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李安 《新闻世界》2013,(9):106-107
近年来,传统媒体受到了网络媒体、互联移动媒体终端等新媒体的挑战,“报纸消亡论”、“电视消亡论”等各种危言耸听的论述层出不穷。在移动互联时代,互联网手持终端的流行与普及,的确严重冲击着传统媒体,报纸读者也有日益下降的趋势。但是笔者认为,技术及渠道的创新发展与融合不会导致传统媒体,尤其是报纸的消亡,它会促进传统媒体联合起来建立全媒体信息平台的同时,加速传统媒体以自身优势加强内容创新的进程,成为与新媒体并存的主流媒体。  相似文献   

在移动互联时代的快速发展中,互联网手机终端较为流行和普及,这对传统媒体的发展带来了很大的冲击力,报纸、电视消亡论等各种危言耸听的言论一度给媒体发展带来诸多的恐慌感。对此,传统媒体必须不断创新改革媒介渠道,联合互联网技术,增强媒介的融通性,建立全媒体信息平台,让传统媒体成为与新媒体并存的主流媒体。本文首先对媒介融合进行定义上的诠释,提出互联网与媒介融合发展背景,然后提出互联网与媒介融合的必要性,最后分析互联网与媒介融合的创新方法。  相似文献   

网络媒体的迅猛崛起,对传统主流媒体造成了重大冲击,尤其是移动互联网时代,以"两微一端"为代表的新媒体平台,更是以前所未有的姿态构筑了全新的传媒生态格局,对大众的信息获取与生活方式都造成了深刻影响.一时间"报纸消亡论"甚嚣尘上,甚至有人认为都市主流媒体发展已经进入死胡同,曾经的辉煌再也不复存在.而随着媒介融合理念的提出与普及,国内众多都市主流媒体纷纷开启媒介融合发展之路,以寻求新媒体时代的创新与转型.  相似文献   

秦新春 《传媒》2015,(21):39-41
关于媒体融合发展,目前传统媒体人有三种形象的说法: "死亡论""过河论"和"出路论"."死亡论"认为:传统媒体走向融合的步子越快,死得越快;"过河论"认为:距离很近,融合不易,需摸着石头过河;"出路论"认为:融合发展是唯一出路,须赶在时间窗口关闭前加快变革.在互联网改变新闻消费、社会结构的今天,传统媒体的转型发展之路该如何走?笔者结合北京电视台台网融合的实践历程做些分析思考.  相似文献   

“第四媒体”互联网出现时,许多人怀疑电视垄断媒体行业的地位是否将会动摇,比尔·盖茨在瑞士达沃斯的世界经济论坛年会上大胆预言:随着在线视频产品日益发展,互联网将在5年内“颠覆”电视的地位。其实在广播出现时,许多人也提出报纸要消亡;而当电视出现时,则有人惊呼广播要落幕了。这几年,互联网新媒体的发展事实证明,  相似文献   

@陈珂:在媒体激烈竞争的态势下,新老媒体的交流与融合不可避免.在媒介融合的时代背景下,电视媒体的竞争日益加剧.互联网和移动设备的外部冲击,IPTV、手机电视、数字电视的内部对峙,迫使电视媒体不得不走媒介融合之路.在实施媒介融合战略过程中,借助云技术、大数据、众包等新技术开启"TV+"的崭新时代,为用户提供全新、体验式的服务.但必须清楚地认识到,技术元素在电视转型中,虽然不可或缺,但应居于内容之后, "内容为王"才是电视生存的制胜法宝.内容创新、内容转型以及内容优化是电视媒体在今后很长一段时间需要探索和解决的首要问题.  相似文献   

在"互联网+"时代背景下,传统电视媒体如何应对面临的挑战,本文作者对"互联网+"时代传统电视媒体的融合转型问题进行了详细分析,并在此基础上就如何科学应对挑战、实现传统媒体的融合转型提出了一些发展策略。  相似文献   

在我国全面推进传统媒体与新兴媒体融合发展的改革热潮中,融合转型与公共服务成为中国电视深化改革面临的两个基本问题."互联网+"视域下,中国电视融合转型与公共服务相辅相成.电视与新兴媒体的融合发展已经成为传媒行业深化改革的国家战略,中国电视的媒体融合转型应该与电视公共服务功能相链接,全方位体现在内容融合、渠道融合、终端融合、技术融合等各个方面.以媒介融合为方向,以公共服务为目标,或将为实现中国电视在互联网时代的绿色、健康、可持续发展,探求一种深化改革的可能性的路径.  相似文献   

王惠蓉 《编辑之友》2016,(11):54-57
当前,传媒环境正在发生着更深层次的变化,互联网基因全方位地影响着传统电视媒体,而传统的融合方式是将电视内容一成不变地搬到网上,或成立几家新媒体公司,甚至将跨媒体间的新媒体业务剥离出来组建新媒体集团,实践证明这些都不是行之有效的媒体融合方式.真正的媒体融合,应是以“TV+”理念来实现传统媒体基因与互联网基因的深度融合,从而激发和催化电视媒体在各种相关要素融合过程中的主导作用,以电视媒体为逻辑基础,创建电视媒体发展的新业态.  相似文献   

近年来,互联网发展迅速。面对互联网迅猛的发展势头,曾经有人对报纸的发展前景很悲观,认为报纸前途渺茫,很快就要消亡,被互联网取而代之。但是多年过去了,报纸依然存在,而且在与电视、互联网等媒体的竞争中仍然占有重要的一席,在人们心里报纸具有互联网替代不了的重要作用。  相似文献   


The advent of the Internet alleviates the access bottleneck to TV distribution channels and softens licensing requirements. This lowers entry barriers to TV markets via the Internet in various forms. This paper takes the German TV sector as an example to analyse the attractiveness of TV markets for new entrants. A sequential framework for entering TV markets is introduced. The skills set of an Internet‐based TV provider for such an entry is examined. Technical feasibility, legal aspects, and potential sources of revenue are considered.

