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Two education reports commissioned by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Learning to be, otherwise known as the Faure report (1972) and Learning: The treasure within, otherwise known as the Delors report (1996), have been associated with the establishment of lifelong learning as a global educational paradigm. In this article, which draws on archival research and interviews, I will explore how these two reports have contributed to debates on the purpose of education and learning. In the first half, I will shed light on their origins, the context in which they came about, how they have been received by the education community and by UNESCO member states and how they have been discussed in the scholarly literature. In the second half, I will discuss the key themes of the reports, in particular lifelong learning as the global educational ‘master concept’. In the last section, I will reflect on how the Faure report and the Delors report are still relevant for our debates about learning today. I will argue that the concept of lifelong learning, as put forward by these reports, was a political utopia which is at odds with today's utilitarian view of education.  相似文献   

This is an English translation of a speech held by French economist and politician Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission, on 7 November 2011 at the opening of the International Congress on Lifelong Learning in Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain. Fifteen years after the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century submitted its report entitled Learning: The treasure within to UNESCO, Delors briefly reviews the four pillars of education and then considers the current growth of continuing education, its primary functions and general trends. Next, he discusses how basic education and continuing education might be combined into a lifelong learning approach. This is followed by some thoughts about the educational society and the challenges of current changes it is facing which include the challenge of globalisation, the phenomenon of contemporary individualism, the influence of the media and modern technologies and the dominant economic (market-orientated) ideology. Delors concludes his speech by stressing that lifelong learning is essential for gaining self-esteem and the ability to take control of one’s own life.  相似文献   

The global phenomenon called globalization frequently offers justifications for socio-economic and political actions aimed at bringing rapidly into fruition the ‘Global Village’ which Marshall McLuhan had anticipated decades ago. Both the 1972 UNESCO sponsored Commission Report chaired by Edgar Faure and that of 1996 chaired by Jacques Delors produced important documents which, as at other times, reviewed issues and priorities in education worldwide, in spite of the obvious extreme diversity in socio-economic, political and educational situations, conceptions and structures. As always, UNESCO had been concerned about the numerous and vibrant challenges the future holds in store for everyone. In doing so, lifelong education has been identified as one of the indispensable assets available to us in the pursuits which regularly bring into the fore the concern for equality, equity and, indeed, human reasonableness. As the world pursues the ideals and objectives of globalization, the need arises for a timely reassessment of positions especially in the context of consequences and challenges that are inherent. This paper seeks to examine globalization in the context of some of the major challenges it poses for Africa. In particular, it proposes how lifelong education might be structured to assist Africans in comprehending, evaluating and possibly, participating comparatively effectively in the relations implied in globalization rather than standing aloof and becoming hapless objects.  相似文献   

On the basis of proposals contained in the 1996 report Learning: the Treasure Within by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century (established by UNESCO), the authors examine the influence and pertinence of its construct of education on the four pillars learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together 12 years later. Focusing on learning to live together, the article reviews the background against which the Delors report was published, synthesises the concepts and practices of learning to live together, and proposes some ways forward.  相似文献   

In May 1968 an explosion shook the French university system to its foundations, triggering a general strike and the gravest constitutional crisis of the Fifth Republic. The student unrest that preceded the May revolt, as well as the government reform of the universities that followed, are dramatic expressions of the theme of this conference. Democratization of student and faculty recruitment generated irresistible pressure upon the traditional structures of the French university, which had been designed to handle the training of a fairly small elite. Something had to give - either the elite structures had to be democratized or the democratic pressures had to be contained. After the explosion, the Gaullist government, under the guidance of Education Minister Edgar Faure, opted for a sweeping democratization from above - with results that are far from those originally intended. The reform engineered by Faure ushered in many changes in the French universities; but to an amazing extent the old structures and practices have survived, and what has changed is not what the Gaullists had in mind. Let us first try to view the recent unrest and reform in a larger historical perspective.  相似文献   

