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曾萍  黄紫薇  汪金爱 《科研管理》2020,41(4):151-159
针对企业构建政治关联能否激发以及怎样激发商业模式创新的问题,本文构建了政治关联在吸收能力调节下影响商业模式创新的理论模型。以384家企业为样本进行的实证检验表明:企业构建政治关联能够激发商业模式创新,知识消化能力强化了政治关联对商业模式创新的积极影响,但知识获取能力却削弱了政治关联对企业商业模式创新的积极影响。这些发现一定程度揭示了企业政治关联影响商业模式创新的内在机制,区分了不同维度吸收能力的调节效应差异,对企业商业模式创新理论与实践的发展起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(4):104738
Public research institutes (PRIs) have played an increasingly prominent role in leading radical inventions, which are considered a major source of long-term economic growth. However, there is little empirical evidence on the factors affecting radical inventions in PRIs, which have been at the forefront of scientific research and technological development. This study fills this gap by providing an empirical analysis of radical inventions at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), a conglomerate of PRIs in China. Based on a newly compiled data set on CAS patents, this study explores the effects of knowledge path dependence, external network connections, and their interactions on radical inventions in PRIs. Our empirical findings reveal that knowledge path dependence negatively affects radical inventions; there is an inverse U-shaped relationship between external network connections and radical inventions, and weak external connections can alleviate the hindrance originating from knowledge path dependence, thus prompting radical inventions.  相似文献   

    针对“政治关联是否促进以及如何影响中小企业数字化转型”问题,本文构建了直接和间接政治关联在政策感知能力和市场感知能力中介作用下影响中小企业数字化转型的理论模型。315家中小企业问卷调查数据的实证结果表明:(1)直接政治关联正向影响政策感知能力、负向影响市场感知能力,政策感知能力和市场感知能力在直接政治关联与中小企业数字化转型之间起到完全中介作用;(2)间接政治关联正向影响政策感知能力和市场感知能力,政策感知能力和市场感知能力在间接政治关联与中小企业数字化转型之间起到部分中介作用,且均有利于中小企业数字化转型。本研究为理解中小企业数字化转型提供了政治关联的新视角,深化了政治关联的双刃剑效应对中小企业数字化转型的影响,揭示了政治关联对中小企业数字化转型的复杂作用机制,有利于中小企业更好地通过政治关联实现数字化转型。  相似文献   

   跨区域产学协同创新网络是一个由区域、区域间合作关系构成的合作网络,以及知识元素、知识元素间组合关系构成的知识网络共同构成的依存型多层网络。利用1997—2017年我国跨区域产学联合申请专利数据进行实证分析,结果表明:区域在合作网络中的中心性、结构洞和知识网络的多样性、组合机会显著正向影响跨区域协同创新绩效;知识网络的多样性负向调节区域在合作网络中的中心性和结构洞对跨区域协同创新绩效的影响作用;知识网络的组合机会负向调节区域在合作网络中的结构洞对跨区域协同创新绩效的影响作用。因此,区域创新中应充分利用产学主体的合作网络优势位置和知识网络优质资源,为跨区域资源共享和价值共创提供不竭动力。  相似文献   

Evidential cognitive maps (ECMs) are uncertain graph structure for describing causal reasoning through the cognitive maps (CMs) and Dempster–Shafer (D-S) theory, and utilize the basic probability assignments (BPAs) and intervals to denote connections among concepts and the state of concepts, respectively. ECMs have been proved effective and convenient in modeling those systems with both subjective and objective uncertainty. However, ECMs may get unreasonable results in system modeling when facing the problem of combining knowledge. To overcome the drawbacks of ECMs, we present extended evidential cognitive maps (EECMs) based on evidential reasoning (ER) theory, distance measure and convex optimization for the development of ECMs. In contrast with ECMs, in the EECMs, the default connections are redefined, a scheme of combining knowledge is established through the ER theory, and a convex-optimization-based approach is proposed for determining the weights of different EECMs. Both theoretical analysis and numerical examples indicate that EECMs not only develop ECMs, but also can overcome the limitations suffered by ECMs and other high-order cognitive maps including fuzzy grey cognitive maps (FGCMs), interval-valued fuzzy cognitive maps (IVFCMs) and intuitionistic fuzzy cognitive maps (IFCMs).  相似文献   

