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The aim of this article is to analyse how journalists' professional identity is related to their attitude towards PR. The focus is how—and to what extent—journalistic ideology, organizational belonging and the individual's social position influence journalists' perception that other journalists working with PR lower the trustworthiness of journalism. The analyses rest on data from the Swedish Journalist Survey 2011, which is a national representative survey of Swedish journalists. The results show that journalists in general embrace a hostile attitude towards journalists who start working as PR practitioners. However, those who have worked as a journalist for fewer years or have journalistic ideals promoting the amusement function of journalism, or have worked as a freelance, or been employed in an organization producing newsletters, as well as female journalists, weaken this posture. The article concludes with a discussion on how the results could be understood in relation to recent changes in journalism's power and prerequisites, and how a professional identity might function as a form of resistance.  相似文献   

This article seeks to center the personal in archives, both theoretically and methodologically. After briefly reviewing how personal archives have been sidelined in archival theory and education programs, we suggest that whether a record is considered personal or not is best determined not based on who created it but rather on how it is activated. In two separate autoethnographic case studies, the authors activate institutional records that, for each of them, are intensely personal. In doing so, they demonstrate how centering the personal in this way might inform and impact archivists’ understanding of their responsibilities to those who create, are captured in and consult the records in our care.  相似文献   

科技学术期刊收取论文版面费合理合法   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:15  
针对部分人士对科技学术期刊收取论文版面费的非议,指出这一收费有据可依,合理合法,并对规范收费提出了建议.  相似文献   

Academic libraries serve many student constituents, but one often overlooked group is students who are parenting children. Students who, by necessity or volition, bring their children with them to the library have specific needs. Serving these students, who often have difficulty succeeding and graduating at college, should be a priority for academic libraries. Offering assistance can help this group focus on their studies, achieve their academic goals, and thus decrease universities' attrition rates. This article begins by drawing on anecdotal evidence, then reviews existing literature on parenting students. Next, it examines and analyzes policies on children in academic libraries at large American universities. Half of all academic libraries don't have clearly accessible policies, and some have policies that discourage bringing supervised children to libraries, while a few have welcoming policies and facilities. This research shows that academic libraries can still make progress to serve a key constituency. Finally, it offers solutions for how academic libraries can serve parenting students, given varying spatial and financial constraints, as well as diffusing potential concerns that might hold academic libraries back from serving this part of the academic community. This analysis could be supplemented by further inquiry and interviews with libraries on how their policies were developed and are being implemented or with parenting students on what they desire and need from the academic library.  相似文献   

Abstract Sociologists have described “scenes” as voluntary social groupings or figurations that are “… thematically focused cultural networks of people who share certain material and/or cognitive forms of collective stylization,” according to Hitzler, Bucher, and Niederbacher (2001, 20). This terminology is quite useful for thinking about Stephen Weil's assertion that visitors play a role in shaping museums. Through “scenes,” we see how this might happen, and how visitors might already be exerting subtle pressure on the forms and contents of museums. The study of scenes could help us develop a tool that would offer a unique vision of the influences that visitors have on museums.  相似文献   

A core goal of librarians is to maximize usage of the content to which their libraries subscribe. Webscale or resource discovery systems offer a single search box for library users to access subscribed content. This article examines usage data at the University of Huddersfield to show how resource discovery has helped to increase the usage of publisher content that has been made available to discovery vendors, and considers the implications for publishers who are yet to do this. The article concludes that resource discovery systems have effectively levelled the playing field, allowing small to medium‐sized publishers to make content discoverable to users, and encourages publishers who do not have their content indexed in resource discovery systems to speak to discovery service vendors in order to do so at the earliest opportunity.  相似文献   

"有为"才能"有位"--论公共图书馆参与地域文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆参与地域文化研究具有广阔的前景。本文就公共图书馆如何参与地域文化研究这一课题,结合工作实践,提出以“有为”而争“有位”,树立图书馆崭新的社会形象。  相似文献   

As the Director of the Institute for the Future of the Book, Bob Stein has been involved with several endeavors to create a technological solution that will meet the evolving needs of information dissemination in the digital age. His experiences working with Encyclopedia Britannica and later creating an interactive media company, The Voyager Company, have led him in this direction. This talk seeks to raise questions about how books are evolving, what the end product should be, and who is responsible for getting them there.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科技创新是现代化经济体系的重要战略支撑,改革开放后,为推动我国经济发展,出台并实施了一系列科技政策旨在促进科技发展,但是这些科技政策的资助效应如何,科技政策实施历史周期中资助效应的变化情况如何已经引起广泛关注。[方法/过程]以已经实施了20年的国家杰出青年科学基金地球科学项目为研究对象进行实证分析,为克服样本选择偏误所导致的内生性问题,采用DID模型评估杰青基金对科学家科研论文产出效率的影响,提出"环境-动机-行为"模型对研究结果进行解释。[结果/结论]实证结果表明,1994-2008年杰青基金资助效应显著的年份达到12年,显著比例达到80%;相比没有获得杰青基金资助的科学家,获得杰青基金资助的科学家可以多发表论文0.412-3.234篇/年;数据换算后,与每年获得杰青基金资助科学家的同时期其他科学家相比,获得杰青基金资助的科学家可以多发表论文0.426-3.277篇/年;资助效应最大的是2002年杰青基金,2007、2008年杰青基金资助效应不显著;科技政策资助效应评估时,可以通过该方法构建对照组,实现因果效应推断的研究目的。  相似文献   

