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信息技术支持的学与教变革是教育信息化系统改革中的关键。我国信息技术支持的学与教,在理论层面已开始由“要素观”逐步转向“生态观”,但实践层面的变革思路上存在着“技术导向”的倾向,这导致研究者热衷技术应用而忽视学与教本身。通过对比中外教育信息化政策以及分析新加坡的典型案例,发现国际上学与教变革的新措施均体现出“学习导向”的特征,并有四个主要动向:关注信息时代学习者的能力结构、挖掘教育“大数据”以分析学习者行为、构建个性化网络学习空间以培育新型学习方式、倡导“以学习者为中心”的新型教学模式。我国应将信息技术支持的学与教变革思路逐渐由“技术导向”转到“学习导向”。  相似文献   

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has improved education widely in China, transforming traditional teaching into an interactive one. It is important to build a new evaluation model to measure teaching efficiency in an “ICT-enabled classroom”. This study designed an evaluation model named “TPOCME Deep classroom” through ongoing five iterations. It includes six dimensions, which are higher-order Thinking, classroom Participation, Openness of educational system, Cooperative learning, Meaningful learning and Effectiveness of technology use (named TPOCME). This model helps educational researchers and teachers gain a comprehensive understanding of ICT in education.  相似文献   

Contemporary Western educational systems have been described as a landscape of control and assessment meant to make education, in Gert J. J. Biesta's words, “strong, secure, and predictable,” and ultimately “risk-free.” Against this desire for strength, Biesta argues for weakness, focusing on the risks of the unpredictable and the unknown as primary features of an education worthy of the name. In this article, Ingrid Lindell promotes this weaker attitude specifically in the context of teaching literature. Guiding her analysis is the question, How might we create a practical approach to make the unmeasurable more accessible and assessible? In applying some of Biesta's concepts to the practical considerations of teaching literature and assessing student outcomes, Lindell identifies a tension that arises when demands for educational transparency and measurable outcomes are imposed on teachers of literature: in literary education, it is very often not desirable to know outcomes in advance. Against this background, Lindell introduces the methodological idea of teaching in the gap, an attempt to apply some of Biesta's concepts and ideas in the literature classroom in order to explore how we might embrace and teach “The Risk.” Lindell aims to strengthen the case for reading and assessing literature as a metacognitive activity rather than submitting to a ratio-based approach to literary education that focuses narrowly on reproductive knowledge that is measurable.  相似文献   

During the recent years, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a significant role in the field of education and e-learning has become a very popular trend of the education technology. However, with the huge growth of the number of users, data and educational resources generated, e-learning systems have become more and more expansive in terms of hardware and software resources, and many educational institutions cannot afford such ICT investments. Due to its tremendous advantages, cloud computing technology rises swiftly as a natural platform to provide support to e-learning systems. This paper focuses on the research on the application of cloud computing in e-learning. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the current state and the impact of the use of cloud computing for e-learning. Thus, at first the paper introduces concepts of e-learning and cloud computing infrastructure with their key characteristics. The paper analyzes also challenges facing e-learning systems deployment. In follow the paper considers cloud-based e-learning solutions by focusing on the raisons of the convenience of cloud computing for e-learning. Therefore cloud computing benefits are introduced as a solution for these challenges. Finally, the paper presents some solutions of cloud computing in e-learning and describes the most common architecture adopted. Issues in implementing cloud-based e-learning systems and some potential ways to overcome them are also discussed.  相似文献   

Computers in education have been around for more than 30 years. They have been the vector not only of diverse forms of educational technology, but also of many new kinds of learning activities using software instruments. With the gradual trivialization of computer systems, the initially rather positive expectations about computers in education have progressively turned into more skeptical attitudes about the use of ICT. What is really working with computers in education? Was the investment worth the outcomes? The number of scientific studies focusing on these issues is huge. Most of their results have been obtained either by very focused experiments on some educational technology, generally involving a limited number of students, or by surveys, taking into account large numbers of learners but with little control about the kind of activities that were actually organized. Overall, hardly any conclusive results about possible causal implications of using ICT in learning have been obtained and there is no evidence about the stability of existing results over time. This paper, particularly taking into account the French experience, draws attention on the specific case of software instruments. These instruments do not exactly aim at performing more efficiently existing activities, but lead to invent new learning activities better in line with constructivist views. It suggests that, besides studies about what works, more research is in order about how it works and contends that what will work in the future is linked to the capability of the teaching profession and their allies to collectively build and discuss new interrogations and solutions to pedagogical problems, which will sustain and regulate the many discoveries of innovators.  相似文献   

