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量子计算研究是近年来量子力学最具潜力的发展方向之一。文章从探讨量子计算概念的提出入手,讨论了经典可逆计算的量子表征模式,接着分析了量子计算语形结构的特点,对比了量子计算与经典计算并行性的异同,考虑了测量中的塌缩对量子算法设计的影响,最后以前述的研究为基础讨论了量子计算的哲学意义。  相似文献   

以智慧芽专利数据库的量子信息专利文献为数据源,基于专利计量的研究方法从时间、地域、专利申请人等多个层次进行专利数据分析,及时追踪量子信息技术发展态势,重点分析了发达国家的量子信息技术发展状况,挖掘典型机构和高价值专利。研究发现:量子信息技术正处于发展上升周期,美国是量子计算的强国,中国在量子通信稍占优势,量子保密通信、量子计算机是量子信息技术的研究热点。最后根据研究结果,提出要从国家层面做好量子信息顶层规划,加强基础研究,培养一批高水平人才,产学研融合发展,打造量子信息产业生态。  相似文献   

量子特性在信息领域中有着独特的功能,在提高运算速度、确保信息安全、增大信息容量和提高检测精度等方面可能突破现有经典信息系统的极限。我们以液态NMR技术实现量子信息处理中的应用主题开展研究,所取得的成果包括:1)利用NMR实验实现了两个无直接耦合自旋之间的量子密集编码和三个量子位之间的量子密集编码过程。实验结果表明:量子密集编码只需传送N-1个量子位便可以传递N个经典位的信息。2)利用NMR实验实现了三种多量子算法;提出了一种实现n阶耦合变换的理论方法,根据这种方法可实现任意量子位的Deutsch-Jozsa算法。3)提出了一种基于量子克隆的量子编码和纠错方案。该方案一方面说明了量子克隆与量子纠错存在一定程度上的联系,另一方面也反映出一些量子克隆过程本身具有一定的抗消相干的能力。4)提出用二维NMR中的多量子相干实现无消相干子空间(DFS),并在实验上验证了该DFS的避错能力。本方法有效地利用了甲基中三个磁等价的氢核,把原本需要四个化学位移各不相同的核自旋构造的二逻辑位的DFS变成了只需两个化学位移各不相同的核自旋体系构造的二逻辑位的DFS,虽然用的核自旋数“更少”,却能避免更多的错误算符。用多量子相干作为量子计算中的量子位,是一种全新的概念,可以充分利用磁等价的原子核自旋来构造多个量子位,从而扩展了可利用的量子位的数目。  相似文献   

量子计算机是一种新型的运算工具,它具有强大的并行处理数据的能力,可解决现有计算机难以运算的数学问题,因此,它成为世界各国战略竞争的焦点。本文综述了量子计算机目前的发展状况和可扩展、可容错的量子计算机物理体系的实验研究进展,并分析了美国最近启动研制量子芯片的微型曼哈顿计划对我国构成的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

Semiconductors, a significant type of material in the information era, are becoming more and more powerful in the field of quantum information. In recent decades, semiconductor quantum computation was investigated thoroughly across the world and developed with a dramatically fast speed. The research varied from initialization, control and readout of qubits, to the architecture of fault-tolerant quantum computing. Here, we first introduce the basic ideas for quantum computing, and then discuss the developments of single- and two-qubit gate control in semiconductors. Up to now, the qubit initialization, control and readout can be realized with relatively high fidelity and a programmable two-qubit quantum processor has even been demonstrated. However, to further improve the qubit quality and scale it up, there are still some challenges to resolve such as the improvement of the readout method, material development and scalable designs. We discuss these issues and introduce the forefronts of progress. Finally, considering the positive trend of the research on semiconductor quantum devices and recent theoretical work on the applications of quantum computation, we anticipate that semiconductor quantum computation may develop fast and will have a huge impact on our lives in the near future.  相似文献   