Studies addressing the connections between knowledge and organization structures can be divided into two classes. One class holds that a perspective on knowledge signals shortcomings of classical design principles and calls for flatter hierarchy and less specification of the production structure. Another class maintains that a knowledge perspective on organizations is at odds with any design perspective, whether classical or not, because the emergent, thoroughly social and practice-based nature of knowledge as knowing in action makes knowledge a useless and even dangerous beacon to designers: ex ante, knowledge is said to be fundamentally indeterminate and any attempt to ‘structure around knowledge’ may effectively drive out knowledge. To explore differences and possible bridges between these two calls of studies, the paper explores how both elements of the equation, organization structure and organizational knowledge, are to be conceived to ensure a meaningful connection between them. It is argued that the grouping focus in both defines the meeting place of organization structures and organizational knowledge, but shows that the involved knowledge and grouping concepts are not mutually compatible. It leads to a view where organization structures are seen as the ‘seeding’ background for knowledge integration processes that, in turn, constitute the patterns of work relationships envisioned in the designer's organizational decomposition and grouping. For illustration purposes, the paper presents the example of the Max Planck Institute that describes one possible way through the conceptual model presented in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of government R&D subsidy programs in stimulating knowledge spillovers. R&D subsidies are an effective public policy instrument when knowledge spillovers exist yet ex ante it is difficult to identify projects that have the greatest potential to increase innovation and economic growth. This paper derives a set of project and firm attributes that the literature finds generate knowledge spillovers and uses data on project proposals to estimate the degree to which a government R&D program conforms. We find that projects that were awarded R&D subsidies were more likely to have attributes such as participation in new research joint ventures and connections to universities and other firms. Following the post-award activities of firm, we find that receipt of a government R&D subsidy increased the funding from other sources when compared to firms that were not awarded funding.  相似文献   

一方面基于社会网络的发展,既有研究在连接强度与创新绩效的关系中,忽略了团队外部连接对其的影响。另一方面基于冲突理论,管理学领域认为认知冲突在团队创新过程中属于“建设性冲突”,情感冲突在此过程中起到“破坏性冲突”的作用,正文基于对企业研发团队实证调研,创造性的提出了相反的观点。通过对上海汽车集团、上海电气集团、中国东方航空集团、中国商飞集团、伊莱克斯电器公司研发团队的共计327名成员进行实证调研发现:(1)团队内外部连接强度显著正向影响创新绩效;(2)知识创造显著正向影响创新绩效,且在团队内外部连接强度与创新绩效的路径上起部分中介作用。(3)认知冲突在团队内外部连接强度与知识创造的路径无影响,情感冲突在团队内外部连接强度与知识创造的路径上起正向调节作用。  相似文献   

技术跨越是蹬羚企业建立后发优势,提升技术创新水平,获得发展机会的重要途径,利用外部社会网络联系成为技术跨越的重要手段,而齐美尔链接是形成该外部联系的关键表征。以蹬羚企业为研究对象,构建出齐美尔链接对蹬羚企业技术跨越作用机制的分析框架,并引入知识捕获和知识匹配为传导变量进行实证验证。结果显示,强齐美尔链接对知识捕获具有显著促进作用,知识捕获正向影响知识匹配,知识匹配进一步正向影响技术跨越。  相似文献   

