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Parents and early childhood teachers in Chinese societies and the United States have had dissimilar views about appropriate art instruction for young children. The Chinese view is that creativity will emerge after children have been taught essential drawing skills. The American view has been that children's drawing skills emerge naturally and that directive teaching will stifle children's creativity. Forty second-generation Chinese American and 40 European American young children participated in this longitudinal study at ages 5, 7, and 9 to explore possible cultural differences in and antecedents of their drawing skills and creativity. Chinese American children's person drawings were more mature and creative and their parents reported more formal ways of fostering creativity as compared to their European American counterparts. Correlations showed that children who had more opportunities to draw and who received more guidance in drawing were more advanced in their drawing. For Chinese Americans, fathers’ personal art attitudes and children's Time 1 drawing skills predicted 53% of the variance in children's drawing scores four years later.  相似文献   

The state of Pennsylvania, like many organizations interested in performance improvement, routinely engages in professional development activities. Educators in this hands‐on activity engaged in setting meaningful criterion‐referenced cut scores for career and technical education assessments using two methods. The main purposes of this study were to (a) assess if training differences had a differential impact on standard setting of the cut scores, (b) determine if there is a significant difference in cut scores between two groups of educators, and (c) examine how cut scores established by this analytical method might differ from holistic impressions cut scores. The results showed general agreement among the career and technical education judges on the cut scores established. These judgments were not influenced by the characteristics of career and technical education students. However, the judges' analytical cut scores were significantly lower than their corresponding holistic impressions cut scores.  相似文献   

中国古代战争小说对于兵器和武艺的描写常常与人物形象的塑造相关联,具有程式化、夸张化乃至神化的艺术表现倾向。从兵学文化的视角看,实际上呈现为兵学文化的物化形态和某种审美仪式。  相似文献   

在中国革命历史题材电影的创制过程中,深受传统美学精神影响的编创者格外注重追求电影含蓄蕴藉的艺术风格,无论是电影中人物语言的表达抑或镜语的运用,都刻意表现含蓄隽永的韵致,力图以一种以简洁凝练、委婉含蓄的方式表现丰富深刻的思想内容,实现言近旨远的艺术表达效果。中国革命历史题材电影中含蓄蕴藉的传统美学精神得到优良的传承和艺术的表现,而含蓄蕴藉的美学追求也使得影片产生强烈的艺术感染力,令人心驰神往,回味无穷。  相似文献   

空灵境界是中国诗画艺术追求的最高审美境界。它是一种飘逸灵动、虚实有无的艺术境界,展现了宇宙的静穆深远和大自然的生机流荡,体现了艺术家旷远高古的人生情怀。空灵境界作为一种审美意蕴,体现了中华艺术广博深远的审美内涵。  相似文献   

This study examined middle and high school students' perceptions of a weeklong science experience with nanotechnology and atomic force microscopy. Through an examination of student self assessments and their writing, the study allowed us to examine some of the issues that may contribute to discrepancies that are seen between European‐American and African‐American students in science. The results of the study showed that after instruction, African‐American students were significantly more likely to agree with the statement that “science involves mostly memorizing things and getting the right answer,” than European‐American students. In addition, European‐American students were significantly more likely to write their newspaper stories from a first person perspective than their African‐American peers. The results are discussed in light of the assessment task, students' interpretations of formal writing, cultural differences in the use of language in writing, and possible cultural differences in students' perceptions of the science experience. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 787–799, 2007  相似文献   

In this project, 28 6‐year‐olds were taught skills involved in artistic claywork using principles of social modelling and cognitive learning in a classroom situation, over a series of six lessons. A further 28 students, serving as controls, were taught according to the normal art curriculum. The students’ clay models were photographed on pre‐test and post‐test, and rated by three expert judges (professional artists familiar with children's artwork) blind to treatment conditions. The cognitive social learning group evidenced strong gains on measures of creativity as defined by approximation to a three‐dimensional form, technical competency, decorative competency and aesthetic appeal. The control group students failed to evidence any significant change in rated creativity.  相似文献   

