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John J. Furedy 《Interchange》1997,28(4):331-350
The paper begins with an elaboration of the terms in the title, for which I claim accuracy though no comfort. Academic freedom is defined for all members of the academic community (students and faculty) as the right to be evaluated only in terms of performance (merit), and not at all in terms of opinions (comfort). The current contrasting culture of comfort on Canadian campuses is a velvet totalitarian one, where, except for the severity of punishments, all other salient features of totalitarian regimes are present. Distinctions that are clear in principle (though difficult to make in practice, under some circumstances) are asserted to hold between: acts and opinions; opinions and performance; academic freedom and power; symmetrical and asymmetrical power relationships; issue- and person-directed opinions. The paper concludes with brief comments on the papers of Professors Bond (1996), Kubara (1996), and Wilson (1996), which were included in the Symposium on Climate Issues, Speech Codes, and Academic Freedom published in Interchange, Volume 27, #2, 1996. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Academic freedom does not refer to freedom to engage in any speech act, but to freedom to hold any belief and espouse it in an appropriately academic manner. This freedom belongs to certain institutions, rather than to individuals, because of their academic nature. Academic freedom should be absolute, regardless of any offence it may on occasion cause .  相似文献   

Fred Wilson 《Interchange》1996,27(2):125-159
It has been strongly maintained that speech codes at universities interfere with academic freedom, and also, to the contrary, that such speech codes must be developed to restrain appeals to academic freedom that function to restrain the freedom of marginalized groups to participate fully in the university. This essay argues that forms of speech can in fact constrain the freedom, including legitimate academic freedom, of many persons, not only, but importantly including, marginalized groups; that speech codes have always existed; and that reasonable ones can be developed which do not interfere with freedom of teaching, learning, and research in the university; and in particular that definitions of academic freedom such as that developed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) are compatible with such speech codes.  相似文献   

在美国,公民自由中的言论自由往往被认为是学术自由的法源。美国大学教师学术自由的确立过程,始终存在着围绕公民自由的争论,进而也必然引起对两者适用范围的争议。同时,由于经常受到政治因素的干扰和影响,也加剧了美国大学教师的学术自由与公民自由在边界上的漂移不定。  相似文献   

学术自由是现代大学精神的重要内涵 ,通过对学术自由问题研究的回顾和展望 ,全面展示了学术自由的发展历史 ,揭示了学术自由的含义以及学术自由与大学自治、学术责任之间的关系。  相似文献   

学术自由是大学的灵魂,明确学术自由的性质、对象、目的、范围等问题,有助于理解和把握大学的本质和特点。学术自由是学者的特权,抑或普通公民的权利?学术自由与言论自由、思想自由是何关系?学者在专业领域以外享有学术自由吗?学院和大学董事会以及校长是学术自由的"天敌"吗?除了解聘教师之外,还有哪些威胁学术自由的因素?这些问题的回答能够帮助我们全面理解学术自由的内涵。  相似文献   

大学的社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学术自由和社会责任内在地共存于大学的历史发展中,两者既相互依存又相互制约,学术自由必须以服从和服务于人类和社会利益这一“道德”基点及其价值倾向为根本指导和总体方向,大学总是和其所承担的社会责任相伴而生,相携而发展。大学的社会责任有两个向度:一是以大学的职能为表征的外在向度;一是内在地存在于大学的本体价值中,以隐形形式作用于社会的内在向度。  相似文献   

学术自由与学术规范互相联系,对立统一,是教授治学的前提和基础。但在我国大学学术活动中,学术自由的缺乏与学术规范的缺失,束缚了大学教授对真理的追求。对此,分析原因,建构有利于教授治学的学术自由与学术规范是当务之急。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  the university is promoted as 'a place from where to speak'. Academic freedom is examined as a crucial value in an increasingly uncertain age which resonates with Barnett's concern to encourage students to overcome their 'fear of freedom'. My concern is that the putative university space of freedom and autonomy may well become constricted by those who would limit not just our freedom to speak but also our freedoms to be and to do. Without academic freedom students and teachers, who might be able to fly, will not be permitted to fly. I review issues of academic freedom and free speech raised especially by Berlin, Voltaire, von Humboldt, Mill, Milton and Rorty. I discuss problems raised when free speech is heard by others as harmful and offensive to their beliefs and values. I offer a set of suggestions to ensure that the university may envision itself as a space of freedom, pluralism and tolerance. Finally, I reflect that the university, of all democratic institutions, should be the one which best serves its society as 'a place from where to speak' .  相似文献   

论我国大学学术自由精神的培育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学组织是学术性组织,追求真知、修正谬误、坚持真理、捍卫理想和正义、传递高深知识是现代大学的使命。大学与社会其他部门有不同的运行逻辑,学术自由是大学实现其使命的“护身符”,是大学进行任何创新活动的先决条件。要实现大学的学术自由,首要的是培育和弘扬学术自由的精神。为此,在大学学术活动中,正确认识学术发展的规律是前提,解放思想、解除禁锢、形成争鸣讨论的机制是关键,完善学术制度、实现大学自治是保证。  相似文献   

在学术本位让渡于学生主体发展的当代大学实践中,“发展自由”进入话语中心。在理论意义上,大学“发展自由”意味着尊重个体价值、通过环境学习、机会成就自我建构、进化性道德与制度规范;在实践意义上,则表现为精神自主、行动自律、学问自理。而学生作为自我探险者、教师作为课程开发者和学习场域作为课程等则构成大学“发展自由”的旨趣。  相似文献   

