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饮水可有讲究,在不同的时间段饮水,才能让身体感觉爽三餐后喝水医生建议用餐后半小时喝水较为适当,但是现代人习惯喝罐装饮料,不喜欢喝白开水,其实每餐饭后喝罐装饮料,也大概可以补充一天所需水分的一半了,然而,喝罐装饮料也要慎重选择,其中以运动饮料或是蔬果汁最好,因为蔬果汁可以补充多种养分,而运动饮料具备适量的电解质,和人体渗透压相当,比水还容易被吸收,最近市面上出现了Light的运动饮料,对于不常运动的上班族来说,是补充水分和电解质相当适合的选择。起床一杯水清晨可以说是一天之中补充水分的最佳时机,因为清晨饮水可以使肠胃马…  相似文献   

中老年人运动锻炼时期营养配餐方法: ——每周应保持6—7天喝鲜奶,250—500毫升/天。其它饮用食品应多样化,如豆浆、果汁、蔬菜汁、蜂蜜水等饮品,可以在其它时间里配合食用,对均衡营养供给作用更大。 ——运动前应饮水或进少量流质食品,尽量不做空腹运动。  相似文献   

杜江 《健身科学》2014,(9):48-48
尽管近年来很多家庭开始喝桶装水,或在超市直接购买各种饮用水,但一般人仍习惯在家里烧水喝。通常来说,这也是最安全的饮水方式。不过烧开水和喝开水也是有一定讲究的。那您知道有哪些注意要点吗?  相似文献   

<正>一、设计思路(一)教材分析本课选自《体育与健康(水平二)》(人民教育出版社出版)的基础知识部分。本课是第1课时,重点学习运动前后的饮水卫生。在运动中关注身体健康,为养成终身体育锻炼的习惯打下坚实的基础。(二)教学目标1.知道运动前后饮水卫生的重要性,明确不当的饮水行为会引起不良反应。2.初步掌握运动前后合理的饮水方法。3.养成良好的卫生习惯,培养健康的意识和责任感。(三)教学重点与难点1.教学重点:运动前后的饮水卫生。  相似文献   

1.目前国外(美、日、苏、德等国),对运动中是否应该适量饮水认为是有必要的,特别是在炎热气候时。 2.认为运动前、运动中适量饮水不会给胃肠造成过大负担或引起胃肠道不适,否认了饮水会增加心脏、肾脏负担的说法,并认为适量的饮水会对上述器官有促  相似文献   

最佳饮水方法应包括: 一、在赛前两小时,喝二至四杯水。然后从住地去比赛场地前几分钟,再喝约二百二十至三百四十克水; 二、一小勺糖可增加水被身体的吸收。低浓度的碳水化合物(糖)比较浓的碳水化合物或淡水要易于溶解; 三、冷水易于被肠胃吸收。另外,大部分人喜欢喝冷水。最好在  相似文献   

夏季气温较高,人们在锻炼时排汗较多,因此,饮水也相应增加,如不注意科学饮水会对锻炼产生不利的影响,甚至有害于身体健康。运动前饮水:有人怕出汗较多,故运动前饮用大量的水。饮用过多的水会对胃产生不良的刺激,同时锻炼时身体运动加剧了对胃的重力牵拉,可引起胃...  相似文献   

桔汁与尿道感染:易患尿道感染的人,每天喝300毫升的桔汁,有助于防止尿道感染,其效果比单纯饮水要好。因为桔汁不仅帮助将细菌排出体外,而且可以阻止细菌依附在尿道壁。  相似文献   

喷泉原本是一种自然现象,是地下水受压后经地表的狭小出口喷出所形成的景观。后来人们就以人工制造喷泉,以追求其实用性和装饰性。喷泉的实用性在于能为人们提供方便的饮水。古时,顶着烈日南来北往的行人来到市镇广场的喷泉旁, 喝一口清凉的泉水,洗洗手,擦把脸,在池边休息一下, 暑气顿消,疲劳尽解。这种提供饮水的喷泉在世界各地均可见到。匈牙利维谢格拉德古堡的哥特墙喷泉,具有  相似文献   

