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工学结合是高职院校改革人才培养模式的重要探索,也是培养高技能人才的重要方式。工学结合是学生理论知识学习和岗位实践的有机结合,其过程注重培养和锻炼学生综合运用专业知识和专业核心技能、独立分析和解决实际问题的素养,在实践中反思学习,不断地锻炼提高学生的实践能力和创新意识,在"岗位实践—理论学习—实践创新意识培养"的循环中,使学生成为学历、素养、技能有机结合的创新型高技能人才。  相似文献   

刍议“工学结合”   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文认为,"工学结合"的本质是职业教育的实践性."工学结合"的过程是学生职业性工作的实践;"工学结合"的主体是需要生成职业能力的学生;"工学结合"的功能在于使学生生成职业能力.  相似文献   

工学结合是目前解决高职学生实践能力培养的方法之一,但是在实践中存在着学习不是实践的主要目的、学习效果无法保证、实践安排学校无主动权等问题,解决的办法是借鉴"服务学习"理念,创新工学结合理论认知、加强职业教育制度建设和完善工学结合体系建设,从而切实提高工学结合的效果。  相似文献   

李咏霞 《教师》2013,(29):89-89
一、“工学结合”课程提出的背景随着我国软件产业的快速发展,采用“工学结合”的课程开发过程和课程开发项目的方法已成为职业课程开发主要的方法,这两种方法都强调学生在校期间完成一些典型的系统性和全面性的实践任务,提高他们的整体专业能力、质量和基本的工作经验。“工学结合”是通过改变课程发展“学科知识”为中心的传统课程理论,结合研究、工程实践。培养学生“企业项目”为中心的课程,使学生在学习实践过程中,完成职业能力的学习和锻炼.获得知识、形成经验,通过具体的实践任务塑造社会企业需要的职业素养和业务能力等方面的综合素质,并逐步实现与企业的“零距离”对接。  相似文献   

工学结合课程观的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合职业能力的形成在很大程度上是一种隐性知识的学习。工学结合课程观汲取了学科课程、活动课程、核心课程三大流派的长处,以培养学生的综合职业能力为目标。分析工学结合课程观的哲学思想,有助于认识工学结合人才培养模式蓬勃生命力的根源。立足于隐性知识学习的特点,探索工学结合课程观的内涵与特征,以期促进工学结合课程体系理论架构的形成,指导工学结合课程的实践。  相似文献   

加强学生的实践锻炼、提高学生的实际动手能力和分析解决问题的能力;促进学生在校学习期间,充分利用实习时间承担生产任务,实行教产结合、工学一体,变消耗性实习为生产性实习,从而提高学生的动手能力;以安徽机械工业学校为例,阐述了实行教产结合、工学一体的一些做法。  相似文献   

工学结合是以培养学生的综合职业能力为目标,以校企合作为载体,把课堂学习与工作实践紧密结合起来的人才培养模式.文章就建筑工程管理专业推行工学结合教学模式进行探索,初步提出企业、学校、学生三赢的工学结合教学模式.  相似文献   

谈工学结合培养模式下学生多元学习评价体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要大力推行工学结合。突出实践能力培养。改革人才培养模式,就必须建立与这种培养模式相适应的学生学习评价体系。本文结合当前实践教学评价现状,对学生多元学习评价体系的构建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过对基于工学结合的高职《计算机系统安装与维护》这门课程的课程目标、学习情境、教学条件、教学组织与实施、教学效果评价等方面的研究,使理论融于实践,相辅相成,互相促进,既加强了学生对理论的理解,又提高其动手能力;既培养了学生的团队协作精神,又培养了学生自主学习的能力,从而提高学生的综合职业能力。  相似文献   

从建构主义理论出发,以高职院校应用英语专业学生为研究对象,通过对基于MOODLE的英语口笔译实践课程的实证研究,重点探究了学生协作学习活动的方式,从而构建一种自主、探究、合作的工学结合的英语教学新模式,旨在使网络学习的负面影响最小化,使多媒体网络能有效地促进英语教学,提高学生的英语水平和学习能力。  相似文献   

高职学生间的英语水平差异较大,部分英语基础非常差的学生被称为"学困生","学困生"的英语教学内容及考核方式应进行改革,职业学院英语教学应努力实现"实用为主、够用为度"的目标,让"学困生"与其它学生一样能将所学知识运用到实际工作中。  相似文献   

大学生实践能力的培养是当前高校迫切需要加强的工作,案例教学法在实践能力培养方面具有独特的优势,因此拟提出借助多媒体增强案例教学的效果,激发学生学习的主动性和积极性,实现利用案例教学提高大学生实践能力的目的。  相似文献   