This article will describe an in-school intervention project that used female role models to change the attitudes of 964 Iowa girls and boys in 57 ninth-grade science classes toward science, math, and technical curricula and careers. The differences between the students' mean pretest and posttest scores on each of six factors found to be associated with students' attitudes toward science and math and technical careers were analyzed to determine which of five experimental groups responded most positively to the intervention. Higher difference scores indicated that the attitudes of girls and boys who participated in the intervention improved more than the attitudes of girls and boys in the control groups, suggesting that the use of female role models in the science classroom is an effective way to change students' attitudes toward science, math, and related careers.  相似文献   

中国古典园林与中国诗画文化一样 ,重写意、表现 ,创造意境 ,是一种立体的、可视的需加以体味的意境 ,是三维的中国画 ,立体化的山水诗。中国园林与中国文化的底蕴是相一致的 ,是其主体审美精神与物质材料“天人合一”的产物 ,在学理上迥然有别于西方园林。当然 ,这一美学特征是逐步形成的 ,有一个漫长的发展历程  相似文献   

“意境”是中国古典美学中的核心范畴,也是一个极具民族文化审美特点的范畴,笔者以为,既然“意境”具有如此鲜明的民族文化特征,那么与其拿它不断与其它的古典美学范畴或概念比较,倒不如将它设置在中西文化比较的范围中进行分析比较,这样,“意境”的种种内蕴会比较明晰一些。  相似文献   

南阳汉画像石是一种纯粹的民族艺术,其以线造型、以形写神、散点透视等典型的创作形式与审美理念彰显了中国传统绘画所独具的民族艺术风格。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore students' knowledge and learning of the human nervous system (HNS) in an introductory undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology course. Classroom observations, demographic data, a preinstructional unit test with drawings, and a postinstructional unit test with drawings were used to identify students' overall knowledge and learning during the unit of study. Quantitative and qualitative analysis indicate that students have an initially poor understanding of the nervous system with many prevailing alternative conceptions. These alternative conceptions include both structural and functional components and often incorporate colloquial use of language. Findings reveal students include the heart as a major component of the HNS, a reflex arc illustrated by the action rather than structure, and types of neurons (unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar) differentiated by charge or number of cell bodies rather than structural arrangement. Classroom instruction coupled with concurrent laboratory participation provided experiences for students to overcome some of their alternative conceptions. The finding of this research suggest that instructors should be aware of the students' prevailing alternative conceptions prior to instruction and that use of drawings as a formative assessment tool is an excellent way to collect such information. Anat Sci Educ 3:227–233, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article describes English language proficiency and bilingual verbal ability for a sample of 209 students aged 10 to 16 from three immigrant groups—Chinese, Dominican, and Haitian. Sources of data included structured student interviews, parent interviews, and individual language assessments. On average, students' English language proficiency was far below their age and grade level with significant differences among the groups. Estimates of students' language ability improved once their skills in their first language were considered as demonstrated by the bilingual verbal ability scores. Results from this study demonstrate the need to consider both English and first language skills in assessing the language abilities of these students and in promoting educational access and equity for recent immigrants.  相似文献   

Since its inception, Sesame Street has modelled racial harmony; however, as a result of the rising racial unrest in the United States in 1989, we launched a four-year race relations curriculum initiative designed to be more explicit about physical and cultural differences, and to encourage friendship between people of different races and cultures. To assess children's basic knowledge and attitudes about diverse children living and playing together a variety of methods were developed, including a game 'Make a Neighborhood', to assess how living in a segregated environment influences preschoolers' understanding of race relations. The game allowed us to observe how preschoolers sort drawings of children who differ by race, clothing and hairstyle into places in the neighbourhood. Results indicated that Chinese American, African American, Puerto Rican and Crow Indian preschoolers integrated homes, schools, playgrounds, churches and stores when given drawings of children from their own groups and White children. White preschoolers integrated Chinese American and White, Puerto Rican and White and Crow Indian and White children in every structure. However, White preschoolers were significantly more likely to segregate African American and White children in the homes, schools, playgrounds, churches and stores. Based on these results, segments were produced which show White children visiting an African American friend's home.  相似文献   

心象主义是由加拿大中华文化总会会长、加拿大华人艺术总会永久荣誉会长张恒先生提出,并不断倡导的一种建立在中国传统文化基础之上的北美绘画艺术流派。心象主义画派的艺术超越表现为:“象由心生,象其物宜”的艺术理念超越;“万象之象,蓄养之象”的艺术哲学超越;“得辞得象,法象而已”的艺术创作超越。张恒先生从中国到加拿大,不仅完成了从台北到温哥华的地理迁徙,而且也完成了从中国绘画到西方绘画的文化融合。在中国天津举办的“张恒北美山水画展”,让我们看到了海纳百川的世界文化胸怀。  相似文献   