During the 1960s and 1970s, “traditional” secondary educational systems in various Western European countries made way for comprehensive education curricula. In contrast to the reforms within the “intellectual” subjects, the field of physical education (PE) remained largely underexposed in research. This study focuses on PE reform in Belgium, the first country in the world (apart from Sweden itself) to introduce, in 1908, so-called “Swedish gymnastics” in all levels of state public education and, in 1968, the last country apart from Portugal to abandon it. The question arises as to who was responsible for Swedish gymnastics being applied for so long and, ultimately, how and by whom reform was implemented. The results show that the power of the past and the positions of “Swedists” in the Government Inspectorate, universities and professional associations, perpetuated the domination of Swedish gymnastics in Belgian education. The final “dynamisation” of the subject of PE around 1968 did not come about through “revolution” but a “natural” generational transition, whereby a new guard of young government inspectors with a drive for reform took over from their Swedish-minded predecessors. The educational climate prevailing in Belgium at the end of the 1960s facilitated this reform. The state university PE institutes lost their position as pedagogical profile keepers during this process of transformation, while the hidden curriculum of the (Catholic) university institute in Leuven implicitly shaped the educational climate. Further comparative international research into the (changed) profile, position and power of school inspectors in educational reform appears necessary.  相似文献   

Many decades after the introduction of ICT into classrooms there are still unanswered questions about the impact of technology in the long and short term on students’ learning, and how it has affected simple and complex learning tasks. These are important for (a) forming government policies; (b) directing teacher education programmes: (c) advancing national curricula; (d); designing or reforming classroom implementation and (e) analysing costs and benefits. While a plethora of studies has been conducted on the effects of ICT in education, major policy and methodological problems have precluded an unambiguous answer to such questions as:—“Does the way in which ICT is implemented have a major/minor impact on students’ knowledge and understanding?” and “Does the impact affect the surface or deep structure of students’ thinking and acting?” To date we have had no large-scale longitudinal studies of ICT’s impact in education such as we have in the form of studies of earlier major curriculum development projects. Nor have we had many comprehensive studies of the complex interactions between various types of ICT implementation and the effects of other factors such as school-based interventions, socio-economic status and school expenditures which have been shown to have a greater impact on education compared with other previous innovations in education. Furthermore we do not know if previous research studies have used research methods that matched learning objectives to instruments/procedures. Many previous studies are vague as to the actual measures used but we can infer that standardized tests were a frequent measure. In other instances, ad hoc analyses, with criteria that may have varied from analyst to analyst and were not “blind” analyses were certainly used to measure “success.” All of these limitations and uncertainties and many more point to the need for a thorough, rigorous, and multifaceted approach to analysing the impact of ICT on students’ learning. This paper draws on previous research evidence to identify relevant research strategies to address the gaps in our knowledge about ICT and students’ learning explained above.  相似文献   

教育信息化是在教育领域内全面深入的运用现代信息技术改造教育,是教育领域的一场新技术革命,既有机遇,也有挑战,有其自身的特征。高校是教育信息最密集的场所,大学生利用信息网络学习生活已成趋势,如何积极应对教育信息化所带来的学习理念的转变、信息能力的培养、信息道德的教育,正确培养大学生信息素养,开创教育信息化时代高校管理工作的新局面,已是摆在我们面前亟需解决的现实课题。  相似文献   

The use of ICT (information and communication technology) in homes is growing faster than its use in schools and colleges—and there are already more systems in homes than in educational settings. This article argues that we should attempt to enter the area which most research on ICT in education tends to ignore: the secret garden of the learner at home. It is based partly on two pilot case-studies of secondary schools and a small sample of their students. Given the paucity of research in this area the article poses more questions than it answers. What are the implications of ICT use at home for teachers in schools? Do home systems interfere with school education or can they be used to enhance it? How should teachers respond to, and assess, work done using home ICT? Is the home situation widening the gap between one set of pupils (the "haves" of ICT) and another? Suggestions for school policies and action research for the future are put forward.  相似文献   

