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“Happybirthdaytoyou.Happybirthdaytoyou...”如今,这烛光中的旋律已传遍世界的每一个角落。但你知道这首耳熟能详的歌曲是如何产生的吗?  相似文献   

Nice to Meet You     
table\L忌6一t台杖6转ROXy奋台、{舀藻昌品.向、娜tohiSmother_一”丁h﹃场似纷洪m丫币中户誉口砷夕熟L如-班to认”钾辫呀少靡结黯愈票盒霍誉娜肆纂率1 love my mommy,my dear mommy.1 IOVG hGFSOmUCh,CS U SG She 10VGS mG.1 love my mommy,my Iovely mommy.l’m haPPywithmy dear mommy!嗦域碳憔哭①。add,、Mommy依。、月月友的年龄或力气大。、, 自行决定使用硬性的白色姑土或软性的彩色钻土 来进行活动。②。addy、M。mmy带着。、朋友,用白色钻土(或 彩色钻土)捏出学过的各种家具,比如说捏出sofe、 table、radio、ehair、…  相似文献   

刘亚兰 《初中生》2002,(28):40-40
请你认真阅读例句,并根据所给的图完成下列对活练习:A.Are you going to______this week?B.No,I’m not.I don’i like to______very often.例:  相似文献   

"You are welcome."这个英语句子我们一般译为:"欢迎您!"此外,在不同场合下,还有其他译法。例如,当甲帮乙做了一件事,乙通常情况下会表示感谢,甲就可  相似文献   

“You are welcome.”这个英语句子我们一般译为:“欢迎您!”此外,在不同场合下,还有其他译法。例如,当甲帮乙做了一件事,乙通常情况下会表示感谢,甲就可以说:“You are welcome.”(不用谢。)当某人向你借用某件东西时,如果你答应借给他,那么你就可以说:“You are welcome.”(请随便用。)如此等等。[第一段]  相似文献   

甘甜 《教师》2008,(17):39-40
一、说教材 1.教材分析及设计理念 本节课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学《英语》六年级下册第一课。课型为英语对话课,主要内容是关于个人的爱好和特长。经过小学三年的学习,六年级的学生已对英语有了较浓的兴趣和良好的学习习惯,大多数学生的听、说、读、写等综合语言运用能力在一级水平左右,具备了初步的英语操作运用能力。  相似文献   

彤彤的两岁生日很快就到了,现在想想,小朋友的第一个生日Party还历历在目呢!2011年12月13日19点56分,经过六个多小时的努力,我们家的宝贝女儿彤彤终于出生了。时光飞逝,一年过去了,彤彤迎来了第一个生日。我和彤爸都特别重视,提前两个月就着手准备,希望能给彤彤留下难忘的成长记忆。  相似文献   

一、说教材1.教材分析及设计理念本节课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学《英语》六年级下册第一课。课型为英语对话课,主要内容是关于个人的爱好和特长。经过小学三年的学习,六年级的学生已对英语有了较浓的兴趣和良好的学习习惯,大多数学生的听、说、读、写等综合语言运用能力在一级水平左右,具备了初步  相似文献   

回答这个问题时若避开“为什么”这个关键,而仅用判断性的一句“想”或“不想”搪塞敷衍,或勉强挤出几句兜圈子的话,这样的回答是不足的。其不足首先表现在量的层面上:考试要求中规定至少要说八句话。若用这一套路,无论如何也说不满八句,或者说不满有质量的八句。一些学生在答完后自觉不够,便东拼西凑,所言与主题牵强附会,结果自然不能如意。其次体现在说话的质量上:对于质量的要求虽然难以量化,但内容连贯、叙述清晰、表  相似文献   

Baby mouse goes to visit her grandparents with her mother . It's the first day for her to go out of their small house. Baby mouse is happy and excited. She looks around and walks after her mother curiously On their way they see a duck  相似文献   

Which would you like to have? At the Lake Hotel where I worked in downtown Chicago,the officialmaxim(行为准则)was“Give the customers what they want.”Our abilityto meet that goal was tested one day when a large tour group overwhelmed(占满)the registration area.  相似文献   

WhichWouldYouLiketoHave?AttheLakeHotelwhereIworkedindowntown(商业区)Chicago,theofficialmaxim(准则)was“Givethecustomerswhattheywant.”Ourabilitytomeetthatgoal(目标)wastestedonedaywhenalargetourgroupoverwhelmedtheregistrationarea.Oneimpatientmanbulliedhiswaythroughthecrowd,bangedhisfistonthefrontdeskanddemanded,“Iwantaroomthatfacestheocean!”Inavoicethatallcouldhear,ayoungclerkanswered,“Certainly,sir.Atlantic(大西洋)orPacific(太平洋)?”Which Would You Like to Hav…  相似文献   

There are 42 students in our class. We have four ways(方式)to get to school--by bike, by bus, by taxi and on foot.  相似文献   

说一说奥运会就要到来了,小魔女、中音兔、小飞象和高音狗正在一起讨论自己最想看的比赛项目呢!高音狗:Oh,My dear friends,the Beijing Olympics is coming!  相似文献   

There are three people in my family.They are father. mother andme.My parents love me dearly.In my memory,I always required them todo this or that for me.winter or summer.When my shoes were dirty, Iwould say.“Mother,wash my shoes.”When I needed something,Iwould ask her to buy it for me.She did everything I wanted her to do with-out any complaint. She cooked meals, washed clothes, cleaned theFooms. and also helped me do my homework every day after she camehome from work. She is only forty, but her hair has turned gray andwrinkles have appeared around her eyes.  相似文献   

When you sneeze, Americans would say "God Bless You" to you. In many Eu-ropean cultures, sneezing traditional-ly is associated with(与……有关联)death. And Americans believe that you are very close to death when you sneeze, because sneezing can expel(驱逐)the soul, thus life will es-cape from(逃脱、逸出)the body. So they say "God Bless You" to a sneezer as a charm against the danger of the moment. Neglecting these magical words means that the sneezer would end up in the next world. How…  相似文献   

It is said that people succeed because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success. Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people, I do not think luck has nothing to do with success.People succeed because ofhard work, but luck has a lot to do with it,too.H ard w ork can invite good luck.W hen it com es to success,luck can m ean being in the right place to m eet som eone, or having the right skills to geta job done.N othing …  相似文献   

The best way of learning a language is by using it.The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible.Sometimes you will get your words mixed up(混淆) and people will not understand you.  相似文献   

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