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司空图《二十四诗品》以四言诗的形式描画了中国传统诗学之风格体系,其造境说理之模式显示出一种对诗歌意境追求的自觉。意境说之生成与中唐诗风之转变及禅宗的影响关系甚深,禅宗激发了诗人空灵悠远的诗境追求。《二十四诗品》机锋般的说诗方式也显示禅学理论对司空图诗学的深刻影响,可以说是中国传统儒道释三教融合在诗学理论领域的一大创获。  相似文献   

禅宗的审美意境是中国画意境追求的三大来源之一.禅宗兴起以前,中国画主要受儒家和道家的审美意境的影响.受儒家影响的中国画带有社会性、伦理性、政治性的特点;而道家传统中的中国画则追求纯自然主义的审美意境.禅宗得以广泛传播后,中国画的审美意境呈现出了哲理化、深沉化、个性化、情感化等特点,形成一种纯粹的审美意境.禅宗的兴起,深刻地改变了中国画创作主体的审美心理结构,对中国画的审美意境产生了根本性的影响.考察禅宗对中国画意境的影响,可以影射出当今中国画面临西方画强烈冲击的困境之出路.  相似文献   

该文通过引证与分析,从心理介入、练词、翻译框架等方面比较古诗英译、禅宗美学与意象意境之间的相互关联,相互影响;探讨禅宗美学对古汉诗英译中意象意境的重构所起的作用。  相似文献   

禅宗继承了中国佛教的理性思维,提倡“回归”、“净心”、“自悟”,《茶经》这部典籍虽是写茶,但其间蕴含着深远的禅宗意境,因此译者不仅要将文本原意准确传达出来,更要将其内在文化底蕴及禅宗意境挖掘并再现出来。功能学派目的论强调以目的为中心,译文功能决定一切,能传神地诠释出《茶经》的禅意和茶道精神,对跨文化交际起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

主要探讨了中国古典美学终结性范畴“意境”的哲学基础。论述了先秦儒家哲学对后世意境范畴的启示;追溯了意境范畴的先秦道家哲学渊源;论述了魏晋至宋代佛家宗教哲学,尤其是禅宗哲学思想对意境范畴的熔铸作用。  相似文献   

高慧 《华章》2012,(20)
禅宗思想对唐代山水诗创作产生了巨大影响:首先影响了诗人的创作观,实现了物我超越后,诗人获得了更多的自由和宁静;进而导致了山水诗中清远、空寂的意境的产生定型.尽管王维、孟浩然、韦应物、柳宗元的艺术风格不尽相同,但缘于禅宗思想影响的创作观念和意境追求却是一致的.  相似文献   

禅宗文化为古诗词中语言文字功力难及的神韵增光添彩,这种增光添彩的影响可以从禅境与意境的渊源与关联方面来讨论。在古诗词英译中,必须把握禅境与意境的共同根基:诗歌情感与禅宗真理都属于超思维语言,诗情佛法皆心灵之悟。这决定了译者必须置于作者灵魂深处,临境生情,以情译诗。  相似文献   

贾平凹散文创作中的“月”意象,是他追求、探索的美学象征,也是他主体精神的象征。“月”意象给我们展示出了一种空灵静寂的禅宗式的意境,使其散文呈现出浓郁的禅宗韵味。  相似文献   

意境是我国诗画理论中一个重要的美学范畴,意境的精神内涵即心与物的统一以及如何统一的问题.禅宗对心与物关系的审美传达对诗歌意境认识的生成影响至大,并最终促其成为中国古典诗歌至高的审美追求.  相似文献   

从佛教中国化的轨迹中展现其内涵演变对“意境”说的影响,而这一进程推动下的禅宗,更是从思维形式中实践了它作为一种特殊的宗教意识形态对人类的审美活动的影响以及推动,从中揭示了佛家之“妙悟”如何抛离宗教的神秘气息,而所倡之境进入美学领域。  相似文献   

比比和朋友是一项系统化的幼儿心理健康教育课程,情绪健康教育是其中的重要内容之一。许多教师以往对幼儿的情绪存在诸多误解。从教师对比比和朋友课程实施效果的反馈看,幼儿有着复杂的情绪体验,有发展情绪认知的基础和需要;幼儿需要表达情绪,但也存在情绪掩蔽的问题;幼儿能在群体中自主建构和掌握丰富的情绪调节策略。情绪认知、情绪表达和情绪调节是幼儿情绪健康教育的三项重要内容,教师不能忽视其中任何一方面。教师应改变传统观念,为幼儿提供系统、完整的情绪健康教育支持。  相似文献   

Findings show that both positive and negative mood may hinder or promote information processing. In two experiments, we show that negative mood impairs transfer effects and learning. In the first experiment, N = 54 participants drawn from a training course for the Swiss Corps of Fortification Guards first learned to solve the three- and four-disk Tower of Hanoi (ToH) problem to mastery level. After mood induction, they were asked to solve one proximal (five-disk ToH) and two distal transfer tasks (the Missionary and Cannibal Problem and the Katona Card Problem). Participants in a negative mood solved the transfer tasks less efficiently. In the second experiment, this result was replicated with a sample of N = 80 participants drawn from a training course for nurses. Additionally, mood affected performance if it was induced before the learning phase; participants in a negative mood needed more repetitions to reach the mastery level and also performed worse in the transfer tasks, although there were no greater mood differences in this problem-solving phase. The implications for the design of learning settings are discussed.  相似文献   