This article focuses on teacher education reforms and related discourses. Internationally, the last decade has been an intensive period of educational reforms and restructuring, particularly regarding teacher education. Even though teacher education in Europe has a high degree of complexity and variations, common trends in the reforms are identifiable. The article deals with trends and tensions in teacher education reforms examining Norwegian teacher education as a “case” within Europe. As an analytical tool, the term “warrants”, interpreted as “reasonable grounds” for actions, is used together with our own analytical categories to capture trends in teacher education in a global perspective. One conclusion is that we can see the impact of the new global market orientation in the national discourses on teacher education.  相似文献   

内容策展是针对特定主题的"选择"、"过滤"、"组织"、"呈现"与"发展"。随着云计算、移动学习以及大量的开放教育课程逐渐进入教育领域,特别是高等教育领域,教育与学习将面临巨大的变革,学习者需要进行认知负荷的有效管理和资源选择的指导,劳动力市场需要能够综合各领域知识信息并创造性解决真实世界问题的人才,教育机构也面临角色的转变。内容策展促进了学习者对信息的有效过滤和组织,提高了学习者的创新及问题解决能力等,对教育和学习的变革具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Why has Australian offshore higher education become the educational investment of choice for many students? What benefits do students anticipate from this education? What is the relationship between educational goals and educational experience? To address these questions, this paper draws on findings from empirical research conducted with students studying at an offshore campus of an Australian university in Malaysia. It was found that students typically chose to enroll with the Australian university to receive an international education. Reasons offered for seeking an international education effectively delineated two groups of students. For Malaysian nationals, an international education was valued largely as a passport to employment with (Western) multinational corporations operating in Malaysia. Generally the Malaysian students made positional investments in Australian offshore higher education. For non-Malaysian students an international education was typically selected as an aid to procuring a new identity. These students chose an international education with the hope of expunging provincial outlooks. From international education, they wanted new ways of viewing the world, new habits of thinking and new skills and approaches. They sought a personal metamorphosis. These students, therefore, typically made self-transformative investments in international education. The paper further shows that investment choices influenced the way students experienced their education. Of the two populations distinguished by investment type, students who made self-transformative investments were more likely to respond positively to challenging education experiences associated with studying at the campus.  相似文献   

This article analyses the mechanisms of a state-organized educational system as it functions between households and the labour market, regulating the passage of age cohorts from the home via school to the labour market. One question is what outcomes the educational system actually produces and what mechanisms are at work in the distribution of educational advantage. In terms of disadvantage, the paper assesses solutions for overcoming the skill gap and entrapment problems of post-industrial society by means of education. In addition to describing how the educational system worked in the conditions of a mature Nordic welfare state and an industrial society based on paid work, feasible ways of reorganizing education in the changing work conditions of an increasingly crisis-ridden post-industrial society are also sought.  相似文献   

During the school year 2008?C2009, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam launched the ??Year of ICT?? to produce a breakthrough in educational innovation. In light of this development we have carried out a policy analysis to study the national vision on ICT in education. The policy analysis takes into account a decade of governmental policy guidelines on ICT and education, starting from 2000??the year that the Ministry announced its Master Plan for ICT in education. A critical analysis puts rationales in perspective. Exploratory analysis at the level of five provincial teacher education institutions sheds light on the impact of these guidelines in teacher education. 783 educators completed a self-report questionnaire addressing factors of access, capacities and actual use of ICT in teaching practice. To assess the adopted discourse and operational planning, technology plans of the different institutions are analyzed. It is argued that unbalanced operational planning in the technology plans led to a gap between the current rhetoric in policy guidelines, vision statements of the institutions and the reality in teaching practice.  相似文献   

This special issue is devoted to the outcomes of the 48th International Conference of Education, “Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future” (Geneva, 25–28 November 2008). In addition to presenting the conclusions and recommendations from the conference, this introduction tackles a wide range of questions in the field of inclusive education on which there are still controversy and debate. The issue draws together a selection of articles that analyze these open debates at a deeper level. Special emphasis is placed on several issues: Should inclusive education be a comprehensive approach or follow a policy of piecemeal social engineering? How can educational systems pursue equity and quality simultaneously? What is the role of government, and of decentralization and autonomy? What teaching methods are needed, and what changes in teacher education, development and motivation? Finally, what are the roles of communities, social attitudes, and behaviours?  相似文献   