随着量子通信的蓬勃发展,基于自由空间的量子密钥分发已成为量子信息科学和量子力学学科的重要研究课题。针对量子通信试验系统中的流程控制以及数据处理需求,构建了软件系统平台。介绍了系统的设计目标和工作过程,给出了软件系统的整体框架和主要功能模块设计。对试验系统进行了测试,测试结果显示密钥成码率大于1.5kbps,可以满足系统的工作要求。  相似文献   

《Journal of The Franklin Institute》2023,360(14):10766-10783
Quantum coherent feedback based on waveguide quantum electrodynamics plays important roles in quantum devices design and quantum information processing. In this paper, we study the coherent dynamics of the quantum network composed of two separated resonators coupling to a waveguide. Using the dynamical feedback equation in Markovian regime, we obtain the analytical solutions to the output states for the two photons incident from the same or different directions of the waveguide. The two- photon scattering properties are analyzed based on the analytical expressions. It is found that the output states of the two photons can be controlled well by the phase induced by the single photon propagating between the two separated resonators. The results given in this paper are helpful in designing quantum devices at few-photon level.  相似文献   

I will discuss the history and prospects for new machines and instruments as anticipated in the newly announced EU Flagship for Quantum Technology. The program of Richard Feynman, as announced almost 60 years ago, to go to the “bottom” in the miniaturization of information-processing technology, has come to fruition, and a set of well-defined technologies, in the areas of quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum sensing and metrology, and quantum communication, have emerged. I give a perspective on the sometimes abstruse significance of these coming technologies. The scientists will continue beyond these technologies to new unfoldings of quantum knowledge, whose technological significance we can barely fathom today.  相似文献   

Though it is still a big challenge to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics in modern physics, the theory of quantum field related with the gravitational effect has been well developed and some striking phenomena are predicted, such as Hawking radiation. However, the direct measurement of these quantum effects under general relativity is far beyond present experiment techniques. Fortunately, the emulation of general relativity phenomena in the laboratory has become accessible in recent years. However, up to now, these simulations are limited either in classical regime or in flat space whereas quantum simulation related with general relativity is rarely involved. Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate a quantum evolution of fermions in close proximity to an artificial black hole on a photonic chip. We successfully observe the acceleration behavior, quantum creation, and evolution of a fermion pair near the event horizon: a single-photon wave packet with positive energy escapes from the black hole while negative energy is captured. Our extensible platform not only provides a route to access quantum effects related with general relativity, but also has the potentiality to investigate quantum gravity in future.  相似文献   

Geometry and topology are fundamental concepts, which underlie a wide range of fascinating physical phenomena such as topological states of matter and topological defects. In quantum mechanics, the geometry of quantum states is fully captured by the quantum geometric tensor. Using a qubit formed by an NV center in diamond, we perform the first experimental measurement of the complete quantum geometric tensor. Our approach builds on a strong connection between coherent Rabi oscillations upon parametric modulations and the quantum geometry of the underlying states. We then apply our method to a system of two interacting qubits, by exploiting the coupling between the NV center spin and a neighboring 13C nuclear spin. Our results establish coherent dynamical responses as a versatile probe for quantum geometry, and they pave the way for the detection of novel topological phenomena in solid state.  相似文献   

研究了弱测量的性质以及潜在应用.首先,针对所定义的一类特定的正定算子值测量,从线性赋范空间的角度推导出其为弱测量时的参数条件.其次,讨论了弱测量的适用性:弱测量不仅适用于大量全同量子系统,若任意的测量算符都能够被选择性地施加,则弱测量也能够对单个的量子系统进行测量.最后,考察了弱测量对不同的量子系统的影响:对于大量全同量子系统,连续的弱测量对状态产生的影响相当于一个消相位过程,而对于单个的二能级量子系统,弱测量能够被用来抑制消相位以及去极化过程.  相似文献   