渴了热了喝水就行,用不着喝运动饮料?喝带有甜味的运动饮料会严重损害你辛苦跳操一小时才得来的减肥成果?如果你也对此坚信不疑,你已经犯了"运动补水"的常识性错误。  相似文献   

我国奥运争光计划激励机制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1研究方法1.1调查对象国家体育总局和北京、上海、山东、江苏、湖南、辽宁等10个省市体育局的10位领导,91位运动员,25位教练员,13位管理人员,22位科研人员。1.2研究方法(1)文献调研法;(2)问卷调查法:制定《奥运争光计划激励机制意见调查》问卷,其折半信度为0.922,内容效度为0.9  相似文献   

对泳装游泳与着装游泳时心率及游泳能力的变化进行了研究。采用实验法将实验对象随机分成两组,测试实验前后泳装游泳与着装游泳时心率及游泳能力的变化通过数理统计进行对比,证实着装游泳练习对意外落水自救与着装救生的作用,推出提高自救和救生能力的方法与练习内容。  相似文献   

高等学校在建立社区体育健身服务网络中的作用和地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校积极参与社区体育健身服务,对建立完善的社区体育健身服务网络和《全民健身计划纲要》的实施有着深远的意义。我们在文献资料的基础上,阐述了高校参与社区体育健身服务的积极作用,并对高校如何利用自身优势参与社区体育健身服务进行了论述,提出高校应采取相应措施积极参与社区体育健身服务工作。  相似文献   

Qualitative research has grown within sport and exercise psychology and is now widely conducted. The purpose of this review is to discuss three commonly used ways to demonstrate rigor when conducting or judging qualitative research in sport and exercise psychology. These are the method of member checking, the method of inter-rater reliability, and the notion of universal criteria. Problems with each method are first highlighted. Member checking and inter-rater reliability are shown to be ineffective for verification, trustworthiness, or reliability purposes. Next, universal criteria within the context of Tracy’s, heavily drawn on paper within sport and exercise psychology is problematized. Throughout the discussion of each method and universal criteria more suitable possibilities for conducting rigorous qualitative research are offered. The paper concludes that to support high-quality qualitative research, scholars – including journal editors and reviewers – need to change how rigor is developed and judged, rather than perpetuate the problems with how it has been commonly evaluated in the past. Recommendations for developing rigor when conducting and/or judging qualitative research within sport and exercise psychology are also offered.  相似文献   

We examined the automatic activation of “sedentary” and “exerciser” stereotypes using a social prime Stroop task. Results showed significantly slower response times between the exercise words and the exercise control words and between the sedentary words and the exercise control words when preceded by an attractive exerciser prime. Words preceded by a normal-weight exerciser prime showed significantly slower response times for sedentary words over sedentary control words and exercise words. An overweight sedentary prime resulted in significantly slower response times for sedentary words over exercise words and exercise control words. These results highlight the need for increased awareness of how active and sedentary lifestyles are portrayed in the media.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the combined effects of pre-cooling and water ingestion on thermoregulatory responses and exercise capacity at 32 degrees C and 80% relative humidity. Nine untrained males exercised for 60 min on a cycle ergometer at 60% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) (first exercise bout) under four separate conditions: No Water intake, Pre-cooling, Water ingestion, and a combination of pre-cooling and water ingestion (Combined). To evaluate the efficacy of these conditions on exercise capacity, the participants exercised to exhaustion at 80% VO2max (second exercise bout) following the first exercise bout. Rectal and mean skin temperatures before the first exercise bout in the Pre-cooling and Combined conditions were significantly lower than in the No Water and Water conditions. At the end of the first exercise bout, rectal temperature was lower in the Combined condition (38.5 +/- 0.1 degrees C) than in the other conditions (No Water: 39.1 +/- 0.1 degrees C; Pre-cooling: 38.7 +/- 0.1 degrees C; Water: 38.8 +/- 0.1 degrees C) (P < 0.05). Heat storage was higher following pre-cooling than when there was no pre-cooling (P < 0.05). The final rectal temperature in the second exercise bout was similar between the four conditions (39.1 +/- 0.1 degrees C). However, exercise time to exhaustion was longer (P < 0.05) in the Combined condition than in the other conditions. Total sweat loss was less following pre-cooling than when there was no pre-cooling (P < 0.001). Evaporative sweat loss in the Water and Combined conditions was greater (P < 0.01) than in the No Water and Pre-cooling conditions. Our results suggest that the combination of pre-cooling and water ingestion increases exercise endurance in a hot environment through enhanced heat storage and decreased thermoregulatory and cardiovascular strain.  相似文献   