美国大学学术自由演绎的文化视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从文化视角分析美国大学学术自由的演绎进程,可以看出,就精神文化层面而言,崇尚自由是美国大学学术自由发端的动力;就传统文化层面而言,实用主义是美国大学学术自由的主流价值取向;就组织与制度文化层面而言,专业组织、法规条例以及协商制度是美国大学学术自由的外部保障与规范;就道德文化层面而言,学术责任与学术道德是美国大学学术自由的内部反省与自律.美国大学学术自由在精神文化中产生,在文化冲突与演绎中不断发展.  相似文献   

学术自由理念与哈佛大学的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术自由是现代大学基本的办学理念,是完成大学使命和保持大学活力的必要条件。哈佛大学自十九世纪以来始终坚持学术自由理念,营造了一个良好的学术氛围,这是哈佛大学取得成功的一个重要原因。我国大学要创建世界一流,必须将学术自由作为基本的办学理念。  相似文献   

论"学术自由"理念的现代意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术自由产生于思想自由,其精神实质是一种人性的体现。现代高等教育在学术自由理念支配下取得了辉煌的成绩。学术自由与学术责任是一对辩证的范畴,学术自由必须承担学术责任。学术自由弘扬批判精神和张扬个性,为创造性提供精神氛围。学术自由体现以人为本,最终是实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   

自由与秩序是贯穿现代大学制度建设的主线。自由与秩序的冲突背后体现了现代大学制度构建中诸多错综复杂的矛盾关系。这一矛盾甚至成为了大学运行的永恒矛盾。但是,自由和秩序存在一定的内在机理,秩序是自由的保障和基础,自由是秩序的目的。自由与秩序由原先的紧张状态发展成为联通的状态,二者的博弈共进,保证大学运行既拥有一定的秩序性,又能坚守大学发展的自由精神。自由与秩序平衡下中国特色现代大学制度的构建要健全教授治学制度,彰显现代大学治理的自由精神;完善依法治校制度,以良法推进现代大学有序之治;落实民主监督制度,实现现代大学治理的自发秩序;推进社会参与制度,走向现代大学治理的多元共治。  相似文献   

学术自由的内涵与边界   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代大学办学中的学术自由,指称的是学术活动主体个人治学中免于外部干涉这一意义上的学术自由。学术自由的思想之所以获得广泛的传播,不只是在于它具有促进知识进步和发展的工具价值,更重要的是它反映了学术活动中主体个人正义、适切的权利诉求,这是学术自由的基本价值之所在。在当代民主社会,学术自由所受到的侵害有时并非来自学术组织外部的强制,倒往往来自学术组织内部的强制。今天学术自由面临的最严重威胁,便是大学学术道德规范正在受到严重的侵蚀和损坏,而其直接的诱因在相当大的程度上源于大学内部管理权力的某些不当强制。这就需要在学术效率与学术自由的价值选择上进行新的权衡,多一些对学术人员自由权利的尊重,才能有真正的知识生产效率。  相似文献   

学术自由是最悠久、最重要的现代大学理念之一。它孕育于西欧的中世纪大学,在德国得到了实践的检验和进一步的继承与发展,并对德国大学的后来居上以至19世纪的辉煌鼎盛都起到了重要的作用,进而也影响了整个世界高等教育的发展基调。本文试图从历史的角度,完整考察学术自由在德国从不自觉的萌芽到制度化的历史进程及影响,以期为现实提供参照与借鉴。  相似文献   

大学精神的困惑   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
以北大精神为代表的中国大学精神,是以爱国主义为主导的学术自由的精神。近50多年来,中国大学精神的传统既有传承,也有失落,当前面临着独立性与依附性,学术性与功利性两大矛盾。为了发扬学术自由的精神,必须坚持大学的独立性,正确处理大学与政府的关系,正确处理学术性与功利性的关系。同时,为了改善大学精神的制度环境,很有必要制订我国专门的《保障学术自由法》。  相似文献   

Freedom of speech in universities is currently an issue of widespread concern and debate. Recent empirical findings in the UK shed some light on whether speech is unduly restricted in the university, but it suffers from two limitations. First, the results appear contradictory. Some studies show that the issue of free speech is overblown by media reportage, whilst others track serious concerns about free speech arising from certain university policies. Second, the findings exclude important issues concerning restrictions to speech on campus that fall outside the traditional debate around violations to free speech rights. This is particularly the case when certain voices are excluded from important policy conversations, and in issues around diversifying the curriculum. This article overcomes these two limitations by developing a novel conceptual framework within which to situate current debates concerning speech-related matters in universities. It does so by developing a taxonomy around the concept of ‘silencing’. It then considers the current issue of speech matters in universities within this framework to determine whether, and to what extent, speech is indeed unduly restricted, and where this is a concern for free speech violations, and where it falls outside this issue.  相似文献   

学术自由的危机与抗争:1860至1960年的美国大学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术自由是伴随着美国现代大学的产生而发展的,美国现代大学的发展过程就是一个反对思想压制、争取学术自由的斗争过程。自从内战后美国现代大学产生以来,美国大学为捍卫学术自由的权利,先后经历了反对宗教原教旨主义、自由资本主义、麦卡锡主义等的斗争。  相似文献   

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