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学生思辨能力的培养与形成性评估具有高度内在关联性。在基础英语课程的教学过程中,确定评估的目标和标准,围绕输出技能收集学习证据,帮助学生进行自我评估和同伴评估,有利于促进学生思辨能力的发展。  相似文献   

基础研究绩效评价是科研工作的重要组成部分。本文综合分析了基础研究绩效评价的现状,并提出基础研究绩效评估的改进思路。  相似文献   

跨区域合作办学作为职业教育实践发展到一定阶段的产物,要想实现科学发展,就必须认真研究、梳理和构建自己的理论基础。文章从哲学基础、科学方法论基础、科学理论基础等方面分析了中国职业教育跨区域合作的基础,并从实践性原则、理论性原则、社会性原则、系统性原则等方面提出构建当代中国职业教育跨区域合作的对策。  相似文献   

顺应科教一体化的趋势,培养基础研究人才,促进基础研究与教育相结合,是世界基础研究发展的大趋势,也是中国基础研究的发展方向。一些国家在这方面已经走在前面,我们应该积极借鉴经验、吸取教训,针对国情促进基础研究与教育的结合。  相似文献   

中国现代文学思潮的发生是有赖于三个方面的基础 ,即思想基础、文学基础和人文基础。中国文学的现代化进程中对外来文化、文学的引进起着相当大的作用 ,但无论如何也离不开自己的文化环境 ,并且在一定时期实现着对民族传统的回归。现代化的进程是一个观念的彻底革命的过程  相似文献   

目的:分析同伴教育联合剧本教学模式对护生基础护理技术技能操作成绩的影响。方法:随机选择2016级护理专业两个班级的学生作为研究对象,一个班级为对照组(64例),另一个班级为研究组(66例)。对照组学生给予传统基础护理技术操作教学方法,而研究组学生给予同伴教育联合剧本教学模式,比较两组学生的基础护理技术技能操作成绩和对教学模式的满意度状况。结果:研究组学生的基础护理技术技能操作成绩和对教学模式的满意度均比对照组的明显增加,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:同伴教育联合剧本教学模式能有效地增加护理专业学生的学习兴趣和能力,提高教学质量和效果,学生的接受度较高。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐文化,除具有经济政治基础外,还要有主体基础.因为构建和谐文化的主体是人,最终目的也是为了人.人是根本,要以人为本,所以是否符合人的需要、是否有其人性基础,是构建和谐文化是否具有合理性和实效性的关键及哲学根基.文章拟从"现实的个人"的人性及其决定的人性需要方面入手论述构建和谐文化的人性基础.  相似文献   

城乡大学生英语基础与四级成绩的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾了前人对二语习得所做的一些研究,提出了研究中国城乡大学生是否会因不同英语背景而造成大学英语成绩的差异,以及其英语基础是否会对大学英语成绩,特别是大学英语四级成绩有影响的设想。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在新形势下对高校计算机基础课程的要求,并提出了计算机基础课程的评估指标体系,研究了评估的方案、方法,确保教学评估工作的客观性和公正性.  相似文献   

为了提高党的领导水平和执政水平,必须巩固党的执政基础。本文着重讨论了巩固党的执政基础的三个方面:深厚而广泛的群众基础是中国共产党永葆执政地位的力量源泉;严格而有力的组织基础是确保中国共产党执政地位的根本政治保证;与中国时代特征相结合的马克思主义理论基础是确保中国共产党执政地位的内在要求。  相似文献   

“互联网+”时代的到来,使得在线教学不仅仅在传统高校得到应用,在中小学教育教学中也萌发新芽。研究选取40名初一学生进行为期一学期的初中语文作文同伴互评混合式教学实践,探讨了混合式教学中作文同伴互评的应用。研究采用行动研究,以知识建构理论为指导,设计建构了以“观点为中心”的混合式教学中作文同伴互评的应用流程,以此改革初中作文教学。研究结果表明:作文同伴互评的混合式教学,有助于促进学生作文兴趣的提升;有助于促进学生作文水平的提高;有助于充实和延伸初中语文作文教学。研究是“互联网+”环境下信息技术与语文作文教学深度融合的一项应用,会对初中语文作文教学方式改革产生一定影响。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing volume of research in peer assessment for writing, few studies have been conducted to explore teachers’ perceptions of its appropriateness for writing instruction. It is essential to understand teachers’ perceptions of peer assessment as teachers play an important role in whether and how peer assessment is implemented in their instruction. The current study investigated tertiary English writing tutors’ perceptions of the appropriateness of peer assessment for English as a Foreign Language writing in China, where peer assessment has been increasingly discussed and researched but only occasionally used in teaching. The current study scrutinised the reasons behind its limited use via in-depth exploratory interviews with 25 writing tutors with different teaching backgrounds. The interview data showed tutors’ limited knowledge of peer assessment and unanimous hesitation in using it. The former was explained by insufficient instruction and training in peer assessment. The latter relates to the incompatibility of peer assessment with the examinations-oriented education system, learners’ low English language proficiency and learning motivation, and the conflict of peer assessment with the entrenched teacher-driven learning culture. Suggestions are made about training and engaging teachers to effectively use peer assessment in instruction.  相似文献   

在线同侪互评是一种形成性评价策略。它通过学习者之间相互给予评分或反馈来改善学习成果,对学习者的学习成绩、态度及高阶思维能力等方面能够产生重要的影响。首先回顾了近10年来国际在线同侪互评的主要文献.从概念与内涵、程序与方法、系统与工具,以及效果与影响等四个方面综述了现有研究成果。而后,展望未来研究可能聚焦于:同侪互评与其他网络教学策略整合、同侪互评与教师评价结合运用、同侪评语分析等主题。  相似文献   