以云计算、大数据和深度学习为核心驱动力的人工智能正在如火如荼地开展,它与教育的深度融合(“人工智能+教育”)正在不断变革教育理念、更新教育手段、丰富教育内容。人工智能在教育领域不断推进应用之时,围绕它的批判声也络绎不绝。究其根源而言,人工智能试图驰骋于整个教育疆域但却力不从心,人工智能与教育深度融合过程中出现的新问题使它步履维艰。以此为根,人工智能应用于教育领域而招致的批判具体表现为三个方面:“人工智能+教育”系统、工具的安全性能无法保障,教育数据隐私泄露,教师主导地位沉沦。基于此,可以制定统一的“人工智能+教育”系统、工具开发与设计标准,利用区块链技术保护教育数据隐私,划定人工智能在教育领域的应用边界,从而拨开“人工智能+教育”前行中的重重迷雾。  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to contribute to the conversation about “go[ing] beyond all kinds of binary thinking” (Lenz Taguchi, Going beyond the theory/practice divide in early childhood education: introducing an intra-active pedagogy, 2010, p. 50), especially the binary which positions “adults” and “children” as being powerful and powerless, respectively, in educational settings. It is also a personal reflection on “naming.” At the center of the reflection are two literary works, the picture book by Henkes, Chrysanthemum (1991), and the novel by Rousseau, émile, ou l’education (1762a). The central metaphor of émile—that of the developing child as organically unfolding, like a flower—is deconstructed by the plot involving two flower-named characters in Chrysanthemum. These characters are the protagonist, Chrysanthemum, and her music teacher, Delphinium Twinkle. Two acts of “naming” are considered: the literal act of naming a newborn baby and the abstract concept of “naming” [or labeling] a particular time in the life of a human being: “Childhood” (Cannella, Deconstructing early childhood education: social justice and revolution, 1997).  相似文献   

疫情防控需要重视社会教育,这是社会教育发展史留给我们的重要经验。从教育视角来看,许多疫情灾害都与民众的愚昧、长期的恶习、家庭与学校的教育缺陷有关。从近代历史经验来看,社会教育起源于“解决社会问题的教育对策”,发展社会教育,有助于“开启民智”、有助于“化民成俗”、有助于“得民心”、有助于改良家庭和学校的“大弊”。推动社会教育立法、推动社会教育统一行政管理、推动社会教育进行专业与学科建设是解决教育问题、预防疫情灾害的重要举措。  相似文献   


Public school districts have been operating under a decade’s long press to move beyond functioning as engines of access-oriented mass public schooling to functioning as instructionally focused education systems pursuing educational excellence and equity. This press has researchers developing analytic frameworks useful for examining different ways that districts are responding. Even so, limitations in individual frameworks suggest a need to explore the coordinate use of complementary frameworks to support more comprehensive examinations of districts. This analysis explores the coordinated use of a “coupling framework” and a “systems framework” to analyze efforts in two districts to improve educational quality and to reduce disparities. Findings suggests that the coordinated use of the coupling and systems frameworks supports deeper analyses of instructional organization and management than either framework would on its own, and that further incorporating quality and equity frameworks would support still-deeper analyses. From the perspective of this issue of the Peabody Journal of Education (PJE), the implication is that elaborating new institutional theory to capture micro-level variation in response to macro-level dynamics is but one challenge faced by organizational researchers in education, and that the deeper challenge lies in considering alternative world views—paradigmatic assumptions—underlying the use of singular and complementary analytic frameworks.  相似文献   

“十四五”时期是实现《中国教育现代化2035》发展目标的重要起步阶段,是“两个百年”奋斗目标实现的重要历史交汇期。回顾过去,我国高等教育发展与改革具有了良好的规模、结构、制度与环境基础。面向未来,我国经济社会发展面临的新形势、新任务给高等教育的发展带来了重要的机遇与挑战。继往开来,我国高等教育发展与改革的重点是:构建分类发展的质量保障体系,推进职业教育与普通教育的融通,推进线上线下融合的学习革命,深化高等教育的集群发展战略,提高高等教育国际化水平,在新时代教育评价理念指引下,促进教育治理体系与治理能力的现代化。  相似文献   

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