University professors are important sources of social support for students who have been sexually harassed. However, research has not investigated how professors communicate with students who seek help in coping with this distressful problem. This study examines the types of social support provided by 96 professors in response to a student’s narrative of unwanted sexual attention, and factors that influence their support. The results show that professors provided the student with more problem solving than emotional support. Consistent with the social support model that was a foundation for the study, the types of support were associated with the sex of the professors and student, and the professors’ tolerance for sexual harassment.  相似文献   

In this study, I demonstrate the consequences of the triumph of neoliberalism and media deregulation for democracy. I argue that the tremendous concentration of power in the hands of corporate groups who control powerful media conglomerates has intensified a crisis of democracy in the United States and elsewhere. Providing case studies of how mainstream media in the United States have become tools of conservative and corporate interests since the 1980s, I discuss how the corporate media helped forge a conservative hegemony, failed to address key social problems, and promoted the candidacy of George W. Bush in the 2000 US presidential election.  相似文献   

To grapple with the difficulties of change, LIS literature often turns to a discourse of leadership as a way of gaining an understanding of how change can be effectively and appropriately managed. However, much of this work fails to account for the feminized nature of the profession and the gendered practices that shape the roles of men and women who choose this field. Furthermore, there is an absence of literature that interrogates the ways in which LIS master's programs address gendered practice. Beginning with an examination of how the field of LIS is feminized, I set out to reveal how, within the context of gender, the experience of women who advance in LIS leadership and administrative positions remains poorly understood. I suggest that the adoption of masculinized practices is a response to the devaluation of “women's work” that has historically defined the service ethic of librarianship. This article serves as an example of the ways in which it is possible to interrogate assumptions about leadership.  相似文献   

More and more families include a member who is trans-identified, and therefore, may be called to consider how sex and gender matter to identity and relationships. Previous research shows that for some family members this is not a simple matter. Often, family members experience transition as a living death, wherein the trans-identified person is perceived as somehow present and absent, the same and different, at once. The purposes of this study were to understand what it is about the transition of sex/gender that incites this meaning struggle and how meaning-making is connected to ambiguous loss. Relational Dialectics Theory was used to analyze how family members construct meanings for transition through competing discourses related to sex, gender, and personal identity. Findings suggest that family members' meaning making processes position them to endure, overcome, or avoid the feelings of grief related to transition.  相似文献   

The field of communication has much to recover from its intellectual history, particularly critical traditions that have been pushed to the margins. Such a project is inherently political: how scholars narrate the histories of their fields reflect tacit assumptions about discursive boundaries and what counts for legitimate scholarship. Prominent historical narratives typically emphasize certain sub-fields and research traditions while giving short shrift to others. Suggesting larger erasures and deeper tensions in the history of the field, this article aims to recover one such neglected thread, embodied by a reformist policy scholar who is all but forgotten in communication research: Charles Siepmann.  相似文献   

This research used a survey to examine how 9/11 television viewing, emotions, and parental conversation influenced current sociopolitical attitudes of young adults who were children in 2001. Young adults who watched more television coverage of the 9/11 attacks as children were found to exhibit lower levels of social trust and support for immigration now, whereas young adults who had more frequent conversations about 9/11 with their parents as children were found to have more confidence in U.S. political institutions and to exhibit more support for immigration. These results illustrate that, although the psychological distress from an event like 9/11 may fade for children not directly affected by the event, the influence of that event on how young people think about the world may remain, and that media coverage of and parental conversation about the event play significant roles in influencing these long-term effects.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities in the United States often promote diversity through a neoliberal lens by framing diversity as a celebration of individual differences or a commodity that students can gain by attending their institution. In communication courses, diversity has been conceptualized through both neoliberal and critical lenses, but limited research has investigated how communication students define and explain diversity. The focus of this study was to understand how communication students define diversity. We performed thematic analyses on open-ended survey responses to investigate how communication students define diversity. Four themes emerged from our analyses: (a) diversity is a mechanism for unifying communities, (b) diversity is an affirmation of individual differences, (c) diversity is a harbinger of acceptance and equality, and (d) diversity is a disruptive force that re-centers the voices of traditionally marginalized people. Our findings indicate most communication students define diversity through a neoliberal lens. However, 3% of our participants conceptualized diversity through a critical lens by explaining that diversity should create space for those who are marginalized to have their voices heard. We conclude by providing recommendations for communication instructors to incorporate more critical conversations about diversity into their classrooms and foster diverging discourses about diversity across communication curricula.  相似文献   

本文从双起事件入手,探讨了公权力组织及公权力人物与媒介的关系,并就公权力人物主张私权利成立要件进行了分析。同时,作者从起诉行为的社会评价角度,说明了评论和评价都源自公权力的赋予者——社会公众。公权力组织和个人起诉主张自身的私权利这一行为并没有错,但其中需要注意起诉的条件。我国要成为法制国家,追求以法治国,必须成为一个宪政中国,尊重并保护公民的权利。  相似文献   

The increasing use of electronic government comes with great expectations of efficient service provision. However, frontline workers who use the information and communication technologies (ICTs) and implement digital services have received less attention. This article examines how frontline workers in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV)1 perceive electronic communication with clients in terms of its efficiency. The empirical data consist of interviews with frontline workers in NAV, who argue both for and against the efficiency of electronic communication. The frontline workers find that electronic communication saves them time, but also makes them more available to clients. While it is desirable that services are available, this can also reduce the cost to clients of seeking services. Based on a street-level perspective, I argue that the availability of services through electronic communication can spur a demand for services. This implies that there is a potential resource trade-off between efficient services and available services.  相似文献   

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