在当今Si基光电子研究中,SiGe材料系自组织Ge量子点是最有希望对Si材料运用能带工程实现人工改性的途径之一。Ge在Si上 4.2 %的晶格失配可以制造大小尺寸不同的纳米结构,还可适应其他多种器件需要。对自组织Ge量子点的形成过程、形貌演化、光学和电学性质,以及提高量子点平面排布有序性的方法进行了系统的分析和研究,并着重介绍了实验中发现的新现象、新模型和新方法,其中包括量子点的反常形状跃迁、自覆盖效应、Ge/Si量子点的II型能带结构、Ge/Si量子点的载流子热弛豫模型和纳米尺寸的周期性图形衬底的全息制备方法  相似文献   

量子信息技术是量子物理与信息科学交叉的新兴学科。它为信息科学的持续发展提供新的原理和方法。阐明了量子信息技术发展的背景及其奇特的信息功能 ,介绍国际发展的状况和趋势。中国科学院将量子信息作为优先发展领域之一给予有力支持。简要介绍了近几年来我院在这个领域中取得的主要研究成果。对我院如何发展量子信息技术提出几点看法  相似文献   

北京时间2016年8月16日凌晨1时45分,"墨子号"量子科学实验卫星在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射。该卫星是世界第一颗从事空间尺度量子科学实验的卫星。升空之后,它将配合多个地面站,在国际上率先实现星地高速量子密钥分发、星地双向量子纠缠分发及空间尺度量子非定域性检验、地星量子隐形传态,以及探索广域量子密钥组网等实验。"墨子号"量子科学实验卫星将扩大我国在量子通信领域的国际领先地位,为未来覆盖全球的天地一体化广域量子通信网络建立基础,并将加深人类对量子力学基本原理的理解。  相似文献   

简要评述了核磁共振量子信息处理实验研究进展。提出了我院进一步发展的建议。  相似文献   

Quantum computing technologies have become a hot topic in academia and industry receiving much attention and financial support from all sides. Building a quantum computer that can be used practically is in itself an outstanding challenge that has become the ‘new race to the moon’. Next to researchers and vendors of future computing technologies, national authorities are showing strong interest in maturing this technology due to its known potential to break many of today’s encryption techniques, which would have significant and potentially disruptive impact on our society. It is, however, quite likely that quantum computing has beneficial impact on many computational disciplines. In this article we describe our vision of future developments in scientific computing that would be enabled by the advent of software-programmable quantum computers. We thereby assume that quantum computers will form part of a hybrid accelerated computing platform like GPUs and co-processor cards do today. In particular, we address the potential of quantum algorithms to bring major breakthroughs in applied mathematics and its applications. Finally, we give several examples that demonstrate the possible impact of quantum-accelerated scientific computing on society.  相似文献   

Blockchain plays a vital task in cybersecurity. With the exerted efforts for realising large-scale quantum computers, most current cryptographic mechanisms may be hacked. Accordingly, we need a quantum tool utilised for designing blockchain frameworks to have the ability to be executed in the level of digital computers and resist the probable attacks from both digital and quantum computers. Quantum walks may be utilised as a quantum-inspired model for designing new cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, we present a new authentication and encryption protocol based on quantum-inspired quantum walks (QIQW). The proposed protocol is utilized to build a blockchain framework for secure data transmission among IoT devices. Instead of using classical cryptographic hash functions, quantum hash functions based on QIQW are employed for linking blocks of the chain. The main advantages of the presented framework are helping IoT nodes to effectively share their data with other nodes and full control of their records. Security analysis demonstrates that our proposed protocol can defend against message attack and impersonation attacks, thus ensuring secure transmission of data among IoT devices.  相似文献   

宋珂  曾一平 《科技通报》1997,13(6):369-372
采用分子束外延技术(MBE)生长了具有GaAs/AlGaAs超晶格缓冲层的单量子阱和多量子阱材料.采用GaAs/AlGaAs超晶格缓冲层掩埋衬底缺陷,获得的量子阱结构材料被成功地用于制作量子阱激光器.波长为778nm的激光器,最低阈值电流为30mA,室温下线性光功率大于20mW.  相似文献   

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