Potential above average profits due to the market's oligopolistic structure, as well as an increased contestability thanks to lower market entry barriers seem to render the German TV market attractive for new entrants. In early 2002, Internet‐based TV still faced severe technical and legal constraints. The analysis suggests that once these constraints have been overcome, the Internet could be an attractive additional distribution channel for some types of television content. While existing revenue sources from the TV sector are expected to be transferable to a certain degree, the value of innovative revenue sources based on online sales cannot yet be determined. This value will depend on the future acceptance of interactivity by the viewer (e. g. Owen 1999).  相似文献   

网络广告的强制性与其受众的能动性之间的矛盾是影响网络广告发展的一个重要因素。文章在阐述此矛盾导致的网络广告悖论现象的基础上 ,分析了网络广告的受众能动性和商业网站的运作 ,认为基于受众能动性的网络广告将逐步摆脱电视广告的模式 ,能有效协调此矛盾 ,促使网络广告循着自身规律而健康发展  相似文献   

本文从美国总统电视辩论竞选的历史谈起 ,论述了电视辩论对美国总统竞选和电视传媒的重要性 ,指出电视辩论既有好的一面 ,也有显在的缺陷 ,为电视机构带来滚滚财源的同时 ,也凸现了其负面意义。文章最后还论述了面对网络的挑战 ,电视辩论形式必须创新的观点  相似文献   

电视危机的到来无法避免,主要基于两方面的原因:一是技术进步的必然结果,任何新兴的媒体必然以自身技术上的优势对旧有媒体形成冲击,互联网与电视的关系形象地说明了这点;一是当代电视所形成的文化品格,长期以来形成的电视的观念、电视和受众之间的关系也给电视自身的发展带来了危机.  相似文献   

The paper is an attempt to analyse the role of Nigerian television (TV) journalists as major participants in mass information production, transfer, and, delivery. The analysis centres on the legal, political, economic, and cultural contexts in which the TV journalists operate, and the dangers, problems, and frustrations involved in this operation. It also analyses the strategic role of the TV and its impact as a medium of mass information. The paper concludes by analyzing how TV programming orientation has been skewed in favour of more literate urban and semi-urban populations, and how Nigeria's legal, political, economic, and cultural environments are unfavourable for conscientious and conscious TV journalists. It suggests that only when the TV journalists re-orient themselves and assert their right as people's conscience can they mobilize society for positive change.  相似文献   

The Internet has caught the public in its expanding web. It is beginning to reshape other media and is now making its way into countries all over the world including developing countries. Yemen, as a developing country, introduced Internet services in September 1996. The present study attempts to evaluate Internet services in Yemen from inception up to the end of 1998. The study also hopes to find, among other things, how well and how widely the Internet is used in Yemen and to what extent Yemen can benefit from it, and how Yemen participates in the information highway. A questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The homepages hosted at the Tele-Yemen (ISP) Server were scanned and certain criteria were used for their evaluation. The study was able to pinpoint the problems faced by Yemeni users of the Internet, the constraints confronting its diffusion in Yemen and the profits gained by subscribers. The study came up with several suggestions and recommendations that the two authors hope will provide a basis for assessing the prospects for the future of the Internet in Yemen.  相似文献   

The Internet has caught the public in its expanding web. It is beginning to reshape other media and is now making its way into countries all over the world including developing countries. Yemen, as a developing country, introduced Internet services in September 1996. The present study attempts to evaluate Internet services in Yemen from inception up to the end of 1998. The study also hopes to find, among other things, how well and how widely the Internet is used in Yemen and to what extent Yemen can benefit from it, and how Yemen participates in the information highway. A questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The homepages hosted at the Tele-Yemen (ISP) Server were scanned and certain criteria were used for their evaluation. The study was able to pinpoint the problems faced by Yemeni users of the Internet, the constraints confronting its diffusion in Yemen and the profits gained by subscribers. The study came up with several suggestions and recommendations that the two authors hope will provide a basis for assessing the prospects for the future of the Internet in Yemen.  相似文献   

The need to analyze the cultural factor in the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is discussed. An overview is given of the educational aspects of ICT development and the cultural impact of Internet TV. The historical paradigm of ICT development is defined. An analysis is provided of the existing ICT development ratings. An outline is given of the main areas of ICT improvement by strengthening the role of culturological criteria, including the development of Internet TV.  相似文献   

This article concerns the study of the impact of media consumption on happiness in Spain using data from the fourth wave of the European Social Survey, distinguishing between watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, and using the Internet. A negative effect of TV watching was found on individual happiness, mainly among women; those with higher incomes; and those with paying jobs—that is, among those with a higher opportunity cost of time. However, this negative effect on happiness does not appear for radio listening, newspaper reading, or Internet usage.  相似文献   

电视在当下的身份乃是技术身份和人文身份的结合。这种双重身份在给电视带来实践中的尴尬的同时,其持续的博弈也为电视传播的未来指明了菜种可遵循的路径。电视传播在未来的创新将在这种动态矛盾的平衡中产生。  相似文献   

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