Faculty peer observation has seen increasing uptake in recent years, in some cases as an alternative or supplement to student teaching evaluations. While many universities encourage faculty peer observation, it is not widely used in a formal way for formative assessment. This article outlines the development of a new faculty peer observation protocol designed for formative assessment of evidence-based educational practices. The goal of the protocol is to foster reflective teaching practices. The peer observation protocol has been designed to mitigate common faculty fears of classroom observation, with detailed assessment methods for specific topic areas. Preliminary testing of the protocol at one university indicated positive faculty outcomes with regard to personal reflection: all the faculty who tested the protocol reported that the observation process had been helpful for them to reflect on their teaching.  相似文献   

Teaching is an increasingly recognized responsibility of the resident physician. Residents, however, often assume teaching responsibilities without adequate preparation. Consequently, many medical schools have implemented student‐as‐teacher (SAT) programs that provide near‐peer teaching opportunities to senior medical students. Near‐peer teaching is widely regarded as an effective teaching modality; however, whether near‐peer teaching experiences in medical school prepare students for the teaching demands of residency is less understood. We explored whether the anatomy‐based SAT program through the Human Structure didactic block at Mayo Medical School addressed the core teaching competencies of a medical educator and prepared its participants for further teaching roles in their medical careers. A web‐based survey was sent to all teaching assistants in the anatomy‐based SAT program over the past five years (2007–2011). Survey questions were constructed based on previously published competencies in seven teaching domains – course development, course organization, teaching execution, student coaching, student assessment, teacher evaluation, and scholarship. Results of the survey indicate that participants in the anatomy‐based SAT program achieved core competencies of a medical educator and felt prepared for the teaching demands of residency. Anat Sci Educ 6: 385–392. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

通过解析美国高校商务交际课程的内容设计、教学方式特点以及教学管理制度,提出该课程的教学模式对我国商务英语教学改革具有一定的启发意义,尤其是学生书面交际能力和文化素养的有效培养途径,网络辅助教学和课外学习辅导中心的创新运用模式以及生生互评、师生互评的独特运作方式三个方面非常值得我们借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

研究以两个教学班为实验比照对象,在口语教学中采用"协作式互评互学"的互动型实训教学模式,并对实验过程作全面跟踪和记录,旨在探究一种体现以人为本的英语口语发展性多元化综合考评方式,并对该考评方式的绩效性进行分析研究。研究结果显示,这种发展性多元化综合考评,几乎不受人数限制,也不受学习者个性差异的影响,能有效地激发学生的创造性、能动性和协作性,从而提高其语言交际能力,对高校英语口语教学有很强的借鉴作用,特别是大班口语教学。  相似文献   

This article complements two previous papers which presented quantitative data about methods of peer assessment within a group project. The previous quantitative papers indicated that holistic peer assessment supports the purposes of summative group assessment better than category-based peer assessment. The qualitative findings presented here support this notion. Student attitudes towards the two methods of peer assessment were more supportive of the holistic approach than the category-based approach. This article raises the question as to whether the method of peer assessment has some influence on the extent to which students work cooperatively in a group setting.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of peer assessment as an assessment tool, questions may arise about its measurement quality. Among such questions, the extent peer assessment practices adhere to standards of measurement. It has been claimed that new forms of assessment, require new criteria to judge their validity and reliability, since they aim for specific goals and address different aspects of learning. But although new criteria have been formulated, little is known about how they are deployed and operate in actual peer assessment practices. This study intends to explicate the quality criteria relevant to the context of peer assessment. We conducted a survey in vocational education on peer assessment quality criteria applied in classrooms. Fifty-six teachers using peer assessment rated several quality criteria as relevant to their teaching practice. The findings suggest that peer assessment practices entail many of the quality criteria recognized in measurement and evaluation, although in an embedded way: the generic quality criteria are tuned or adapted to the peer assessment setting. The findings also show that peer assessment is very much in the hands of the teacher, who organizes and orchestrates the appraisal process in which students receive clear guidelines to appraise one another's work. Our results indicate that quality criteria hardly differ from the function peer assessment serves in classrooms, either within a summative or formative evaluation context. By gaining insight on the specific criteria of peer assessment and their precise purposes, we believe it becomes possible to help teachers improve its measurement quality.  相似文献   


Chinese university EFL teachers face challenges in teaching English writing effectively. On one hand, a lack of teaching strategies, heavy workload, and inability to meet students’ increasing expectations are driving them to seek continuing professional development (CPD) and adopt new pedagogies, e.g., peer assessment. On the other hand, their urgent need for CPD is overlooked by university administrators, who provide few opportunities for English teachers’ CPD in China. To help Chinese university EFL teachers to step out of the dilemma, the research proposes a CPD model, i.e., peer-assisted research and implementation team work. The model is characterised by its simultaneity with self-initiated research, instant communication of problems, implementation of strategies, and collaborative reflection of ideas with three major stages, i.e., problem identification, collective research and exploration, and pedagogy implementation and reflection. The findings show the model successfully contributes to Chinese teachers’ changing attitudes towards using peer assessment in the writing class. The model is of great practical value in improving teachers’ CPD collectively with minimal external help. The model can be widely promoted with modifications to cater teachers’ different CPD needs.  相似文献   

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