To improve assessments of academic achievement, test developers have been urged to use an “assessment triangle” that starts with research‐based models of cognition and learning [NRC (2001) Knowing what students know: The science and design of educational assessment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press]. This approach has been successful in designing high‐quality reading and math assessments, but less progress has been made for assessments in content‐rich sciences such as biology. To rectify this situation, we applied the “assessment triangle” to design and evaluate new items for an instrument (ACORNS, Assessing Contextual Reasoning about Natural Selection) that had been proposed to assess students' use of natural selection to explain evolutionary change. Design and scoring of items was explicitly guided by a cognitive model that reflected four psychological principles: with development of expertise, (1) core concepts facilitate long‐term recall, (2) causally‐central features become weighted more strongly in explaining phenomena, (3) normative ideas co‐exist but increasingly outcompete naive ideas in reasoning, and (4) knowledge becomes more abstract and less specific to the learning situation. We conducted an evaluation study with 320 students to examine whether scores from our new ACORNS items could detect gradations of expertise, provide insight into thinking about evolutionary change, and predict teachers' assessments of student achievement. Findings were consistent with our cognitive model, and ACORNS was revealing about undergraduates' thinking about evolutionary change. Results indicated that (1) causally‐central concepts of evolution by natural selection typically co‐existed and competed with the presence of naïve ideas in all students' explanations, with naïve ideas being especially prevalent in low‐performers' explanations; (2) causally‐central concepts were elicited most frequently when students were asked to explain evolution of animals and familiar plants, with influence of superficial features being strongest for low‐performers; and (3) ACORNS scores accurately predicted students' later achievement in a college‐level evolution course. Together, findings illustrate usefulness of cognitive models in designing instruments intended to capture students' developing expertise. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 744–777, 2012  相似文献   

以《窦娥冤》为代表的一批中国古典悲剧具有鲜明的民族文化特征,传统文化的伦理特质和中华民族的审美心理机制深刘地影响着戏曲作家的创作动机,规范着他们的创作手法,从立意到构思再到艺术表现,中国古典悲剧创作的每一个环节都能够找到民族文化精神打下的烙印。  相似文献   

Creativity:What Is It? Can You Assess It? Can It Be Taught?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article takes the subject of visual arts in Sweden as the point of departure in a discussion of how, with the help of portfolios, assessments may extend to include both the unpredictable and the ambiguous. The notion that assessments of learning outcomes must be either limited to superficial knowledge or completely arbitrary is shown to be a misconception. The author has made a study of the progression of young people's creativity in the visual arts from preschool to upper secondary school. The assessment was based on both product criteria and process criteria (investigative work, inventiveness, ability to use models, capacity for self‐assessment). The materials assessed were portfolios of work containing sketches, drafts and finished works, log books, sources of inspiration and videotaped interviews with the students. Is there any progression in students' visual design, in their ability to work independently and assess their work? What is the degree of correlation in the assessments of different judges of student portfolios? These are some of the questions that this article attempts to answer, which concludes with a discussion of how schools can build a culture of learning that fosters the creative powers of young people.  相似文献   

In recent years, at the same time that performance assessments in science have become more popular, the number of English language learners (ELLs) (i.e., students whose native language is other than English) served by the U.S. educational system has also increased rapidly. While the research base is growing in each of these areas independently, little attention has been paid to their intersection. This case study of the use of a science performance assessment with 96 ELLs in five high school science classes investigated the face, construct, and consequential validity of this intersection. Qualitative and quantitative data analyses showed that both teachers and students had an overall favorable response to the assessment, although students' English comprehension and expression skills were determining factors for certain items. While most responses were reliably scored, ELL spelling and syntax on certain responses were significant sources of error. The degree of specificity of teachers' guidance also significantly affected students' scores. Recommendations from this study include increasing the clarity of an assessment's design, allowing ELLs more time to complete assessments, and scoring by raters who are knowledgeable about typical patterns in written English for this student population. Furthermore, it is recommended that the use of performance assessments with ELLs be exploratory until such time as their validity and reliability with this population can be more adequately established. J Res Sci Teach 34: 721–743, 1997.  相似文献   

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