Education for the future: an international perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building a strategic direction for education ultimately rests on the extent, to which we resolve the key issue addressed by UNESCO’s International Commission on Education for the 21st Century (the Delors Report): what kind of education is needed to create the kind of world, we want to emerge in the future? Certainly, globalisation brings with it many new challenges, opportunities and dangers and global forces are impacting on the directions being taken by education systems around the world. At the same time, we, individually and collectively, must strive to determine our own destiny. The direction in which education heads depends both on the global forces shaping our common future, and on the policy choices and programs, we put in place over the next decade. In this paper, it is argued that in the 21st century, we need a renewed sense of the purpose in education, one which restores harmony in human development by giving greater emphasis to the social, cultural and moral dimensions of education. In essence, we must learn to live together and develop the competencies needed tackle the social, environmental and economic challenges facing us in a rapidly changing, complex and unequal and conflicted world.  相似文献   

This year, EJE has marked its 50th anniversary with a special set of four linked issues, the organisation of which was inspired in part by the four pillars of learning first set out in the 1996 Delors Report, Learning: the treasure within. In this article, the authors highlight key themes that have emerged. Several of the contributing authors suggest that deepening tensions have driven education systems further away from the holistic, humanist vision of the Delors Report. At the same time, there are innovative policies and practices that address a broader range of aims of learning and have flourished despite challenges. Moving forward, the authors examine the challenges of citizenship, creativity and innovation in education. The article concludes with suggestions on important themes for the education agenda in the near future to which EJE may contribute further insights.  相似文献   

2012年是联合国教科文组织报告《学会生存》发表40周年。报告对世界教育发展最重要的贡献有两点,一是对教育旧观念和旧制度的缺陷与弊病的深刻批判;二是对教育发展新趋势的深刻研判,并在此基础上提出若干极为重要的教育新理念与基本原则。40年来,该报告有关教育民主、终身教育和学习型社会建设的思想对世界各国的教育政策和社会发展产生了广泛而深远的影响,对深刻认识消除教育不平等和不均衡现象对社会进步的重大意义以及深刻认识教育改革的迫切性和必要性起到了巨大的推动作用,对世界各国终身学习体系和学习型社会的构建至今仍具有指导意义和建设性作用。但也不可否认,报告受时代局限,也存在种种不足,如明显夸大了教育在社会发展中的作用,对教育发展和教育改革取得的成果期望过高;对教育改革与创新的艰巨性估计不足;在若干重要问题上存在盲点;在大力倡导终身教育理念的同时,对如何建立终身教育理论与实践的联系缺乏足够深入的探讨。  相似文献   

墨子"利本"道德教育思想的实质、结构及其现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墨子是我国春秋战国时期伟大的教育家、思想家、政治家。他提出以“利”为中心的三层次道德教育思想:第一层是道德教育底线,坚决反对“杀彼以利我”、“亏人以自利”;第二层是“兼相爱,交相利”,既可利人也可利己,并将其作为世俗层面道德教育的主要内容;第三层是道德教育的最高境界,“摩顶放踵,利天下而为之”。他的道德教育思想具有明显的功利主义实质,其“利本”道德教育思想对当前我国市场经济背景下道德教育具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

《2019年创新教学报告》发布于2019年1月,是英国开放大学于2012年开始发布的该系列年度报告的第7篇。该系列报告探讨了世界教学和评价的新形式,以指导教师和政策制定者进行富有成效的创新。《2019年创新教学报告》提出了10种教学法,分别是趣味性学习、机器人辅助学习、去殖民化学习、基于无人机的学习、惊奇式学习、行动学习、虚拟工作室、基于地点的学习、思维可视化、同理心之根。这些教学方法已经开始流行,但尚未对教育产生深远影响。随着科技的发展,新技术和教学方法的结合越来越紧密,如何将技术浑然地融入教学,是值得认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

