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口头叙事是一项重要能力,学生在自述时发表非叙事成分的解释、评论,运用话语标记语增加语篇连贯性。中国学生在自述中使用话语标记语的频次和类型与其所在叙事成分或非叙事成分相关,不同英语口语水平的学生在叙事和非叙事成分中使用话语标记语的特点也不尽相同。研究以叙事与非叙事话语标记语为出发点,利用语料库结合定性研究方法研究话语标记语使用的特征,提高学生口头叙事能力。  相似文献   

为了修正诗歌与现实的关系,恢复写作的有效性和活力,20世纪90年代以来的诗歌将叙事作为主要的话语方式。这一话语方式的形成包含着多方面的原因:历史的选择、修辞策略、见证历史的抱负和信心以及审美现代性的自觉。其特征则表现为零度叙事、复调叙事和非史诗叙事。90年代以来的诗歌叙事扩大了当代诗歌的表现视域和处理复杂经验的能力,同时,它的局限性和负面影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   

多模态性是网络传播话语的一个突出特征,对网络叙事话语的连贯性具有积极的建构作用。在网络传播话语叙事中,线性文本话语和图像式话语相互协同,相辅相成。通过建立多种符号模态之间或隐或显的相互联系,网络传播话语得以形成意义连贯的叙事整体,以多模态协同配合的方式有效提升其叙事效果,从而实现高效的传受交际。  相似文献   

后现代主义以其反传统的叙事策略成为了二十世纪文学创作的主要体裁之一。美国作家托尼.莫里森的《宠儿》被看作具有后现代主义特征的名篇佳作。本文从该小说的叙事手法和叙事话语角度,分别论述该作品的碎片式叙事模式,多重叙事视角以及该作品的哥特式叙事话语,布鲁斯音乐风格等,进而探讨了该作品的后现代特色及其艺术风格。  相似文献   

李準的《黄河东流去》具有乡村叙事话语三元交融的特征:一方面,它的叙事框架仍然是对经典革命现实主义文学的承继;另一方面,小说还与时俱进地渗透着鲜明的启蒙意识,具有启蒙叙事的特征;第三方面,由于作家在写作中尊重生活、贴近泥土,因此它又具有民间叙事话语的特征。对这一话语特质的发现,有助于理解转折时期文学叙事话语的渐变性,它本质上是由转折时代的政治文化决定的,是多元的社会意识的产物。  相似文献   

中国“十七年”革命英雄主义电影的性别话语呈现出权力化、去性别化、去欲望化、浪漫主义化、符号化的特征,该类电影的叙事话语有女英雄模式、革命+爱情模式等。一定意义上的英雄叙事造就了男性话语,一定意义上的男性话语造就了英雄叙事。“女英雄”成为一种在性别和英雄特征上都难于辨认或自相矛盾的人物。  相似文献   

《叙事分析手册》一书反映了社会语言学和话语取向叙事研究的最新进展.本文在简述非文学叙事研究的发展及二语和外语教育领域叙事研究现状的基础上,简要介绍此书各章内容;讨论叙事资料来源和类型、分析叙事资料的路径和方法、叙事分析的新近热点和应用前景等方面对外语教育中叙事研究的启示;指出此书有助于外语教育研究者借助微观叙事分析,围...  相似文献   

为探究非遗纪录片的叙事体系,文章以淮河流域非遗题材纪录片为研究对象,以框架理论为基本方法,展开对叙事主题、叙事结构和叙事话语的分析。研究发现:作为高层次框架的叙事主题有传承、灾难、乡愁和交融;中层次框架同时使用时间性叙事和空间性叙事的结构,更多采用人物驱动的手法,叙述视角上重呈现、轻讲述;低层次框架中,视觉和听觉元素构建了富有生活气息、时代感和地域特色的叙事话语。中国非遗题材纪录片已经形成具有民族性、当代性、国际性和强大传播力的叙事体系,趋于形成将文化遗产转化为文化影响力的有效路径。  相似文献   

中国市场化年代的文学叙事有个突出特征,就是文学被市场化意识形态所统一而形成了市场叙事,市场叙事的叙事意识与市场化的现实生存意识保持着一致。任何一种文学叙事都只能在一定程度上逃离意识形态化,问题在于,怎样追求文学叙事与现实的想象性关系。在市场化年代的文学情境中,认识历史精神和意识形态的基本点,就是找到个体话语与历史话语、个体生命态度与人类总体自由的融合点。意识形态叙事本来不一定与历史叙事、精神叙事、人性叙事分离,文学叙事是历史活动与历史精神的同时叙事,历史与文学的结合也应该是历史与精神一体化的叙事。  相似文献   

《白鲸》在结构上与传统小说有着很大的差异,它的叙事特征是决定其艺术效果的重要因素之一。《白鲸》采用了三个角度的叙事策略,同时,科学话语和哲学话语又组成了鲸类学知识部分,客观的叙事之中体现了作者对人与自然之间关系的探讨:人与自然应该是和谐统一的。  相似文献   

With the multiple clues, rambling narrative and multidimensional architecture, Jones, in The Known World, constructs a fairly layered, three-dimensional world and presents a panorama of the entire slave society. The so-called mongline History before is decomposed into a number of linear histories, and history which was non-narrative and non-representational is dismantled into histories narrated by many single narrators. Cultural discourse and historical discourse blend together. Jones shares the same conception on history and literature with New Historical critics who emphasize the complex mix-and-match interaction between history and text.  相似文献   