Eight college swimmers were tested on a swimming ergometer to investigate the effects of body position on land and immersion in the water on the heart rate recovery after swimming exercise. The subjects swam at a predetermined work load for 5 min. and then assumed one of the four conditions for recovery (erect and supine on the deck, motionless and swimming in the water). Heart rates were recorded for the 3 min. of recovery. After the allowance for recovery, the subject was timed for a 200-yd. swim. No statistically significant differences were noted when comparing the recovery heart rates for the four conditions. The same was found true when comparing the 200-yd. swim times. It was noted that the swim was felt to be harder when recovery was completed in an erect or supine position than after light exercise in the water.  相似文献   

Fluid and fuel intake during exercise   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The amounts of water, carbohydrate and salt that athletes are advised to ingest during exercise are based upon their effectiveness in attenuating both fatigue as well as illness due to hyperthermia, dehydration or hyperhydration. When possible, fluid should be ingested at rates that most closely match sweating rate. When that is not possible or practical or sufficiently ergogenic, some athletes might tolerate body water losses amounting to 2% of body weight without significant risk to physical well-being or performance when the environment is cold (e.g. 5-10 degrees C) or temperate (e.g. 21-22 degrees C). However, when exercising in a hot environment ( > 30 degrees C), dehydration by 2% of body weight impairs absolute power production and predisposes individuals to heat injury. Fluid should not be ingested at rates in excess of sweating rate and thus body water and weight should not increase during exercise. Fatigue can be reduced by adding carbohydrate to the fluids consumed so that 30-60 g of rapidly absorbed carbohydrate are ingested throughout each hour of an athletic event. Furthermore, sodium should be included in fluids consumed during exercise lasting longer than 2 h or by individuals during any event that stimulates heavy sodium loss (more than 3-4 g of sodium). Athletes do not benefit by ingesting glycerol, amino acids or alleged precursors of neurotransmitter. Ingestion of other substances during exercise, with the possible exception of caffeine, is discouraged. Athletes will benefit the most by tailoring their individual needs for water, carbohydrate and salt to the specific challenges of their sport, especially considering the environment's impact on sweating and heat stress.  相似文献   

运动生理实验中的动物运动模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运动生理研究中,如何规范动物运动方式及如何驱动动物按照程序进行运动,是动物运动实验必须解决的问题。本文对已有动物运动模型的驱赶方式进行了分类比较,以期对今后的动物运动实验提供借鉴  相似文献   


Longitudinal measurement enables the examination of behavioral or psychological change. One approach to examining longitudinal measurements is the use of latent growth curve modeling (LGCM). This approach affords the assessment of inter- and intraindividual change. Yet, this approach likely is underused in exercise science. The purpose of the current study was to describe and demonstrate the use of LGCM to examine change using multiple measurements in the field of exercise science. We first provide a substantive review of LGCM. We highlight the use of unconditional models to find an appropriate model of change, how and why to utilize autoregressions, and how to examine predictors of change in conditional models. We then provide an illustration of the approach using data from the Michigan State Motor Performance Study. In the conclusion, we discuss the advantages and limitations of the approach and suggest future directions when assessing longitudinal data in exercise science.  相似文献   

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