In the 1920s, French scholars and bureaucrats created the Cité Universitaire in Paris. The institution housed university students from around the world. The Cité founders formulated a model for the Cité that reflected ideological concerns in interwar Europe with a focus on pacifism, international education and cultural internationalism. The organisers of the Cité attempted to adhere to these theories to make the organisation viable in the politically strained interwar era while simultaneously demonstrating the continued excellence of French education. The French attempted to combine the goals of international education with the continued hope of national educational superiority. This article describes Germany and France as the earlier ‘national competition’ model of education. It traces the early history of the Cité as it incorporated the new international education model. Finally, it examines sports and social gatherings at the Cité, which was used as a specific venue to show examples of cooperative exchange.  相似文献   

《2019年创新教学报告》发布于2019年1月,是英国开放大学于2012年开始发布的该系列年度报告的第7篇。该系列报告探讨了世界教学和评价的新形式,以指导教师和政策制定者进行富有成效的创新。《2019年创新教学报告》提出了10种教学法,分别是趣味性学习、机器人辅助学习、去殖民化学习、基于无人机的学习、惊奇式学习、行动学习、虚拟工作室、基于地点的学习、思维可视化、同理心之根。这些教学方法已经开始流行,但尚未对教育产生深远影响。随着科技的发展,新技术和教学方法的结合越来越紧密,如何将技术浑然地融入教学,是值得认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

This article challenges the dominant policy discourse about lifelong learning as a tool for economic productivity and competitiveness, and proposes the alternative language of poetry as a means to return to the vision of lifelong learning as a process of "learning to be", as first proposed in Edgar Faure et al. 's (1972) landmark UNESCO report of that title. T.S. Eliot's classic poem Four Quartets is examined as an example of poetic work that articulates a richly nuanced view of lifelong learning as a process of grappling with major existential questions about identity and existence. The prospect of truly learning to be, as Eliot shows us, is not a straightforward task of acquiring government-sanctioned skills, knowledge, and attitudes, but one of venturing into the dark unknown, and "costing not less than everything" in the process.  相似文献   

上世纪70年代初,原法国总理埃德加·富尔(EdgarFaure)及其同事,最早提出了“终身学习”的概念,认为每一个人必须终身不断地学习。多年来,欧盟的终身学习计划一直努力践行着这一理念,从上世纪90年代初起,欧盟陆续地推出了一系列以各自独立的方式加以实施和运行的教育计划。2007年,欧盟实施终身学习计划,该教育计划框架有四项支柱计划,分剐是夸关组斯计划、伊拉斯莫斯计划、达·芬奇计划、格龙维计划,以及两项辅助计划:横向计划、让·莫内计划。欧盟的终身学习计划展现了终身学习思想在欧洲付诸实践的比较先进的模式,其模式的思路与做法有许多值得借鉴,一是目标设置,导向目标和政策目标结构层层递进,目标内容贴近现实;二是人群覆盖,欧盟的终身学习计划人群覆盖的纵向考虑,尊重了人的发展与学习之终身性特征,而横向覆盖面又顾及了人们社会角色扮演与任务担当及其发展需求的多样性和差异性特征;三是内容设计,欧盟终身学习计划各分项计划在其内容要目“求同”的设计,使终身学习计划的整个内容结构更为规范,各教育板块间可以进行交流与合作,而具体教育内容“求异”的设计,有助于各教育板块保留自身特点,可以反映和满足不同学习者的不同学习需求。  相似文献   

我国学习型社会建设应该重新审视的三个“老问题”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合哈钦斯、富尔等人的研究成果,我国的官方表述以及国内外相关发展情况,就学习型社会究竟是什么、建设学习型社会究竟为了什么、学习型社会建设究竟要抓什么等三个"老问题"进行了再研究。通过研究提出如下观点:"学习者"是学习型社会的主体,"学习和创造"是学习型社会的主要活动,"全民学习、终身学习"是学习型社会的最主要特征,个人和社会自由全面地发展是学习型社会建设的目的。这应该成为我国学习型社会建设的基本立场和原则。  相似文献   

