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知识型员工在企业尤其是高科技企业中发挥的作用越来越大,加强知识型员工的管理非常重要.知识型员工具有独立性、创新性、清高性、流动性、成就性、复杂性等特点.结合这些特点,企业对知识型员工的管理须做到不拘一格,吸收最优秀的知识型人才;提供自主的工作环境,使知识型员工能够创新;强调以人为本,对知识型员工实行分散管理;实行弹性工作制,使知识型员工工作方式灵活,创造良好的软环境,为知识型员工的成长创造条件.  相似文献   

目前企业间的竞争可以说是人才的竞争,企业知识型员工成为了各企业间争夺的焦点。如何合理使用知识型员工,如何有效的激励知识型员工使其最大限度的发挥创造力,已成为现代企业人力资源管理的核心,本文分析了企业知识型员工的特点和需求,并有针对性地提出了对企业知识型员工的激励措施。  相似文献   

知识型员工的特征及激励措施探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识型员工作为知识的载体,是诸多企业核心能力的拥有者。目前企业知识型员工成为了各企业间争夺的焦点。如何合理使用知识型员工,如何有效的激励知识型员工使其最大限度的发挥创造力,已成为现代企业人力资源管理的核心。本文在分析知识型员工的特征的基础上,提出了相应的激励方法和策略。  相似文献   

本文以企业知识型员工职业生涯管理为研究对象,运用员工职业生涯管理的基本理论,结合知识型员工的特征,对知识型员工的职业生涯管理进行了系统分析,提出了解决知识型员工职业生涯管理过程中存在问题的具体对策,希望能够对企业对知识型员工的管理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

在当今竞争日益激烈的知识经济时代,知识型员工作为掌握科学技术知识的人才,成为企业或非企业最值钱的资产。企业经济管理之间的竞争重点在知识、资讯、科技综合体——知识型的人才,而经济管理中对各种要素的管理归根到底是对高素质人员——知识型员工的管理,这是企业成败的关键因素。文章阐述了知识型员工的概念和特征,分析了我国企业知识型员工的流失原因,提出有关解决知识型员工流失问题的思考。  相似文献   

知识经济条件下我国企业知识型员工的激励机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在知识经济时代,创造性的、富于变化的、不可预测的知识型工作成为主要的工作形式,知识的管理能力成为企业核心竞争能力的关键,企业的生存和发展将更多的取决于知识的拥有、创造和利用。因此,企业的知识资本所有者—知识型员工就成为企业管理的关键。如何管理知识型员工,了解他们的需要,有效地激励他们,成为了知识经济时代管理者们首要考虑的问题。在这种背景下,本文选取了知识型员工作为研究对象,试图通过对影响这个群体行为的激励因素的研究,来找到适用于中国企业知识型员工的激励模式,从而为中国企业激励知识型员工提供重要的参考。本文首先指出了激励、激励机制及知识型员工的基本概念,其次指出了我国企业知识型员工激励机制的不足,最后提出了我国企业知识型员工整合激励机制运行的相关对策。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,知识型员工对企业的生存和发展发挥日益重要的作用,如何吸引、挽留和激励知识型员工已经成为企业人力资源管理的重要内容。组织认同是个体与组织保持一致并归属于组织的一种认知,通过提升知识型员工的组织认同将显著提高知识型员工的忠诚度和敬业度,减少企业因知识型员工流失而造成的损失。根据目前知识型员工管理现状,文章以知识型员工组织认同为切入点,归纳知识型员工高专业认同而低组织认同的特殊性,分析造成知识型员工组织认同特殊性的知识型员工个性特征、工作特征和需求特征,并在此基础上提出培育知识型员工组织认同的有效途径,旨在指导企业知识型员工管理实践。  相似文献   

培育企业知识型员工忠诚度的策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济时代企业人力资源管理的重点对象是知识型员工,必须加强对知识型员工的有效管理和激励。通过对知识型员工的特征的分析,提出了如何有针对性地管理和激励知识型员工,提高知识型员工的忠诚度的策略。  相似文献   

论知识型员工流失的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
掌握知识资本的知识型员工已经成为企业的最宝贵资源.在人员流动日益频繁的今天,如何降低知识型员工流失给企业带来的损失是企业管理中的一大难题.笔者从分析知识型员工的特点、流失原因以及给企业带来的影响入手,提出了如何有效防止知识型员工流失的具体措施.  相似文献   

知识型经济需要知识型员工,在留住与建立知识型员工对旅游企业的信心时,企业情感文化起到了举足轻重的作用。本文将讨论旅游企业情感文化对知识型员工的具体影响表现在那些方面,对旅游企业管理者有一定的启示性。  相似文献   

当前我国高等学校在编制、机构、分配、职称等人事制度方面普遍存在一些突出问 题。必须加快高校人事制度改革,精减机构,定编设岗、全员聘任、按劳取酬,逐步建立新的人事管 理机制。  相似文献   

The aim of the research is to further knowledge and understand how monitoring and evaluation of pupils who have English as an additional language (EAL) is undertaken in primary schools. This is a comparative study across primary schools using qualitative approaches to help gain insight into current good practice and identify future needs in EAL. Through interviews with senior leadership teams and key coordinators, we explore how structures and systems help to monitor and evaluate provision for pupils who have EAL. The findings of the study indicate a more systematic approach to monitoring and evaluation of pedagogic practice, so that staff in primary schools have a clearer understanding of how to meet the needs of pupils who have EAL more effectively, rather than leaving it to specialist staff. Our conclusion is that staff require training on data analysis to better target learning and attainment for pupils who have EAL.  相似文献   

Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was enacted in 2009, student veteran populations have nearly doubled while services that support their transition to higher education have dramatically increased. Despite a surge in resources, however, institutions are deficient in training faculty and staff about veterans’ issues, consequently leaving student veterans susceptible to inaccurate perceptions about their service and wellbeing. In an effort to provide an inclusive environment for service members, this article discusses findings from two focus groups and 14 interviews with student veterans. Recommendations for training faculty and staff and enhancing the visibility of veterans’ issues through Veteran Ally training and student veteran discussion panels are discussed.  相似文献   

The research investigated reasons for leaving study amongst a sample of 118 mature age female students with children who had been enrolled at one of three eastern Australian universities. Analysis of questionnaire data revealed three major types of motive for attrition. Firstly, a strong socio-economic class influence was found. Women whose own and/or whose husbands' social class indicators were low tended to leave study because of a combination of lack of support from family for the mother's study, lack of money, weight of domestic responsibility and lack of knowledge or skills expected at university. Secondly, women who had been enrolled in non-traditional subjects (economics/business/law) were relatively over-represented amongst the discontinuing students and were particularly likely to cite lack of academic support or staff hostility as a reason for leaving. Thirdly, reasons for leaving study were found to be connected to student's age, suggesting a life style interpretation. Younger women with younger children were likely to leave because of family, financial or child care related reasons. Older women were more likely to leave because of practical difficulties or course dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

1951年至1953年,全国以各大行政区为单位先后进行了第一次工资改革,但改革不够彻底,留下了一些问题。为此,1956年在我国的国家机关、企事业单位进行了第二次工资改革。这次改革的主要内容包括:实行货币工资制度.改进企业工人工资等级制度,改进企业管理人员和技术人员的职务工资制度,推广和改进计件工资制度、奖励制度与津贴制度。通过改革,从根本上结束了旧社会遗留下来的不合理的工资制度的消极影响,建立了基本上贯彻按劳分配原则的社会主义工资制度;在全国范围内统一了职工的工资标准,奠定了我国现行工资制度的基础。工资改革中也产生了一些问题.为后来的历次工资调整留下了很大的操作空间。它在探索社会主义国家工资运行规律中积累的经验,如贯彻按劳分配、遏制特权、向技术人员倾斜、加强组织领导、重视宣传教育等理念与做法,仍然值得今天的工资改革加以借鉴。  相似文献   

Job turnover among a sample of 169 child care workers from rural and semi-rural parts of Pennsylvania was examined in relation to demographic, work related and nonwork related factors. Findings indicate that the perceived choice of other jobs and job tenure both have an impact on intention to leave, as well as on actual 12 month turnover. Turnover in this study was unrelated to a survey measure of job satisfaction as well as to wages; however, job satisfaction was frequently cited in open ended responses as a reason for staying on the job. Participants' open ended responses suggest that the dynamics of staff turnover in child care are complex and that motivations for staying on the job may be both similar to and different than motivations for leaving. Possible reasons for failure to replicate previous research on child care staff turnover are explored as are implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   

创建合理有序的高校人才流动机制   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
改善大学人力资源管理的关键 ,在于创建有助于人才合理有序流动的新机制。高校应营造开放流动的用人环境 ,以聘任制为核心 ,科学设岗 ,择优选聘 ,借鉴国外“非升即走”、终身教授制等办法 ,加强高校教师队伍建设。与此同时 ,应注意处理好近亲繁殖与稳定西部高校人才这两个问题  相似文献   

对田径在高校体育选项课中遭受冷落的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田径在高校体育选项课中普遍受到冷落,这造成了场地设施的闲置和师资的浪费.除了其项目本身特点的制约因素外,主要原因是田径教学依然遵循着竞技体育的模式,背离了学生的真正需求.要提高学生选择田径项目的兴趣,就要在教学中突出田径运动的健身价值;重视田径文化的传播;并建立更加符合高校田径选项课的考核与评价体系.  相似文献   

This article explores value conflicts that people experience when teaching in higher education, drawing on in-depth interviews with staff from a research-intensive UK university. The article considers the relationship between values and teaching, illustrating how conflicts can occur between individual and different levels of the higher education system. Five value conflicts are then examined related to: dialogic forms of teaching; independent learning; not having enough time for students; large group lectures; and the struggle to be authentic in the classroom. These conflicts were highly personal yet speak to broader concerns within contemporary higher education. Individual responses to conflict varied. Drawing on previous research, the main response of participants in this study could be described as ‘strategic compromise’. Although one person responded to conflict by leaving the profession, the majority accepted structural constraints perceived to be beyond their control. Within these constraints people focused on aspects of practice where values could be realised, driven by personal concerns. The article concludes by discussing the potential of a deliberative approach to the study of value conflicts in higher education and its use on professional development courses for university staff.  相似文献   

本文根据目前新疆高校人事管理的发展状况和实际情况,以新疆财经大学人事管理工作为背景,提出了B/S架构的新疆高校人事管理系统。系统根据使用方式和用户的不同,分为两大子系统人事日常管理子系统和网上查询子系统。人事日常管理子系统包括进校管理、在校管理(计划调配、劳资管理、师资管理、职工管理)、离校退校管理、综合统计查询、统计报表和系统维护等。网上查询子系统包括个人用户和领导用户。系统采用B/S的体系结构,以J2EE为开发工具,开发出适合满足新疆地区的人事管理系统。  相似文献   

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