如何做好远程开放教育模式下的班主任工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程开放教育是以学习者自主学习为特征的一种学习方式。作为远程开放教育的班主任必须针对这一特征,从信心激励、导学服务、督促监控等三个方面对班级实行科学的管理,使学生在不影响工作的情况下,学到一定的专业知识和实践技能,真正成为"留得住、用得上"的专业人才。  相似文献   

This paper reports an interpretive study that sought students' views about the role that practical work plays in their school science lessons. Twenty-nine students aged between 13 and 16 years were selected from three secondary schools in England. Data were collected from initial lesson observations and in-depth interviews in order to explore students’ views about practical work. The findings suggest that students have three main reasons why practical work is important in their school science lessons: for interest and activity, including social and personal features such as participation and autonomy; as an alternative to other forms of science teaching involving a pedagogy of transmission, and as a way of learning, including memorizing and recall. The findings are discussed in the context of a critical view of previous work on the role of practical work, work on attitudes to science and on the student voice. The paper concludes that practical work is seen to provide opportunities for students to engage with and influence their own learning but that learning with practical work remains a complex issue that needs further research and evaluation about its use, effectiveness and of the role of scientific inquiry as a component of practical activity.  相似文献   

Many within the science education community and beyond see practical work carried out by students as an essential feature of science education. Questions have, however, been raised by some science educators about its effectiveness as a teaching and learning strategy. This study explored the effectiveness of practical work by analysing a sample of 25 ‘typical’ science lessons involving practical work in English secondary schools. Data took the form of observational field notes and tape‐recorded interviews with teachers and students. The analysis used a model of effectiveness based on the work of Millar et al. and Tiberghien. The teachers’ focus in these lessons was predominantly on developing students’ substantive scientific knowledge, rather than on developing understanding of scientific enquiry procedures. Practical work was generally effective in getting students to do what is intended with physical objects, but much less effective in getting them to use the intended scientific ideas to guide their actions and reflect upon the data they collect. There was little evidence that the cognitive challenge of linking observables to ideas is recognized by those who design practical activities for science lessons. Tasks rarely incorporated explicit strategies to help students to make such links, or were presented in class in ways that reflected the size of the learning demand. The analytical framework used in this study offers a means of assessing the learning demand of practical tasks, and identifying those that require specific support for students’ thinking and learning in order to be effective.  相似文献   

合作研究型英语教学模式是与现代素质教育相适应的新型教学模式。该模式是以学生自主性学习、探究性学习为基础,以开放式课堂教学为组织形式,教师充分利用课堂教学,组织、引导小组学习,充分发挥学生之间、师生之间的合作,指导学生创造性地运用知识和技能,学生在研究中发现问题、解决问题,以此培养学生的学习能力、合作意识和创新精神。在具体实施过程中,要求选择具有探究性的课题;优化研讨方案;对学生进行合理的分组。  相似文献   

高校应以科学发展观统领学生工作,树立以学生为本的意识和服务意识,在学生工作的内容、形式和方法等方面进行不断创新,建立起科学、高效、务实的学生工作机制,最终让学生在一个开放和完全信任的氛围中学习和生活,使学生工作达到统合综效。  相似文献   

翻译理论与实践是一门实践性很强的课程,在网络教学中采用小组协作学习,能最大化个人和他人的习得成果,并能提高学习者的动手能力和团队合作能力。本文以翻译理论与实践网络课程为例,对开展小组协作学习的目标、教学策略和实施过程进行分析和总结。  相似文献   

高校应以科学发展观统领学生工作,树立“以学生为本”的意识和“服务意识”,在学生工作的内容、形式和方法等方面进行不断创新,建立起科学、高效、务实的学生工作机制,最终让学生在一个开放和完全信任的氛围中学习和生活,使学生工作达到统合综效。  相似文献   

This study explored a new strategy of assessing laboratory skills in a molecular biology course to improve: student effort in preparation for and participation in laboratory work; valid evaluation of learning outcomes; and students’ employment prospects through provision of evidence of their skills. Previously, assessment was based on written laboratory reports and examinations, not on the demonstration of practical skills per se. This action research project involved altering the assessment design so that a greater proportion of the marks was allocated to active participation and learning in the laboratory, partially replacing a single examination with direct observation of student participation and learning over a prolonged period of weekly laboratory sessions. We ascertained staff and students’ perceptions of the new assessment processes by means of a Likert scale questionnaire, student focus group and individual staff interviews. Overall, students and staff evaluated the new assessment structure positively, citing fairness, authenticity and reward for effort. Results also revealed the need for specific training of staff in this form of assessment and indicated staff–student ratios made assessment burdensome. Four out of five students reported that an increased awareness of the importance of practical laboratory skills stimulated them to greater efforts to achieve.  相似文献   

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