The 21st century will, we hope, be the century of education or, as Jacques Delors put it in his report for UNESCO, the century of "lifelong learning". But this hope will only be realised if education is the subject and aim of a universal right. This right is enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which ought to be recognised in all countries of the world as the set of principles that should guide human action. The recognition of these rights should lead to a functioning democracy within educational establishments, where the rules of life should be the same for all: pupils, teachers and administrators. It is no less essential that human rights should constitute guiding principles for educational practice. The United Nations Decade for Human Rights (1995–2004) is an outstanding opportunity for each state to establish a plan of action for a true programme of human rights education.  相似文献   


This paper presents and discusses a hitherto largely neglected area of academic and pedagogic research in one of the most popular subjects in higher education — English. The authors examine student‐held views of what constitutes ‘English’, focusing for part of the discussion on reading and reading logs in routine English teaching. The first part of the paper concentrates on the quality of students’ insights into reading as revealed by the novel experience of keeping a reading log. The second part of the paper places this pedagogic experience in a larger context. Here, students’ own views of English, anticipated and subsequent to arrival in higher education, are evaluated. The authors apply different theoretical constructs in both their methodology and interpretation of findings. They conclude that one significant challenge for students in higher education English today is to adjust themselves, with a balance between flexibility and coherence, to a new techno‐cultural world. This world demands the intellectual capabilities both of self‐reflection and community affiliation in an expanding disccurse called ‘English’.  相似文献   

This review essay evaluates Karl Maton's Knowledge and Knowers: Towards a Realist Sociology of Education as a recent examination of the sociological causes and effects of education in the tradition of the French social theorist Pierre Bourdieu and the British educational sociologist Basil Bernstein. Maton's book synthesizes the scholarship of Bourdieu and Bernstein and complements their work with “discoveries” from the world of systemic functional linguistics to produce a new “realist sociology of education.” It does so by means of Legitimation Code Theory, defined as a “toolkit” to analyze knowledge construction in cultural fields, especially education. The authors of this review essay take a polyphonic approach in assessing this ambitious synthesis, offering four perspectives on Maton's book. Brian Barrett provides a Bernsteinian perspective; Dan Schubert approaches the book from his grounding in Bourdieu; and Susan Hood contributes a view from systemic functional linguistics. Michael Grenfell weaves these three perspectives together and provides introductory and concluding reflections. They aim, through their combined expertise, to use Maton's book as an occasion to take stock of the state of the field of sociology of education generally and to reflect on the questions: What is its nature and what type of knowledge does it express? To what uses may it be set and what is its place within the larger project of educational theory?  相似文献   


Two national reports published in 1986 marked the beginning of teacher education reform in the United States of America. Both of these reports proposed a twofold approach to teacher education reform: first, to enrich the professional education of teachers by eliminating undergraduate teacher certification programs and requiring graduate level training; and second, to change the structure of the teaching profession by replacing the existing undifferentiated system in which all teachers have the same rank with a two-tiered system in which lead teachers or career professionals would assume higher level responsibilities and receive higher salaries than regular teachers. A ten-year follow-up report identified some progress toward these goals of teacher education reform but criticised schools of education for not making greater efforts to connect their educational programs to elementary and secondary schools. The report argued specifically for professional development schools to link university schools of education to school systems. Most of the recent efforts to reform teacher education have adopted this approach. A particular focus has been the preparation of new and experienced teachers to educate an increasingly diverse student population.  相似文献   

In this article, Tom Schuller and David Watson, who were responsible for a major review of lifelong learning in the UK published in 2009, describe the main proposals from that review and compare them with the 1996 UNESCO report, The Treasure Within. They find many points of similarity, as well as clear differences. Apart from specific differences of analysis or emphasis, their 2009 ‘Learning Through Life’ (LTL) report focused particularly on adults and dealt prominently with workplace and community-based opportunities compared with the full life-cycle but largely formal education focus of the Delors report. They discuss the LTL 4-lifestage model, the lifecycle distribution of resources, and entitlements to learning. They draw out key issues related to ‘learning to be’. They provide a stocktake of the progress that has been made in the UK since the publication of their report in 2009 and find little grounds for encouragement that their suggested directions for change have been put into practice. They reflect on rationales and developments to offer a prospectus for lifelong learning that has general application, not only in the UK.  相似文献   

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