外在主义是戴维森晚期思想的重要主题之一。戴维森的外在主义同奎因的彻底翻译理论具有密切的关系,其基本主张是:我们自己同外在世界、他人之间存在着因果联系,这种外在性的关系以及由此形成的三角架构构成了知识的基础。三角架构是思想成为可能的必要条件,这是戴维森的外在主义与语言理解或知识的关系的真正内涵。戴维森的外在主义具有驳斥怀疑论的功能,它是以杜绝怀疑论发生的可能性来达到这一目的的。  相似文献   

Existing approaches to learning path recommendation for online learning communities mainly rely on the individual characteristics of users or the historical records of their learning processes, but pay less attention to the semantics of users’ postings and the context. To facilitate the knowledge understanding and personalized learning of users in online learning communities, it is necessary to conduct a fine-grained analysis of user data to capture their dynamical learning characteristics and potential knowledge levels, so as to recommend appropriate learning paths. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained and multi-context-aware learning path recommendation model for online learning communities based on a knowledge graph. First, we design a multidimensional knowledge graph to solve the problem of monotonous and incomplete entity information presentation of the single layer knowledge graph. Second, we use the topic preference features of users’ postings to determine the starting point of learning paths. We then strengthen the distant relationship of knowledge in the global context using the multidimensional knowledge graph when generating and recommending learning paths. Finally, we build a user background similarity matrix to establish user connections in the local context to recommend users with similar knowledge levels and learning preferences and synchronize their subsequent postings. Experiment results show that the proposed model can recommend appropriate learning paths for users, and the recommended similar users and postings are effective.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the Australian Rabbit Calicivirus Disease (RCD) Program, an attempt at the biological control of wild rabbits, as an example of how technoscience in 'Mode-2 society' works. My aim is to illuminate the variety of, and the connections between, the diverse activities that the technoscientific actors engage in. The RCD Program brought a new entity into Australia; it was pursued by a network of actors across institutional boundaries, and it produced a public image linked to widely accepted cultural knowledge. I argue that the research articulating 'rabbit calicivirus' as a biological control agent, the extent of the supporting network and the alignment of the Program with cultural narratives about rabbits, were three aspects of the same process, and equally important. However, it also makes sense to understand each aspect in terms of both the audience addressed, and the temporal succession: hence, they can be distinguished as distinct aspects. Detailed study of projects like the RCD Program is necessary to further our understanding of the dynamics of technoscience in contemporary culture.  相似文献   

选取山东、江苏两省225家创新类企业为样本,对不同内容的异质性知识(技术知识异质,市场知识异质)、不同的组织学习行为(利用式学习,探索式学习)与企业创新绩效之间的关系进行了考察。结果表明:技术知识异质对企业创新绩效有倒U型影响;市场知识异质对企业创新绩效有正向影响;利用式学习与探索式学习对企业创新绩效均有正向影响;技术知识异质对利用式学习有倒U型影响,对探索式学习有正向影响;市场知识异质对利用式学习与探索式学习均有正向影响;利用式学习与探索式学习在技术知识异质与企业创新绩效关系及市场知识异质与企业创新绩效关系中均起到了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

高鹏  安立仁 《科研管理》2015,36(11):131-138
隐性知识表征直接影响隐性知识的传递与共享,隐性知识异于显性知识,其难以通过命题符号准确和完整的表征,但这无法否认其在人脑中的存在性。文章从认识论视角出发,通过个体隐性知识表征模型论证了隐性知识是人的知觉中关于事物之间联系与特定情境的整体心像。在信息论及隐性知识表征模型的基础上得出了隐性知识的传递模型,其由隐性知识源、隐性知识输出映射、隐性知识展示、镜像、信道、隐性知识感知、隐性知识输入映射和隐性知识宿八个部件构成,隐性知识传递通过这八个部件完成从隐性知识演示到隐性知识吸取的完整传递过程。隐性知识传递的目标是最小化隐性知识条件熵,最大化传递主体间的互隐性知识量。  相似文献   