Picture books, including information books, if more widely used across the age range and across the curriculum, could unite the processes of reading and writing, could hold narrative and non-narrative in the same frame and could help to meet National Curriculum requirements. Their use is particularly indicated because children show their best observational powers when working with picture books.  相似文献   

20世纪初,康有为、梁启超等立宪派的革命话语对其革命历史题材的历史小说叙事产生了深刻影响,小说在历史题材的选择,革命历史事件的定性,历史学中的事件、行为者和场所等诸故事要素的编码,故事的叙述方式等方面产生了重要影响,形成对历史进行改写和重构的叙事话语模式。  相似文献   

《鲁滨逊漂流记》在历史上出现的19个全译本有着不同的叙述话语形式,是翻译小说叙述话语历时变化的一个缩影。文言译本无论在叙述视角和人物话语上都是遵循传统文学的叙述规范。白话译本总体上遵循的是源语的叙述规范,其中五四时期及建国后的译本经验视角较多,人物话语处于从译语传统规范向西方源语规范过渡;最近一个时期的译本在总体上遵循源语人物话语叙述规范。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to examine and characterize student use of narrative and paradigmatic expression in elementary science discourse. This interpretive study occurred over a 2‐year period in a professional development school with a largely international population. This analysis focused on the narrative and paradigmatic modes of expression used by combined first–second‐ and second‐grade students in a semistructured, fairly autonomous, whole‐class conversational format. Students demonstrated competence with both modes of talk at the beginning of the year. Over time, students moved toward more paradigmatic talk, but narrative examples continued to be key components of the science conversations. Topically, students used narrative more often for life sciences and paradigmatic talk for physical sciences. For gender there were no qualitative differences in narrative or paradigmatic expression. However, boys obtained more opportunities to practice their use of both discourse forms by either receiving more speaking turns or expressing more language features per turn. These conversations show that narrative and paradigmatic modes in science need not be in opposition but can, in fact, be used together in complementary ways that are mutually enhancing. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 793–818, 2002  相似文献   

Narrative inquiry refers to a subset of qualitative research designs in which stories are used to describe human action. The term narrative has been employed by qualitative researchers with a variety of meanings. In the context of narrative inquiry, narrative refers to a discourse form in which events and happenings are configured into a temporal unity by means of a plot. Bruner (1985) designates two types of cognition: paradigmatic, which operates by recognizing elements as members of a category; and narrative, which operates by combining elements into an emplotted story. Narrative inquiries divide into two distinct groups based on Bruner's types of cognition. Paradigmatic‐type narrative inquiry gathers stories for its data and uses paradigmatic analytic procedures to produce taxonomies and categories out of the common elements across the database. Narrative‐type narrative inquiry gathers events and happenings as its data and uses narrative analytic procedures to produce explanatory stories.  相似文献   

Using a narrative inquiry methodology, this 10-year study examined the situated nature of two teachers’ development. Research questions examined how the teachers situated their own learning, how they developed discourse communities for teaching and learning, and how they used tools in their work. Findings suggest that the following elements of situational learning were central to their development: questions that they drew from their practice; a balance between autonomy and collaboration found in peer collaboration focused on questions drawn from practice; the use of language and inclusion of new perspectives within discourse communities; improvisation and experimentation in practice, and support from administrators.A striking finding was that these teachers’ practice developed among multiple and sometimes contradictory pathways.  相似文献   


This study analyses whether narrative skill and the perception of values/countervalues among students in primary school vary according to the structure (narrative vs non-narrative) of the episodes of fiction viewed, the grade age (third and sixth, 8–12 years old), sex and attentional level. With this purpose in mind, quantitative and qualitative methodologies were implemented. The most noteworthy results include the higher narrative skill and perception of values/countervalues of students in the sixth grade of primary school and those who viewed an episode with a narrative structure. The conclusion is that when addressing narrative skills and the education in values/countervalues from the formal and informal spheres, special importance should be attached to the structure of the fiction contents, given that it can to some extent help students make the messages meaningful in terms of values and countervalues.  相似文献   

Policy discourse officially operates to distinctly influence public perception in an irrevocable and normalising manner. In a Maltese educational scenario of gradual decentralisation and increased accountability, I explore the ‘effects’ of both the global and the local policy discourse of networks and networking on the practising leaders, in addition to their reaction to the policy document mandating these multi-site school collaboratives, with a particular interest on their imposed nature and how this reform impinged on individual school autonomy. This research adopts a case study methodology, with data collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews; participant observation; and documentary analysis, interpreted via a Foucauldian theoretical framework through narrative analysis. The findings reveal an inherent tension among autonomy, centralisation, and decentralisation both within the policy discourse and the unfolding network leadership dynamics. This paper has particular philosophical implications for educational policy, practice, and theory in an educational scenario of school policy globalisation.  相似文献   

以系统功能语言学派信息结构理论为指导探讨叙事语篇中的信息结构和焦点结构,可以提出以下理论设想:叙事语篇的信息结构可由宏观信息结构和微观信息结构共同组成。其中微观信息结构由叙事结构中较小的叙事单元及其组成部分的信息的相互作用而构成;宏观的信息结构由叙事语篇完整的叙事结构及其组成部分的信息的相互作用而构成。焦点结构以Asher的关于语义关系决定篇章焦点结构理论为依据,叙事语篇的焦点结构由两个层面构成:在结构上,焦点结构由"特定"的信息结构和"特制"叙事结构相结合而构成;在语义上,焦点结构由叙事语篇中的对比关系所决定。  相似文献   

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