以新疆地区的563名治安警、监狱警、特警为调查对象,运用情绪表达量表、心境量表,对比研究不同性别、族别、年龄、地域,不同警种、警龄、职务的警察在情绪表达和心境特点上的差异。结果表明,在情绪表达方面,女性警察比男性警察有更高的消极表达;在心境方面,男性警察的积极心境高于女性警察,不同年龄、警种、职务的警察在心境上均有差异。建议应从社会层面、领导层面和个人层面等三个方面入手加强警察的情绪管理,减少民警的负性心境,提高他们的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

采用心境量表(BFS)对255个彝族大学生活动前后的心境变化进行了调查,旨在探讨不同活动类型对彝族大学生心境影响的效果.结论显示:身体活动对彝族大学生的心境变化具有一定的效果;锻炼类型活动对彝族大学生心境具有积极的改善效果;竞技类型活动获胜结果对彝族大学生负性心境具有积极的影响;参加竞技类型活动失利的结果对彝族男女大学生心境的影响呈现不同的特征.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that children’s drawings following brief mood induction procedures differ in size depending on positive or negative mood. However there are conflicting findings in the field regarding the existence and direction of scaling changes. Such inconsistencies may be the result of methodological differences or may indicate that this phenomenon is unreliable. This study was designed to investigate the size of young children’s (n = 80, median age 6 years 1 month) human figure drawings. The focus was on both the surface area and height of drawings elicited in a clinical context using brief or elaborate mood induction procedures. Children drew larger pictures under both negative and positive affect conditions, relative to a prior baseline condition. Positive mood elicited slightly larger drawings than negative mood. However, such mood effects were only significant when the affect inductions were brief, and were not found when the affect inductions were elaborated. It is suggested that brief mood inductions can alter the young child’s drawing response in predictable ways. The importance of considering the type of emotion‐eliciting procedure when interpreting children’s drawings is discussed.  相似文献   

病理性互联网使用行为与情绪特征、认知需要的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大学生为被试,探讨了网络成瘾与网络功能使用、情绪、认知需要的关系。结果表明:强迫性上网、人际与健康问题、时间管理问题维度和网络成瘾总分的性别差异显著,男生高于女生;网络成瘾各维度与消极情绪、宣泄功能呈显著的正相关,网络成瘾各维度与认知需要呈显著的负相关,除人际与健康问题维度外,其余各维度与消遣、交流功能呈显著的正相关;宣泄功能、求知功能、消极情绪、认知需要对全体学生和男生的网络成瘾贡献显著,宣泄功能、消遣功能、消极情绪、积极情绪和认知需要对女生的网络成瘾贡献显著。  相似文献   

对体育专业毕业生心境状态及其变化特点进行初步观测,在6个月的时间内分4次对安徽省普通高校体育专业毕业生男184名和女105名采用简明心境量表测量心境。结果表明:体育专业毕业生心境状态不容乐观;与学生常模相比,体育专业毕业生在首次测查和第2次测查中均表现出较多的紧张焦虑情绪;女性体育专业毕业生心境状态较男性差(P〈0.05);社会体育专业学生心境状态优于其他三个体育专业毕业生。  相似文献   

全面清理晚清词家以境界评词的观念,我们可发现词境的生成及获得,须有一个多层级的超越历程:由泛化至独尊构成了词境观念的存在形式,“不离乎情,不泥乎境”是词境化生的一个基本前提,艺术的时空意识乃是词境内结构的深度焦点,层次和类别丰富了词境的审美品格,而语言的超越充实了词境的艺术张力。  相似文献   


This study examines the influence of mood on student evaluations. A multivariate analysis technique, multiple classification analysis, reveals mood to be unrelated to student ratings of teachers. Mood does bear, however, a slight relationship to a grading and grading policies dimension. It may be that mood may influence one’s reaction to an evaluation of oneself but bear little relationship to elements of the teaching situation unrelated to self.  相似文献   

K L Lay  E Waters  K A Park 《Child development》1989,60(6):1405-1411
Parpal and Maccoby demonstrated that responsive maternal play increases children's compliance. They suggested that positive mood induction might be one mechanism mediating this effect. Study 1 tested the hypothesis that a responsive maternal play procedure would indeed induce a positive mood. 32 4-year-olds and their mothers participated. Half of the mothers were trained in a responsive play technique prior to a laboratory play session; half of them were not trained. Postplay self-reports of mood indicated that responsive play increased positive mood but did not affect arousal levels. Study 2 tested the hypothesis that experimentally induced positive mood increases compliance in the types of tasks reported in the Parpal and Maccoby's research. 24 4-year-olds were randomly assigned to either a positive or negative mood induction and then tested for response to maternal compliance demands. Children induced into positive moods complied more and complied with shorter latencies than children induced into negative moods. The fact that maternal responsiveness induces a positive mood points to a mechanism that may be significant in both attachment and socialization beyond infancy.  相似文献   

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