从环境不确定性与网络位置2个维度定义转移企业的结网策略。运用多智能体仿真的方法,构建转移企业与本地企业结网合作创新的动态仿真模型,对环境差异性条件下的转移企业结网策略对集群网络结构及知识水平的影响进行分析探讨。研究结果表明:风险环境集群转移企业结网数量较多且集群网络逐渐出现核心企业,知识宽度及其增长速度均高于其他环境的集群,知识深度及其增长速度在后期高速增长阶段高于其他环境的集群。沙克尔(shackle)环境集群部分转移企业的本地嵌入情况较差,知识宽度多次出现零增长点,知识深度及其增长速度在前期低速增长阶段高于其他集群。从集群长远发展来看,风险环境是更适合转移企业本地嵌入结网的集群环境,风险环境集群是更能加速促进转移企业提升集群知识水平的集群。  相似文献   

跨国战略联盟中的组织学习与知识构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跨国战略联盟的主要目标是为了学习对方的知识与技能,影响组织在战略联盟中学习的因素大致为:联盟知识的可转移性;吸收联盟知识的能力及组织一系列连结系统的支持等。本文认为报酬体系、组织结构及常规制度安排等可促进企业的学习与知识的构建。  相似文献   

滕立  汪新华  郝韦霞 《情报科学》2022,40(10):20-25
【目的/意义】以波普尔和赵红洲的相关理论为出发点,构建了学科知识结构与知识交叉的理论基础,并在 此基础上提出利用作者间存在着的耦合关系来探测学科间潜在的知识联系,以弥补现有基于参考文献的学科知识 结构与知识交叉研究方法上存在的不足之处。【方法/过程】构建了学科知识结构测度模型和实现路径,并通过验证 性分析表明本文的方法可以显著改善现有方法的不足。【结果/结论】本文方法既可以补充提供学科间潜在的知识 交流信息,也能更加精细地反映出学科间的知识联系。并指出本文的方法与现有基于参考文献的分析方法相结合 是下一步研究的方向。【创新/局限】本文方法可以在很大程度上揭示出单纯利用参考文献学科属性所无法揭示出 的、学科间的、潜在的知识联系,从而有助于构建出信息更加完整的学科间知识交叉情况。本文的不足之处在于案 例分析相对比较粗糙,在细节上还有待完善,在数据分析结果可视化方面还有待加强。  相似文献   

   为什么我国多数企业醉心于创新数量的累积而普遍缺乏高质量的创新产出?本文基于政治嵌入视角,考察民营企业如何在创新数量与创新质量间进行选择决策。采用2008—2017年中国上市民营企业数据,研究发现:拥有直接政治关联的民营企业更倾向于选择低质量的策略性创新而排斥高质量的实质性创新,表明与政府“过度亲密”(亲而不清)的政企关系是企业创新的“诅咒”;拥有间接政治关联的民营企业对两类创新都有偏好,但更倾向于选择实质性创新,表明与政府“适度亲密”(即亲又清)的政企关系是企业创新的“福音”。民营企业的上述选择决策会受到企业所在地区的制度发展水平、企业与中央的行政层级距离的影响。本文从政企关系视角阐释了我国创新数量和创新质量的不匹配问题,揭示了构建“亲”“清”新型政企关系对激发高质量创新成果的重要作用,有助于指导民营企业进行正确的创新战略选择决策。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to consider an analysis through case studies on how knowledge sharing may be successfully implemented. The study will clarify a conceptualisation that provides a new understanding of the relationship between unemployed graduates and the human capital concept. The cases adopted web documentation for the research technique, and an interpretive approach was used as the research paradigm. Two online recruitment agency sites were analysed through qualitative analysis. The connections show how knowledge sharing can be used as a medium to help unemployed graduates to get jobs through online recruitment agencies. High quality candidates must have good soft skills, problem-solving skills and employable value added skills to get the best jobs. The findings will be expressed as qualitative results from the two online recruitment agencies researched as the case studies for the paper. From these case studies, the findings will contribute to the ongoing study on how to implement knowledge sharing among undergraduates after they finished their studies.  相似文献   

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