‐practitioner model seems ideally suited to this high‐speed world by combining the ability to apply theory and rigorous processes to solve practical problems. The T4 MAP (T4) models a new action research process grounded in human and organizational development (HOD) theory. It incorporates quantitative and qualitative data and so equips scholar‐practitioners and practitioners to address workplace problems and advance theory by enabling a deeper contextual understanding of people in the organization. A T4 pilot demonstrated the ability to generate salient data that helped teams identify performance improvement opportunities and enabled participants to take accountability for implementation. It offered a basis for grounded theory and presented opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

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